caesar study guide Act1-3

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Act I Scene i
Study Questions
1. Where does the first scene take place?
2. What are Flavius and Marullus doing?
3. Who claims to be a “mender of bad soles,” a “surgeon to old shoes,” and one who lives
by the “awl?”
4. According to a laborer, why have the people left their shops and assembled?
5. Why do the tribunes become angry when questioning the cobbler?
6. Who was Pompey?
7. How do Marullus and Flavius scold the people?
8. What character establishes the notion that Caesar is ambitious, that he flies too high, and
is a danger to free men?
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Act I Scene ii
Study Questions
1. “Foreshadowing is the technique of preparing a reader or audience for something to
happen later in the narrative. “Beware the Ides of March” is an example of such a
technique. What even do you predict may be foreshadowed by the Soothsayer’s warnings
in scene ii?
2. Much of scene ii is given over to Cassisus’ speeches to Brutus. What is he trying to do to
3. Does Brutus Cassius why he has been feeling “passions of some difference” lately?
Could they relate to his feelings for Caesar as ruler?
4. Cassius tells Brutus that “many” wished Brutus saw himself the way they do. Why s it
important that Cassius tells Brutus that such people are “groaning underneath this age’s
yoke”? What does that mean?
5. What do you think Brutus means when he tells his friend that his advice will only be
important “if it aught toward the general good”?
6. Why does Cassius tell Brutus the story about Caesar and himself swimming in the Tiber
River and fearing for their lives?
7. Summarize the meaning and intent of Cassius’ speech to Brutus in lines I.ii.142-70.
8. What is Caesar’s attitude toward Cassius in lines I.ii.209-24)
9. Give evidence from I.ii to explain why Cassius is plotting to overthrow Caesar
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Act 1 Scene 3 Questions
1. Discuss Shakespeare’s use of imagery in the scene. Give three significant examples.
2. How does Cassius interpret the strange events of scene 3? How does he use the
occurrences to further his own agenda? What does this reveal about his character?
3. Why do the conspirators choose to meet at Pompey’s Porch?
4. How does the sky foreshadow upcoming events? What does Cassius compare it to?
5. How does Cassius plan to finally convince Brutus to join?
6. What has happened to move the conspiracy forward by the end of scene 3? Provide
specific examples from text.
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Act II Scene i
Study Questions
1. What does Brutus’ soliloquy at the opening of Act II reveal about his character?
2. Why do the conspirators want Cicero to join them?
3. Why does Brutus reject Cicero? What is Cassius’ reaction and what does this show
about his and Brutus’ relationship?
4. What has Portia done to show Brutus that she is worthy of knowing his secrets?
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Act II Scene ii
Study Questions
5. Several strange events scare Calphurnia. List 4 of them.
6. What reason does Caesar give for not being afraid of death? Why does he decide to
say home?
7. Decius knows he must get Brutus to the capitol. How does he do it (2 things)?
8. What dangerous request does Caesar unintentionally make to Trebonius?
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Study Questions
1. What does Caesar’s refusal to pardon Metellus’ brother show you about Caesar?
2. What does “Et tu, Brute’ mean? How does it relate to the play’s theme of friendship?
3. Where does Caesar’s dead body lie? How is this ironic?
4. Brutus thinks the conspirators did Caesar a favor by killing him because…
5. Antony makes three requests of Brutus and Cassius. List them.
6. What reason does Brutus give the crowd for killing Caesar?
7. What is the mood of the crowd as Brutus finishes his speech?
8. What does Brutus offer at the end of his speech? What does this reveal about his
9. After listening to Antony, what does the crowd call the conspirators (3 things)?
10. In his will, what does Caesar leave to each citizen? What does he leave to all of Rome?
11. How does the crowd react to Antony’s speech?
12. What happens to Cinna the Poet? Why?