Create two discussion questions from chapter 3

The Great Gatsby – Study Guide I - Chapters 1, 2, and 3
Name __________________________________________________________
Period ________________________
Answer the following and word process your answers.
Fitzgerald holds the society of the 1920s up to the reader through his novel. He felt that this society
had a certain amount of corruptness to it. How does the character of Tom Buchanan symbolize this
corruptness? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from the selection.
2. How is materialism an important theme in the first two chapters? Explain
3. The green light, to which Gatsby gestures at the end of Chapter I, is one of the most famous symbols
found in America literature. One of the meanings of this symbol is that the light represents the
American Dream. How is a green light a symbol of the American Dream? Explain your answer. This
is more of a thought provoking question – at this point I do not think you will be able to support it
with evidence from the selection yet..
4. Give an example of how Nick feels negatively towards Gatsby as well as having a great deal of
admiration for him.
5. List two examples of F. Scott’s view of capitalism, which he shows in the novel. Explain
6. Other than to get a job, why does Nick move to the East after World War I ?
7. How does F. Scott describe Tom, Daisy and Jordan in chapter I ?
8. Create two discussion questions from chapter 3
Your answer to the Question –
Your answer to the Question
The Great Gatsby – Study Guide I - Chapters 4, 5 and 6
Read chapters 4, 5, and 6 and create two discussion questions from the three
chapters. One question from each chapter should be a How Question and one should
be a Why Question. Ask the questions and then answer them yourself.
Create and answer a How Question
Create and answer a Why Question
The Great Gatsby – Study Guide I - Chapters 7, 8, and 9
Read chapters 7, 8, and 9 – Since you have completed reading the novel, I want you
to think about the main characters of the novel: Nick, Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, Jordan,
Myrtle and Wilson. Then think of a question that you might like to ask each one of
these characters. Finally reflect on what you learned about the 1920s from reading
this novel.
Nick : Question
Tom: Question
Gatsby: Question
Jordan: Question
Daisy: Question
Myrtle: Question
Wilson: Question
What did you learn about the 1920s from reading this novel?
The Great Gatsby – Study Guide I - Chapters 7, 8, and 9