Steve Chamberlain - The University of Texas at Brownsville

Steven Paul Chamberlain
Associate Professor
The University of Texas at Brownsville
Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies
Ph.D. in Special Education, The University of Texas at Austin
M.Ed. in Special Education, The University of Texas at Austin
B.A. in English, The University of Texas at Austin
Awarded Competitive Merit
SPED 6302: Educating Children with Learning and Behavior Problems
SPED 6303: The Bilingual Child with Special Needs
SPED 6305: Measurement and Test Interpretation
SPED 6309: Diagnosing Academic Problems
EDCI 6331: Selected Topics Course: Intercultural Communication in the Classroom
EPSY 6301: Advanced Individual Differences
EPSY 6322: Learning and Behavior Theory
EPSY 6324: Applied Behavior Analysis
EPSY 6326: Functional Behavior Assessment
SPED 3390: Introduction to Exceptional Children
SPED 4302: Cognitive Development Associated with Exceptionalities
SPED 4313: Student Teaching Supervision
SPED 4320: Legal Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Educator
SPED 4330: Problems in Language and Literacy for Individuals with Special Needs
SPED 4350: Assessing Students with Learning Difficulties
SPED 4380: Classroom Approaches and Modifications for Students with Special Needs
SPED 4395: Undergraduate Practicum
Coordinated both the graduate and undergraduate programs. Graduate programs included three
separate tracks: Educational Diagnostician, Behavior Specialist, and Advanced Multidisciplinary.
During 2012, the graduate program had approximately 42 students, while the undergraduate
program had approximately 85 students. The position involved the coordination of a variety of
tasks, including program development and evaluation (the latter two years included efforts toward
NCATE accreditation); advising; recruitment, admittance, and retention; scheduling and
registration; identification and mentoring of adjuncts; comprehensive exams; state certification
preparation; and policy management.
Collaborated with special education faculty in revising and submitting 4
special education NCATE reports that were recognized by CEC.
Collaborated with special education faculty to write initial NCATE reports
for three graduate and one undergraduate programs.
Organized a graduate cohort to meet 30 miles north of Brownsville in
Harlingen, to accommodate students who live in the northern part of the
Rio Grande Valley.
Advised between 25-50 graduate students annually.
Advised between 50-100 undergraduate students annually.
Proctored benchmark exams in preparation of students taking the state
certification exam (TExES). Analyzed benchmark and TExES scores to
determine areas of weakness and prescribed a program of study to
prepare students to take or retake the exam. Conducted workshops to
prepare students as necessary.
Provided workshops to prepare graduate students for comprehensive
exams. Wrote and distributed practice questions and provided feedback
to students preparing to take their comprehensive exams.
Established graduate cohort in Harlingen.
Collaborated with other SPED faculty in planning recruitment efforts that
included recruitment nights on campus, recruitment sessions in
local school districts, and dissemination of program information via local
school district listservs.
Contacted select graduates of the UTB undergraduate program regularly
to recruit for graduate programs.
Attended professional conferences.
College & Career Readiness Initiative. Attended five meetings across the
state of Texas.
Texas Literature Initiative Trainer for ELL Module. Austin, TX.
2011, Sept. 28-30
Field-based Coursework. Monarch Institute. Chicago, Illinois.
Helped coordinate and attended Team Based Learning workshop by
Michael Sweet of the Center for Teaching and Learning at U.T. Austin.
UTB/TSC. Brownsville, TX.
2009, May 18-29
Power of 2 Training. Center for Teaching and Excellence. Focused on
collaborative efforts to improve instruction across the university.
UTB/TSC. Brownsville, TX
2007, May 18-20
Aiming for Excellence in Mathematics Teacher Preparation. College
Station, TX.
Texas Higher Education Collaborative. Attended seven meetings across
the state of Texas, many of which focused on teaching literacy for
struggling students.
2002, January 25
Attended Constructing Teacher Excellence: Towards an Effective
Educational Reform Teacher. U.T. Pan-American. Coordinated by
Henry Trueba. Presenters were a think tank of nationally recognized
educators. Edinburgh, TX.
