Alamo Colleges Action Plan FY 2012 A goal without a plan is just a wish UNIT: Strategic Planning and Performance Excellence (SPPE) UNIT MISSION STATEMENT: To serve and coach Alamo Colleges leaders on the strategic planning process, action plan development and implementation, and performance management through the use of the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence (the Alamo Way). UNIT VISION: All district units developing strategic and action plans systematically and managing/improving performance based on metrics. UNIT VALUES: Proactivity, Service Excellence, Communication Mission: A statement answering the questions “What is this organization’s primary purpose?” and “What are we attempting to accomplish?” It refers to the overall function of an organization. Vision: A statement answering the question “Where do we want to go?” A vision paints a picture of ideal future outcomes. Values: Guiding principles and behaviors that embody how the organization and its people are expected to operate to accomplish its mission and attain its vision. Goal: A future condition or performance level that a district unit intends to attain. Strategies: The approaches a district unit takes to achieve a goal. Action Items: The specific, quantifiable activities, functions, tasks, tactics, projects, services, or processes a district unit implements within a strategy or program. Performance metric: A measure used to quantify goals/objectives/priorities and report performance progress in action items. UNIT GOAL 1: Review and update the Alamo Colleges strategic plan and the strategic planning process FY12 review of goals Demonstrated progress and strategies; key on goals and strategies, performance metrics with three years of trend established for 5 goals data in the key 1-Year Target: and 17 strategies and 3-Year Target: performance metrics associated action system; integrated and plans, baseline data, systematic strategic and benchmarks planning process identified JUSTIFICATION/BENEFITS: Engage senior leaders in owning the strategic planning process by working with them to develop a more cyclical planning process focusing on goals most critical to the success of the Alamo Colleges; further deploy action planning and the key performance metrics system; develop a system of progress reporting to the CVC on goal and strategy outcomes. OBSTACLES/CONSTRAINTS: Lack of clarity about who senior leaders are: PVC MEMBERS ALAMO COLLEGES GOAL SUPPORTED (I,II,III,IV,V): Capacity to Serve (IV) and Communication (V). From ALAMO COLLEGES STRATEGY SUPPORTED (A,B,C,D,E,F,G): Goal IV: Strengthen the financial, technological, and physical capacities of the Alamo Colleges; Goal Vb: Ensure Effective Internal Communication. UNIT STRATEGY 1.1: Establish strategic planning model that includes planning calendar, annual review of goals and strategies, SWOT analysis, schedule of reporting on key metrics, and environmental scan ensuring that policy F.6.1 is embedded throughout. 1-Year Target: 2010-2011 plan has been updated with input from SP team and district-wide leaders ACTION ITEMS 3-Year Target: Performance Metric or Event Planning activities are in a cycle Owner Start/End Date 1.1.1: Propose strategic planning model and calendar to CVC for review and approval. 1.1.2: PVC review of MVV, goals and strategies through performance metrics system with Policy f.6.1 serving as a foundation for student success metrics. 1.1.3: Propose planning calendar to include key planning steps of: MVV, goal and strategy review, key action plan review, identification of baseline data & benchmarks, SWOT analysis, environmental scan Model developed and approved Complete design for performance metrics tracking Calendar developed approved and implemented Deb Morgan FY12 Deb Morgan FY12 Deb Morgan FY12 RESULTS Date Item 10/18/11 1.1.1 Action Progress/Result No progress to date Issue(s) PVC buy-in and ownership Corrective Action % Completed Prepare model for tweaking instead of expecting them to create time to develop 0 UNIT STRATEGY 1.2: Review and update MVV, goals, and strategies with CVC strategic planning team 1-Year Target: Comprehensive set of strategies developed and approved 3-Year Target: Performance Metric or Event ACTION ITEMS 1.2.1: Conduct environmental scan and SWOT activity with CVC 1.2.2: Review MVV, goals and strategies with CVC to ensure priorities are still key; include “gaps” discussion 1.2.3: Prepare new Strategic Plan documents with updates on MVV, goals and strategies – prepare to roll out at annual planning retreat Strategies are updated annually based on SWOT and environmental scanning inputs Owner Documents placed in public place Document completed with appropriate vetting Proposal ready by Feb 2013 Start/End Date Carlos/Deb FY12 Deb Morgan FY12 Carlos Ayala FY12 RESULTS Date Item 10/18/11 1.2.2 Action Progress/Result Issue(s) No progress to date Corrective Action % Completed Requires time with CVC – will press for this with Tom 0% UNIT STRATEGY 1.3: Implement “go forward” plan from 2011 Strategic Planning