2013-2014 Annual Report of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform 15 October 2014 1 Introduction In response to the committee’s request it was deemed prudent to provide four separate presentations in order to cover all aspects of the request: DRDLR Financial Performance DRDLR Non-Financial Performance Commission on Restitution of Land Rights Ingonyama Trust Board 2 Presentation Outline Non-Financial Performance 2013/14 Organisational concerns and options Performance of the Department Future performance Key non-financial performance information – The achievement of desired outcomes – The delivery of planned outputs – Reports on all capital projects completed, started or still in progress – Employment equity • Report on financial misconduct and measures taken against officials guilty of misconduct • The role of the Department in assisting the Ingonyama Trust Board • • • • 3 Strategic Overview • The vision of DRDLR is to create vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities. • Positive strides have been made in addressing the triple challenges facing our country namely: poverty, unemployment and inequality through the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) and Land Reform programmes. • The strategic thrust underlying land reform is that it should be carried out with minimal or no disruption to food security. • Government views the National Development Plan as its developmental framework and the New Growth Path as its strategy. • The programmes of the Department are aligned to the NDP through the 2014-2019 Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). 4 Performance of the Department Programme 1: Administration 5 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year… Programme 1: Administration Strategic objective Compliance with relevant policies and legislation governing the management of the public sector by 2014 Performanc e indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) % of budget spent 99.4% 100% 99.9% The under-spending is primarily due to accruals (commitments on goods and services; as well as machinery and equipment) that could not be translated to expenditure at financial year end. % of invoices paid within 30 days New Indicator 100% 91% Delays in payment is attributed changes of trading names and banking details by service providers without informing the department as well as chargers of VAT by non-VAT registered vendors that lead to payments being rejected by the payment system. % of external audit findings resolved 68% 100% 92% The variance is attributed to the fact that actions and processes to resolve the findings span over a period of two years and therefore, would not be fully implemented in the current financial year. 6 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 1: Administration Strategic objective Compliance with relevant policies and legislation governing the management of the public sector by 2014 Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) % of funded vacant posts 16% filled 10% 18% The organisational structure of the department was reviewed in financial years: 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2013/14. This has resulted in an increase in the number of posts. In the year under review 1413 posts were filled, however, the impact on the vacancy rate was minimised as a result of the exit of 710 employees over the same period. The problem was exacerbated by the high volume of applications received and the regulatory processes governing the filling of posts. % of the organizational 47% renewal plan implemented 70% 70% None % alignment of the New Indicator departmental Annual Performance Plan with the National Development Plan 80% 93% 93% was achieved because of the rigorous analysis of the NDP conducted during the department’s strategic planning process. 7 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year… Programme 1: Administration Strategic objective Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) Actual (2013/14) Compliance with relevant policies and legislation governing the management of the public sector by 2014 Rural Development and Land Reform policies and legislation developed by 2014 Reasons for variance Number of pieces of legislation submitted to Cabinet 4 8 6 The Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in respect of the Communal Property Association Amendment Bill has not been finalised and the scope of the Bill has been broadened by the Minister, which required additional work on the Bill. The policy was only approved in August 2013 and consultation with key stakeholders (representing foreign nationals), in respect of the Land Protection Bill, has not been finalised. Number of policies submitted to Cabinet 1 5 3 (Draft Restitution Policy Framework and Rural Development Policy Framework, Draft Framework on Communal Land Tenure) Rural Development Agency Policy: There are preceding tasks that need to take place before the policy is submitted for approval. Framework on Communal Land Tenure was referred back for further consultation and inputs by the stakeholders and work streams; Rural Co-operatives Financing Facility was delayed by the late finalization of the feasibility study which was submitted in January 2014. 