2000, June
Alliance Grant Writing Workshop. Two-day workshop on grant writing,
specifically for personnel preparation OSEP grants. Presented by Doug
Palmer and Cindy Cantou Clarke. El Paso, TX.
Book Chapters
Chamberlain, S. P. (in review). An evolutionary (lifetime) process of coming to understand
diversity in schools and society. In F. Obiakor, J. Bakken, T. Rotatori, and B. Algozzine
(Eds), White Voices in Multicultural Education: How They Came to Be. NOVA: Science
Publishers Inc.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2008). Effective practices for students with disabilities in inclusive
classrooms. In Y. Freeman, D. Freeman, & R. Ramirez (Eds), Meeting the Needs of
Diverse Learners. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann.
Bryant, B., Rivera, D., Chamberlain, S. (1999). Age, gender, and cultural influence on adaptive
behavior performance. In R. Schalock (Ed.), Adaptive behavior and its measurement:
Implications for the field of mental retardation (pp. 141-160). Washington D.C.: American
Association on Mental Retardation.
Journal Articles
Chamberlain, S. P. (in press). An interview with Virginia Brown: A dynamo with diverse interests.
Intervention in School and Clinic.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2013). An interview with Gerald Wallace: Reflections and perspectives on the
field of Learning Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 48(3), 184-189.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2011). An interview with Barbara Keogh: Observations of her career and the
role of context in understanding children with disabilities. Intervention in School and
Clinic, 47(1), 56-61.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2010). An interview with Tom Lovitt: Reflections on a career and the
field of Learning Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 46(1), 54-59.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2010). An interview with Don Hammill: A personal perspective on
the field of learning disabilities, 3-tier, and RTI. Intervention in School and Clinic, 45(5),
Chamberlain, S. P. (2009). An interview with Diane Bryant and Manuel Barrera: The role of
the special educator in Response-to-Intervention. Intervention in School and Clinic,
45(1), 72-79.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2007). An Interview with Shernaz García and Donna Sobel: Preparing
“highly qualified” teachers for increasingly diverse schools. Intervention in School and
Clinic, 42(5), 310-317.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2006). An interview with Don Deshler: Perspectives on teaching students
with LD. Intervention in School and Clinic, 41(5), 302-306.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2006). An interview with Alfredo Artiles and Beth Harry: Issues of
overrepresentation and educational equity for culturally and linguistically diverse
students, Part 2. Intervention in School and Clinic, 41(4), 228-232.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2006). An interview with Sharon Vaughn: The state of reading research and
instruction for struggling readers. Intervention in School and Clinic, 41(3), 169-174.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2005). An interview with Alfredo Artiles and Beth Harry: Issues of
overrepresentation and educational equity for culturally and linguistically diverse
students, Part 1. Intervention in School and Clinic, 41(2), 110-113.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2005). Recognizing and responding to cultural differences in the
education of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Intervention in School and
Clinic, 40(4), 195-211.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2005). An interview with Kathy Fad and Jim Patton: A practical
perspective on functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans.
Intervention in School and Clinic, 40(3), 161-170.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2004). An interview with Dr. Asa G. Hilliard, III, and Dr. Alba A. Ortiz on
the effects of the “No Child Left Behind Act” on diverse learners in special education.
Intervention in School and Clinic, 40(2), 96-105.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2003). An interview with Susan Conners: An educator’s observations about
living with and educating others about Tourette’s Syndrome, Intervention in School and
Clinic, 39(2), 99-108.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2003). An interview with Monica Brown, Tony Bright, and José “Pete”
Montoya: Perspectives on adolescent alienation. Intervention in School and Clinic, 39(1),
Chamberlain, S. P. (2003). An Interview with Evelyn Polk Green and Perry Green:
Experiences with ADHD. Intervention in School and Clinic, 38(5), 297-306.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2003). An Interview with Susan Limber and Sylvia Cedillo: Responding to
bullying. Intervention in School and Clinic, 38(4), 236-242.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2000, Fall). Successful European American special education teachers’
perspectives about teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students with mild
disabilities. Published as a research brief in the Council for Exceptional Children Division
for Diverse Exceptional Learners (DDEL) Newsletter.
