Options for Light Processing and Value Chain Developments in North Dakota’s Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Economy Prepared for: FARRMS – Medina, ND By: Tyler Demars Rachel Brazil Common Enterprise Development Corporation—Mandan, ND 2015 i Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... III INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 MARKET ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................................ 2 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 CURRENT MARKET ACCESS ................................................................................................................................................... 5 MARKET ACCESS BY REGION................................................................................................................................................. 6 Northwest ....................................................................................................................................................................................6 Southwest ....................................................................................................................................................................................6 South Central .............................................................................................................................................................................7 EXPANDING MARKET ACCESS ........................................................................................................................... 7 PRODUCTION POTENTIAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 ADDRESSING PRODUCER NEEDS ........................................................................................................................................ 10 INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN NORTH DAKOTA ............................................................................... 11 CASE STUDY: EMERGING FOOD HUB— ANAMOOSE, ND .............................................................................................. 12 CASE STUDY: MULTI-FARM COLLABORATION— ROLETTE, ND .................................................................................. 14 OPTIONS FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 16 REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS......................................................................................................................................... 16 WASH-PACK FACILITIES ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 On Farm Wash Station ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 Wash & Pack Shed ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Wash & Pack Operation ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Shared Use Kitchens ............................................................................................................................................................ 20 Storage....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 LIGHT PROCESSING COMMERCIAL KITCHEN .................................................................................................................... 21 Contract Processing ............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Canning ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Freezing..................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Equipment and Cost for Light Processing Commercial Kitchen ..................................................................... 22 AGGREGATION CENTERS ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 DISTRIBUTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25 CONCLUSION: MOVING FORWARD................................................................................................................ 26 WORKS CITED ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 APPENDIX I: DETERMINING VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT SCALE .................................................. 30 APPENDIX II: PRODUCTION NODE ASSESSMENT..................................................................................... 31 ii Acknowledgements Common Enterprise Development Corporation (CEDC) prepared this document for FARRMS, a recognized leader in local foods education and advocacy. The work was completed by Tyler Demars and Rachel Brazil and was funded by USDA Rural Development Rural Business Opportunity Grant. The amount of time spent on this project now yields a collection of tools and perspectives to facilitate actions to grow a sustainably rural local food economy. While we struggled to find a reasonable starting point, we hope the users of this report will find a solid foundation. This work would have not been possible without the ongoing conversations between CEDC and FARRMS as we sorted through the complexities of local food economies and the nuances of the rural characteristics of North Dakota communities. During these discussions, we were grateful to receive the input Ken Meter of Crossroads provided in regards to the project. His advice and suggestions directed us to his studies in South Carolina, leading us to the concept of production nodes and helped gain perspective to the complexities surrounding a local food system. This quote of Meter’s seems to say it all. "Transitioning from a situation in which little food is produced for local markets to one in which production is ample requires a difficult balancing act. At each step of the way, supply and demand must be balanced" (Meter 2013). This call for balance also applies to those facilitating the development process as we learn to balance scope and perspective between the larger demand and the needs and abilities of producers. It is the producers, big and small, who deserve special thanks. The producers who took the time to complete the survey helped us to understand the current production trends. Those who engaged in further discussions, Janel Anderson, Annie Carlson, Keith Knudson, Joanna Larson, Kimberly and Doug Lemieux, Apryl Lunde, Alyce Ann and Roger Lunde, Holly Mawby, Lindsay Ostlie, Julia and Mirek Petrovic, Kari Stroh, and Nicholas Traumbauer, each provided insight to an array of producer needs and values. What we hope we offer here are tools for producers, economic developers, small business counselors, and food entrepreneurs to take the steps needed to grow a thriving local food economy in the rural towns and urban centers throughout North Dakota. iii Introduction For so long, the idea of agriculture in North Dakota has been dominated by images of expansive fields of wheat, corn, flax, or sunflowers and busy farmers working long days with large and expensive equipment. Likewise, the idea of North Dakota grown food has been limited to the notion of commodities that make their way into our pasta, cereals, and other pantry staples. In the shadow of this common image resides another kind of farmer and another kind of food. Fruit and vegetable farmers are working the same long hours, but