List 1 - 8th Grade Word Within A Word
mal (bad)
post (after)
port (carry)
4. dict (say)
5. omni (all)
6. lith (rock)
7. bene (good)
8. cred (believe)
9. neo (new)
10. uni (one)
11. non (not)
12. archy (government)
13. inter (between)
14. vid (look)
15. mono (one)
16. pond (weight)
17. in (not)
18. sci (know)
19. phyte (plant)
20. lat (side)
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
1. Unison – (n.) agreement
2. Nonentity – (n) a person of unimportance
3. invalidate – (v) to cancel
4. Incapacitate – (v) disable
5. Malinger – (v.) goof off, shirk from duty
Week 2 - 8th Grade Bonus- mea culpa – my fault
1. hypo
2. dox
3. put (think)
4. mega (large)
5. alter (other)
6. contra (against)
12. hetero (different)
13. pater (father)
14. ver (true)
15. sangui (blood)
16. ego
17. ven
7. con
8. circum
(together) 18. flu
(around) 19. loqu
9. sol (alone) 20. moll (soft)
11.ous (full of)
22. tion
21. greg (group)
(act or state)
Vocabulary: Write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
1. Concourse – (n.) a crowd
2. Circumvent – (v.) to avoid
3. Amplify – (v.) make greater
4. Veritable – (adj.) actual; true
5. Gregarious – (adj.) - sociable
Week 3 - 8th Grade Word Within A Word
1. de
2. Voc
3. Luc
4. Acr
5. Ambul (walk)
6. Pugn (fight)
7. Sequ
8. Centri
9. Ous
(full of)
12. clam
13. trans
14. fort
15. per
(cry out)
16. fid
17. non
18. ego
19. loqu
20. sacro (holy)
21. caco
22. tang
Voc. Write a sentence making sure you do not include the definition with the sentence.
23. Cacophony- (n.) bad sounding
24. Loquacious – (adj.) talkative
25. Facetious – (adj.) not meant seriously
26. Perceptible –(adj.) seeing through the meaning
27. Tangible – (adj.) – able to touch
Obiter dictum – Latin meaning “passing remark”
1. dict
2. bas
3. nihil
4. muta
5. terr
6. cogn
7. re
8. super
9. de
12. sequ
13. path
14. ism
15. inter
16. in
17. sed
18. tort
19. anim
20. epi
(in or not)
(writing) 21. ob (against)
Voc. – Write sentences making sure you do not include the definition.