Chamberlain, S. P., Guerra, P. L., Garcia, S. B. (1999). Intercultural communication in the
classroom. (ERIC Document: 432573). Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development
Wiederholt, J. L., & Chamberlain, S. P. (1989). A critical analysis of resource programs. Remedial
and Special Education, 10(6), 15–37.
Barrera, M., Liu, K., Thurlow, M., Shyyan V., Yan, M., & Chamberlain, S. (2006). Math strategy
instruction for students with disabilities who are learning English (ELLs with Disabilities
Report 16). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational
Barrera, M., Liu, K., Thurlow, M., & Chamberlain, S. (2006). Use of chunking and
questioning aloud to improve the reading comprehension of English language
learners with disabilities (ELLs with Disabilities Report 17). Minneapolis, MN:
University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes.
Curriculum Development
College & Career Readiness Initiative (CCRI) (English Language Arts) Lesson Plans (2011).
Developed four lesson plans integrating CCRI standards with the following topics:
chunking and summarizing, graphic organizers, think aloud strategies, and story
Texas Teach for Tomorrow (ACP) Special Education Modules (2010). Developed 3 Modules (one
for each of three courses) containing 17 Lessons and Resource Guides (with a total of 40
PowerPoint presentations) for the Teach Through Technology (TTT) grant, an online
ACP program offered by UTB.
Textbook Supplements
Chamberlain, S. P. (2007). Companion Website and chapter Power Point presentations
for Assessing learners with special needs: An applied approach (6th ed.) (Author:
Terry Overton), Allyn & Bacon.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2007). Test Bank for Teaching Students With Special Needs in Inclusive
Classrooms (Authors: Diane Pedrotty Bryant, Deborah D. Smith, and Brian R. Bryant),
Allyn & Bacon.
Contributed entries to Autism spectrum disorders: A handbook for parents and
professionals, an encyclopedia for ASD. Edited by Brenda Smith Myles, Terri
Cooper Swanson, Jeanne Holverstott, and Megan Moore Duncan. Westport, CT:
Chamberlain, S. P. (2012, October). Special educators’ perspectives about prereferral and
Identification practices over 10 years (poster). Council for Learning Disabilities 34th
International Conference. Austin, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P., & Curtis, M. (2012, June). Faculty collaboration utilizing team-based learning
in an undergraduate practicum (poster). Texas Council for Exceptional Children. San
Antonio, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2012, April). Special educators’ perspectives about prereferral and
identification practices over 10 years. The Council for Exceptional Children Annual
Convention and Expo. Denver, CO.
Chamberlain, S. P., Shefelbine, J., & García, J. H. (2011, October 28). NCLB impact on
referral/identification practices in one border community. Council for Learning Disabilities
33rd International Conference. Austin, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2011, October 27). Integrating College and Career Readiness Standards in
One College Course (poster). Council for Learning Disabilities 33rd International
Conference. Austin, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P., Shefelbine, J., & García, J. H. (2011, June). Perspectives of
Individualized Education Program Team Members about Referral and Identification
Processes. Texas Council for Exceptional Children. San Antonio, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2011, April 26). Perspectives of Different IEP Team Members about
Referral and Identification Processes. The Council for Exceptional Children Annual
Convention and Expo. National Harbor, MD.
Chamberlain, S. P., & García, J. H. (2011, March 25).Learning Disabilities Referral and
Identification Patterns in One Border Community since NCLB. UTB Research
Symposium. Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2009). (Over)referral and (over)identification in one border community.
XVI Annual Binational Conference of Education. Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P., & Campbell, K. (2009). Cognitive Strategy Routine. The Higher Education
Collaborative Seminar. Dallas, TX
Chamberlain, S. P. (2009). (Over)referral and (over)identification in one border community. The
Council for Learning Disabilities International Conference. Dallas, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P., & García, J. H. (2009). (Over)referral and (over)identification in one border
community. The Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention and Expo. Seattle,
Smith, P., Chamberlain, S., García, J. H., Sutterby, J. A. (2008, March 26). Sushi in
Matamoros: Social Discourse In and Out of the Academy. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American educational Research Association. New York.