8 Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services 9 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance targets over the previous year… Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services Strategic objective Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 An integrated Number of 14 land planning, Spatial Plans spatial formulated and information and supported to administration achieve Spatial system to Equity and promote an Sustainability equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by 2014 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) Actual (2013/14) 37 Spatial Plans completed 41 Spatial Plans finalised and (SDFs, Precinct Plans, Land Approved (SDFs, Precinct Schemes, Local Area Plans, Plans, Land Use Schemes). EMPs) Reasons for variance The over-achievement is as a result of more spatial plans being developed within the 23 district municipalities to support rural development. Additional funds were allocated to the sub-programme during the budget adjustment period. Research Report on the Draft Report on Policy National SDF completed Framework towards the National Spatial Development Framework Variance is attributed to the refinement of the approach and methodology utilized in the development of the National Spatial Development Framework. This resulted in delays in the achievement of project milestones. 10 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services Strategic objective An integrated land planning, spatial information and administration system to promote an equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by 2014 Performance indicator Integrated National Spatial Information Management Systems (INSIMS)established to ensure interoperability Average number of working days taken to process registerable diagrams, general plans and sectional plans Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 New Indicator Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) Reasons for variance Solution of the Integrated National Spatial Information Management System designed Solution completed 21 14 17 Actual (2013/14) design None Poor quality of consents submitted by land surveyors and municipalities, coupled with shortages of professional staff led to the high turnaround time. The issues are more prevalent in Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal. Furthermore, Launcher Software problem is one of the causes of the high turnaround times in Eastern Cape. 11 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services Strategic objective Performance indicator An integrated land planning, spatial information and administration system to promote an equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by 2014 Operational E-cadastre Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Not achieved E-cadastre Not achieved. available and implemented The following were achieved: Target (2013/14) Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) The project deliverables could not be achieved by 30 June 2013, due to the number of streams within the project not having met the deadlines, i.e. Scanning centre certification has been completed (Cape Town & Midrand). Procurement of hardware was not achieved timeously due to SITA Business requirements specifications completed procurement processes. (NGMS & Deeds). Internal data cleaning was not on Quality criteria refinement and signed off track and therefore data migration Finalization of PMB pilot using the revised processes has not yet taken place. as per BRS (31 612 pages accepted). Involvement of Department of Rural Development Land Reform resources in the production line has been instituted. 12 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services Strategic objective An integrated land planning, spatial information and administration system to promote an equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by 2014 Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Target (2013/14) Actual performance against target Actual (2013/14) Total documents scanned- 35 558 493 pages. Pretoria documents accepted – 4 000 000 pages Organisational Change Management (OCM). Reasons for variance Back scanning of images did not meet quality and indexing standards resulting in the rework of scanned images. 6 of 21 deliverables on OCM have been completed e-Cadastre and data Streams: 48 of the 198 deliverables completed. 35 deliverables are Work in progress. Enterprise architecture Completed Highlights: 3 modules awaiting User acceptance testing. 4 Modules undergoing unit and subsystem testing. All regional system data profiles have been completed Infrastructure has been procured and currently being rolled out. 13 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services Strategic objective Skills development and sustainable economic opportunities created by 2014 Performance indicator Number of people trained in geomatics Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 57 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) 65 Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) 65 None 14 Programme 3: Rural Development 15 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year – Cont.… Programme 3: Rural Development Strategic objective Integrated service delivery facilitated through the coordination of government and development stakeholders by 2014 Performance indicator Number of functional Council of Stakeholders Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 75 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) 58 Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) 157 During the financial year 2013/14 a greater need was identified to establish and provide support to the Council of Stakeholders (CoS) because the initial focus was on the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) sites. CRDP was subsequently extended to be implemented not only in CRDP sites or wards but also in additional villages and projects. The department had to establish and set up CoS also in these extended CRDP villages and projects. 