22. Epitaph – (n) writing on tombstone
23. Cognitive – ( adj.) using thought process
24. Contort – (v) to twist
25. Sedentary –(adj.) inactive
26. Annihilate – (v) to destroy
1. anthropo
2. gastro
3. auto
4. contra
5. viv
6. helio
7. culp
8. spec
9. mono
Week 5 8th Grade Word
Bonus: mea culpa – to be the blame or fault
Au contraire – to the contrary
(man) 10. centri
(stomach) 11. medi
(self) 12. ambi
(against) 13. ism
14. trans
15. ex
16. intro
17. trop
18. lykos
Voc. (write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
19. Mediate – (v.) to bring about an agreement between persons or groups.
20. Contradict – (v.) to express the opposite of a statement.
21. ambivalent – (adj.) alternating between two opinions or feelings
22. transition - (n.) – from one thing to another
23. speculate – (v.) – to think of things from different viewpoints
1. pre
2. gen
3. jur
4. sopor
5. ped
6. lin
7. tomy
8. tort
9. ob
10. nec
List 6 - 8th Grade Word Within A Word
11. post
12. son
13. demo
14. inter
15. cracy
16. phan
17. dicho
18. sui
19. pluto
(in two parts)
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
20. precursor (n) – that which precedes and shows the way
21. Oblivion (n) – nothingness
22. Contort (v)- to twist or bend out of shape
23. Resonant – (v) – continuing to sound
24. Dichotomy – (n) – a separation or contrast
8th Grade – List 7
1. thanatos
2. opia
3. vac
4. luc
5. ize
6. sed
7. fug
8. pusill
9. nep
11. spir
12. syn
13. man
14. ex
15. ism
16. sub
17. ine
(nephew) 19. bon
(nature of
18. anim (mind)
(life) 20. ous (full of)
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
21. Bonanza – (n) a very large amount
22. Impulsively – (adj.) – thoughtlessly
23. Conspiracy – (n.) – plot, scheme
24. Subordinate – (n) – lower rank or position
25. Fugitive – (n) – person who flees
8th Grade List 8
Idée fixe (ee-day- FEEKS) – Latin meaning “fixed idea”
1. log
2. phor
3. loco
4. de
5. phobia
6. schizo
7. theo
8. curs
9. eu
11. nym
12. ize
13. re
14. ambul
15. ideo
16. apo
17. pre
18. cosmo
19. phon
20. meta
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
21. Detriment – (v) – cause of loss or injury
22. Euphoria – (n) – extreme happiness
23. Precursor – (v) – one that comes before
24. Apologetic (adj.) – with remorse
25. Cacophonous (adj.) – bad sounding
List 9 - 8th Grade Word Within A Word
In loco parentis – in place of the parents (in contracts)
On the qui vive – Latin for “on the alert”
1. pro
2. patr
3. cred
4. ous
5. miss
6. viv
7. sanct
8. syn forward father believe full of send life holy together
12. ism
13. mis
14. gno
15. loco
16. sta
17. phys
18. terr
19. opia belief bad know place stand nature land sight
9. co
10. in together in
20. loqu
21. hedon talk pleasure
11. apo away 22. liqu flow
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
23. Loquacious – (adj.) – talkative
24. Credible – (adj.) – believable
25. prodigious (adj.) – huge
26. stamina – (n) the ability to endure or withstand
27. apostrophe – (n) – punctuation indicating letter is missing
List 10 - 8th Grade
Magnum opus
– Latin for “great work” – Dante’s magnum opus, The Divine
Comedy, is a classic.
1. vale
2. proto
3. mal
4. sarco
5. gno
6. ana
7. ex
8. magn
9. super farewell first bad flesh know up out great over
10. dict
11. agon
12. ism
13. phag
14. sur
15. lect
16. pos
17. mort
18. miss say actor doctrine (belief) eat over gather put death send
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
19. Protagonist – (n) – main character
20. Malicious – (adj.) deliberately harmful
21. magnanimous (adj.) Generous in treating or judging others
22. Surmise – (v) – to guess
23. expedite v. To hasten the movement or progress of.
List 11 - 8th Grade Word Within A Word
Mirabile dictu
– Latin “wonderful to say” – He was, mirabile dictu, still alive after the fall.
1. eu
2. mir
3. hagio
4. patr
5. mel
6. inter
7. ped
8. bell
9. mal
good wonder saint father honey between foot war bad stranger
11. thanatos
12. in
13. graph
14. auto
15. flu
16. dict
17. spec
18. anthropo
19. morph
20. phobia death not write self flow say look man shape fear
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
21. mellifluous (adj.) Sweetly or smoothly flowing.
22. Bellicose (adj.) warlike
23. speculate (v) – to guess
24. innuendo (n.) a hint or suggestion
25. interminable (adj.) Having no limit or end.
List 12 8th Grade
Alma Mater – School one attended “nourishing mother”