García, J., Sutterby, J., Chamberlain, S., & Smith, P. (2008, March). Would you like your
kid coming to a ghetto school like this?: Words and power on the Frontera. Paper
presented at the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies annual
meeting. Austin, TX.
Sutterby, J. S., Chamberlain, S., & García, J. (2008, Feb. 29). Shared perspectives on teaching
the incorporation of social justice in the classroom. National Association for Chicana and
Chicano Studies Tejas Regional Conference. McAllen, Texas.
Chamberlain, S., & García, J. (2007, Oct. 13). (Over)referral and (over) identification in one
Border community. Council for Learning Disabilities Annual Conference. Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina.
Curtis, M., & Chamberlain, S. (2007, Oct. 13). Recognizing early indicators of learning
disabilities in the early childhood classroom: Common characteristics and useful
strategies. Council for Learning Disabilities Annual Conference. Myrtle Beach, South
Curtis, M., & Chamberlain, S. (2007, July 21). Recognizing early indicators of learning
disabilities in the early childhood classroom : Common characteristics and useful
strategies. Rio Grande Valley Early Childhood Conference. Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S., & Curtis, M. (2007, June 23). Recognizing early indicators of learning
disabilities in the early childhood classroom: Common characteristics and useful
strategies. Texas Council for Exceptional Children. Houston, TX.
Chamberlain, S. (2007, June 23). Nondiscriminatory assessment practices for L2 learners
suspected of having learning disabilities. Texas Council for Exceptional
Children. Houston, TX.
Chamberlain, S., & García, J. (2007, April 13). (Over)referral and (over)identification in one
border community. 9th Annual UTB/TSC Research Symposium. Brownsville, TX.
Sutterby, J., Garcia, J. H., Chamberlain, S., Smith, P., & Noboa, J. (2007). Sushi in Matamoros:
Creating safe discourse away from the academy. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies. San Jose, CA.
Chamberlain, S. (2007, March 3). Nondiscriminatory assessment practices for L2 learners
suspected of having learning disabilities. UTB School of Education Anniversary
Conference. Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S. (2006, October 28). Nondiscriminatory assessment practices for L2 learners
suspected of having learning disabilities. XIII Annual Binational Conference of Education.
H. Matamoros, Taumaulipas.
Sutterby, J., García, J. H., & Chamberlain, S. P. (2006, June). Shared perspectives on teaching
the incorporation of social justice in the classroom. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies, Guadalajara,
Jalisco, Mexico.
Chamberlain, S., & García, J. (2005, April 12). (Over)referral and (over)identification in an era of
high stakes testing. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada.
Mask, P., & Chamberlain, S. (2005, February 19). Higher education’s support and
accommodations. The BISD Special Services/Dyslexia Department and UTB/TSC
School of Education Seventh Annual Conference for Parents of Students with Special
Needs. UTB Campus. Brownsville, TX.
Barrera, M., Chamberlain, S. P., & Jiménez, K. (2004, April 15). Toward a curriculum-based and
dynamic assessment process for identification and instruction of new or second language
learners with learning disabilities in secondary education settings. Paper presented at
the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Chamberlain, S., & García, J. (2004, February 5). (Over)referral) and (over)identification for
special education in the face of high stakes testing. The 33rd Annual International
Bilingual/Multicultural Education Conference of the National Association of Bilingual
Education. Albuquerque, NM.
Chamberlain, S., & García, J. (2003, November 8). Teacher attributions of special
education students’ learning difficulties in one border community. National
Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies state of Texas conference.
UTB/TSC campus. Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S., & García, J. (2003, April 21). Teacher attributions of special education
students’ learning difficulties in one border community. Paper presented at the American
Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Chamberlain, S., & García, J. (2003, April 10). Teacher attributions of special education
students’ learning difficulties in one border community. The Council for Exceptional
Children 2003 Annual Convention and Expo. Seattle, WA.