16 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 3: Rural Development Strategic objective Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target Actual (2013/14) (2013/14) Reasons for variance Recapitalization and development support provided to land reform beneficiaries and rural communities by 2014 Number of projects implemented through the Animal and Veld Management Programme completed New Indicator 182 281 The over- achievement was as a result of a requirement to support the 23 District Municipalities. KZN has 10 Districts therefore more projects needed to be implemented to ensure coverage. In addition, many of these projects form part of the department’s partnership with Provincial Departments of Agriculture. Number of hectares irrigated New Indicator 5 000 1559 Target under achieved by 3441ha: Challenges experience in the implementation of schemes in the EC related to the relationship between communities and strategic partners. This has necessitated the appointment of new strategic partners. The second challenge related to the NW province where the farmers could not agree on the designs. KZN: On inception of the Tugela Ferry Irrigation Scheme was identified as 837.1ha and on completion of construction it was re-measured to be 725ha, 112.1 ha less hence the shortfall of 96 ha on the target. 17 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 3: Rural Development Strategic objective Profiled rural households enabled to improve their food security by 2014 Socio-economic infrastructure facilitated to improve access to services by 2014 Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target Actual (2013/14) (2013/14) Reasons for variance Number of households producing their own food 2131 2 200 2815 The variance is due to additional stakeholders who were brought on board during the last quarter of 2012/13 and first quarter of 2013/14 financial years, which was not planned for originally. This resulted in an increase in assistance to households. Number of bulk infrastructure completed New Indicator 8 8 None Number of households with basic services infrastructure. 29 405 7 278 7 475 The over-achievement is due to Dingamanzi village where the estimated number of households to be supplied with water from the atmospheric water generator increase by 205. 18 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 3: Rural Development Strategic objective Socio-economic infrastructure facilitated to improve access to services by 2014 Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) Actual (2013/14) Number of public amenities completed New Indicator 26 29 Number of ICT projects completed New Indicator 19 53 Number of New economic Indicator infrastructure projects completed 17 19 Reasons for variance The over-achievement is due to the provision of an additional three public amenities in the NW where the department provided solar lighting to 3 additional schools to ensure all schools received the same lighting upgrades. The over-achievment of 34 is due to the roll out of the Ischool Africa Programme in partnerships with the CSIR. The over-achievement is due to 2 additional cattle sales facilities implemented in UThukela Municipality. 19 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 3: Rural Development Strategic objective Performance indicator Baseline (Actual Actual performance output) against target 2012/13 Target (2013/14) Actual (2013/14) Skills development and sustainable economic opportunities created by 2014 Number of people trained to improve rural livelihoods 4 564 3 400 6302 Reasons for variance Additional stakeholders were brought on board to assist with rural enterprise and industrial development projects and the spin-off was that these stakeholders provided training that was not necessarily planned for. That included training for Council of Stakeholders. The department’s focus on enterprise development increased focus on training of cooperative members. Number of jobs created through rural development initiatives 3 545 3 540 5044 The initial target was based on the livelihoods approach which will, by its nature not create this number of jobs jobs. With the shift to enterprise development more jobs were created. 20 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 3: Rural Development Strategic objective Skills development and sustainable economic opportunities created by 2014 Performance indicator Number of youth enrolled into the National Rural Youth Service Corps Programme Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 New Indicator Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) 4 600 Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) 1805 The growth of the programme has been rapid and the resources to ensure the sustainability of the programme had not kept up with this rapid growth. The programme also had limitations in terms of placing the youth recruited during 2010, both in further education and training colleges and workplaces, which could not absorb as many youth as was intended. Especially the availability of workplaces where youth can gain practical work experience was limited. It was prudent to allow the programme to catch up in these areas before more youth were enrolled into it, hence the moratorium. The adjusted allocation received amounted to R370m which was utilised to pay expenses related to the skills development of the youth already in NARYSEC. This was just enough to meet the commitments at the time and did not allow for further enrolments into the programme." 