1. agog: lead

1. agog: lead
demagogue: leader of the people
pedagogy: The act or process of leading one
to knowledge and skill.
synagogue: A congregation of Jews for the
purpose of leading worship or religious study.
The captain’s leadership skills and relentless
bravery earned him the title of demagogue.
2. anthrop: mankind
anthropology: study of mankind
philanthropist: love of mankind
anthropomorphic: resembling mankind as
giving anmimals human characteristics
The students studied men from all ages in their
anthropology class.
3. arch(archae): old, ancient
anarchy: without government rule
archaic: dating from an earlier period, old
archaelogy: study of old or ancient things
The mother’s thoughts on wedding customs
seemed archaic to her “new age” daughter.
4. bell: war, fight
rebel: fight back again
belligerent: Inclined or eager to fight; hostile
antebellum: before the war
Tom’s belligerent attitude made the couple
afraid to leave him alone with his little brother.
5. brev: short
brevity: the state of being short or brief in
abbreviate: to shorten
brevet: small military honor without pay
The term brevity was never associated with
Polonius, who talked all the time.
6. cap (cipo, cept): seize,
capture: the act of seizing
recipient: functioning as a receiver, seizing the
perception:the act of grasping as an idea
Hamlet’s perception of his uncle’s guilt was
aided by the appearance of the ghost.
7. centri - center
egocentric: self centered
centrifugal: drawing to the center
centrosphere: core or center of the earth
The child’s egocentric behavior drove all his
friends away.
8. derm: skin
dermatologist: doctor who studies the skin
epidermis: outer protective layer of the skin
dermatogen: outer layer of meristem from
which epidermis is formed.
The epidermis begins to darken with exposure
to the sun and the person gets a tan.
9. fer: bear, produce, carry
ferry: ship to carry people and cars across
conference: a group that carries on business
odoriferous: bearing an odor
The odoriferous plants gave the greenhouse a
pleasant smell.
10. fract (frag): break
fracture: to break
fragment: something left after a break
refractory: resistant to breaking or authority
A fragment of the bullet remained in his spine
after the surgery.
11. geo: earth
geography: science of the earth
geometry: surface shape, land measurement
geomorphic: earth shape
In his geography class, they studied the shape
of the earth.
12. grad (gress): step,
walk, go
gradual: a step at a time
aggressive: going toward with energy
egress: go out
The player’s aggressive move on the field
earned his team the touchdown.
13. grat: please, thank,
grateful: full of thanks
congratulations: an act of expressing pleasure
or favor
gratuity: money given in thanks (like a tip)
Joseph was grateful for the gratuity the
patrons left on the table in the restaurant.
14. it: go , travel
exit: go out
circuit: go in a circle
transit: travel across
When the circuit was complete, the electricity
could travel in a complete circle.
15. junct: join, connect
junction: the act of joining
conjunction: words that join sentences
disjunctive: not connected
The essay was very disjunctive and was
therefore very hard to understand.
16. labor: work
laborious: full of work, hard
collaborate: work together
elaborate: explain in detail how something
When students collaborate on projects, no one
has to work quite as hard.
17. mal: bad, wrong,
malice: act of showing bad feelings
malevolent: having bad or wrong will
malfunction: to fail to function correctly or to
function poorly or wrong
The ex-husband insisted on maligning his wife
to the children in an effort to get them to hate
18. naut (nav): sail
nautical: related to sailing
astronaut: one who “sails” in a spaceship
naval: related to the sea or sailing
The nautical theme at the party featured ships
and sails.
19. path: feeling, disease
apathy: without feeling
pathology: the study of disease
pathogen: an agent that causes disease
The apathy about the dangers of blood born
pathogens has led some countries to neglect
checking their donors.
20. pugn: fight
pugnacious: having a tendency to fight
pugilist: one who fights (Boxing)
repugnant: arousing disgust or a fighting spirit
The pugnacious or fighting nature of the bull
dog earned him the name Pug.
21. scop: look
telescope: a tool to look at distant things
periscope: a tool to look around the corner
stethoscope: a tool to look or listen to the
The sailors in the submarine used the
periscope to check out the territory before they
22. tain (ten, tent): hold,
contain: hold together
tenure: hold or keep a position
retention: keeping back
The container held all the money she had.
23. therm: heat
thermal: related to heat
thermodynamics: the science of heat used as
thermostat: a device to measure changes in
The thermal blanket kept the babies warm
even when it was cold.
24. verb : word
verbose: using many words
verbalize: putting something into words
verbatim: word for word
Polonius was very verbose; he never stopped
25. volv (volu) : turn
revolve: turn on a axis, rotate
convoluted: having numerous overlapping
turns or folds
volume: turn ( A book is called a volume
because a scroll was rolled or turned.)
The unbound volume fell from the table and
ended up in a convoluted mess.