Barrera, M., Chamberlain, S., & Jiménez, K. (2003, April 10). Using curriculum-based dynamic
assessment to differentiate learning disabilities from second language learning
characteristics. The Council for Exceptional Children 2003 Annual Convention and Expo.
Seattle, WA.
Chamberlain, S., & García, J. (2003, January 31). Teacher attributions of special education
students’ learning difficulties in one border community. The 32nd Annual International
Bilingual/Multicultural Education Conference of the National Association of Bilingual
Education. New Orleans, LA.
Barrera, M., & Chamberlain, S. (2003, February 1). Using curriculum-based dynamic assessment
to differentiate learning disabilities from second language learning characteristics. The
32nd Annual International Bilingual/Multicultural Education Conference of the National
Association of Bilingual Education. New Orleans, LA.
Chamberlain, S. (2002, June 7). Behavior Management: The Influence of Culture on
Teacher/Student Interactions. Texas Council for Exceptional Children 22nd Annual
Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Chamberlain, S. (2002, April 27). Paraprofessional Panel. With Veronica Galvan-Carlan, Nidia
Ruth Soto, and Irma de Leon. Participant in a panel discussion on professionals’
experiences as public school paraprofessionals. Futures in Quality Education Workforce,
Department of Labor, Paraprofessional Conference. South Padre Island, TX.
Chamberlain, S., & Hausman, R. (2002, April 19). Brain-Based Learning. The Teaching,
Learning, and Literacy Conference. South Padre Island, TX.
Hausman, R. M., Chamberlain, S., & Fultner, D. (2002, April 19). Using Innovative Technology.
The Teaching, Learning, and Literacy Conference. South Padre Island, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2002, April 13). Cultural Influences in Service Provision for Infants and
Young Children with Disabilities. The Brownsville Association for the Education of Young
Children Annual Conference. Brownsville, TX.
Hausman, R. M., & Chamberlain, S. (2002, April 4). Project DEED: Distance Education for
(Bilingual) Education Diagnosticians: Terminal Year Results. The Council for Exceptional
Children 2002 Annual Convention and Expo. New York, NY.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2001, November). Recognizing the Influence of Culture in the Classroom.
The National Association for Multicultural Education Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Chamberlain, S. P., & Hausman, R. (2001, October). Brain-Based Learning. The San Benito
CISD Sixth Annual District-wide Parent Conference. San Benito, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2001, April). Successful European American Special Education Teachers’
Perspectives about Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with
Disabilities. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual
Meeting. Seattle, WA.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2001, February). Successful European American Special Education
Teachers’ Perspectives about Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
Students with Disabilities. National Association of Bilingual Educators Annual
Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2000, December). Schools as Community. Discussion leader with
Jaime García. From Corporations to Communities: Schools in the 21st Century.
Thomas Sergiovanni Keynote Speaker. UTB campus. Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2000, October). Successful European American Special Educators’
Perspectives about Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with
Disabilities. 2000 Symposium on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
Exceptional Learners. The Council for Exceptional Children and the Division for
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners. Albuquerque, NM.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2000, October). Accommodating Multiple Perspectives in the
Classroom: Bridging Theory into Practice. Organizing for Diversity Project, The
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory. Co-presenter with Shernaz
García and Barbara Dray. 2000 Symposium on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
Exceptional Learners. The Council for Exceptional Children and the Division for Culturally
and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners. Albuquerque, NM.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2000, April). Successful European American Special Education Teachers’
Perspectives about Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Mild
Disabilities. The Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention and Expo.
Vancouver, British Columbia.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2000, April). Attention Deficit Disorder with/without Hyperactivity. The
Brownsville Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference.
Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2000, March). Successful European American Special Education Teachers’
Perspectives about Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Mild
Disabilities. The Texas Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference. Austin, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2000, January). Getting Underway: Insights from New Faculty Members.
