
MCTS Guide to Microsoft
Windows Server 2008
Applications Infrastructure
Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Chapter Six
Configuring Windows Server 2008 Web
Services, Part 1
• Create and configure Web applications utilizing
application pools on IIS 7
• Manage IIS Web sites including publishing,
configuring virtual directories, and migrating sites
and Web applications
• Create and configure FTP 6 sites
• Create and configure FTP 7 sites
• Create and configure SMTP virtual servers
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Configuring Web Applications
• Internet Information Services (IIS)
– Server role available in all versions of Server 2008
– Modular architecture
• Install only desired components
• Web application
– Not the same thing as a Web site
– Application runs within the context of a site
– Site can have different areas with no user interaction
with a Web application
– Single site can have multiple Web applications
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Directory-Dependent Applications
• Accessed by directly referring to the directory
where it resides
• Example: http://www.yourcompany.com/login
– Application residing in the login directory presents
user with a form to enter their login information
– The login directory might be the only area within the
Web site that runs the login application
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URL-Specified Applications
• URL-specified configuration
– Determines appropriate application to execute by
looking at parameters passed in the URL
• Example: http://www.yourcompany.com?uid=0
– Application looks at the uid (User ID)
• Sees that it is zero and directs user to login page
• If uid was not zero, user may have been redirected to
home or welcome page
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.ASP (Classic ASP) vs. .ASPX
• Active Server Pages
– One of the most common types of Web applications
– Two types: Classic ASP and ASP.NET
• Classic ASP files
– Have an extension of .ASP
• ASP.NET files
– Have an extension of .ASPX
– Have additional functionality
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Classic ASP vs. ASP.NET (cont’d.)
• Role services available within the Application
Server role
.NET Framework 3.5.1
Web Server (IIS) support
Com+ network access
TCP port sharing
Windows Process Activation Service Support (WAS)
Distributed transactions
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-1: Create a Web Application
• Create the following directory on the server’s C
drive: C:\websites\example
• Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, click
Internet Information Services Manager
– Expand the server node in the Connections pane
– Expand Sites
– Select Default Web Site in the Connections pane
• Right-click the Default Web Site and click Add
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-1: Create a Web Application
• Type example in the Alias text box
– Application would be accessed by users via
• Type c:\websites\example in the Physical path text
• Click Connect as to open the Connect As dialog
• Click on the option button next to Application user
(pass-through authentication)
– Click OK
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Figure 6-1 Add Application dialog box
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Figure 6-2 Connect As dialog box
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-1: Create a Web Application
• Click the Test settings button in the Add Application
dialog box to open the Test Connection dialog box
– Authentication test should have a green check box
next to it
– Authorization will probably have a yellow triangle
with an exclamation mark
• Click Close, click OK to close the Add Application
dialog box
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Figure 6-3 Test Connection dialog box
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Application Pools
• Isolate Web sites from Web applications
• Each Application Pool contains its own worker
– Prevents problems with one site or application from
creating problems for other sites
• Recycling
– Allows you to restart an Application Pool gracefully
– Done if defects cause an application to use large
amounts of resources
– Settings can be either Fixed Interval or Memory
Based Maximums
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-2: Create an Application
• Open IIS Manager
• Right-click the Application Pools node in the
Connections Pane and choose Add Application
• Type Example2 in the Name text box
• Select .NET Framework v2.0.50727 in the .NET
Framework version drop-down list (or choose the
highest version available)
• Select Integrated in the Managed pipeline mode:
drop-down list
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-2: Create an Application
Pool (cont’d.)
• Click the check box next to Start application pool
immediately if it is not already checked
– Click OK
• Select the Example2 application pool on the
Application Pool screen
• Click Recycling under Edit Application Pool in the
Actions pane
• Check the boxes next to Regular time intervals and
Fixed number of requests
– Type 1740 and 15000 in corresponding text boxes
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Figure 6-4 Application Pools
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Figure 6-5 Edit Application Pool Recycling Settings
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Activity 6-2: Create an Application
Pool (cont’d.)
