Revenues and Benefits Service Wakefield One, PO Box 700 Burton Street, Wakefield WF1 2EB Tel: 0845 8 504 504 Discretionary Housing Payment Application form In certain cases Wakefield Council may be able to offer extra help with your housing costs if you have a shortfall between your rent and Housing Benefit. We can also help with removal costs, rent in advance and rent deposit. The Government has given us a limited amount of money to help people who meet certain criteria and need more financial help with their housing costs. We call these Discretionary Housing Payments. Discretionary Housing Payments are not benefit payments. They are separate payments the Council can make if it thinks people need extra help with housing costs. Awards are usually short term, and are designed to help make up your shortfall while you look to improve your financial circumstances and make up your shortfall yourself. For an application to be considered you must fully complete this form, including the section on expenditure. You may be required to provide evidence to support your application, but please do not send any original / valuable documents through the post. If you think you might need extra help with your housing costs, please fill in this application form, and return it to: The DHP Team Wakefield Council Revenues and Benefits Service Wakefield One PO Box 700 Burton Street Wakefield WF1 2EB Please complete this form in blue or black in and print your answers clearly. If you have a partner, please ensure you include all income and expenses for them. If you would like any help to fill in this form, please call us on 0845 8 504 504 Section 1: About you Housing Benefit reference number (if you have it): Surname First name Address Telephone Please ensure you include a telephone number we can contact you on, as we may need to discuss your application with you. Please tick if any of the following apply to you: I consider myself / my partner to be disabled ☐ I / my partner have a regular, non-resident overnight carer ☐ I am a registered Foster Carer ☐ I live in a property significantly adapted for a member of my household as a result of disability ☐ ☐ I have a disabled child I have a grown up son/daughter currently at University / in the Armed Forces who comes home during holidays ☐ Do you need help with your: Rent ☐ Rent in advance ☐ Deposit for a tenancy ☐ Removal costs ☐ Page 2 of 13 Are there any children living with you? Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, how many? Are there any other adults living with you? If yes, how many? Do you share custody for any children who stay with you on a part-time basis? Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, how many? If someone has helped you fill in this form, please tell us their name, contact details and why they have helped you Section 2: Help with your rent Landlord’s name: Landlord’s address: Landlord’s telephone number: How much is your full contractual rent? £ every Page 3 of 13 How much help do you feel you need per week, and when do you need this from? £ / From / If you need an award from a date earlier than today, please tell us why you did not apply earlier Are you in rent arrears? ☐ Yes If yes, how much do you owe? ☐ No £ Have you been issued with a ‘Notice to quit’? Yes ☐ No ☐ Could you afford your rent when you moved in? Yes ☐ No ☐ Have you asked your landlord to reduce your rent? Yes ☐ No ☐ If your landlord has agreed to reduce your rent, how much is the new agreed rent? £ Would you be willing to move to alternative, more affordable, accommodation? Yes ☐ No ☐ If no, why not? Page 4 of 13 Section 2b: Help with a rent deposit Address you are moving to: Date you are moving in: Landlord’s name: Landlord’s address: Landlord’s telephone number: Do you give permission for the Council/Revenues and Benefits service to contact the landlord should any details need to be verified? Yes ☐ No How much is required for your deposit? ☐ £ We will need proof of this from your new landlord Do you have any money to be able to pay towards the deposit yourself? If so, please tell us the amount you can afford to pay £ What steps have you taken to try and get this money? Are you due to have a deposit or rent in advance for your current tenancy returned to you? Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, how much do you expect to receive, and when will you receive this? £ Page 5 of 13 If no, please explain why: Have you now, or in the past received similar assistance through a rent deposit guarantee scheme or anything similar? Yes ☐ ☐ No If yes, when did you receive this and from where? Section 2c: Help with removal costs How much have you been quoted for removal costs? £ Please note: Removal costs will be paid directly to the company/supplier assisting with removal and we need to see an invoice. Section 3: Your Income Please list all of your income details. Income Amount received Jobseekers Allowance/Income Support Employment and Support Allowance Pension Credit Wages (take home pay) Child Benefit Child Maintenance Working Tax Credits Page 6 of 13 How often received Child Tax Credits State Retirement Pension Disability Living Allowance – Care Disability Living Allowance – Mobility Attendance Allowance Carer’s Allowance Income from savings Board/income from other adults living in the property Other: Other: Other: Other: Any ‘Other’ income, please ensure you tell us what this is for Section 4: Savings and Capital Please give details of any Bank or Building Society Accounts you have and the current balance (even if you are overdrawn, please tell us how much you are overdrawn by). Ensure you include details of any savings, ISA’s, Tessa’s/Premium Bonds you hold: Name of Bank / Building Society / Savings type Page 7 of 13 Amount Section 5: Your Spending and Outgoings Please list ALL of your regular and one-off outgoings Outgoings Amount paid Home Council Tax Rent Water Rates / Meter Gas Electricity Home phone Internet Mobile phone (Pay As You Go) Mobile phone (Contract) TV licence TV package (e.g. Sky) Cleaning products Window/Wheelie bin cleaning Gardener Daily newspaper Other: Other: Banking and Insurance Contents insurance Life/health insurance Pet insurance Overdraft fee Page 8 of 13 How often Outgoings Amount paid Food and Drink Food and Household shopping Eating out School lunches Work lunches Alcohol Cigarettes & Tobacco Other: Other: Other: Travel and Transport Petrol Car loan/hire purchase MOT and Car maintenance Road Tax Breakdown Cover Parking Public transport/taxi costs Other: Other: Family and Health Child care Child maintenance (to expartner) Before/After school clubs Nappies / baby extras Page 9 of 13 How often Outgoings Amount paid Clothing/footwear School uniform Pocket money Laundry Dentist Regular prescriptions Haircuts Family days out Eye tests Glasses / contact lenses Carer costs Course fees Other: Other: One-off’s Christmas Birthdays Holidays Other: Page 10 of 13 How often Section 6: Debts Please list any debts you have. If you have multiple debts, you should seek independent advice about dealing with this before submitting this application. Debt Amount paid Rent arrears Rent arrears (previous property) Council Tax arrears Housing Benefit Overpayment Social fund loan Bank loan Credit card Credit card Doorstep loan Doorstep loan Catalogue Catalogue Court costs / fines Maintenance arrears Gas arrears Electricity arrears Water arrears Hire purchase repayments Hire purchase repayments Hire purchase repayments Money owed to family / friends Other: Page 11 of 13 How often Amount outstanding Section 7: Your Health If you or anyone in your family has a health problem that you think is relevant to your application, please give details: Page 12 of 13 Section 8: Financial hardship Please use this space to explain why the shortfall in your benefit will cause you financial hardship, and give any other information you think may help your application: Section 9: Declaration Please read this declaration carefully, then sign and date it. I declare that all the information I have given on this form is correct and complete as far as I know. I will tell the Revenues and Benefits Service about any change in my circumstances that may affect my claim. I understand that the Council may need to share the information I have provided with other agencies Signed: Date: Page 13 of 13