FNW Unit 5A Study Guide

FNW Unit 5A Study Guide
Name: ______________________ Date: ___________________ Period: ____
1. List the 6 essential nutrients and their functions.
Carbohydrates – primary source of energy
Fats – protects against temperature changes
Protein – essential for body growth & repair of body cells
Vitamins – regulates body functions
Minerals – helps body work properly
Water – essential to body because it carries nutrients
2. List the water soluble vitamins, sources and their functions
Vitamin C - *Helps the body absorb iron *Helps wounds heal *Helps fight infections- common
cold. *Broccoli*cantaloupe*citrus fruits*green peppers *leafy green veggies*potatoes/sweet
potatoes *strawberries, tomatoes.
Vitamin B6 - *helps nervous tissue function normally *helps breakdown proteins, fats and carbs.
*poultry *fish *liver *kidney *potatoes *bananas
Vitamin B12 - *healthy red blood cells. *organ meats, seafood, eggs and dairy.
Folic Acid/Folate - *DNA synthesis *Protein metabolism *Hemoglobin. *cereal *green veggies
*legumes *strawberries *oranges.
3. List the fat soluble vitamin, sources and their functions
Vitamin A -*protects cells from the destruction of oxygen *helps eyes adjust to darkness *
promotes normal growth *health of tissues (skin). *fruits and veggies – carrots, sweet potatoes,
spinach, broccoli, cantaloupe *liver, whole milk
Vitamin D -*promote the growth of teeth and bones * promotes calcium and phosphorus
absorption in the body. *eggs*liver*fatty fish * most milk and cereal
Vitamin E -*Prevents anemia *helps the immune system *Serves as an antioxidant. *fats/oils
*wheat germ*leafy green veggies.
Vitamin K - *Causes blood to clot. *Leafy green veggies *cauliflower *Dairy products, eggs,
4. Iron is a mineral and its function is to deliver oxygen to the body tissue.
5. Calcium is a trace element and its functions are strong bones & teeth, normal nerve/muscle
action, blood clotting and heart functions.
6. Saturated fats comes from animal sources.
7. Cholesterol is found is plant foods.
8. Malnutrition – lack of nutrients over an extended period of time.
9. What vitamin is the sunshine vitamin? D.
10. Water is used to move nutrients through the digestive system.
11. Water makes up 60% of your total body weight and 70% of the muscle in your body.
12. Nutrition – The study of how the body uses the food we eat.
13. Fat is the most concentrated source of energy in the body.
14. HDL – Good Cholesterol
15. LDL – Bad Cholesterol, high levels related to heart disease & obesity.
FNW Unit 5A Study Guide
Name: ______________________ Date: ___________________ Period: ____
16. Non-essential amino acids are just as important as essential amino acids.
17. List all three macronutrients protein, fats & carbohydrates.
18. What is function of protein in the body? Cell growth, repair, maintenance, acts as enxyme
and hormones, maintains fluid & electrolytes balance, maintains strong immune system,
energy source in the absence of carbohydrates and fat.
19. Iron helps deliver oxygen to the blood.
20. List the sources for Vitamin E. Fats & oils, wheat germ, leafy green veggies, cauliflower,
dairy products, eggs and cereal.
*Study your vitamins and mineral sheet very well for the test.