The Costs of Employee Benefits

The Costs of Employee
Joseph J. Martocchio
What are Employee Benefits
Employee benefits refer to employee
compensation other than hourly
wage or salary
Two Dimensions of Employee
The source of the benefit can be
characterized as legally required or
The role the benefit serves recipients
can be characterized as protection,
paid time off, or accommodation and
Legally Required Benefits
Legally required benefits are
mandated by several laws:
• Social Security Act of 1935
• State workers’ compensation laws
• Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
Discretionary Employee Benefits
Discretionary benefits fulfill three
main roles:
• Protection programs
• Paid time
• Accommodation and enhancements
Income Protection Programs
Three types of protection programs:
• Disability insurance
• Life insurance
• Retirement plans
Defined Benefit Plans
Retirees receive guaranteed
payments for the duration of their
lives based on years of employment,
age, and final salary level before
Defined Contribution Plans
Plans allow employees to set aside a
portion of their salary for investment
These plans are riskier than defined
benefit plans due to the uncertainty
of the investment income
Employers may match a small
Health Protection Programs
Programs refer to a host of practices
geared toward promoting sound
Health insurance plans represent the
largest portion of a company’s health
protection offerings
Health Insurance Programs
Fee-for-service plans
Managed care plans
Point-of-service plans
Savings accounts based on the
consumer-driven health care
Fee-for-Service Plans
Provide protection for three types of
medical expenses: hospital expenses,
surgical expenses, and physicians’
Managed Care Plans
Include HMOs and PPOs
Managed care plans impose
substantial restrictions on an
employee’s ability to make choices
about from whom they can receive
medical treatment
Point of Service Plans
Combines features of fee-for-service
systems and HMOs
Employees pay a nominal copayment
for each visit to a designated innetwork physician however the
possess the option to receive care
from out of network physicians for a
higher cost
Consumer-Driven Health Care
Flexible spending accounts (FSAs)
Health reimbursement accounts
Paid Time Off
Sick leave
Accommodation and Enhancement
Promote opportunities for employees
and family members through:
• Mental and physical well being of
• Family assistance programs
• Flexible work schedule
• Skills and knowledge acquisitions
Employer Costs for Compensation
and Benefits
Overall, benefits accounted for
approximately 30 percent of total
compensation costs
Environmental Factors and the
Cost of Benefits
Industry prospects with economic
conditions and forecasts
Government regulation of employee
Changing demographics of the labor
Advances in health care
Industry prospects with economic
conditions and forecasts
Economic forecasts can influence the
extent that the firm is willing to
invest in employee benefits
Employers will likely continue
employee benefits due to:
• Tax benefits
• Attracting and retaining quality
Government Regulation of
Employee Benefits
The cost of legally required benefits
reduces the ability of the firm to pay
discretionary benefits
Changing Demographics of the
Greater diversity in the workforce in
terms of gender, age, and cultural
makeup requires a greater array of
benefits programs
Advances in Health Care
Health insurance costs continue to
increase due to:
• Increasing life expectancies
• Aging of baby boomers
• Advances in medical research that add
diagnostic tests and treatments
• Higher expenditures to prolong the lives
of the terminally ill
Responses by the Firm to Rising
Benefit Costs
Requiring employees to pay more for
health care
Making greater investments in
accommodation and enhancement
Eliminating retiree health care
insurance coverage
Requiring Employees to Pay More
for Health Care
In addition to various insurance
plans, FSAs and HRAs provide an
important alternative to firms
These accounts provide employees
with resources to pay for medical
and related expenses not covered by
higher deductible insurance plans at
substantially lower costs to
Increased Accommodation and
Enhancement Benefits
Decrease absenteeism and tardiness
Enhance worker productivity through
improved health
Education benefits may increase the
skills of employees and allow for
more flexibility within the workforce
Guidelines to Curbing Benefits
Employee contributions to help
companies save money by requiring
that employees pay a nominal
portion of the benefit costs
Waiting periods to limit participation
in the benefits program
Guidelines to Curbing Benefits
Costs Continued
Educate employees about the cost of
health care
Conduct utilization reviews to
evaluate the quality of specific health
care services
Guidelines to Curbing Benefits
Costs Continued
Use the services of independent case
management companies to ensure
that participants with serious health
problems receive essential medical
attention on a cost-effective basis
Guidelines to Curbing Benefits
Costs Continued
Provider payment systems that begin
with negotiations over amounts the
system will pay participating
physicians, health care facilities, and
pharmacies for the duration of the
managed care plan’s contract with
these providers
This chapter has covered:
• Types of benefits
• Types of health care plans
• Environmental factors
• Company responses
• Guidelines for cutting benefits costs