Upcoming Dates to Remember

Weekly News
Week of
Upcoming Dates
Classroom Notes:
AM Tips – Practice
assignments can always be
completed at home. If your
child is falling behind earning
objectives, they need to be
taking their AM folder home
If you are out shopping
and would like to make a
classroom donation, we are
looking for the following items:
Thin Smelly Markers
Glitter or Metallic Pens (for
WOW words)
Colored lined paper (for
Spelling tests)
Motivational or fun stickers
Glue sticks
Bold or brightly colored card
stock or craft paper
Small containers of play dough
Interim Reports – 9/23
Book orders due –
Kendall (12th), Allyson
Allyson (15th), Connor
Connor T. (18th),
Griffin (26th) and Trey
Trey (28th)
AR Goal – 8
AM Goal - 9
us comprehend our first class novel! This week our focus is on plot, problem
and solution, summarizing, and theme.
Spelling –This week Spelling will take on a new look The students will be
placed in groups based on their needs. On Monday the students will get their
their word lists and choice board assignment. There will no longer be a pretest
pretest on Wednesday’s. The test over the spelling of the words will be on
Friday’s. The weeks that we have Spelling we will not have Vocabulary.
Writing/Grammar –We will be wrapping up our introduction of the 6+1
Traits of Writing and learning about rubrics to assess our writing.. I am
eagerly waiting to read the finished pieces the students have been working on!
on! Our first finished writing piece the students will present, will be ready by
by the end of the week! ~Miss Flaherty
Science – This week, the scientists will be learning the difference between
observations and inferences. Great scientists are constantly observing the world
around them in order to make intelligent inferences. The classes will also work in
in groups to create two differently shaped paper airplanes—the “Bald Eagle” and
and the “Flying Squirrel,” and perform a test to see which design is more
aerodynamic. These young scientists are really learning how to conduct a fair,
controlled experiment! A test over the scientific method and process skills is
approaching! The students should study the notes from their notebooks and the
vocabulary in their binders. I periodically grade the notebooks for completeness
and neatness. Please take a peek at your child’s notebook next week! ~Mrs. Ortiz
Math – 4th grade math: We are diving into place value, working with large
numbers, and taking a look at several kinds of graphs. We will also do some sorting
sorting with raisins to discover median, mode, maximum, minimum, and range.
Sounds a bit sticky to me! The math posters are hanging in the hall and they are
WONDERFUL! Great job!
5th grade math: Hooray! We are now in the 5th grade book! Factors, arrays,
products, prime and composite numbers are some of the discoveries this week in
math. Passing that 3 minute time test is still a challenge for a few, so keep working
working on memorizing those facts! ~Mrs. Wentz
Indiana History and Health – Our cartographers were busy last week. The
students made great efforts at ripping their way through the seven continents. I
will be displaying them this week in our 4th grade hallway. By the end of the week
week we will incorporate some physical features into our map making. Please
expect a quiz on Friday over the continents, oceans, and basic map reading skills. –
skills. –Mrs. Fritz Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns...or just to
say, "Hello!" cflaherty@cps.k12.in.us or 663-8800 Ext. 14207
Miss Flaherty