21 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 3: Rural Development Strategic objective Skills development and sustainable economic opportunities created by 2014 Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) Number of youth skilled through the National Rural Youth Service Corps programme 5 881 4 600 Number of rural enterprises supported New Indicator 90 Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) 1273 The variance is attributed to the fact that more than one skills training opportunities were provided rather than the number of youth skilled. 433 The initial target was based on projects with monetary value (budget). During implementation this year, it became clear that enterprise support goes beyond monetary value and many cooperatives were assisted with registration, and other facilitation functions. 22 Programme 4: Restitution 23 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 4: Restitution Strategic objective Land rights restored or alternative forms of equitable redress awarded to claimants by 2014 Performance indicator Number of land claims settled Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 602 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) 230 Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) 270 The reasons for over-achievement on the settlement of claims is attributed to two main reasons, namely: The Western Cape office settled the District Six Owners (26) as well as the Claremont and Newlands Development Group Claim Urban (56). The Minister delegated authority to the Chief Land Claim Commissioner (CLCC) to approve claims to the value of R50 million. 24 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 4: Restitution Strategic objective Land rights restored or alternative forms of equitable redress awarded to claimants by 2014 Performance indicator Number of claims finalised Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 376 Actual performance against target Target Actual (2013/14) (2013/14) 208 292 Reasons for variance The over-achievement in terms of the finalised claims is attributed mainly to Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. These offices were able to finalise the remaining claims on group claims as follows: 1. KwaZulu-Natal was able to finalise the remaining claim in the Cremin Tenants Community claim thereby finalising 13 claims. 1. Western Cape was able to finalise the outstanding claims for the following projects: - Claremont (Batch 2) which finalised 38 claims - Claremont (Batch 1) which finalised 45 claims - District Six (Batch 11) which finalised 23 claims 25 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 4: Restitution Strategic objective Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) Land rights restored or alternative forms of equitable redress awarded to claimants by 2014 Research on the opening of new restitution claims finalised New Indicator Research report completed Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) Draft Report submitted None to Parliamentary Services via email on 18/10/2013 to be forwarded to the Portfolio Committee Secretariat. 26 Programme 5: Land Reform 27 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 5: Land Reform Strategic objective Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target (2013/14) Reasons for variance Actual (2013/14) An integrated land planning, spatial information and administration system to promote an equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by 2014 Number of land New Indicator 533 parcels confirmed as vested 863 The department directed the provinces to focus on the departmental properties for vesting and during the period under review there were more properties which were already in the system ready for vesting hence the target was exceeded. Strategically located land acquired and allocated by 2014 Number hectares acquired 153 586 The combined impact of purchasing going concerns e.g. abattoirs, game farms and the ratio of the latter cost to land size resulted in less funds being available to purchase other land. The average cost of acquiring a going concern was R26 778 per hectare as opposed to an average cost of R3700 per hectare for land. of 157 556 311 917 28 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 5: Land Reform Strategic objective Recapitalisation and development support provided to land reform beneficiaries and rural communities by 2014 Performance indicator Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 Actual performance against target Target Actual (2013/14) (2013/14) Reasons for variance Number of 200 farms newly placed under recapitalisation 344 119 The reprioritization of budget within different mandates in the department affected the targets under this indicator as per the approved Annual Performance Plan. Number of New existing farms Indicator under recapitalisation 386 323 The reprioritization of budget within different mandates in the department affected the targets under this indicator as per the approved Annual Performance Plan. 29 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 5: Land Reform Strategic objective Tenure security for people living on commercial farms and communal areas provided by 2014 Performance indicator Number of labour tenant applications settled Baseline Actual performance (Actual against target output) Target Actual 2012/13 (2013/14) (2013/14) New 76 98 Indicator Percentage of reported eviction cases resolved New 100% Indicator 46% Percentage of reported land rights cases referred to Land Rights Management Facility New indicator 100% 100% Reasons for variance Mpumalanga targeted 30 but after the acquisition of the farms and the physical verification it was discovered that there were 14 labour tenants