
Cell Communication
May be only a few amino acids long
May be a pocket or groove on the
surface of a protein
Enzyme specificity is based on its
Lock and Key
Fit between the shape and
chemistry of its active
site and the shape of the
substrate described as
lock (enzyme) and key
Implies rigidity. Shape is
not flexible.
Each enzyme only binds to
one substrate.
Induced Fit: more like a
handshake. Active site is
rigid; as substrate enters
the active site, it is
induced to change shape
by the substrate. Result:
active site fits even more
snugly around the
substrate. An enzyme
might bind >1 substrate.
Accounts for the broad
specificity of some
 Determined
by the speed at which the
active site can convert substrate to
product or can manufacture more
Holds substrate using hydrogen and ionic bonds;
weak interactions.
R groups of a few amino acids in active site catalyze
conversion of substrate to product. Remember that
enzyme is not changed by the reaction.
Able to convert more than a thousand molecules per
second, some enzymes are faster.
In some cases, active site provides a template for the
substrates to come together. It may align the
substrate so that the substrate can interact with the
Active site might be a pocket of low or high pH
Temperature: Up to a point, increased
temperature increases the rate of a chemical
reaction by increasing the number of
collisions between enzyme and substrate.
At some point, increased temperature stops
chemical reaction by denaturing protein by
disrupting ionic, H bonds, weak interactions.
Each enzyme has an optimum range of
temperatures in which to function.
 Chemicals
other than intended reactant
bonded to the active site or changing the
shape of the active site.
 Two general types: Competitive and
 An
inhibiting molecule structurally
similar to the substrate molecule binds to
the active site, preventing substrate
binding. Eg. Inhibition of folic acid
synthesis in bacteria by the sulfonamide
(antibiotic) Prontosil. E.g. Carbon
monoxide binds to the active site of
hemoglobin and is a competitive
inhibitor that binds irreversibly.
 An
inhibitor molecule binding to an enzyme
(not to its active site) that causes a
conformational change in its active site
resulting in a decrease in activity. Inhibitor
does not have to be chemically similar to
 Eg. Metal ions disrupting disulfide bridges in
many enzymes including cytochrome oxidase
(enzyme in electron transport chain). Hg2+,
Ag+, Cu2+ bind to –SH groups, breaking –S-Slinkages; changes shape of the active site.
particular type of non-competitive
inhibition of biochemical pathways
 End-product binds to first enzyme in
pathway and shuts the pathway down.
 Also called: End-product inhibition; a
version of negative feedback
 Mechanism of homeostasis
 The
allosteric site is a specific portion of an
enzyme. Not the active site.
 Serves as an on-off switch. Binding of a
substance to this site can switch an enzyme
between active and inactive configuration.
 If a substance decreases its protein’s activity:
allosteric inhibitor
 If a substance increases its protein’s activity:
allosteric activator
 When an active site is stabilized by a substrate
molecule: exhibits cooperativity.
 Pathway
is switched off by its endproduct which acts as an inhibitor.
 This is a form of non-competitive
 Shape of the allosteric enzyme can be
altered by the binding of end products to
an allosteric site, decreasing its activity.
 E.g. ATP inhibition of
phosphofructokinase in glycolysis where
ATP turns off its own production.
 This
pathway shuts down when isoleucine
 Isoleucine is an allosteric inhibitor of the
enzyme that catalyzes the first step in the
 Some
enzymes have defined locations (e.g.
catalase – in microbodies/peroxisomes of all
 Many enzymes located in membranes, such as
the ones on the inner mitochondrial membrane
(cellular respiration) and the chloroplast
membranes (photosynthesis). Digestive
enzymes embedded in the membranes of cells
of the small intestine (brush border).
 10%
of Americans
 10% of Africa’s Tutsi tribe
 50% of Spanish and French people
 99% of Chinese people
 Lactase
gene is switched off after weaning.
 Stone-age ancestors of European dairy-lovers
couldn’t digest milk either.
Looked at 7,000 year old fossils of ancient
Europeans and could not find in their DNA the
lactose tolerance mutation. Seemed to have
evolved lactose tolerance around 5,000 years
Mutation arose independently in Africa around
7,000 years ago…very high frequency in
Tanzanian Hadza population
Lactose is disaccharide
found in milk.
Converted by enzyme
lactase to glucose and
Lactase can be obtained
from the yeast,
Kluveromyces lactis.
Used to help people who
are lactose intolerant.
Used to break down
lactose in milk shakes
and fruit yoghurt so that
less sugar needs to be
used (glucose and
galactose are sweeter
than lactose).
Used in ice cream to
create smoother texture
(lactose crystallizes)
Can be used in making
of fermented cottage
cheese and yoghurt by
 1.
Added to milk. Final product contains
the enzyme.
 2. Immobilized on a surface or in beads
of a porous material. Milk is allowed to
flow past immobilized lactase. Avoids
contamination of the product with lactase.
AP Biology
Chapter 11
Explain why and how cells communicate.