• Click the check box next to Virtual memory usage
– Enter 40000 in the corresponding text box
– Click Next
• Ensure Regular time intervals and Virtual memory
usage check boxes are selected
– Click Finish
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Figure 6-6 Edit Application Pool Recycling event logging
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Managing Web Sites
• Properly configured and managed Web site
– Essential component of an effective Web site
• Publishing IIS Web Sites
– Creating appropriate folders on the server
– Moving content into folders
– Actual publishing done through IIS Manager
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Publishing IIS Web Sites
• General steps to publish a Web site
Open IIS Manager
Right-click Sites node in Connections pane
Choose Add Web Site
Enter the site name, physical path, and binding
– Click OK
• Bindings refer to the IP address and port a Web
site communicates over
– Binding information must be unique on the server
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Figure 6-7 Add Web Site dialog box
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Configuring Virtual Directories
• Virtual directories
– Allow a Web site or Web application to access
content outside of default file structure
• Steps to create a virtual directory
– Open IIS manager
– Right-click site or application to add to the virtual
– Choose Add Virtual Directory
– Type name beneath Alias and type or select the file
path in the text box beneath Physical path
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Figure 6-8 Add Virtual Directory dialog box
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Migrating Sites and Web Applications
• Migrating a Web site
– Copying folders from old server to new
– Recreating any additional sites, Web applications,
and virtual directories
– Any changes from default server settings will need to
be moved
– Adjust server-level configuration settings as needed
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Configuring an FTP Server
• File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
– Simple protocol designed specifically to transfer files
– Allows authorized users to upload or download
content from remote server
– User does not have access to command line of
system they are connecting to
– Permissions can be limited to a small set of
directories where files can be copied to or from
• FTP 6
– Role Service for the FTP Server under IIS 7
– Included in Server 2008
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Configuring an FTP Server (cont’d.)
• FTP 7.5
– Enhanced version included in Server 2008 R2
– Improved security and administration features
• Limitations in FTP 6
– Must create a local Windows user or Domain user to
allow people to log into specific FTP accounts
– For multiple FTP sites on a single server, each must
have unique combination of IP address and port
• FTP User Isolation used to configure which
directories a user can access
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-3: Add FTP 6 Role Service
(Server 2008 only)
• Open Server Manager
• Right-click Web Server (IIS) Role and choose Add
Role Services
• Check the boxes for FTP Server, FTP Service, and
FTP Management Console
• Click Next to add the Role Service
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-4: Create a New FTP 6 Site
• Open IIS 6.0 Manager
• Click Default FTP Site, and click small square icon
on bar underneath menu options to stop the default
FTP site
• Right-click the FTP Sites node, choose New, then
FTP Site
• Click Next
• In the text box underneath Description, type test
– Click Next
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Figure 6-9 Stopping the default FTP site
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-4: Create a New FTP 6 Site
• Select All Unassigned from the Enter the IP
address to use for this FTP site: drop down
• Type 21 in the text box to assign the port number
• Click the option button next to Do not isolate users
– Click Next
• Type C:\inetpub\ftproot\test, and click Next
• Click the check box next to Read, and click Next
• Click Finish
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Configuring Your FTP Site Using IIS
• From IIS Manager, can start or stop an FTP site
– Or adjust the site configuration
• To adjust site configuration:
– Right-click the site in the left panel and choose
• FTP Site tab in the Properties dialog box
– FTP site authentication section
– FTP site connection section
– Logging section
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Figure 6-10 FTP site Properties dialog box
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Configuring Your FTP Site Using IIS
Manager (cont’d.)