Retreat which addresses organizational priorities and action plans 1-Year Target: Measureable outcomes realized in organizational action plans 3-Year Target: ACTION ITEMS 1.3.1: Share with SP group the outcomes and “go forward” plan 1.3.2: Identify action items from retreat and identify action plan owners Performance Metric or Event Buy-in from action plan owners Organizational action plans set each year within the cycle of planning Owner Start/End Date Deb FY12 Deb FY12 1.3.3: Provide update on organizational action plans at spring 12 SP retreat Data available at the retreat to demonstrate progress Deb FY12 RESULTS Date Item 10/18/11 1.3.2 10/27/11 1.3.1 Action Progress/Result Issue(s) Action plan owners identified. All have agreed to provide updates at SP 12 planning session A second email including strategic planning retreat report and “go-forward” plan was sent to leaders Corrective Action % Completed PVC does not yet own the action plans assigned to them 100% 100% UNIT STRATEGY 1.4: Link plan to budgeting process (Performance Based Budgeting) 1-Year Target: Plan for this process is in place and ready to be rolled out to colleges and district budget managers Cycle is in its second year Performance Metric or Event ACTION ITEMS 1.4.1: 3-Year Target: Convene performance-based budgeting discussion with Tom, Pam, Deb, Carlos, Diane and new budget officer Owner # of presentations to college and district units on PBB model Deb Morgan Start/End Date FY12 RESULTS Date Item 10/18/11 1.4.1 Action Progress/Result No progress to date Issue(s) Availability of Pamela’s team Corrective Action Keep pressing % Completed 0% UNIT GOAL 2: Deploy Alamo Way (Baldrige) throughout district operational units Individual action plans are utilized by all as a Alamo Way has been part of the performance “branded” Employees 1-Year Target: 3-Year Target: management process. report that they know These align with unit and what Alamo Way is. organizational action plans JUSTIFICATION/BENEFITS: Engaging employees in Alamo Way philosophy will get us all on the same page with priorities and with the leadership framework (Baldrige) we are using to achieve our mission. OBSTACLES/CONSTRAINTS: Resistance to change; volume of units and individuals to engage. ALAMO COLLEGES GOAL SUPPORTED (I,II,III,IV,V): IV ALAMO COLLEGES STRATEGY SUPPORTED (A,B,C,D,E,F,G): A,B,C,D UNIT STRATEGY 2.1: Set priorities and provide leadership through AWLT structure 1-Year Target: 3-Year Target: Performance Metric or Event ACTION ITEMS 2.1.1: Identify AWLT members and determine AWLT FY12 priorities 2.1.2: Monitor and report progress on AWLT initiatives 2.1.3: Prepare TAPE application for FY 13 (due September 2012) Members from six VC areas identified Progress shared at monthly meeting and with VC Scoring bands improve by one level in FY13 application Owner Start/End Date Deb 9/2011 Deb FY12 Deb & Carlos 8/2012 RESULTS Date Item 10/18/11 2.1.1 Action Progress/Result Issue(s) Corrective Action % Completed AWLT members identified with planning meetings scheduled 100% UNIT STRATEGY 2.2: Provide training and development to orient AC employees to Alamo Way philosophy, unit action planning, and process improvement strategies 1-Year Target: 95% of district employees have participated in Alamo Way baseline discussion 3-Year Target: Performance Metric or Event ACTION ITEMS 2.2.1: Provide Alamo Way overview discussion for all AC employees including new employee orientation 2.2.2: Provide Action Plan training for district units 2.2.3: Provide PDCA training for supervisors in collaboration with HR # of employees participating in baseline presentation # of action plans complete # of trainings # of individuals trained and using PDCA Alamo Colleges earns the TAPE recognition Owner Start/End Date Deb FY12 Carlos & Deb Carlos & Hope FY12 FY12 RESULTS Date Item Action Progress/Result 10/18/11 2.2.1 10/18/11 2.2.2 10/18/11 2.2.3 70% of employees have participated in baseline Alamo Way overview Four units have completed action plans (of 32) No PDCA trainings have been facilitated Issue(s) Corrective Action % Completed 70% 8% Work with HR/Hope to establish a plan 0% UNIT STRATEGY 2.3: Engage senior leaders in the Criteria for Performance Excellence 1-Year Target: All members of PVC can identify the criteria and demonstrate an understanding of their ownership of the first three: leadership, strategic planning and customer focus. ACTION ITEMS 3-Year Target: Performance Metric or Event 90% of PVC members have participated in Baldrige training Owner Start/End Date 2.3.1: Senior leaders will participate in Examiner Training Deb Fall 2011 PVC will be provided with Alamo Way updates throughout FY12 # of participants # of updates 2.3.2: Deb FY12 2.3.3: PVC creates a plan to set and deploy culture initiative Plan deployed Deb FY12 RESULTS Date Item Action Progress/Result 10/18/11 2.3.1 10/18/11 2.3.2 10/18/11 2.3.3 37 leaders participated in TAPE examiner training; 2 leaders participated in National examiner training One update provided in at September PVC