Unit of Study: Setting Up Writer’s Workshop Grade: K Title: Unit 1 Set up writers workshop Length of Study: 3 weeks Genre Description: How to set up writers workshop? Priority Standards: Supporting Standards: Essential Questions: Mini Lesson Concepts/Topics Resources Mentor Text Routines and Procedure Introduction of materials Writers notebook Where can you find it When can you get it How do care for it Using tools independently Introduction to crayons, markers Colored pencils How do we use them Where do they live Pencil grip Clean up Where do your tools go Putting your books away Where does writers workshop end Writers workshop format Mini lesson/whole group Work Period Closing Mini lessons Where do we meet http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. lessons.htm notebooks; Growing up writing pg. 44, 48 http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. A house for a Hermit crab by Eric Carle Sunflower house by Eve Bunting http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. writing tools; Growing up writing pg. 50 Lucy Calkins Launching the writing workshop pg 19 http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. I am a pencil by Linda Hyward Harold the purple crayon by Crocket Johnson The Crayon box that Talked by Shane Deralf Katie Wood Ray packet pg. 12; http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. notebooks http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. A house for a Hermit crab by Eric Carle Growing up writing pg. 46; Lucy Calkins Launching the writers workshop pg 1 http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Establishing routines Writers advantage week 5 day http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Magic Carpet by Pat Brisson Emma’s Rug by Allan Say Unit of Study: Setting Up Writer’s Workshop Expectations Audience Etiquette Writing /work period) Conferencing Expectations Who to ask for help Noise level Partner etiquette Table talk Authors chair/Closing Location Expectations How often will share Who will share Author etiquette Audience Etiquette How to share story Reading not telling Use of technology to present (doc camera) Transitions How do we get from one place To another Signals 24,25 (S-drive); Howard B. Wiggle bottom by Howard Binkow http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. establishing routines Growing up writing pg 51,58; Writers Advantage week 5 day 23 http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Too much noise by Ann McGovern Noisy Neighbors by Nicola Moon Diary of a Spider, Worm, by Doreen Cronin Diary of a wombat by Jackie French Look Look by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace Can I help by Marilyn Janovitz Writers advantage day 12,13, week 5 day 24,25 (S-drive); Lucy Calkins Launching the writing workshop pg. 115 http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Publishing, sharing and presenting Growing up writing pg 52, 53,57; About the Author Katie Wood Ray pg 14-17 LTE for technology or personalized lead Educator Lucy Calkins Nuts and bolts of teaching writing Growing up writing pg 52 The stories Julian tells by Ann Cameron Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie dePaola Mud by Mary Lyn Ray The Great Gracie chase by Cynthia Rylant Going about the business of writing Thinking of ourselves as writers Writers advantage day 2; Lucy Calkins http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. We write everyday lesson 2 Launching the writing workshop pg. 11;Arthur Writes a Story by Marc Brown Reading mentor text http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. If you were a writer by Joan Lowery Nixon Sharing our work . authors and illustrators What do Authors do by Eileen Christelow Asking for help What do writers look like Finding our stories http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Personal experiences Author Illustrator; Writers advantage week 1 Tell me a story, Mamma by Akimi Gibson Every one has a story Aunt Isabel Tells a good one By Kate Duke Borrowing ideas Treasures of the heart by Alice Ann Miller Unit of Study: Setting Up Writer’s Workshop Generating topics Specific ideas we can write about Growing up writing pg 100; Using picture books to teach writing Ruth Culham & Raymon d Coutu http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. ideas I can write by Theo LeSieg When I was Little by Jamie Lee Curtis Owl Moon by Jane Yolen Personal Narrative stories by various authors Telling stories with illustrations Lucy Calkins Launching the writing My little island by Frane Lessac Using pictures not words Workshop pg 27;writers advantage week Corduroy by Don Freeman Wordless picture books 2 & 4 day 7,9,10,19 Books by Donald Crews’ and Richard Scarry http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Katie’s Picture Show by James Mayhew authors and illustrators and detailed illustrationshttp://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Working with words Every letter has a sound Letters make words Initial sounds Stretching words http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. conventionsLucy Calkins Launching writing workshop pg 51,57,65; Writers advantage week 2 day 8 growing up writing pg 74,75; Lucy Calkins Launching writing workshop pg 73 http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Jr. Martin The Alphebet Keeper by Mary Murphy C is for Colorado by Katy Jo Wargin Shiver me Letters by June Sobel Writing resources ABC chart/word walls Introduction Where can I find it How do I use it http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. conventions; growing up writing pg 74,75; Lucy Calkins Launching writing workshop pg 73; Writers advantage week 6 day 27 http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. The Alphebet Keeper by Mary Murphy The alphabet Tree by Leo Lionni Alphabet Mystrey by Audrey Wood Using pictures and word(Matching text/oral to picture) Choosing a piece to share How do I know my piece is Finished Teacher choice/Student choice Maxes Words by Kate Banks The Boy who loved words by Ronni Schotter http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Labeling, editing http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Once upon a picture by Sally Swain Shoes, Shoes, Shoes By Ann Morris A pair of Socks by Stuart Murphy Lucy Calkins Launching writing workshop Pg. 115 Writers advantage week 6 day 30 http://www.jmeacham.com/writing.mini. Sharing and presenting Katie Wood Ray Writing right from the start packet pg. 12 Little Monster become an Author by Rozanne Lanczak Williams The Author with the fancy purple pen by Rozanne Lanczak Williams Unit of Study: Setting Up Writer’s Workshop Unassisted writing suggestions: simple drawing/writing of something they like to get a baseline for where they are at Common Formative Assessment Tasks: Checks for Understanding Collect and keep drawing or writing piece for base line Use suggested basic skills checklist to help guide instruction for the remainder of the setting up unit