January 20-24, 2014 Day/Date What’s Due Today: Homework: Grade 8 Science HW Mon-01/20 Tues-01/21 Wed-01/22 Thur-01/23 Completed 4.4 Guided Reading ws Complete 4.4 Guided Reading ws Study for Quiz Tuesday 1/28: 4.1 Mirrors & 4.2 Lenses Read + Notes 4.2 pp 119-123 Read + notes 4.4 pp 131-138 Define terms/study for WEEK #2 Voc Quiz- Wedn. (5 WORDS) Define terms/study for WEEK #2 Voc Quiz- Wedn. (5 WORDS) Define terms/study for Define terms/study for WEEK #3 Voc Quiz- WEEK #3 Voc Quiz-next next Wedn. (5 WORDS) Wedn. (5 WORDS) Define terms/study for WEEK #3 Voc Quiz-next Wedn. (5 WORDS) iPod= “Inquiry Problem of the Day” iPod= “Inquiry Problem of the Day” iPod= “Inquiry Problem of the Day” iPod= “Inquiry Problem of the Day” iPod= “Inquiry Problem of the Day” UNIT PRE-ASSESSMENT Week #2 OAA Vocab Intervention Quiz -Notes 4.4 -Optical Technology Used Today Review 4.4 Guided Reading ws NO SCHOOL! Vocabulary Intervention HOMEWORK Plan for the DAY… Fri-02/24 NO SCHOOL! *Introduce Ch 4: Read together 4.1 (pp 110-117) Review Notes 4.1-Mirrors and reflection -how mirrors form images -concave & convex mirrors Demonstrate using actual mirrors Review 4.1 & 4.2 NOTES: 4.2 PPT -Refraction of Light -Concave & convex lenses -Images formed by lenses -Demo use of lenses & mirrors Complete 4.4 Guided Reading ws Demo/Prep/LabMirrors and Lenses Begin Lab-Mirrors and Lenses Discovery Education Looking Ahead: *** SHEEP EYE DISSECTION will be next week!!! FYI…DISSECTION LAB INFORMATION FOR NEXT WEEK: If you choose to bring in LATEX FREE surgical gloves for dissection next week, you can…although they are not necessary! THE PACKAGING MUST BE INTACT AND CLEARLY STATE THAT THEY ARE LATEX-FREE!!!! Gloves will not be provided in class. January 20-24, 2014 Grade 8 Science HW IMPORTANT NEWS Other REMINDER: “TOGETHER ON TUESDAY” WILL BE DURING THE 1st Information: Other Information: HALF OF 5th PERIOD ON TUESDAY 01/29 Starting this year [2013], we will be taking Vocabulary Intervention Quizzes every Wednesday starting January 23 (the first week of the Second Semester) to refresh and review our vocabulary to prepare for the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA) in April. The words will be given to you in advance and posted to my web page. A glossary of terms will be provided to you in class to define the terms, however the glossary of terms will not be posted online. Quizzes #1 and #2 will consist of 5 words and starting in week #3 and so on, there will be 10 terms…5 new and any random 5 from previous weeks, so you should have a plan to constantly review the words and definitions. I would suggest making flash cards and keep adding to the pile! At the end of 15 weeks we will have reviewed 75 science terms, some of which are not in the 8th grade curriculum but often seen on the test. This grade will be averaged in with your science grade and identified as “Vocabulary Intervention Quizzes” on Infinite Campus.