APEH: Review Quiz #6 • Contestants do not forget to – Always phrase your question in the form of an answer – Hands on your buzzers it is time to play Authors Charles V French Monarchs Doom & Gloom Leftovers $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy Authors $100 His Mein Kampf was written while in prison. Authors $200 His Interpretation of Dreams (1900) had a profound impact on 20th century thought. Authors $300 In The Social Contract, this Swiss-born philosopher argued that popular sovereignty was the best form of government. Authors $400 Critical of some of the practices of the Roman Catholic Church, he penned In Praise of Folly. Authors $500 In his Essays this 16th century French skeptic created what we now know as an "essay." Charles V $100 Charles V was the grandson of this conquering couple. Charles V $200 In 1555 the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V issued this religious compromise which gave German princes the choice of Lutheranism or Catholicism. Charles V $300 Charles V convened this 1521 meeting with Reformation leader Martin Luther. Charles V $400 Throughout his years in power Charles V was threatened by invasion from this powerful Muslim state. Charles V $500 In 1527 Charles V's forces captured Pope Clement VII in this event. French Monarchs $100 He was known as the "Sun King." French Monarchs $200 In the 1789, he agreed to convene the Estates General in order to address France's financial crisis. French Monarchs $300 He issued the 1589 Edict of Nantes. French Monarchs $400 Daumier's famous "La Poire" (The Pear) cartoons depicted this Orleanist king who ruled from 1830 to 1848. French Monarchs $500 Shortly after issuing the July Ordinances of 1830, this Bourbon king was ousted. Doom & Gloom $100 In his 1790 Reflections on the Revolution in France, this British statesman argued that the revolutionaries in France had gone too far and, as a result, France would be swept into chaos, bloodshed, warfare and dictatorship. Doom & Gloom $200 This French monarch reputedly said "Après moi, le deluge." Doom & Gloom $300 In the late 18th century, this British thinker predicted that there would be starvation and warfare resulting from a population growing exponentially while the food supply increased arithmetically. Doom & Gloom $400 This first president of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union believed the Russian economy could only be transformed into a capitalist one through a program of "shock therapy." Doom & Gloom $500 In his "Economic Consequences of the Peace," this British economist predicted that the Treaty of Versailles ultimately would lead to financial disaster. Leftovers $100 Married to Philip II of Spain, this monarch was detested for her use of the Inquisition in Britain. Leftovers $200 John Knox led a Calvinist uprising in this country. Leftovers $300 John Paul Sartre and Albert Camus were two of the greatest exponents of this 20th century philosophical movement. Leftovers $400 In The Spirit of the Laws, this enlightened thinker argued that the best protection against a tyrannical government was the separation of powers. Leftovers $500 His most famous book is Utopia. Authors $100 Who is ADOLF HITLER? Authors $200 Who is SIGMUND FREUD? Authors $300 Who was JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU? Authors $400 Who was ERASMUS OF ROTTERDAM? Authors $500 Who was MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE? Charles V $100 Who were FERDINAND & ISABELA? Charles V $200 What was the PEACE OF AUGSBURG? Charles V $300 What was the DIET OF WORMS? Charles V $400 What was the OTTOMAN EMPIRE? Charles V $500 What was the SACK ON ROME? French Monarchs $100 Who was LOUIS XIV? French Monarchs $200 Who was LOUIS XVI? French Monarchs $300 Who was HENRY IV (OF NAVARRE)? French Monarchs $400 Who was LOUIS-PHILIPPE? French Monarchs $500 Who was CHARLES X? Doom & Gloom $100 Who was EDMUND BURKE? Doom & Gloom $200 Who was LOUIS XV? Doom & Gloom $300 Who was THOMAS MALTHUS? Doom & Gloom $400 Who was BORIS YELTSIN? Doom & Gloom $500 Who was JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES? Leftovers $100 Who was MARY TUDOR (BLOODY MARY)? Leftovers $200 What was SCOTLAND? Leftovers $300 What was EXISTENTIALISM? Leftovers $400 Who was BARON DE MONTESQUIEU? Leftovers $500 Who was THOMAS MORE? Final Jeopardy Category is …... Reformation Make your wagers please …. FINAL It is the traditional Catholic belief that during the mass the communion elements turn into the body and blood of Jesus of Nazareth. ANSWER What is What is transubstantiation.