With Allison Abell. UTB Inservice. Great Ideas for Teaching Students:Teaching/Learning
Series. Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (1999, November). Successful European American Special Education
Teachers’ Perspectives about Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
with Mild Disabilities. Binational Educational Conference. Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P., et al. (2013). Best practices in reading instruction for English language
learners. Texas Literacy Institute. Dallas, TX, and San Antonio, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P., et al. (2013). Vocabulary and oral language development. Texas Literacy
Institute. Dallas, TX, and San Antonio, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P., & Bustamante, T. (2012). Bridges to Literacy for English Language Learners:
Phonological Awareness and Phonics. Texas Reading Initiative. Dallas, TX and Houston,
Ward, H., & Chamberlain, S. (2012, May). Beginning to understand your student with special
needs: Helping Students with ADHD and Responding to Bullying Behavior. Workshop
presented at San Benito CISD.
Cardenas-Hagan, E., & Chamberlain, S. P. (2011). Bridges to Literacy for English Language
Learners: Phonological Awareness and Phonics. Texas Reading Initiative. Dallas, TX and
Houston, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2011, June). The ELPS (English Language Proficiency Standards): A
Quick Overview. College and Career Readiness Initiative (English/Language Arts).
Dallas, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2011, Jan. 13). Team-based Learning. Center for Teaching and Learning.
Brownsville, TX.
Cardenas-Hagan, E., Chamberlain, S. P., & Nieser, K., & (2010). Bridges to Literacy
for English Language Learners: Phonological Awareness and Phonics. Texas
Reading First Summer Institute. Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, & Galveston, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2010, May 22). Response to intervention (RTI), evidence-based
instruction, and curriculum-based measures (CBM). Teach Through Technology.
Brownsville, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P., & Campbell, K. (2009). Cognitive Strategy Routine. The Higher
Education Collaborative Seminar. Dallas, TX
Chamberlain, S. P., & Garza, R. (2009, August 10-12). Best practices in reading instruction for
English Language Learners. Texas Reading 1st Reading Institute. Galveston, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P., & Garza, R. (2009, August 10-12). Cognitive strategies instruction. Texas
Reading 1st Reading Institute. Galveston, TX.
Chamberlain, S. P. (2009, Jan. 5). Early indicators of potential reading and learning difficulties in
the early childhood classroom. IDEA Public Schools. Donna, TX.
Overton, T., & Chamberlain, S. (2008). School-wide Positive Behavioral Support systems.
Presented to Ben Bright Elementary.
Ayala, J., & Chamberlain, S. (2007, May 23). Summary of best practices in reading instruction for
English language learners. Higher Education Collaborative Workshops. Austin, TX.
Curtis, M., & Chamberlain, S. (2006, November 17). Recognizing early indicators of learning
disabilities in the early childhood classroom : Common characteristics and useful
strategies. Training for UTB Early Childhood Grant Supervisors.
2012, fall
2013 (since 2002)
2013 (since 2002)
2013 (since 2007)
2012 (since 2006)
2012 (since 2010)
2009 (since 2002)
2009, 2007, 2005
2013 (since 2001)
2013 (since 2001)
Vice-President Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD) (elected position)
Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Chair, for DDEL (Division for
Diverse Exceptional Learners; Council for Exceptional Children)
(appointed position)
Secretary for DDEL (elected position)
Multiple Voices (DDEL journal) Editor Selection Committee
Treasurer for CLD (Council for Learning Disabilities) (appointed as
CLD Finance Committee—Chair (appointed position)
Reviewer of CEC conference proposals
Associate Editor. Intervention in School and Clinic.
Editorial Board. Intervention in School and Clinic. (reviewed
approximately four articles annually)
Editorial Board. Multiple Voices. (reviewed approximately two articles
Council for Learning Disabilities Communications Committee member
College and Career Readiness Initiative (English/Language Arts)
Advisory Board (State of Texas committee). The CCRI was a state-level
initiative designed to set standards for college readiness and to
disseminate those standards to various stakeholders.
External Tenure Reviews—conducted two reviews for universities
outside of Texas
Texas Reading First Higher Education Collaborative member. The HEC
was a state-level initiative designed to bring higher education
instructors together for the purpose of promoting and disseminating
scientifically based research on reading.
Peer evaluator for the Texas Higher Education Collaborative.
Guest Reviewer for Presenting School Failure.
