Write a Recipe for Witch's Brew - St. John of God National School

Write a Recipe for Witch’s Brew
 Pour water into the cauldron. Light the fire and allow to boil.
 First get a chair, cow poo and stale milk.
 Chop up the chair then grind the chair mix the bits of chair, cow
poo and stale milk together. Leave to set for half an hour.
 Get half a patella and one tibia.
 Get two pots of red paint, one of purple and three of blue paint.
 Chop patella and tibia, mix paint with it.
 Next you need a frogs eyeball, an electric wire let it drip in
slime for two minutes.
 Next get a micro pig, five rats tails and two cats left paws.
 Blend all above for five minutes, if not smooth even better you
won’t now what’s going to happen.
 The first mixture should be ready by now, mix the two mixtures
 Bring to the cleverest person who was in your class.
By Aine Curtin 21/10/11
Recipe for witch’s brew
 Pour water into the cauldron. Light the fire and
allow to boil.
 Put four slugs into the cauldron.
 Add one hand from a zombie.
 Half a glass of blood.
 Put in two chopped up worms.
 A half of a bats wing.
 Add two glasses of blood for it to taste better.
 When your finished chant do da di make this
the best withes brew ever there was.
By Chloe McHugh:21/10/11
recipe for Witch’s Brew
Pour water into the cauldron. Light the fire and allow to boil.
Add two slimy slugs 3 dead bugs stir it all together.
4 rattly snakes mud off the rake.
Then add bog from the lake.
Chop off rats tails chop up cat’s whiskers.
Stir it all together.
Finger nails from an eagle.
When you are finished put it in a bowl and serve to all your friends.
By Ella Browne:21/10/11
Write a recipe for witches brew.
 Pour water into the cauldron. Light the fire and allow to boil.
 Mix two earwigs and half a frogs eyeball than add six rats tails.
 Put this mixture into the cauldron allow it to boil for six minutes.
 While it is in the pot mix two dead bodies and six worms . Add them into
the pot.
 Take the mixture and put one pumpkin into the pot.
 Make some sauce to put in the magic recipe.
 Put in twenty zombies fingers and two bats ears to make the sauce.
 Pour the sauce into the cauldron. Now your recipe is finished.
By Eve Delaney:21/10/11
A recipe for witches brew.
Pour water into the cauldron. Light the fire and allow it to
Chop two fingers from a baby.
Put five frogs tongues be sure to chop them up very thin.
Pour three cups of rat puke.
Leave it to boil for fifteen minutes and mix for the last three
Then add one dog ear .
Then carefully put in a sleeping frog in and in three minutes
you might here some croaking but it is only the frog dying.
Stir six little girls ears make sour they don’t have earrings.
Let it sit there and when you are finished. Give it to your worst
By Imogen Edmondson.
Write a Recipe for Witch’s Brew.
 Pour water into the cauldron .Light the fire and allow to boil.
 You will need 2 frog eyeballs, zombie face, vampire teeth and
14 earwigs in the cauldron.
 Mix ,stir the earwig and frogs eyeball’s altogether.
 The vampire teeth must be chopped in half.
 The zombie face should be chopped and then the brain
 The 14 earwig eye’s must be chopped and mix with the
zombie eyes.
 Allow to boil for half an hour.
 Then the brew will be shipped to a factory to be in a bottle
and to be sold in the shop.
Be Katelyn Sheehan :21/10/11
Write a Recipe for Witch’s Brew
 Pour water into the cauldron.
 Light the fire and allow to boil.
 Pigs snot rats blood dead wasps and bees babies bottom and yellow food colouring
put slime from a frog and poison.
 Chop the babies bottom pour pigs snot dead wasps and dead bees stir and mix
 It will turn yellow and red.
 Then grate finger nails from a Dracula.
 Then put spiders on top and garlic.
 Then boil it for 14 minutes.
 Then that’s how to do a witches brew.
By Mercy Onabnajo: 21/10/11
Recipe for Witches Brew
 Pour water into cauldron. Light the fire and allow to boil.
 Throw in one frogs croak, one spine and a candle.
 Add eight bat’s wings, three pigs ears, four horse hairs and fifteen whales
 Chop up six vampire teeth and half a fibula.
 Pour a cupful of salt, a spoonful of sugar and a third of mummies feet.
 Fill a spoon with calpol and leave aside for later.
 Cut a pumpkin in half, grate a third of star points and a half of zombies
brain: hint make sure this is your third best zombie.
 Put in your calpol now along with stale bread.