with smaller equipment. They rely on high tunnels and greenhouses to extend the short growing season. They grow tomatoes, peppers, greens, squash, melons, berries, and much more to sell at Farmers Markets or distribute through community supported agriculture (CSA). These farmers consist of young families, retired couples, and ambitious individuals. They have often have limited resources for developing their farm business and rely on off-farm income to provide a living. Yet these producers have a great dedication to their industry and an unrelenting enthusiasm to grow. This project considers the potential for the development of fruit and vegetable industry infrastructure such as light processing facilities. Light processing facilities can consist of various components including wash-pack facilities, storage capabilities, and aggregation or distribution services. With access to such infrastructure, producers could meet processing requirements, maintain food safety standards, and have the means to build strategic partnerships to venture outside of direct-to-consumer sales and reach food service and retail buyers. Anthony Flaccavento of Appalachian Sustainable Development defines a value chain as, “A supply chain that is designed to link supply with markets efficiently, but to do so while promoting certain core values, including equity and fair pay, ecological sustainability, community capacity, and health and food access” (Flaccavento 2009). 1 Flaccavento prepared a toolkit for value chain development for the Central Appalachian Network, which offers a flexible framework for this report. The list of adapted questions can be found in Appendix I. The points of discussion he generates help to determine an appropriate scale and starting point for value chain development including market assessment, production capacity, expanding market access, and identifying the need for existing and potential infrastructure. In the market analysis section, we quantify the market potential and present the information by county and present a finding of $40.2 million per year as a potential market for locally produced fruit and vegetables throughout the state. We also examine the current producer access to markets. In the following section, we explore market expansion opportunities and discuss the role of market partners in building value chains and also consider the needs and potential of current producers. In the Innovative Developments section, we apply the concept of food production nodes as we present case studies of small clusters of producers who are seeking to enhance their role in the supply chain. We then offer an overview of the options for infrastructure development including potential costs and benefits of wash-pack facilities, commercial kitchens, aggregation facilities, and distribution options. Market Analysis Drivers of the growing trend in the consumption of locally produced foods often include consumer desire to understand the story behind their food, promote sustainability, and support local small businesses. Throughout North Dakota, consumer demand for local food has influenced an increased the prominence of fruit and vegetable producers, farmers markets, and community support agriculture. Quantifying the market potential for locally grown fruits and vegetables in North Dakota encourages additional opportunity for growth in the industry by providing insight for producers looking to scale up and organizations looking to support value chain development. 2 Methodology We quantified the potential market for locally grown fruits and vegetables in North Dakota by utilizing demographic data to generate a per capita local produce value perception score to each county in North Dakota. The four demographic indicators of household income, education level, age, and household size influence national per capita consumer demand for fresh produce. According to the Food Institute’s 2011 Demographics of Consumer Spending Report, the national average of annual household expenditures on fresh produce was $429 in 2009. Households earning over $70,000 annually spent $520 per year on fresh produce while households earning over $100,000 annually spent $712 per year. Economist Roberta Cook from University of California- Davis explains, “The economic power of higher income households has driven growth in chains such as Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and Costco, and has likely contributed to a greater emphasis on quality in fresh produce departments among conventional retail chains.” Annual fresh produce consumption in households with members with a Bachelor degree was $521, compared to $369 for households whose members have not attended college. For households with members with postgraduate degrees, annual fresh produce spending increases to $641. Households headed by persons aged 35-44 spent $478 annually on fresh produce, and households headed by persons aged 45-54 spent $496 annually. Combined, these households headed by persons ages 35-54 make up 39% of all households and purchase 45% of all fresh produce. Interestingly, fresh produce per capita spending positively correlates to smaller household size as well. In 2009, per capita fresh produce spending in a four-person household was $136 compared to $227 for single-person households (Cook 2011). Results These indicators for North Dakota counties projected an estimated total market for locally produced fruits and vegetables of over $40.2 million.Data for each county is listed below and can be used by readers to assess the market potential for their specific regions and trade areas. 3 Estimated Market for Locally Produced Fruit and Vegetables Number Median HH Total Food Fruits & Vegetable Households Income (2012) Spending Spending Adams Barnes Benson Billings Bottineau Bowman Burke Burleigh Cass Cavalier Dickey Divide Dunn Eddy Emmons Foster Golden Valley Grand Forks Grant Griggs Hettinger Kidder LaMoure Logan McHenry McIntosh McKenzie McLean Mercer Morton Mountrail Nelson Oliver Pembina Pierce Ramsey Ransom Renville Richland Rollette Sargent Sheridan Sioux Slope Stark Steel Stutsman Towner Trail Walsh Ward Wells Williams 1,101 4,871 2,291 350 3,028 1,354 1,007 34,703 65,816 1,754 2,178 1,035 1,438 1,104 1,634 1,555 754 27,465 1,113 1,149 1,097 1,146 1,955 827 2,573 1,308 2,666 4,021 3,650 11,416 3,069 1,540 753 3,328 1,983 4,826 2,283 1,041 6,614 4,750 1,741 614 1,116 296 10,439 890 8,873 1,034 1,406 4,948 25,173 1,949 10,411 $45,829 $50,274 $36,435 $65,346 $50,756 $56,238 $53,693 $64,811 $52,590 $56,685 $47,359 $55,057 $62,424 $42,908 $38,477 $50,677 $44,583 $46,745 $38,524 $45,542 $48,179 $50,000 $53,691 $49,076 $44,266 $36,066 $67,995 $52,584 $64,477 $54,909 $59,583 $46,292 $71,250 $49,846 $43,499 $50,457 $49,788 $55,232 $53,759 $36,158 $53,381 $39,505 $31,337 $52,645 $63,886 $55,735 $50,120 $52,033 $48,767 $48,592 $56,647 $48,422 $76,210 $10,629,440 $50,399,760 $30,974,008 $3,936,496 $30,338,944 $14,475,856 $10,386,224 $398,410,328 $733,381,816 $17,547,584 $23,636,992 $10,422,256 $18,745,648 $10,827,616 $15,700,944 $15,160,464 $8,210,792 $311,582,216 $10,706,008 $10,341,184 $11,980,640 $10,935,712 $18,763,664 $8,764,784 $26,672,688 $12,404,016 $41,950,256 $42,864,568 $38,698,368 $130,570,960 $42,229,504 $13,939,880 $8,440,496 $32,343,224 $20,047,304 $52,039,216 $24,844,064 $11,746,432 $73,590,856 $65,677,328 $17,520,560 $5,873,216 $19,952,720 $3,427,544 $127,066,848 $8,827,840 $95,124,480 $10,435,768 $14,890,224 $50,012,416 $306,226,960 $18,943,824 $133,295,880 4 $385,350 $1,704,850 $801,850 $122,500 $1,059,800 $473,900 $352,450 $12,146,050 $23,035,600 $613,900 $762,300 $362,250 $503,300 $386,400 $571,900 $544,250 $263,900 $9,612,750 $389,550 $402,150 $383,950 $401,100 $684,250 $289,450 $900,550 $457,800 $933,100 $1,407,350 $1,277,500 $3,995,600 $1,074,150 $539,000 $263,550 $1,164,800 $694,050 $1,689,100 $799,050 $364,350 $2,314,900 $1,662,500 $609,350 $214,900 $390,600 $103,600 $3,653,650 $311,500 $3,105,550 $361,900 $492,100 $1,731,800 $8,810,550 $682,150 $3,643,850 Local Fruit & Vegetable Market Potential $154,140 $681,940 $320,740 $49,000 $423,920 $189,560 $140,980 $4,858,420 $9,214,240 $245,560 $304,920 $144,900 $201,320 $154,560 $228,760 $217,700 $105,560 $3,845,100 $155,820 $160,860 $153,580 $160,440 $273,700 $115,780 $360,220 $183,120 $373,240 $562,940 $511,000 $1,598,240 $429,660 $215,600 $105,420 $465,920 $277,620 $675,640 $319,620 $145,740 $925,960 $665,000 $243,740 $85,960 $156,240 $41,440 $1,461,460 $124,600 $1,242,220 $144,760 $196,840 $692,720 $3,524,220 $272,860 $1,457,540 North Dakota Total 287,270 $54,579 $3,258,162,072 $100,544,500 $40,217,800 Current Market Access The unmet demand for local food throughout North Dakota expands from all market segments: direct-to-consumer, direct-to-retail, direct-to-food service, and wholesale. The results from the North Dakota market projections include analysis from both at-home and away-from-home consumption patterns. On average, Americans consume 50% of their meals away from home. This includes meals eaten in restaurants, cafeterias, schools, and other institutions. Thus, 50% of the $40.2 million of potential market in locally grown fruits and vegetables, a total of $20.1 million exists outside of the direct-to-consumer markets of farmers markets, on-farm sales, and CSAs. In addition, scaling up these direct-to-consumer strategies will not begin to fulfill the market for at-home consumption of locally grown fruits and vegetables. By entering additional market segments such as direct-to-retail and direct-to-food service, producers have the opportunities to engage in buying agreements and scale up production with greater predictability. The data collected in the 2014 Local Food Producer survey indicated that fruit and vegetable producers most commonly access direct markets opportunities through community-supported agriculture, farmers market, on farm sales. Few sold product to hotels, restaurants, and other institutions (HRI), and other outlets. Many respondents provided a percentage of revenue per market outlets, indicating consistent access to more than one category. The chart below presents the primary and secondary market outlets utilized. 5 Market Access by Region The survey data also offered a look at the market access trends and challenges in the northwest, southwest, north central, and south central regions. Northwest 72% of the producers have trade areas of 25 miles or less, many focusing on farmers markets and on farm sales. No growers in the northwest region indicated the utilization of institutional sales. Southwest 83% of the producers have a trade area of 25 miles or less. The majority focus on selling produce at farmers markets, however others do rely on on-farm and institutional sales as well. North Central 69% of the producers maintain a trade area of 25 miles or less. The remaining 31% travel 100 miles or more to get their product to market. This pattern is likely due to the absence of an urban market in close proximity. One producer from this region indicated regularly 6 travel to sell at the Farmer Markets in more urban areas. Overall, 62% of the growers in this region are relying on farmers markets for their produce sales. South Central 50% of the producers have a trade area of less than 25 miles, while the other half travels 50 miles or more. These growers practice a healthy mix of direct market sales through farmers markets, CSA, on-farm sales, and institutional sales. Expanding Market Access The unmet demand for locally produced fruit and vegetables is so expansive that it is imperative to consider potential production prior to trying consider the scale of potential value chain infrastructure. Each of the fruit and vegetable producers within the state face a different set of circumstances influencing their decisions to scale up production to access new markets. Producers know that as they expand the reach of their markets, their operations will increase in complexity. At the same time, engaging in more traditional supply chains reduces the percentage of the consumer dollar that reaches the producer. It is this reason that value chains have such an influence in developing local food economies. Philip Ackerman-Leist, author of Rebuilding a Foodshed describes value chains as, “Strategic collaborations and business relationships between farms, processors, distributors, and retailers that operate on the basis of explicitly conveyed values— shared values that create a collaborative business opportunity and, ideally, customer allegiance” (Ackerman-Leist 2014). When considering the potential for direct-to-retail and direct-to-food service options in a region, it is important to develop relationships with each potential buyer. Not all restaurants, schools, hotels, nursing homes, or grocers will be interested in purchasing local products from local producers. It may not fall within their capacities or values—and that is perfectly okay. Time and commitment are required on the part of the producers and the buyers to engage in preseason planning, discuss specific needs and expectations, and 7 make purchasing agreements. When the opportunity arises to begin these conversations with buyers you have not only identified a potential market, you have identified a potential market partner. Ackermain-Leist explains, “Once ‘local’ enters the restaurant and grocery sector, those businesses become responsible for heightening the value of the product to their customers. In that scenario, value is immediately tied to values. The diner and the shopper willing to pay prices considered fair to the farmer justifiably expect to connect dollar value with appropriate farm practices. Such consumers are all the more intrigued when they feel the entire supply chain that got the food to their plate of their grocery basket is well grounded in its ethics and commitment to the local and regional community.’” What Ackermain-Leist describes above is the partner market for local foods, which is distinct from the potential market. For growers, identifying customers in their partner market is a critical strategic effort that happens perpetually as their businesses evolve and grow. Below are some characteristics of customers in the potential market and customers in the partner market. Potential Customer Willing to purchase locally grown food Will purchase local food if it fits in their current menu and food preparation processes Partner Customer Makes effort to connect and source from local producers Will purchase local food understanding local produced product is often higher quality and are willing to pay for that quality Will explore new ways to incorporate local foods into their menu Does not market the story of their business/organization Sees the stories of local producers as a valuable addition to their own story Will purchase local food only if prices are competitive with conventional suppliers Production Potential The data from the 2014 Local Food Producer Survey provided insight to the common trends and needs of fruit and vegetable growers. Overall findings indicated: 61% of these growers are operating with less than 10 acres in production. 