2. Jur
3. par
4. non
5. bas not swear equal not low
15. greg
16. gen
17. mal
18. equi
19. super
6. Meta change 20. curs run
7. psych soul 21. post after
8. tig touching 22. an without
9. fic
10. ann make year
23. punct
24. tract
25. ex 11. algia
12. ab
13. Bio pain away life point pull out
14. Dia across Voc. write a sentence with ea group origin bad equal over word that does not include the definition.
26. Analgesic – (n.) relieving pain 29. equitable (adj.) being fair
27. Contiguous - (adj. adjacent, next to 30. abdicate (v.) To give up
28. Gregarious – (adj.) enjoying being with others
List 13 - 8th Grade
1. re
2. sol
3. in
4. luct
5. rogat
6. terr
7. ob
8. pugn
9. dia
again alone not struggle ask land against fight across high
11. sub
12. ism
15. infra
16. ject
17. loqu
18. cise
19. trib
20. nym under doctrine
13. ex out
14. super over beneath throw talk cut pay name
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
21. Pugnacious – (adj.) quarrelsome, combative
22. Obdurate –(adj.) stubborn
23. Trajectory – (n) path of a thrown object
24. Pseudonym – (n) – false name
25. Infraction – (n) a violation
8th Grade List 13 bonus -Bona fid – “in good faith”
1. logy
2. anti
3. trans
4. fid
5. ize
6. gyn
7. somn
8. epist
9. nomy science against across faith make woman sleep knowledge law
10. apo
11. mis
12. morph
13. tempor
14. string
15. cogn
16. ambul
17. crypt
18. tauto away hatred shape time bind know walk hidden same
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
19. Cryptic – (adj.) – hidden
20. Astringent – (n) medicine that helps clean and heal
21. cognitive – (adj.) knowing
22. insomniac – (n) person who cannot sleep
23. epistle – (n) – a formal letter to inform others
1. ine
2. fac
3. Gyn
4. Ous
5. punct
6. syn
7. narco
8. mono
9. son
8th Grade List 15- bonus magnum opus – greatest piece of work nature of to do woman full of point together sleep one sound
10. mal
11. monger
12. cracy
13. ego
14. mega
15. drome
16. eu
17. lepsy
18. mania bad seller government
I large run good attack madness
Voc. Write definitions and by quiz time, write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
19. Syndrome – (n) a group of diseases working together
20. euphemism – (n) replacing an offensive word with an inoffensive word.
21. synchronize – (v) – to occur at the same time
22. malicious – (adj.) showing strong ill-will.
23. monologue – (n) – speech spoken by one person
1. para
2. path
3. simul
4. in
5. fy
6. sacro
7. ultra
8. fer
9. peri
10. crypt
8th Grade List 16 -
E pluribus unum – one out of many beside feeling pretend not make holy beyond carry near hidden
11. anti
12. a
13. sed
14. kin
15. ex
16. plus
17. voc
18. corp
19. helio
20. sanct against without sit motion out more voice body sun holy
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
21. Apathy (n) – a lack of feeling
22. Peripheral – (n) – lying outside the center
23. kinetics –(n) study of the force of motion
24. paraphrase – (v) – to put in your own words.
25. corpulent – (adj) – stout, fleshy
List 17 - 8th Grade contretemps - kon-tra-tahn - An embarrassing incident
1. ism
2. a-
3. re
5. lent doctrine without
4. epist knowledge full of
10. neuro
11. sthen again 12. pro
13. chron
14. less
6. contra against 15. tempor
7. hyper over
8. germ related
9. gran grain
16. para
17. fil
18. scen nerve strength forward time without time beside thread stage
Voc. (write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
19. Repudiate – (v) – to have nothing to do with
20. Hyperbole – (n) – an exaggeration used as a figure of speech
21. Propensity – (n) a natural tendency
22. Paradox – (n) – a statement that contradicts
( sells ice cram and hates ice cream.)
23. Atypical – (adj) – not normal
List 18 - 8th Grade
1. in in
2. inter between
3. ex out
4. sub under
5. pot
6. fus drink pour
7. vect carry
8. acro high
9. amor love
10. somn sleep
11. sym together
12. nomy law
13. dign worthy
14. fract break
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
15.Profuse – (adj.) extravagant
16. exonerate – (v) – to free from blame
17. intersperse – (v) spread throughout
18. diffuse (v) – pour out
19. somnolent – (adj.) – drowsy
1. dis
2. nom
3. sino
4. per
5. pro
List 19 -8th Grade Word Within A Word away name
China through before
6. mis
7. pugn
8. entomo
9. spec
10. gno bad fight insect look know
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
11. Proficient – (adj) – competent, skillful
12. Dissipate – (v) – to fade away
13. Prognosis – (n) – doctor’s diagnosis
14. Conspicuous – (adj) – noticeable, obvious
15. Perforate – (v) to pierce or puncture
1. re
2. mal
3. neo
4. culp
5. ante
6. surg
7. luvi
8. tude again bad new blame before rise wash state of
List 20 -8th Grade
9. fulg
10. mar
11. phil
12. cracy government
13. fract shine or flash sea love break
14. duct lead
Voc. write a sentence with each word that does not include the definition.
15. tion act or state
16. agora marketplace
17. conducive (adj.) – favorable, beneficial
18. malevolent (adj.) – spiteful, mean
19. exculpate (v)- free from blame
20. Philanthropy (n)- love of others
21. Reiterate (v) to say again