Guest Reviewer for Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice
Publications Chair. Texas Council for Exceptional Children.
Board Member. Texas Council for Exceptional Children.
Faculty Advisor for the UTB chapter of the Student Council for
Exceptional Children.
TCEC Conference Program Selections Committee Chair. Texas Council
for Exceptional Children.
Education Work Group (UTB/UTPA Consolidation)—provost appointed
Disability Services Advisory Board
Accessibility Awareness Week Committee
Graduate Program Review Committee—provost appointed
Tenure and Promotion Committee—VPAA appointed (review/revision of
University/HOP policy)
First Year Seminar Advisory Board
First Year Seminar Evaluation Committee
Disability Services Program Review Committee
Graduate school representative for Master’s thesis defense.
Alcohol and Drug Task Force
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Academic Senate
Recruitment subcommittee of the Enrollment Planning Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Human Subjects Research Review Committee
2012 (since 2002)
2012 (since 2007)
2010, March 24
2005, February 19
2003, December 13
Distinguished Lecture Series Committee—Chair 2012—Guest speaker
Alfredo Artiles.
Graduate Curriculum Committee—Chair
NCATE Standard 1 (Curriculum) Committee
Celebrations and Condolences (ad hoc) Committee—Co-chair
Faculty Handbook Personnel Action Guidelines Committee
School of Education Dean’s Search Committee—Chair
Personnel Committee (Chair for 2006-2008)
UTB Anniversary Committee
Binational Committee—compiled conference evaluation data
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee—Chair
Search Committee for the Dean of the School of Education
Futures in Quality Education Advisory Committee. U.S. Department of
Labor Grant
School of Education K-4/ESL New Certificate Committee
School of Education Alternative Certification Program ExCET Committee
School of Education Scholarship Committee
Special Education Program Coordinator
Graduate Curriculum Committee—Chair
Special Education Search Committee—Chair
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Enrollment Management Committee—Chair
Personnel Committee—Chair
Special Education Search Committee—Chair
Mission Statement Committee
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee—Chair
Special Education Search Committee—Chair
Educational Leadership Faculty Search Committee
Counseling and Guidance Faculty Search Committee
Department of School Specialties Early Childhood Education Faculty
Search Committee
Faculty Search Committee—Educational Leadership—Chair
Alfredo Artiles meeting—Facilitated meeting with RGV special education
and bilingual education directors with Dr. Alfredo Articles on the topic of
disproportionate representation.
Filemon Vela meeting—Facilitated meeting with UTB special education
faculty and Filemon Vela, candidate (later elected) for U.S. House of
Representatives, to discuss legislative initiatives for students with
Special Services Committee (BISD School Board appointed)
Volunteer at Sharp Elementary
BANSA (Brownsville Association of Non-public Schools
Academics) Science Fair—judge
Committee member for the BISD Special Services/Dyslexia
Department and UTB/TSC School of Education seventh annual
conference for parents of students with special needs. UTB Campus.
Brownsville, TX.
Co-coordinator for the sixth annual BISD Special Services and UTB
School of Education Parent Conference, for parents of children with
disabilities. UTB Campus. Brownsville, TX.
2002, November 2
2002, March 19-20
2001, December
2001, November 3
Co-coordinator for the fifth annual BISD Special Services and UTB
School of Education Parent Conference, for parents of children with
disabilities. UTB Campus. Brownsville, TX.
SACS accreditation team member for Cummings Middle School,
Brownsville, I.S.D.
Met with Brownsville ISD special education and bilingual education
personnel to discuss potential models of bilingual special education for
their school district.
Co-coordinator for the fourth annual BISD Special Services and UTB
School of Education Parent Conference, for parents of children with
disabilities. UTB Campus. Brownsville, TX.
Committee Member for the Texas Early Childhood Intervention New
Scripts Project.
Board Member and consultant for Eagle Charter School. Brownsville,
The Council for Exceptional Children
The Texas Council for Exceptional Children
The American Educational Research Association
The Council for Learning Disabilities
The National Association for Bilingual Education
The National Association for Multicultural Education
The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development