8 70% of these growers are relying on farmers markets, community supported agriculture, and on-farm sales as a primary outlet for their products. 79% are part-time growers, supporting themselves with off-farm jobs and earning less than 50% of their income from local food production. 86% of the growers have an interest in scaling-up their operations to meet the demand for local food. The three most commonly cited challenges in expanding strategies for production or distribution include the cost of scaling up, access to markets, and processing facilities. While the enthusiasm and commitment to increasing local food production is remarkable, building the supply for a light processing facility will be a gradual process. The current supply of locally produced fruits and vegetables in these regions is in the hands of a small pool of producers. Increasing production takes careful planning and consideration. Rebecca Thistlethwaite, author of Farms with a Future: Creating and Growing a Sustainable Farm Business insists local food producers utilize holistic management practices in decisionmaking. Producers who take the Farm Beginnings course offered through FARRMS use this book as a text and participate in workshops on holistic management strategies. The producers learn to set goals in three areas: quality of life, form of production, and future resource base and test all decision making against these goals. Two areas that often guide the decision making process includes the maintenance of cash flow and soil health. Producers know not to plant too much or add too many animals without identified market or committed buyers. Only 30% of the surveyed fruit and vegetable growers in the western and central part of the state have farm financing. Given the size of the farms discussed earlier, we can assume that the remaining 70% are likely self-funded. Thistlethwaite explains, “self-funding will teach patience and avoid risk, and result in slow but sustainable growth over time” (Thistlethwaite 2012). The producers who are not limited by finances would find themselves limited by their future resource base through soil health. Issues such as potential crop demands, 9 compaction, organic matter, mineral composition, and soil erosion are limiting factors for rapid growth for sustainable fruit and vegetable producers. Addressing Producer Needs As producers scale up production in ways that align with their production abilities there are two options: 1) Expand trade areas to reach urban areas . 2) Expand their customer base in rural areas to include more institutional buyers. When asked about their barriers to expansion or the need for additional infrastructure, survey respondents provided the following comments, “Storage, processing facilities.” “Wash and pack facility for community.” “Post harvest handling facilities.” “Need to be able to properly clean & store produce” “Wash Pack Facility” “Rentable commercial kitchen space would be a plus for ND.” “Produce washing station.” “Access to needed used equipment (cold storage).” “Washing, storage, processing.” “Small processing and washing station.” “Food coop or hub with wash and pack facility.” “A mill or commercial kitchen would open up new possibilities.” “Transportation.” “Efficient Routes.” 10 “Distance to market and transportation.” “Expense of going to multiple markets (price to have stand, gas, time, etc.)” “Time and money (gas) spent on commute from farm to market. The produce outlets we use now not capable support larger produce quantity. People want cheap produce (at least in farmers’ market they do), to keep prices affordable we cannot hire help or invest in equipment (like refrigerator truck).” “Time and money (gas) spent on commute from farm to market; the produce outlets we use now not capable support larger produce quantity.” “Increase number of local food outlets such as stores and restaurants by creating low bureaucracy cooperation scheme.” “An online purchasing food hub for farmers to show what is available for institutions to purchase.” “Combined delivery methods, logistics, and a willingness on the part of larger distributors to handle local foods.” “I think the best support we can have is for more regional support that will link our vendors to a network of customers whether it is families, schools, hospitals, or restaurants. Once it is in place we can work on unified distribution to these customers.” Innovative Developments in North Dakota Among these producers, there are two groups who are exploring business development strategies that have the potential to have an impact on fruit and vegetable production industry in North Dakota. The two groups are located in Anamoose and Rolette, two rural towns within 100 miles of one another. Yet, their approaches to development vary greatly. While Julia and Mirek Petrovic are leading the way for aggregation and distribution via the 11 state’s first food hub, four producers in Rolette are making steps to supply area schools and restaurants. In talking with these producers, we applied concepts from a study by the Crossroads Resource Center entitled, Making Small Farms into Big Business: A Plan for Infrastructure Investments to Connect Small Farms in South Carolina to Local Markets. In this study, Ken Meter and Megan Phillips Goldenberg demonstrated how developments among small clusters of producers can lead to an interconnected and sustainable local food economy. These small clusters, called food production nodes are imperative to the move from directto-consumer markets to strategic partners within supply chain relationships. Meter and Goldenberg also contend that food production nodes be created by farmers and food producers who are in close proximity to one another in order to work collaboratively and utilize common food production infrastructure. The core infrastructure needed for successful food production node development include: season extension, training programs, washing, sorting, and packing facilities, food storage, local