Explain the common features shared among cell
communication processes.
Compare the purpose cell communication in
unicellular and multicellular organisms.
Describe the major features of signal transduction
pathways in cells.
Connect cellular signaling pathways to specific
Discuss evolutionary/adaptive considerations of
cellular signaling pathways.
 Cell-to-cell
communication is essential for
multicellular organisms and many
unicellular organisms.
• Cells must communicate to coordinate
their activities.
Biologists have discovered some universal
mechanisms of cellular regulation, involving
the same small set of cell-signaling
 Cells may receive a variety of signals,
chemical signals, electromagnetic signals,
and mechanical signals.
• Signal-transduction pathway: The process
by which a signal on a cell’s surface is
converted into a specific cellular response.
Multicellular organisms can release signaling
molecules that target other cells.
 Local Signaling:
• Some transmitting
cells release local
regulators that
influence cells in
local vicinity.
• In synaptic
signaling, a nerve
cell produces a
neurotransmitter that
diffuses to a single cell
that is almost touching
the sender.
 Long-distance
• Plants and animals use
hormones to signal at
• Cells may communicate
by direct contact.
 The
process must involve three stages.
• Reception: a chemical signal binds to a cellular
protein, typically at the cell’s surface.
• Transduction: binding leads to a change in the
receptor that triggers a series of changes along a
signal-transduction pathway.
• Response:
the transduced
signal triggers
a specific
A cell targeted by a particular chemical signal has a
receptor protein that recognizes the signal
• Recognition occurs when the signal binds to a specific site
on the receptor because it is complementary in shape.
When ligands (small molecules that bind
specifically to a larger molecule) attach to the
receptor protein, the receptor typically
undergoes a change in shape.
• This may activate the receptor so that it can interact
with other molecules.
• For other receptors this leads to the collection of
 Most
signal molecules are water-soluble and
too large to pass through the plasma
 They influence cell activities by binding to
receptor proteins on the plasma membrane.
• Binding leads to change in the shape or the receptor
or to aggregation of receptors.
• These trigger changes in the intracellular
 Three
major types of receptors:
• G-protein-linked receptors
• Tyrosine-kinase receptors
• Ion-channel receptors.
 Consists
of a receptor protein associated with
a G-protein on the cytoplasmic side.
• The receptor consists of seven alpha helices
spanning the membrane.
• Effective signal
molecules include:
 yeast mating
 epinephrine,
other hormones
 neurotransmitters
 The
G protein acts as an on-off switch.
• If GDP (guanine diphosphate) is bound, the G
protein is inactive.
• If GTP (guaninetriphosphate) is bound, the G
protein is active.
When a G-protein-linked receptor is activated by
binding with an extracellular signal molecule, the
receptor binds to an inactive G protein in membrane.
This leads the G protein to substitute GTP for GDP.
The G protein then binds with another membrane
protein, often an enzyme, altering its activity and
leading to a
cellular response.
 G-protein
receptor systems are extremely
widespread and diverse in their functions.
• In addition to functions already mentioned, they
play an important role during embryonic
development and sensory systems.
 Similarities
among G proteins and Gprotein-linked receptors suggest that this
signaling system evolved very early.
 Several human diseases are the results of
activities, including bacterial infections (e.g.
cholera and botulism), that interfere with Gprotein function.
 Effective
when the cell needs to
regulate and coordinate a variety of
activities and trigger several signal
pathways at once.
 A tyrosine-kinase is an enzyme that
transfers phosphate groups from ATP
to the amino acid tyrosine on a
 Individual
tyrosinekinase receptors
consists of several
• an extracellular
signal-binding site,
• a single alpha helix
spanning the
membrane, and
• an intracellular
tail with several
When ligands bind to
both receptor
polypeptides, the
polypeptides bind,
forming a dimer.
 This activates the
sections of both.
 These add
phosphates to the
tyrosine tails of
the other
 The
fully-activated receptor proteins initiate
a variety of specific relay proteins that bind
to specific phosphorylated tyrosine
• One tyrosine-kinase receptor dimer may activate
ten or more different intracellular proteins
 These
activated relay
proteins trigger many
different transduction
pathways and
Protein pores that open or close in
response to a chemical signal.
• This allows or blocks ion flow, such as
Na+ or Ca2+.
• Binding by a ligand to the
extracellular side changes the
protein’s shape and opens the
• Ion flow changes the concentration
inside the cell.
• When the ligand dissociates, the
channel closes.
• Very important in the nervous
 Other
signal receptors are dissolved in the
cytosol or nucleus of target cells.
 The signals pass through the plasma
 These chemical messengers include the
hydrophobic steroid and thyroid hormones
of animals.
 Also in this group is nitric oxide (NO), a gas
whose small size allows it to slide between
membrane phospholipids.
Testosterone, like other
hormones, travels
through the blood and
enters cells throughout
the body.
 In the cytosol, they
bind and activate
receptor proteins.
