Fahrenheit 451 Discussion Questions

Fahrenheit 451
Discussion Questions
Let’s discuss the finer aspects of the characters, plot, and
writer’s style!
Why does Beatty program the hound to
track Montag even before Montag stole
the book?
 Consider what we have learned about
◦ Is he intuitive or oblivious?
◦ How good is Montag at hiding his feelings?
Part 2: Beatty and the Hound
Montag turns to books to rescue him;
instead they help demolish his life – He
loses his wife, job, and home. He kills a
man and is forced to be a nomad. Does
he gain any benefit from books?
◦ Consider what the books represent
◦ Consider how he was living life before he
became enlightened.
Part 2: Books to the rescue?
Why did Professor Faber think Montag’s
call was some sort of trap?
◦ Consider Montag’s profession at the time
◦ Consider Faber’s attitude towards Montag’s job
Part 2: A Trap?
Why did Faber’s fear disappear when
Montag was standing at his door
◦ What about Montag would cause Faber to
distrust him?
◦ What about Faber’s personality makes him less
likely to make life-changing decisions?
Part 2: Faber’s Disappearance
What did Montag want from Faber?
◦ Hint: It isn’t just about the books.
Part 2: Montag
How does Montag get Faber to consider
really helping him?
◦ This is paramount to the meaning of the
novel…what book does he use?
◦ Why does he use this book?
◦ What does this say about Montag’s devotion to
his cause?
◦ What does this say about Montag’s rationality?
Part 2: Montag’s Stand
Was anyone affected by the original intent
of Montag’s poetry reading?
◦ Consider what Montag intended to do by
reading his poetry – Did he accomplish this
◦ Who was affected? Do you think this was a
lasting effect? (Consider the reader and the
people who were read to when you answer this
Part 2: Montag’s Poetry Reading
How has Beatty given Montag hints that
he is under suspicion?
◦ Think about his actions
◦ Think about things he says to Montag
Part 3: Beatty’s Suspicion
Do you believe, as Montag did, that
Beatty wanted to die? why do you think
◦ Think about Beatty’s death. How did it happen?
Why does this make you think that he may
have wanted to die?
◦ Why would a person like Beatty commit
Part 3: Beatty’s Death
Since the government is so opposed to
readers, thinkers, walkers and slow
drivers, why does it allow the procession
of men along the railroad tracks to exist?
◦ Think about who the men are on the railroad
tracks and how they are different from the
people in the city
◦ Consider if these people are a threat to the
government or not
Part 3: Smart Hobos
Why did Montag want Faber to turn on the
air conditioner and the sprinklers?
Part 3: Faber’s House
Why did the search for Montag veer
◦ How powerful do you consider the mechanical
◦ How powerful is the government in this
Discussion 3: Searching for
Once Montag becomes a revolutionary,
why does the government purposely
capture an innocent man in his place
instead of tracking down the real Montag?
◦ What does it mean to be a revolutionary?
◦ Why would a revolutionary be a threat to the
◦ What does the government want to show the
Discussion 3: Montag’s
Granger says, “Right now we have a horrible
job; we’re waiting for the war to begin and as
quickly end…when the war is over, perhaps
we can be of some use in the world.” Based
on what we’ve read. Do you think the books
that the men have memorized will make a
◦ What is the advantage of having the books
◦ How can this help the people who survive the war?
Discussion 3: Granger Says…
Discuss Granger’s speech to Montag about
his grandfather. Do you agree with his
grandfather’s philosophy? Which one do
you most strongly associate with?
◦ What are the philosophies?
◦ Do they sound like anything your parents or
grandparents might say to you?
Discussion 3: Granger’s
Granger says, “We’re going to build a
mirror factory first and put out nothing
but mirrors for the next year and take a
long time to look at them.” Why would
“mirrors” be important for this new
◦ What do mirrors do?
◦ Remember that Clarisse was described as “like
a mirror” in part 1!
Discussion 3: Mirror Factories
What are the implications of the events in
the last 4-5 pages?
◦ What are implications?
◦ What do YOU think would happen if there was
a sequel?
Discussion 3: The End