• Security Accounts tab
– Choose whether to allow anonymous connections
• Messages tab
– Specify messages that will be sent to client during
their session
– Examples: Welcome message, Exit message
• Home Directory tab
– Adjust the home directory location
• Directory Security tab
– Grant or deny access to different computers based
on IP address
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
• Latest FTP Server for Windows Server 2008
• Included in Server 2008 R2
– Also available as a download
• Install FTP 7 in same manner as FTP 6
– IF FTP 6 is installed, must uninstall it first
• Steps to uninstall FTP 6
– Open the Server Manager
– Right-click Web Server, choose remove Role
– Uncheck the FTP Publishing Service option
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-5: Add FTP 7 Role Service
• Open Server Manager
• Right-click Web Server (IIS) Role, choose Add Role
• Check the boxes for FTP Server, FTP Service, and
FTP Extensibility
• Click Next to add the role service
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Figure 6-11 Add Role Services
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Table 6-1 Major feature differences between FTP 6 and FTP 7
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Activity 6-6: Create a New FTP 7 Site
• Create a folder named test2 in the
C:\inetpub\ftproot folder
• Open IIS Manager, right-click the server node, and
then click Add FTP Site
• Right-click the FTP Sites node, choose New, then
FTP Site
• Click Next
• In the text box underneath Description: type test
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-6: Create a New FTP 7 Site
• Type test2 in the FTP site name text box
• In the Physical path text box, type
C:\inetpub\ftproot\test2 and then click Next
• Ensure that (All Unassigned) is displayed in the IP
Address: drop-down field
• Type 21 in the Port text box
• Click the Enable Virtual Host Names check box to
select it
– Type ftp.mydomain.com in the Virtual Host text box
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 6-6: Create a New FTP 7 Site
• Check the box next to Start FTP site automatically
• Click the Allow SSL option button
• Select Not Selected in the drop-SSL Certificate
drop-down list, and click Next
• Click the Anonymous check box
• Ensure Basic check box is not checked
• Select Anonymous users in the Allow access to
drop-down list
• Click Read and ensure Write is not checked
• Click Finish
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Managing FTP 7 Virtual Directories
• Folder creation options
– Create folders under the physical root
– Create virtual directories outside the main folder
structure that appear to users as subfolders
• Creating a virtual directory
Right-click the site node in the Connections pane
Choose Add Virtual directory
Enter an alias for the folder and its physical path
Click OK
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FTP 7 Advanced Settings
Figure 6-12 FTP Advanced
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Adding FTP Publishing to a Web Site
• New feature in FTP 7.5.5
– Ability to add FTP publishing to an existing Web site
• FTP service can be managed and restarted
independently of the Web site
– Remote administrator can upload content to the Web
site without creating an independent FTP site or
configuring virtual directories
• Steps to add FTP publishing to a Web site
– Right-click an existing web site and choose Add FTP
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Adding FTP Publishing to a Web Site
• Steps to add FTP publishing to a Web site (cont’d.)
Assign an IP address and port
Enable Virtual Host Names and enter a name
Make basic SSL choices
Click Next
Choose Authentication types and authorization
– Click Finish
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Authentication Options
• Authentication settings can be adjusted beyond
options given in the wizard
– Choose site and double-click FTP Authentication
• Anonymous authentication
– Allows all users to access the FTP site
• Basic authentication
– Allows restricting access to local or domain users
• IIS Manager authorization
• ASP.NET authorization
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Authorization Rules
• Specify users’ read and write permissions
• Choose a site in the Connections pane
• Double-click FTP Authorization Rules in Features
• Edit an existing rule or add a new Allow or Deny
– Click appropriate link in the Actions pane
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FTP User Isolation
• Allows you to provide individual directories to the
users and prevent other users from accessing
• Options for not isolating users
– FTP root directory
– User name directory
• Options for isolating users
– User name directory
– User name physical directory
– FTP home directory configured in Active Directory
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FTP SSL Settings
• FTP can be a security risk
• SSL encryption can be used to increase security
• New features in FTP 7.5
– Ability to use FTPS
– Encrypting login to the server
– File transfer using the SSL protocol and a certificate
• To configure SSL:
– Choose SSL-enabled site from the Connections
pane and double-click FTP SSL Settings icon
– Choose certificate and SSL policy settings
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FTP Firewall Support
• For FTP to function through a firewall:
– Various ports need to be opened
• Active FTP connections
– Can work through the firewall for non SSL
– May not work for FTPS when using NAT
• Passive data connections
– Will work through FTPS through a NAT device
– Must specify port range and control channel
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FTP IPv4 Address and Domain
• Setting address or domain restrictions
– Choose site in Connections pane and double-click
FTP IPv4 Address and Domain Restrictions
– Choose Add Allow Entry or Add Deny Entry, and
type in IP addresses to restrict or allow
• Enabling domain name restrictions