distribution capacity, and small retail and direct-to-consumer markets to meet local consumer demand (Meter and Goldenberg 2013). The appendix includes a list of questions or points of discussion that help to determine the characteristics and inform the direction of emerging food production nodes. The producers near Anamoose and in Rolette have an advantage as the producers we talked to had access to season extension, training programs (including Good Agricultural Practices certification), and direct-to-consumer markets in place. What they are working on developing are the facility components. These producer groups featured in these two case studies are in the process of exploring the potential of post-harvest handling, aggregation, and distribution and remain to be dynamic components of a larger system. Case Study: Emerging Food Hub— Anamoose, ND In the small town of Anamoose, among a population of 280 people, Mirek and Julia Petrovic operate Slavic Heritage Farm, where they grow a variety of fruits and vegetables. To date, they have sold their products at Farmers Markets in small towns throughout McHenry county as well as larger markets in Harvey, Rugby, and Devils Lake. This year though, they 12 are working on something big when it comes to local foods—a food hub. They envision the food hub as a mission-based enterprise that aggregates products from area farmers and offers distribution services to retailers. In addition the hub will help build relationships between customers and producers and serve as a point for community engagement. Their situation seems unique, as they secured the physical location of the hub prior to fitting together the pieces regarding purchasing agreements or strategic partners. The building site was an opportunity in itself for propelling the idea into reality. The building is an old post-office, with a big basement that can be converted to processing and storage space. They purchased the building from town of Anamoose for an affordable price and the Job Development Authority granted $15,000 for roof repairs. With a little renovation and construction, they can convert the basement into processing facilities, rent apartments from the upper level rooms to help cash flow the food hub business, and eventually include a small store and bakery for locals. The inclusion of the community is a central component to their success. So much of the hubs success will come from garnering local support through relationship building, utilizing farmers markets as a marketing tool, and delivering and selling products to larger market areas. They anticipate sourcing product from the 10 area farms, including their own to supply retail buyers from surrounding towns like Harvey and Killdeer and are working to seek out urban retailers such as the up-and-coming BisMan Community Food Co-op in Bismarck. Urban market partners such as the Co-op are ideal, as they have already captured a market of dedicated consumers. The Petrovics intend to start manageable with local supermarkets, using preseason planning to gain a sense of the products mix, scale, quality, and duration expected by these buyers. Buy starting small, they expect they can remain flexible to changes in the market and maintain stable growth as they expand the enterprise. While the site for the hub is already secured, one of the challenges in planning and development remains prioritizing equipment and space for washing, packing, and 13 processing. One of the values that is central to the Pertovics’ operation is that of minimal waste. While they see converting the basement space to processing and aggregation space, they also envision a commercial kitchen in a large room upstairs to utilize excess product. In addition to the basic requirements for wash-pack facilities, their equipment list includes commercial dehydrator and chopper, with intentions to scale up as the business grows. The Petrovics are in a seemingly unique opportunity in which a facility emerged prior to the point of planning and developing strategies. Perhaps such a situation is not that unique as rural communities often have under utilized structures such as former schools, city halls, post-offices, or churches that can be a springboard for helping producers enact strategies to scale up. This is where the role of community collaboration comes in. Economic developers, city governments, and job authorities can offer ways to assist these producers to make the most of their resources. In the case of the Petrovics, the support from the local job development authority gave them the physical structure to begin the work that is needed in their region. As talented food entrepreneurs, the Petrovics have the capacity to help grow local in various markets segments. Case Study: Multi-Farm Collaboration— Rolette, ND Four producers in the town of Rolette have been collaborating over the past few years. They partner to purchase seeds, collaborate at the farmers markets, attend trainings and conferences, and make production plans together. They are a tight knit group, consisting of Janel Anderson, Kimberly and Doug Lemieux, Alyce Ann and Roger Lunde and their daughter-in-law, Apryl Lunde. Together they grow a variety of fruits and vegetables on less than 15 acres of field and several high tunnels and greenhouses. Together their acreage totals just shy of 15 acres. On this land, they grow sweet corn, pumpkin, squash, tomatoes, peppers, onions, carrots, broccoli, beans, cabbage, garlic, celery, beets, asparagus, melons, and strawberries. They have been selling at farmers markets in Rolette, Rolla, and Belcourt, and have even considered selling as far away as 14 Devils Lake. Last year, Apryl implemented a CSA delivery program but found the amount of time and energy it required was more than she could keep up with at this point. The group continues to look toward the future. Apryl considers the amount of time she will have to dedicate to marketing and sales as her young children grow as well as the possibility of being the successor for her in-laws farm. Kimberly and Doug are building a greenhouse and considering a high tunnel to extend their capacity to grow. Doug sees the potential for flash-freezing and marketing a North Dakota blend of vegetables. Alyce Ann and Roger have juneberries, plums, and chokecherries in the ground, which can one day serve as a U-pick opportunity. Janel envisions dedicating part of her field to a pumpkin patch for agritourism and become a partner for agricultural education with local schools. In the mean time, the group is asking the question, “What would it take to start selling our product to schools?” Last year, Janel had an excess of potatoes, with which she went to area schools to gauge their interest in purchasing fruits and vegetables from a local producer. Some schools expressed no interest as they relied heavily on prepared product in their menu plan. Other took advantage of the opportunity to buy local foods and support a local farmer. One school even inquired about additional products, eventually buying