on each of the farms of Sandford in KwaZulu Natal and Klipstapel in Mpumalanga, 12 labour tenants on the farm Rensburg Spruyt in KZN and 48 labour Tenants on the farm Uitzigt in Mpumalanga. The cases are of a complex nature and depend on the court processes for final resolution and that process is beyond the control of the department. In addition it is being found that a number of the complainants after the lodgement of their cases are not traceable. None 30 Performance of the Department against its aims, objectives and performance target over the previous year … Programme 5: Land Reform Strategic objective Performance indicator Skills development and sustainable economic opportunities created by 2014 Number of jobs created in land reform projects Number of farmers trained Baseline (Actual output) 2012/13 1 059 Actual performance against target Target Actual (2013/14) (2013/14) 1 446 2484 421 628 1262 Reasons for variance Targets for jobs are currently being estimated due to the nature of different enterprises and the type of commodities in the farms more persons are eventually employed on a seasonal and permanent basis during the recapitalization of the farms. Targets for farmers trained are projected targets and due to the nature of different enterprises and type of commodities more persons received on-farm, off – farm and formal training during the recapitalization of the farms. 31 Future Performance Alignment of DRDLR’s plans to the MTSF and government’s overall aims 32 The National Development Plan (NDP) identifies the following policy imperatives, which will be the focus of the coming MTSF period: • Improved land administration and spatial planning for integrated development in rural areas; • Sustainable Land Reform contributing to agrarian transformation; • Improved food security; • Smallholder producers' development and support (technical, financial, infrastructure) for agrarian transformation; • Increased access to quality infrastructure and functional services, particularly in education, healthcare and public transport in rural areas; and • Growth of sustainable rural enterprises and industries – resulting in rural job creation. 33 Manifesto Objective: Implement rural development focusing on meeting basic needs , land reform and rural enterprise development, supported by localized markets, credit facilities and economic infrastructure MTSF Priority 1. Sustainable transformation) land DRDLR Strategic Goals reform DRDLR Strategic Objectives (agrarian Promote equitable access to and Provide support to rural communities in all sustainable use of land for development rural district to enable them to improve their livelihoods by 2019 2. Increased access to quality basic Promote sustainable rural livelihoods infrastructure and services, particularly in education, healthcare and public transport in rural areas Improve access to services in rural areas by coordinating and providing integrated infrastructure by 2019 3. Growth of sustainable rural enterprises and Improved access to services industries characterized by strong rural-urban linkages, increased investment in agroprocessing, trade development and access to markets and financial services-resulting in rural job creation Facilitate the development of 235 rural enterprises and industries in areas with economic development potential and opportunities by 2019 Sustainable rural enterprises and industries Promote equitable and redistribution and agricultural development by acquiring 1 140 000 hectares of strategically located land by 2019 34 2. Manifesto Objective: Increase investment in agricultural infrastructure in support of small-holder farmer development, prioritizing former homeland communal areas MTSF Priority Smallholder farmer development and support (technical, financial, infrastructure) for agrarian transformation DRDLR Strategic Goals DRDLR Strategic Objectives Improve access to services Improve access to services in rural areas by coordinating and providing integrated infrastructure by 2019 Provide comprehensive farm development support to smallholder farmers and land reform beneficiaries for agrarian transformation by 2019. 3. Manifesto objective: Continue to improve the tenure security and administration of people living in communal areas with emphasis on women’s tenure security MTSF Priority DRDLR Strategic Goals Sustainable land reform Improve land administration for (agrarian transformation) sustainable growth and development DRDLR Strategic Objectives integrated and Functional systems and institutional arrangements for tenure and land administration to enable agrarian reform in all provinces by 2019 35 4. Manifesto objective: Strengthen support for cooperatives in marketing and supply activities to enable small scale producers to enter formal value chains and take advantage of economies of scale. This will include targeting public institutions as primary buyers of agricultural goods and support for small scale producers’ access to municipal markets MTSF Priority DRDLR Strategic Goals Growth of sustainable rural Sustainable rural enterprises and industries enterprises and industries characterized by strong rural-urban linkages, increased investment in agro-processing, trade development and access to markets and financial servicesresulting in rural job creation DRDLR Strategic Objectives Facilitate the development of 235 rural enterprises and industries in areas with economic development potential and opportunities by 2019 36 5. Manifesto objective: Expand the Food for all programme as part of the national integrated food and nutrition policy for procuring and distributing affordable