– Choose Edit Feature Settings, select check box next
to Enable domain name restrictions, and click OK,
and Yes
– Click either Add Allow Entry or Add Deny Entry
• Domain entry will now be an option
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FTP Current Sessions
• Viewing status of currently running sessions
– Click site node in the Connections pane
– Double-click FTP Current Sessions from Features
• FTP Messages
Banner message
Welcome message
Exit message
Maximum Connections message
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Figure 6-13 FTP Messages screen
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
FTP Logging
• Logging usage of FTP
– Important part of managing an FTP server
• To configure logging:
– Click server node in Connections pane
– Double-click FTP Logging
– Drop-down gives choice of one log file per site or
• Log File section
– Allows customizing which fields will be logged
– Select location of log file and encoding
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Figure 6-14 Information To Log dialog
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FTP Directory Browsing
• Feature available at both server and site level
• Hierarchical
• Directory Listing style
– MS-DOS or UNIX style
• Directory Listing options
– Virtual directories
– Available bytes
– Four-digit years
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Configuring an SMTP Server
• Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)
– Used to send e-mail
– Defines format and information included with text of
• Windows Server 2008 contains SMTP feature that
allows you to send e-mail from Web applications
– Can secure using various combinations of
– Can specify address restrictions to prevent
unauthorized use
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Activity 6-7: Install SMTP Server
• Open Server Manager, right click the Features
node, choose Add Features
• Check the box next to SMTP Server
Click button that says Add Required Role Services
Click Next
Click Next
Click Next to continue to confirmation dialog
• Click Install, and then Close once Installation
Results screen appears
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Figure 6-15 Select Role Services dialog
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Figure 6-16 Confirm Installation Selections
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Configure SMTP Server
• When SMTP Server is installed:
– Default virtual server is created
• Can configure it for your purposes
– Or create specialized SMTP virtual servers
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Activity 6-8: Create an SMTP Virtual
• Open IIS 6.0 Manager from the Administrative
Tools program group
• In left navigation pane, right-click the server node,
point to New, and click SMTP Virtual Server
• Type WebResponse in the Name text box, click
• Select [All Unassigned] in the drop-down list, click
• Click Yes to proceed past the warning message
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Figure 6-17 SMTP Configuration warning screen
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Activity 6-8: Create an SMTP Virtual
Server (cont’d.)
• Type C:\INETPUB\Mailroot in the Home directory
text box, click Next
• Type test.yourdomain.com in the Domain text box
• Click Finish
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Activity 6-8: Create an SMTP Virtual
Server (cont’d.)
• Note:
– Manage SMTP virtual Server through IIS 6.0
• To access configuration options, right-click SMTP
Virtual Server, click Properties
– Properties tabs: General, Access, Messages,
Delivery, LDAP Routing, Security
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Figure 6-18 General tab
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Figure 6-19 Access tab
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Figure 6-20 Connection dialog box
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Figure 6-21 Relay restrictions screen
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Figure 6-22 Delivery tab
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Figure 6-23 Outbound
security screen
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Figure 6-24 Outbound Connections screen
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Monitoring Performance
• Three main ways to monitor performance of SMTP
Virtual Server
– Open IIS 6.0 Manager and choose Current Sessions
– Open Windows Performance Monitor and select
SMTP Server
– Periodically review messages in server root directory
• Examples: Badmail, Drop, Pickup, Queue
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Configuring SMTP for ASP.NET
• To access settings that ASP.NET applications use
for sending-mail
– Choose server node in Connections panel
– Double-click SMTP E-mail icon in Features view
• Settings do not change the configuration of the
SMTP server
– They specify the connection settings the Web
applications will use
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Figure 6-25 SMTP for ASP.NET
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• Web applications can be accessed based on the
directories they are placed in or through the URL
• Application Pools separate the worker processes of
Web applications so they do not affect each other
• Virtual directories allow a Web site or Web
application to access content outside the default
file structure
• FTP provides a simple method for copying content
to Web sites without direct access to the server
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Summary (cont’d.)
• FTP6 requires all authenticated users (except
Anonymous) to be either Windows or domain users
on the server
• FTP 7 can use the IIS Manager list to authenticate
a user
• SMTP virtual servers allow Web applications to
send e-mail
– Various settings are available in the Messages and
Delivery tabs
• ASP.NET applications can access e-mail settings
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