Code of Ethics

Chapter 4 – Page 82. Discussion starter:
Is unethical and illegal the same thing?
If it is illegal, is it unethical?
Goals Chapter 4.1
Explain why ethics are important in business
Describe a code of ethics
Discuss ethical dilemmas
Describe laws that deal with ethical dilemmas.
The Main Idea – Chapter 4
This chapter covers the role of ethics and social
responsibility in the business world.
4.1 – Discusses the importance of ethics, codes of
ethics, and laws that affect ethics in business.
4.2- Describes how companies have changed their
attitude toward social responsibility and how some
demonstrate it.
The Importance of Ethics pg 84
What are some of your personal ethics?
When did you form the morals and ethics
you live by?
The Importance of Ethics
All individuals develop
their own set of ethical
Helps them decide how to
act in certain situations
Like us, businesses
develop ethics to help
them determine how to
A set of moral principles
or values that govern
Code of Ethics/Conduct
• d
Code of Ethics
A document that outlines
the principles of conduct
to be used in making
decisions within the
Code of Ethics/Conduct Examples:
Kraft Foods
Think of a company and find their code of
How do you feel about their code of conduct?
Verizon Code of Conduct Worksheet
Individually, complete the Verizon Code of
Conduct worksheet
Code of Ethics Homework:
Looking at the Verizon Code of Conduct example on my
wiki, please read it and pick another example to examine.
– Write a one page reflective essay comparing and
contrasting the two (saved in Drive as “Code of
Conduct Compare and Contrast”)
– While reading, get a feel for the two companies and
what message they are trying to send
– Include how the similarities/difference between the
two makes you feel about the company overall
Code of Ethics. In groups of three…
Consider the school store as our business
Create a Power point code of ethics for the
school cart that should govern our
No requirements how lengthy it needs to be
but please put serious thought into its layout
and form. Do we want a Verizon or
Timberland code of ethics or a mix?