10 2 Kitz press release - Friends of the Columbia Gorge

Media Release
For immediate release: October 3, 2013
Press Conference: Thursday, 10:30 a.m. East Bank Esplanade overlook next to
Hawthorne Bridge (at 5 SE Madison St, adjacent to Portland Fire Station rebuild site.)
Michael Lang, Friends of the Columbia Gorge, (503) 490-3979, michael@gorgefriends.org
Regna Merit, Physicians for Social Responsibility, (971) 235-7643, regna@oregonpsr.org
Cesia Kearns, Sierra Club, (503) 757-7546, cesia.kearns@sierraclub.org
Brent VandenHeuvel, Columbia Riverkeeper, (503) 348-2436, bv@columbiariverkeeper.org
Oregonians call on Gov. Kitzhaber to use state authority
to deny coal export project planned in Oregon
Conservation, public health, and faith-based groups say federal inaction now
requires the Governor to get tough on coal exports plans on the Columbia River
Portland, OR – The Power Past Coal coalition, which includes over 110 conservation,
health, faith and community groups and businesses, held a press conference today
calling on Governor John Kitzhaber to use Oregon’s
legal authority to help stop coal export projects that
would send millions of tons a coal year through
Oregon’s Columbia River Gorge and many local
communities to Asia. Coalition members held the
conference as a billboard-sized banner suspended next
to the Hawthorne Bridge by seven foot-diameter helium
balloons called on Gov. Kitzhaber to “Save Us from
Dirty Coal.” The sign, which was up in time for the
morning commute, generated a steady stream of
enthusiastic honks.
The groups say the federal government’s recent decision not to prepare an in-depth
review of Ambre Energy’s proposed coal export project in Oregon makes it critical that
the governor direct state agencies to use their legal authority to deny the project. While
the governor has expressed skepticism about coal export projects, state agencies such
as Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Department of State Lands
(DSL) are not using all available legal tools to protect Oregonians from the serious
health and climate impacts from Ambre Energy’s proposed project.
“The governor has both the power and the moral responsibility to protect Oregonians
from the incredible impacts we would face from exporting coal through our
communities,” said Reverend Kate Lore with the First Unitarian Church in Portland.
DEQ, for example, has not said it will require Ambre Energy’s project on the Columbia
River to meet Oregon’s water quality standards under the “State Certification” process.
DEQ has also not said whether it will require state pollution permits for coal trains that
we now know discharge coal from their open cars into the creeks and rivers they cross.
DEQ’s first chance to deny Ambre Energy’s coal export loading facility is on November
1st when DEQ is due to make a decision on Ambre’s air quality permit.
Cesia Kearns, co-director of the Power Past Coal coalition and also with Sierra Club
agreed. “We need Oregon’s state agencies to get off the sidelines on this issue and for
the Governor to take a firm stand to protect Oregon’s air, water, communities, and
“The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area is threatened by proposals to double
US coal exports by transporting coal through this national scenic treasure, said Michael
Lang, conservation director of Friends of the Columbia Gorge. Oregonians oppose coal
exports through the Columbia Gorge and we are calling on the Governor to join us and
do everything in his power to stop the Gorge from becoming the Nation’s coal chute to
“It’s now clear that we cannot expect the federal government to the do the right thing for
Oregon when it comes to coal exports,” said Dr. Martin Donohoe of Oregon Physicians
for Social Responsibility. "We ask the Governor to direct Oregon state agencies to use
all tools in the toolbox: they must take action to protect Oregonians and our kids from
significant health risks associated with the export and burning of coal."
Brett VandenHeuvel with Columbia Riverkeeper agreed, “DEQ has the legal right to
insist that Ambre Energy’s coal export projects meet Oregon’s water quality standards
instead of just leaving the decision up to the Army Corps of Engineers. Its tough to
understand why DEQ does not immediately use this authority. It’s time for Oregon to
stand up to dirty coal.”
"Gov. Kitzhaber has the power to stop these dirty coal export projects that would turn
Oregon into the nation's largest exporter of climate polluting coal to Asia,” adds Corinne
Ball with Climate Parents, a national organization mobilizing families to act for climate
solutions. “The recent polling confirms that a majority of Oregonians oppose coal
exports through the Columbia Gorge,” says Michael Lang, conservation director of
Friends of the Columbia Gorge. “We are calling on the Governor to do everything in his
power to stop the Gorge from becoming the Nation’s coal chute to Asia.”
At the same time that Gov. Kitzhaber and the Oregon agencies are considering issuing
permits to Ambre Energy, the WA Dept. of Ecology, Cowlitz County and the Army Corps
of Engineers are holding public hearings regarding an in-depth environmental impact
study related to the Longview, WA coal export terminal. The next public hearing will be
in Vancouver, WA next Wednesday October 9th. The federal government, however,
recently said it would not prepare any similarly rigorous study for Oregon.
To date more than 160 elected officials, including Sen. Merkley, close to 600 health
professionals, over 400 local businesses, 220 faith leaders, close to 30 municipalities
and some Northwest Tribes have either voiced concern or come out against coal export
off the West Coast. A recent poll by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (FM3)
showed a growing opposition to the proposed coal export terminals with a majority of
likely voters in both Washington (51%) and Oregon (54%) now opposing plans to export
coal from Northwest ports.