 These activated
proteins enter the
nucleus and turn on
genes that control male
sex characteristics.
 These
activated proteins act as
transcription factors.
• Transcription factors control which genes are
turned on - that is, which genes are
transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA).
 The mRNA molecules leave the nucleus and carry
information that directs the synthesis (translation)
of specific proteins at the ribosome.
The transduction stage of signaling is usually a multistep
These pathways often greatly amplify the signal.
• If some molecules in a pathway transmit a signal to multiple
molecules of the next component, the result can be large
numbers of activated molecules at the end of the pathway.
A small number of signal molecules can produce a large
cellular response.
Also, multistep pathways provide more opportunities for
coordination and regulation than do simpler systems.
Signal transduction pathways act like falling
• The signal-activated receptor activates another
protein, which activates another and so on, until the
protein that produces the final cellular response is
The original signal molecule is not passed
along the pathway, it may not even enter the
• Its information is passed on.
• At each step the signal is transduced into a
different form, often by a conformational change in a
The phosphorylation of proteins by a specific enzyme (protein
kinase) is a mechanism for regulating protein activity.
• Most protein kinases act on other substrate proteins, unlike the tyrosine
kinases that act on themselves.
Most phosphorylation occurs
at either serine or threonine
amino acids in the substrate
Many of the relay molecules in a
signal-transduction pathway are
protein kinases that lead to a
“phosphorylation cascade”.
Each protein phosphorylation
leads to a shape change because
of the interaction between the
phosphate group and charged or
polar amino acids.
Phosphorylation of a protein typically converts it
from an inactive form to an active form.
• The reverse (inactivation) is possible too for some
A single cell may have hundreds of different
protein kinases, each specific for a different
substrate protein.
• Fully 1% of our genes may code for protein kinases.
Abnormal activity of protein kinases can cause
abnormal cell growth and contribute to the
development of cancer.
The responsibility for turning off a signal-transduction
pathway belongs to protein phosphatases.
• These enzymes rapidly remove phosphate groups from proteins.
• The activity of a protein regulated by phosphorylation depends on
the balance of active kinase molecules and active phosphatase
When an extracellular signal molecule is absent, active
phosphatase molecules predominate, and the signaling
pathway and cellular response are shut down.
Inactive Form
Active Form
 Many
signaling pathways involve small,
nonprotein, water-soluble molecules or
ions, called second messengers.
• These molecules rapidly diffuse throughout the
 Second
messengers participate in pathways
initiated by both G-protein-linked receptors
and tyrosine-kinase receptors.
• Two of the most important are cyclic AMP and
Pathway involving cAMP as
a secondary messenger.
Pathway using Ca2+ as a
secondary messenger.
 Ultimately, a
signal-transduction pathway
leads to the regulation of one or more
cellular activities.
• This may be a change in an ion channel or a
change in cell metabolism.
• For example, epinephrine helps regulate
cellular energy metabolism by activating
enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of
Some signaling
pathways do not
regulate the activity of
enzymes but the
synthesis of enzymes or
other proteins.
 Activated receptors
may act as
transcription factors
that turn specific genes
on or off in the nucleus.
 Signaling
pathways with multiple steps have
two benefits.
• They amplify the response to a signal.
• They contribute to the specificity of the
 At
each catalytic step in a cascade, the
number of activated products is much
greater than in the preceding step.
• A small number of epinephrine molecules can
lead to the release of hundreds of millions of
glucose molecules.
 Various
types of cells may receive the
same signal but produce very different
 These differences result from a basic
• Different kinds of cells have different collections of
 The
response of a particular cell to a
signal depends on its particular
collection of receptor proteins, relay
proteins, and proteins needed to carry
out the response.
 Rather
than relying on diffusion of large relay
molecules like proteins, many signal pathways
are linked together physically by scaffolding
• Scaffolding proteins may themselves be relay
proteins to which several other relay proteins attach.
• This hardwiring
enhances the
speed and
accuracy of
signal transfer
between cells.
 The
importance of relay proteins that serve as
branch or intersection points is underscored
when these proteins are defective or missing.
• The inherited disorder, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS), is
due to the absence of a single relay protein.
• It leads to abnormal bleeding, eczema, and a predisposition to
infections and leukemia.
• The WAS protein interacts with the microfilaments of the
cytoskeleton and several signaling pathways, including those
that regulate immune cell proliferation.
• When the WAS protein is absent, the cytoskeleton is not
properly organized and signaling pathways are
As important as activating mechanisms are
inactivating mechanisms.
• For a cell to remain alert and capable of responding to
incoming signals, each molecular change in its signaling
pathways must last only a short time.
• If signaling pathway components become locked into one state,
the proper function of the cell can be disrupted.
• Binding of signal molecules to receptors must be reversible,
allowing the receptors to return to their inactive state when the
signal is released.
• Similarly, activated signals (cAMP and phosphorylated
proteins) must be inactivated by appropriate enzymes to
prepare the cell for a fresh signal.