 Blend a smoothie (in the smoothie add raw eggs, gone off apple apple juice
and a chopped up ruler.
 Last throw in a childs vomit (make sure the child was sick for two years)
a wasps stinger and a whole bunch of red wool (used by Ella Browne)
and serve it to your worst babysitter.
By Anna Lafford 21/10/11
Write a recipe for Witches Brew
Pour water into the cauldron. Light the fire and allow to boil.
Add ten bees stings and chop a leg of a dead body.
Then stir three times and add five frogs eyeballs and put in one snakes
Put a bugs head in the cauldron ,pour some milk in and a bucket of dust in as
After that put some orange juice and the biggest slug you ever saw in.
When that’s all done, put a big fat turkey, salvia from a zombie and lots of
mud in the cauldron.
Then put a pig’s nose in the cauldron and after that add twenty three
pumpkin’s in and that’s how you make the best witch’s brew.
By Emma McHugh 21/10/11
Write a Recipe for Witch’s Brew
 Pour water into the cauldron. Light fire and allow to boil.
 Put one human body with spiders into the cauldron.
 Mix a frog eye and cows udder in goo.
 Then grate a bats wing and add some rats tails.
 Then put 14 bottoms and 4 naughty children in.
 Add earwigs fingernails slugs and bats to get a tasty flavour.
 While the ingredients boil put a bottle of burps.
 When there is a smell of blood add a cat.
 Put a spoonful of pips in the cauldron.
 Put in 20 zombies for a tasty taste.
By Eve McCarthy 21/10/11
Recipe for Witch’s Brew
Pour water into the cauldron. Light the fire and allow to boil.
Add five bat’s and two dead bodies.
Pour 1 kg of frogs poo.
Chop up stale bread.
Fry pumpkins for two minutes.
Crack two gone off eggs.
Add half a zombies head. Hint: Make sure the zombies are silly.
Add raw rat.
Then mix it all together and put it in the cauldron for 30 minutes and then you have a
witches brew.
By Ava Mulhern:21/10/11
Recipe for Witch’s Brew
 Pour water into the cauldron. Light the fire and allow it to boil.
 Chop half of a dead body.
 Chop the rat tail and put some pig salt on it.
 Pour in some blood.
 Chop some babies bottoms and put some pig salt.
 Add in human poo with skeleton.
 Put in some pig nose and earwigs
 Get some dead S.T John of girls in 3rd class of Miss Crowley’s.
 Give it to someone you hate.
By Elizabeth Olaniyan: 21/10/11.
Write a Recipe for Witch’s Brew
 Pour water into the caldron light the fire and allow to boil.
 Ingredients one babies used nappy two slug slime five rats tails ten cows butts.
 Stir all of that and pour in some hand gel and taste .
 Chop up some heads and them in the eye balls separate.
 Heat up some used tissues in the microwave so it is runny.
 Spread egg goo on stale bread like a sandwich .
 Leave it on for 5 minutes.
 When its cooked stir and say dipody do make this a great witches brew.
 Then send it to a school called S.t John of God School.
By Grace Thompson 21/10/11
Write a recipe witch’s brew
Pour water into the cauldron Light the fire and allow to boil.
Put two half of frogeye and a baby’s bottom.
Stair it for two minutes
Pour saliva from a zombie one fingernail from an eagle.
Add log to fire boil faster
A bucket of blood from a dead body
Chop dead inserts and worms
Mix it for a half an hour
Then you have a witch’s brew
By Jana Molloy 21/10 / 11
Recipe for Witches Brew
Pour water into the cauldron. Light the fire and allow to boil.
Cut up ten worms and ten beetles put it in the blender for two
 Get three school girls lungs.
 Throw in five hens legs.
 Steal a hand full of babies toe nails.
 Chop off one head.
 Stir every thing together.
 Put mouldy cheese and gone off milk.
 Put it in the cauldron for one hour.
 Then you have a witches brew.
By Maeve Adams 21/10/11
Recipe for Witch’s Brew
 Pour water into the cauldron .Light the fire and allow to boil .
 Put half a zombies leg one ear and a dead body and some duck pooh
 First put the half zombies leg in give it a steiar
 Throw the ear in the blender and squeeze the wax out only half of the
 Next chop the dead body into a separate bowl. Put some salt and
pepper into the bowl then put the whole thing in
 Put the duck in with juice
 Leave it in the cauldron for 30 minutes and then it is a witches brew.
By Phoebe Thorpe:21/10/11