with focus on engaging PVC members in first three categories as owners Little progress other than time to work on this with PVC identified for December Issue(s) Corrective Action % Completed 100% 33% Not a PVC priority Keep pressing 0% UNIT STRATEGY 2.4: Continue identification of systematization opportunities and facilitate process improvement teams 1-Year Target: 4 new processes have been systematized and are in a cycle of review Performance Metric or Event ACTION ITEMS 2.4.1: Schedule Validation 2.4.2: State Reporting 2.4.3: Enrollment Management 3-Year Target: Spring validation occurs with < 10 errors Reports submitted ontime and error free New enrollment management model proposed and approved 50% of all processes identified by the PVC have been systematized Owner Start/End Date Deb FY12 Deb FY12 Deb FY12 RESULTS Date Item Action Progress/Result 10/18/11 2.4.1 80% 10/18/11 2.4.2 Schedule validation recommendations and training complete. Outcomes must be reported in November and February Tom has convened the team himself Issue(s) Corrective Action % Completed 10/18/11 2.4.3 No progress; Lina has not received direction from Dr. Leslie to proceed 0% ?? UNIT GOAL 3: Provide action plan coaching for all district unit leaders. Advance strategy implementation through action planning and performance metrics. 100% district units 100% district units have annual action have integrated annual plans, SIPOC action plans, SIPOC 1-Year Target: 3-Year Target: inventories, and inventories, and systematic performance systematic performance metrics metrics JUSTIFICATION/BENEFITS: Action plans, including performance metrics based on customer requirements, are essential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of district operations. OBSTACLES/CONSTRAINTS: District units do not possess a culture of action planning and performance metric determination/tracking. ALAMO COLLEGES GOAL SUPPORTED (I,II,III,IV,V): IV, V ALAMO COLLEGES STRATEGY SUPPORTED (A,B,C,D,E,F,G): A,B,C,D UNIT STRATEGY 3.1: Coach associate vice chancellors, directors, and managers on the development and posting of unit action plans aligned with the strategic plan 1-Year Target: 100% district units submitted action plans 3-Year Target: Performance Metric or Event ACTION ITEMS 100% district units use action plans systematically Owner Start/End Date 3.1.1: Introduce action plan template to all key unit leaders Completion Carlos 9/1/11 - 12/15/11 3.1.2: Conduct sessions to populate all action plan template cells Completion Carlos 9/1/11 - 12/15/11 3.1.3: After unit approval, post action plans in SharePoint site Completion; SharePoint posting Carlos 9/1/11 - 12/15/11 RESULTS Date Item Action Progress/Result 9/1/11 3.1.2 Completed AP for the Foundation Issue(s) Corrective Action % Completed 10% 9/2/11 3.1.3 10% 10/06/11 3.1.2 Posted AP for the Foundation in SharePoint Completed AP for IRES 10/20/11 3.1.1 Continuing AP introduction to selected units 30% 20% UNIT STRATEGY 3.2: Coach associate vice chancellors, directors, and managers on the development and inventory of unit SIPOC forms 1-Year Target: 100% district units have SIPOC inventories 3-Year Target: Performance Metric or Event ACTION ITEMS 100% district units update and refine SIPOCs Owner Start/End Date 3.2.1: Introduce SIPOC form to all key unit leaders Completion Carlos/Deb 9/1/11 - 8/31/12 3.2.2: Conduct sessions to populate all SIPOC cells Completion Carlos/Deb 9/1/11 - 8/31/12 3.2.3: After unit approval, post SIPOC forms in SharePoint site Completion; SharePoint posting Carlos/Deb 9/1/11 - 8/31/12 RESULTS Date Item Action Progress/Result 10/20/11 3.2.1 Continuing SIPOC introduction to selected units Issue(s) Corrective Action Availability of time % Completed 30% UNIT STRATEGY 3.3: Coach associate vice chancellors, directors, and managers on the development and tracking of unit performance metrics and benchmarks 1-Year Target: 100% district units collect, analyze, and publish own metrics 3-Year Target: ACTION ITEMS 3.3.1: Performance Metric or Event 100% district units collect, analyze, and publish own metrics and benchmarks Owner Start/End Date Completion Carlos/Deb 9/1/11 - 12/15/11 Completion Carlos/Deb 9/1/11 - 8/31/12 3.3.3: Introduce importance of performance metrics and benchmarks to all key unit leaders Conduct session to determine unit’s key performance metrics and reporting frequency Coordinate with unit to implement performance metric tracking Completion Carlos 9/1/11 - 8/31/12 3.3.4: Coordinate with unit to establish benchmarks Completion Carlos 9/1/11 - 8/31/12 3.3.5: After unit approval, collect and post performance metrics and benchmarks in SharePoint site Completion; SharePoint posting Carlos 9/1/11 - 8/31/12 3.3.2: RESULTS Date Item Action Progress/Result 10/24/11 3.3.1 10/25/11 3.3.2 Presented the PMS draft to Dr. Zaragoza for his review and definition of systematic collection of some workforce performance data. Have conducted sessions with ITS, IRES, Banner, Legal Services, DPS, IA, CSI, and HR. Issue(s) Corrective Action % Completed 20% 30%