melons, squash, peppers, and tomatoes. Soon the Ojibwa school at Turtle Mountain approached them about buying greens on a regular basis. Other interest has come from Dunseith and Wolford schools. The Wolford students have done farm tours at Janel’s and in return she donated corn and celery. This group of producers sees the addition of a wash and pack facility as an essential piece to their expansion. They are also considering what potential a commercial kitchen with light processing capabilities might offer. Their goal is to find a group of market partners with core products and a desire to put contracts in place. With the implementation of preseason planning, these producers could access additional markets and afford to utilize heat in their season extension infrastructure to gain a few more weeks in late season crops. In our discussions with them, they discussed some of the food service owners who already 15 shop at their farmers markets and might serve as a good starting point for building conversations. They see school buyers as potential partners, especially Dunseith that feeds students throughout the summer months. They intend to sell their best quality to the schools. They did this with Ojibwa school last fall, and they paid farmers market prices. In addition, they are considering the potential for food service partners such as country clubs, bar and grills that offer Friday night steak night, and convenience stops that serve sandwiches. Options for Infrastructure Development Regulatory Considerations The regulatory factors to consider when planning for produce aggregation are largely aimed at the producers. Good Agricultural Practices Certification is required by a large majority of commercial buyers. A new model that is just now emerging is Group or Global GAP. In the Group GAP model, producers attain benefits of scale such as in house skilled technical support providing trust, access; locally appropriate solutions and buffer between farmers and external food safety interests. Shifts investment from paying external expenses such as audits and training to building internal capacity. In North Dakota farmers of produce can market their uncut/unprocessed produce to anyone including restaurants and retail food stores. However, any cutting, shredding, slicing, or chopping requires those processing methods be done in a licensed and inspected facility. If the farmer is going to do the light processing in a commercial kitchen, that kitchen will need to be licensed and inspected. The State Health Department or Local Health district would want to review and approve those processing methods as the cut produce now becomes potentially hazardous and requires refrigeration. The State Health Department issues a small food processors license that would be required and issued to whomever is responsible for the cutting, processing, bagging, etc. An inspector would come out to the commercial kitchen and make sure it meets Health Department facility requirements. They would also inspect for proper cleaning of 16 equipment, proper handling of food products, and make sure the packaged products are labeled appropriately and stored in refrigerated storage after processing. Inspections are done once per year. There are no classes or certifications required for the processor. The cost for a small food processor annual license is $60 per year. The State Health Department is regulatory authority regarding small food processors in most counties. There are only a couple of local health units that deal with small food processors: First District Health of Minot and The City of Bismarck. Most defer back to the State Health Department. It is recommended any producer exploring facility and value adding investments touch base with both their local health district and the State Health Department. Wash-Pack Facilities In this section a number of washing, packing, and light processing models are presented starting with low cost options and scaling up to higher cost, larger scale models. Effective washing and packing model requirements will vary widely depending on the market and operational circumstances of the each unique producer or cluster of producers. by Products such as leafy greens require thorough washing and drying in cool water. Other products such as tomatoes, celery, and apples must be washed in warmer water. Many root vegetables are not washed in water, but instead brushed clean. Wash & pack facility with cold storage would allow these producers to expand to Farmers Market without using up a whole day of harvesting, washing, preparing, traveling, and selling. Products that would benefit from a washing facility include carrots, potatoes, and beets. Of course, the scale of the operation is also an important factor. Here are options for producers at different production scales, from under once acre to 50 acres or more. On Farm Wash Station This system is intended for simple/effective method of hand washing fresh vegetables using materials commonly available from hardware store at modest cost. It is recommended producers with one to three acres of production consider the on farm wash station as an option. 17 Image credit: Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture In Field Wash Station Lumber Hose Line Plastic Sink Steel Sink Plastic Tub Dry Rack Drain Line Roof Labor hours Total Cost: $1,200 Quantity Cost Total NA $150 $150 1 $25 $25 1 $150 $150 1 $200 $200 1 $100 $100 2 $100 $200 1 $25 $25 1 $150 $150 10 $20 $200 Wash & Pack Shed The wash & pack shed is designed to allow growers to wash, dry, sort, pack, and cold store product immediately after picking. The proposed design can be a feasible option for farmers with 4-6 acres of production. However, there are a number of shed design options with or without a walk in cooler that could be customized to fit the needs of a specific grower outside of that production scale. When exploring washing, processing and packing 18 investments it is recommended that existing buildings or other infrastructure is utilized to reduce costs. Wash & Pack Shed Quantity Lumber NA Dunk Tub 1 Dry Rack/Screen Table 1 Spin Drier 1 Scale/Screen Table 1 Roller Table 1 Coolbot Cold Storage 1 Electric Service 1 Labor 30 Total Cost $3,900 Cost Total $250 $250 $100 $100 $100 $100 $150 $150 $250 $250 $150 $150 $1,700 $1,700 $600 $600 $20 $600 Wash & Pack Operation A larger wash & pack operation could be an option for growers with seven to ten acres of production or more. Here again, every effort should be made to utilize existing buildings and infrastructure. The cost breakdown below assumes a 1,600 square foot building including 300 square feet of climate-controlled storage. Costs could be drastically reduced if an existing building were available for use with electrical and plumbing already in place. An operation of this scale could accommodate multiple producers. There are several potential benefits for producers working together. The most apparent is access to economies of scale. Economies of scale are a proportionate saving in costs gained by an increased level of production. By leveraging their combined resources and production yields, producer collaborations have better access to the capital needed to finance operational investments, in addition to the production needed to justify those investments. 