essential foodstuffs directly to poor communities MTSF Priority Improved food security DRDLR Strategic Goals Promote sustainable rural livelihoods DRDLR Strategic Objectives Provide support to rural communities in all rural district to enable them to improve their livelihoods by 2019 (DAFF will lead this priority area as per MTSF and DRDLR will provide support) 6. Manifesto objective: Accelerate the settlement of remaining land claims submitted before the cut-off date of 1998 MTSF Priority Sustainable land reform (agrarian transformation) DRDLR Strategic Goals DRDLR Strategic Objectives Facilitate the restoration of land rights and alternative forms of equitable redress by 2019 37 7. Manifesto objective: Re-open the period for the lodgement of claims for restitution of land for a period of five years, commencing in 2014 MTSF Priority Sustainable land reform (agrarian transformation) DRDLR Strategic Goals Restoration of Land Rights DRDLR Strategic Objectives Facilitate the reopening and finalisation of the lodgement of restitution land claims people who did not meet the 1998 deadline 8. Manifesto objective: Codify the exceptions to the 1913 cut-off date for the descendants of the Khoi and San, and identify affected heritage sites and historical landmarks MTSF Priority Sustainable land reform (agrarian transformation) DRDLR Strategic Goals Restoration of Land Rights DRDLR Strategic Objectives Lodgement of restitution land claims reopened for people who did not meet the 1998 deadline 38 Report on all capital projects completed, started or still in progress. 39 The Branch RID completed 222 rural infrastructure projects in the 2013/14 financial year and 147 rural infrastructure projects carried through to the 2014/15 financial year A detailed list of the projects is attached as an annexure to the presentation Employment Equity 41 Employment Equity Report / 1 Workforce Profile (Persons with disabilities included) GENDER RACE F M Total % Target VARIANCE African 2295 2224 4519 81 75% +6 Coloured 219 157 376 7 11% -4 Indian 69 48 117 2 3% -1 White 372 207 579 10 11% -1 Total 2955 2636 5591 42 Employment Equity Report / 2 Workforce Profile (Just Persons with disabilities) GENDER RACE F M Total % Target VARIANCE African 22 27 49 52 75% -23 Coloured 4 4 8 9 11% -2 Indian 1 3 4 4 3% +1 White 15 18 33 35 11% +24 Total 42 52 94 43 Employment Equity Report / 3 Workforce Profile (Persons with disabilities as a percentage of total workforce) RACE Total Grand Total % Target VARIANCE African 49 4519 1 2% -1 Coloured 8 376 2 2% 0 Indian 4 117 3 2% +1 White 33 579 6 2% +4 Total 94 5591 2 2% THE MINIMUM TARGET OF 2% REACHED 44 EE Way forward • A new five year EE plan (2014-2019) has been developed and consulted with all relevant stakeholders with the aim of ensuring equitable representation of all race groups within the Department. • The Department has set new targets in line with National Economically Active Population data or statistics to ensure an equitable presentation of all race groups within its workforce. POINT TO NOTE: The minimum appointment target of 2 % was reached, during the reporting period, as far as the appointment of persons with disabilities were concerned. 45 Report on financial misconduct and measures taken against officials guilty of misconduct 46 Financial Misconduct cases – report / 1 Financial misconduct cases are cases where there is a tangible amount that is recoverable When an alleged misconduct case surfaces, an internal disciplinary hearing is instituted against the official as well as an external criminal case at SAPS is lodged against the accused If found guilty, the employee’s assets may be attached The aim is ALWAYS to have losses recovered, even if the employee resigns During the reporting period 14 cases, that were concluded, were dealt with – seven other cases were also instituted, but not concluded (thus 21 cases in total – only one accused in the 21 is an SMS member ) 47 Financial Misconduct cases – report / 2 In the 14 cases, two of those accused resigned before the matter was concluded, one was acquitted (but criminal case still ongoing) and 11 were found guilty Of the 11 found guilty, four were dismissed, the rest were given final written warnings or suspensions, depending on the severity and the amount of money the state had lost during the process In all cases where the accused was found guilty, but not dismissed, a recovery process has been put in place 48 The role of the department in assisting the Ingonyama Trust Board 49 The role of the department in assisting the Ingonyama Trust Board / 1 The Ingonyama Trust Board (ITB) is an entity responsible for administration of the Ingonyama Trust land, which is about 2.8 million hectares in extent, spread throughout the province of KwaZulu – Natal in the Republic of South Africa. It is a public entity which reports directly to the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform as the Executive Authority. The Department continuously assists the Trust in the following areas: Developing of their Policies. The development and compilation of their Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan, Operational Plans and Annual Report. 50 The role of the department in assisting the Ingonyama Trust Board / 2 On an annual basis, there is a budget allocated for ITB to assist it in achieving its stated objectives – specifically in land administration. The department also assists and ensures that the ITB complies with all relevant prescripts governing the public sector. The trust produces reports as required by legislation to report on its financial and non-financial performance. 51 Thank you 52