Review: Introduction to World History

Review 2nd Exam:
Introduction to World
• Post-War Europe, 1919-1939
• Italy and the Rise of Fascism
• Germany (Weimar Republic and Nazism)
• United States/Latin America/Middle East
• Japan and China
• Stalin’s Russia
• Spanish Civil War
• Road to War: Appeasement
• Crises in Austria and Czechoslovakia
• From beginning of WWII to 1941.
Review Session: Readings
Readings you will be responsible for on
the exam:
Readings from Sources of Twentieh
Century Global History: Chapters 3-5, 7-8.
J.A. Grenville, A History of the World, Part
III, Chapters 15-18; Part IV, Chapters 1925; Part V., Chapter 26.
Post-War Europe
Peace Treaties: Versailles, etc.
New Europe vs. Old Europe (New
Liberalism and alternative
political/economic systems:
Communism, Fascism,
Authoritarianism (examples?)
Fate of Great Power system
Italy in the post-war era: rise of
fascism (causes and consequences,
What is fascism? Major ideological
tenets: Statism, Corporatism, AntiEnlightenment, Belief in Violence…
Role of Mussolini (Il Duce)?
Germany in the post-war era: rise of Nazism,
Weimar interlude.
Communist uprising, 1919
Right-wing coup attempts, 1920,1923.
Define Weimar Republic (dates?) and know about
political, economic, social circumstances which
gave rise to extremist movements.
World Outside Europe
United States in post-war era: From Wilsonian
idealism to
Prohibition (beginning and end), “Roaring
Twenties,” Economic prosperity and political
Great Depression, 1929
F.D. Roosevelt and the “New Deal”, 1932-1945
“Good Neighbor” policy (Latin America)
Latin America
Depression in L.A.
Liberalism and Fascism in L.A.
Middle East
Imperial Interests: Sykes-Picot
(1916), Balfour Declaration
(1917), Post-war treaties (Sèvres,
1920/Lausanne, 1923)
Modern Turkey – Mustafa
Pasha/Kemal Ataturk
Japan and China
Japanese expansion, 1920s and 1930s
Relations with West: Ending of AngloJapanese alliance, 1923 (Washington
Naval Conference, 1921-1922).
Manchukuo, 1932
War with China, 1937
“Rape of Nanking”
Sun Yat-Sen’s death (1925) results in rise of his
protégé, Chiang Kai-Shek.
Kuomintang’s, KMT efforts to unify China
Formation of PCC, 1921
“Northern Expedition,” 1927 – Cooperation between
Kuomintang and Chinese Communists never
1937 -- Rape of Nanjing: China goes to war with Japan.
Chinese Response to Japanese invasion
Soviet Union, 1924-1939
Russia in the post- Civil War era
Main features of Stalin’s
political/economic system
(“Socialism in one country”)
Stalin’s foreign policy: Isolationism,
1924-1935; Popular Front, 19351939; “Alliance” with Germany,
Spanish Civil War
Second Republic, 1931-1936
Civil War, 1936-1939
Republican parties?
Nationalist parties?
Franco and Nationalists (relations with Germany
and Italy)
Non-Intervention (1936) and its impact
Facing the Dictators
Great Britain and France
Domestic responses to Great
Foreign Policies: Appeasement
Inter-war Crises:
Anschluss/Czechoslovakia, 19381939
Germany’s annexation of Austria (March, 1938)
Hitler’s efforts to annex Sudetenland (SpringSummer, 1938)
Fate of Czechoslovakia (Munich Agreement, 30
September 1938)
End of “Appeasement”? (Anglo-Polish
Agreement, March, 1939)
First stage of SWW
Mussolini invades and annexes Albania – April, 1939
Soviet-Nazi pact, August, 1939
Invasion of Poland, 1 September, 1939
Russo-Finnish War, 1939-1940
Scandinavian War, April-May, 1940
Fall of France, May-June, 1940
Battle of Britain, August-October, 1940
First stage, cont.
U.S. and Lend-Lease (March, 1941)
Battle of the Atlantic
Italy’s Parallel War (October, 1940)
Invasion of Balkans/North Africa