19 Packhouse Operation Quantity Building - 1600 sq ft Wet Cold Storage Dry Cold Storage Chilled Storage Barrel Root Washer Vegetable Wash Line Roller Conveyer 5' Roller Conveyer 10' Steel Sink Drying Rack Shelf Table Curtain Stock Tank Hand Wash Station Spin Drier - 5 Gallon Electical Mechanical & Plumbing Labor Hours - Equipment Setup 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 4 8 2 2 1 1 NA NA 60 Total Cost $119,700 Cost Total $40,000 $40,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $3,250 $3,250 $600 $600 $500 $2,000 $700 $2,800 $175 $350 $200 $200 $150 $600 $175 $1,400 $350 $700 $125 $250 $100 $100 $250 $250 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20 $1,200 Shared Use Kitchens These kitchens can be used by farmers primarily for production of packaged products . They can create supplemental revenue stream for farmers with excess crop or capacity. There is opportunity to connect shared-use growers with shared-use small business for local hub development. Shared use kitchens do not require hiring and training a large staff, as they are often rent-by-the hour or membership based commercial kitchens with the specific intent to conduct value-adding processing of excess produce. Shared use kitchens can be expanded to be open to catering, baking, and dry good storage as a small business incubation kitchen. The areas of consideration of a shared use kitchen include the fact that producers are required to for their own processing, often during the harvest season. Each producer utilizing the kitchen would be required by the State of North Dakota Health Department to maintain a yearly small processing license for a fee of $60 per year. As the producers are the ones doing the processing, they are also responsibly for maintaining, cleaning, and respecting the space and equipment. The shared used kitchen model may be most 20 beneficial for rural communities with access to under utilized commercial kitchens. Starting a shared use kitchen from the ground up or expanding its capacities will require market research so that production capacity and buyer needs can inform the development of the right services and equipment. Storage Storage can be a successful strategy for seasonal extension and off-season revenue. Some products can be stored for many months for fresh consumption. Products that would benefit from cold storage include carrots, potatoes, onions, cabbage, beets, squash, apples, garlic, beets, and pears. Under the right conditions, crops can remain saleable for six months. Proper storage temperature and humidity varies by crop. The ideal storage should be kept constant. Additional information on specific storage requirements can be found at the Wholesale Success Guide at Familyfarmed.org. Light Processing Commercial Kitchen In general, light processing refers to chopping- transforming produce into the sizes, forms, and quantities most frequently used in the food service industry. This can refer to slicing, peeling, coring, pulping, shucking, and more. Such a facility is scale dependent and the types of equipment depends on the variety of produce coming into the facility. In smaller operations, it is most cost effective to cut and chop products manually. In other cases, it may be best to utilize fresh-cut machines, or machines that are mechanized to chop, dice, slice, and package. The addition of a commercial kitchen would allow for more consistent use and also give opportunity to sell salsas, jams, and other value added products. Products that would benefit from light processing, such as chopping include lettuce, herbs, and cabbage. Contract Processing Contract processing centers have a professional staff to process and produce food products. They generally work well within a scenario that producers have excess produce, for which the contract-processing kitchen processes and sells the product to wholesale or foodservice companies. From a business perspective, contract-processing facilities are more profitable and productive than shared use kitchens, as they have ready buyers. They 21 use certified recipes for their products. There usually is a fee for producers to have their product processed, and can be a complex business to manage as it requires hiring and training staff, and continual access to a fully equipped kitchen. Canning A typical commercial canning operation employs washing, sorting, grading, preparation, container filling, sealing, sterilizing, cooling, labeling/casting, and storage. Canning provides shelf life to highly perishable fruits and vegetables and lends its self to products such as pickles, salsas, dips and spreads, and sauces that can be sold in retail markets and utilized in food service. Foods can be canned in small batches, using traditional means of preservation or foods can be processed at a large scale through continual methods, which cans or jars move through pressure processors and are quickly cooled. Freezing The potential for frozen fruits and vegetables include green beans, corn, broccoli, peas, carrots, cauliflower, and more. In small operations, the process can include blanching, shocking in the freezer, packaging, and freezing. Large Operations use flash freezing where food is frozen quickly in cryogenic temperatures. Products need to be tracked and labeled with expiration. Equipment and Cost for Light Processing Commercial Kitchen The functions and scale of a successful commercial kitchen can vary widely depending on the market and customers served. For the purposes of this report we are looking at a commercial kitchen where fruits and vegetables are cut, sliced, shredded, and bagged. 22 Commercial Kitchen for Light Processing Total Cost $92,495 Quantity Cost Total Building 1 $41,000 $41,000 Dishwasher 1 $3,200 $3,200 Triple Sink 1 $600 $600 Hand Sink 1 $100 $100 SS Tables 4 $1,250 $5,000 Vegetable Cutter 1 $320 $320 Wedger 1 $100 $100 Vegetable Slicer/Shredder 1 $375 $375 Food Processor 1 $1,900 $1,900 Dehydrator 1 $5,400 $5,400 Refridgerator 1 $900 $900 Freezer 1 $900 $900 Blast Freezer 1 $18,000 $18,000 Cooker/Canner 1 $5,000 $5,000 Vacuum Sealer 1 $600 $600 Digital Scales 2 $600 $1,200 Misc Utinsuls NA $2,500 $2,500 Electical NA $3,000 $3,000 Mechanical & Plumbing NA $2,400 $2,400 Aggregation Centers Aggregating and storing specialty crops from a variety of producers, provides buyers a simplified way to purchase large quantities. Aggregation facilities can have a number of revenue streams depending on the business model, on-farm capabilities of suppliers, and mix of market channels. One of those revenue streams could be fee-based on farm product pickup. Delivery/Pick up route coordinating would be a critical function of the manager. Farmer suppliers could also have the option to drop product at the hub at no fee assuming they have access to refrigerated transport. . Capital Expenditures are estimated to be $155,000, the bulk of which pays for a 800 square foot walk in cooler, a refrigerated delivery truck and a refrigerated delivery van. Other capital expenditures include grading and packing equipment, office equipment, and leasehold improvements. Operating capital needs are estimated to be just over $180,000. The significant operating capital line items are pre-opening salaries and wages ($26,667), starting inventory purchases ($25,000), consulting & legal fees ($40,000), and working capital ($40,000). 23 Required Start-Up Funds Fixed Assets Leasehold Improvements Equipment Furniture and Fixtures Vehicles Other Fixed Assets Total Fixed Assets Operating Capital Pre-Opening Salaries and Wages Prepaid Insurance Premiums Inventory Consulting/Legal/Accounting Fees Rent Deposits Utility Deposits Supplies Advertising and Promotions Licenses Other Initial Start-Up Costs Working Capital (Cash On Hand) Total Operating Capital Amount Totals 25,000 60,000 10,000 60,000 Depreciation 15.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Notes years years years years years 155,000 26,667 2,500 25,000 40,000 4,200 1,500 2,500 5,000 3,000 5,000 40,000 GM for four months at $54K/year + 1 month employee wages Property & Liability Assuming 3% of total year 1 purchases Development and supply organization support 1 month's rent 155,367 Total Required Funds $ Sources of Funding Owner's Equity Grants/Other Investors Additional Loans or Debt Commercial Loan Amount 12.89% 12.89% Total Sources of Funding 100.00% 310,367 Totals 40,000 40,000 74.22% 230,367 $ Loan Rate 6.00% 310,367 Term 84.00 Monthly Payments $3,365.32 $3,365.32 24 Distribution The most significant operating expenses are Delivery Fleet Expenses of over $43,000/year one and Facility Rent at $50,400/year. See appendix for breakdown of vehicle operating costs. Website development is included in the advertising budget and assumes development/technical support costs for a web-based ordering system. Moving market ready product from the facility to the customer is another critical function. As with aggregation, existing food hubs across the country have shown creativity in developing cost effective distribution models, in some cases including partnerships with established wholesale distributors. Products that are aggregated and packed for distribution need to be transported to market quickly. Many produce wholesale buyers require deliveries made with refrigerator trucks that can maintain appropriate temperature. The hub will require a refrigerated truck for out of town deliveries and product pickup, and a refrigerated van for in-town deliveries and special runs. A critical management function is the efficient coordination of delivery and on-farm pick up routes. Expenses Loan Interest Depreciation Fuel Maintenance/Repair Tires Insurance Registration, Title and Taxes Total Month $46.67 $125.00 $364.58 $476.25 $33.33 $333.33 $50.00 Van Expense Year $560.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 6,250.00 $ 5,715.00 $ 400.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 600.00 $1,429.17 $19,025.00 25 Per Mile $ $ $ 0.21 0.19 0.01 Expenses Loan Interest Depreciation Fuel Maintenance/Repair Tires Insurance Registration, Title and Taxes Total Month $83.33 $312.50 $729.17 $627.50 $44.44 $333.33 $50.00 Truck Expense Year $1,000.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 7,530.00 $ 533.33 $ 4,000.00 $ 600.00 $2,180.28 $29,913.33 Conclusion: Moving Forward 26 Per Mile $ $ $ 0.31 0.19 0.01 Works Cited Ackerman-Leist, Philip. 2013. Rebuilding the Foodshed: How ro Create Local, Sustainable, and Secure Food Systems. Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, Vermont. Barham, James, Debra Tropp, Katheen Enterline, Jess Farbman, John Fisk, and Stacia Kiraly. 2012. Regional Food Hub Resource Guide. 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Are they dedicated to promoting the values held by your farm? 3. What is the estimated total demand, and for your products? Is there a minimum demand that must be met? 4. Roughly how many farms / acres of land would be required to meet this demand? 5. Is there broad enough interest among farmers to meet this demand, and if so, how much assistance and support (training, materials, finance) will they likely need? 6. Why are these markets beneficial for farmers? Do they reduce costs? Improve prices? Provide larger or easier market access? 7. How many farmers / food producers will be needed to meet the minimum – and projected – demand, and how close are these farmers to one another? 8. What infrastructure is needed to link the desired products to the markets? Does some or all of it currently exist? 9. What will it cost to build or access the needed infrastructure? What forms of funding – grants, loans – are available? 10. Is there a local organization or business willing and able to launch the value chain? To manage it, if necessary? 30 Appendix II: Production Node Assessment 1. Producers a. Product Mix i. What products are you producing? ii. How much product are you producing? iii. Thinking of the vision for your ideal or dream operation, what products are you producing? iv. How many acres are you managing in your ideal operation? v. How many acres do you currently plant/harvest/manage? vi. How many acres do you have access to? b. Cooperative Marketing Experience/Willingness vii. Do you currently work with other growers/producers in marketing your product? If so, 1. What cooperative marketing models have you implemented? 2. What have been the success/failures/lessons learned? viii. What do you hope to accomplish in exploring cooperative marketing models? ix. What are your concerns about cooperative marketing models? c. Individual Farm vs Cooperative Farm Branding x. Do you want to retain your own farm brand/traceability in cooperative marketing or would you prefer a separate cooperative brand? d. Value adding capacity xi. Do you currently conduct any value adding processing in marketing your products? xii. What do you see as the “low hanging fruit” regarding value adding processes? e. HR Assessment xiii. How many additional hours can you and your existing staff contribute to value adding activities? 31 xiv. What additional human resources would you need to execute the value adding activities? What time of year and for how long would you need the additional HR? xv. Is affordable and capable staff available for hire? 2. Markets a. Defined trade area b. Direct to Consumer c. Food Service d. Retail Grocery e. Farm to School 3. Production and Marketing Plan a. Target Market Partners b. Value Added Product Mix c. HR Plan 4. Financial Plan a. Revenue Projection b. Operating Expenses 5. Facility/Equipment Needs a. Commercial Kitchen Basics i. Refrigeration ii. HACCP Plan b. Wash & Pack c. Light Processing (Cutting, Chopping, Dicing, Bagging…etc) i. Food processor ii. Slicer iii. Cutter iv. Shredder v. Bagging/Packing d. Processing for Preservation (Canning & Freezing) 32 33