Science_Side_2_7_files/TheTransductiveChain 2


Life’s Transductive Chain:

Being Objective About Subjectivity


Garvin McCurdy

Updated November 2005

Abstract: Life’s Transductive Chain:

Being Objective About Subjectivity

Methods: Experience, observation, integration of existing research, analysis, intuition.

Discussion: No existing theory of consciousness integrates physiology, sensation, emotion, logic, spirit and intention. Inclusion of 1) the quantum plenum, 2) healers’ energetic fields, and 3) the human ontogenetic process enables detection of life’s transductive chain. From works of pioneering researchers, the linkages can be traced from the quantum plenum through biological cavity resonators and waveguides, biologistics, biocommunications, conscious regulation of biosystems, and the interrelationships of human behavior.

Order-disorder cycles are found in biologistics, human ontological development, and cultural behavior. Also striking is the tight operational linking of symbols to the realities they represent when affecting physical reality through purely mental effort.

It is clearly justified to change the Gibbs free energy equation for biological systems to account for the auto-organizing function and also for increases in thermal energy arising from mental direction.

Conclusion: Noumenal and phenomenal activity are inextricably intertwined in the process of consciousness. The transductive pathways are beginning to be understood.

Some Science Basics

“Science” is a Latin word for knowledge.

We are all scientists — formal, informal or traditional.

Our consciousness is associational-experiential; what works lastingly, works lastingly as knowledge. Experiments speed the process.

Formal, informal and traditional science are all associational-experiential.

Absolute truth is not attainable; Maya —the illusion of the senses, our bandwidth limitations — channels an or limits our perceptions.

The closest we can come to absolute truth is correctness  together-rightness  fitting togetherness  coherence  orderliness  steady entropy state.

Doing work creates disorderliness, i.e., increases entropy.

Functions of formal science: observe, describe, classify, explain, predict, test:

• Explanation proceeds through metaphor, verbal model, math model.

• Prediction involves associative creation of testable hypotheses.

The symbol (metaphor or model) is not the reality, yet they are interrelated.

Kuhnian paradigms involve 1) a common logical structure, 2) a body of researchers exploring that structure and 3) a common means of measurement. When anomalies are discovered, paradigm changes occur — which are very emotional.

Some Science Basics (cont’d)

In logical context, that paradigmatic anomalies will be discovered is corollary to

Gödel’s Insufficiency Theorem: i.e., No single consistent logical system can describe all of nature. This is the logical counterpart of the metaphor of the blind men describing the elephant.

We ask nature “Why?” and the answer comes back, “This is sort of how it is.” The proper question is, “How is it that…?”

The four physical forces of the current paradigm:

• Strong nuclear: Holds atomic nucleus together.

• Weak nuclear: Randomly expels radioactive particles/waves from nucleus.

• Electromagnetic: Holds matter together via positive nuclei and negative electrons.

– Positive and negative are arbitrary definitions

– North and south magnetism are inseparable.

–Where there’s magnetism there’s associated (i.e., ‘entangled’) electricity, and vice versa.

• Gravity: Creates up and down. Weakest of forces, but extends through universe.

Fields: Effects in the plenum caused by ‘entangled’ things going on in matter and vice versa. They are complementary explanations of phenomena.

Introduction: The

Transparent Plenum








Mind Map

Life's Transductive Chain

Conclusions and


Human Development and Progress


Genetics/ Memetics

& Paradigms

² G = ² H + T² S

Cells & Gels &

Structured Water

² G = ² H + T(² O - ² S)?

² G = ² (H + Er) + T(² O - ² S)?


















Figure 2: Symbol and Reality

C'nest Pas La Pipe


Western science to date it seems approximately true. In the emerging paradigm the two are closely linked by mental state and intention.

Fig. 3: Three Biofields

Part a) relates various extensively documented mental effects of healers and psi workers in terms of the degree of causality vs. distance. The horizontal axis represents certainty and the vertical axis represents randomness. The magnitude of any effect would be in a third dimension coming out of the board. The intermediate relations are taken from the literature and experience.

Part b) describes biofields from traditional sources as near & far electromagnetic fields, and a field of unknown character whose effect does not drop off with distance. Tiller, Dibbler and Kohane ascribe this field to the De

Broglie pilot field. (See Figures 15-20 below.)

Note that the arrangement of these experientially sensed fields supports not only the sensed energies of healers, but also of martial arts practitioners, first class athletes, distant viewers and telepaths.

Fig. 3:




(PEAR, Cambridge, Stanford)


Emotion Reading/


(Limited Personal Experience)

Part a

Remote Viewing (Stanford, CSL, McMoneagle)

Without On-site Viewer

Small, Persistent Effects

On Ordinary Matter

(PEAR, Cambridge, Stanford)

Close Therapy

(Reiki, TT, Chi Gong, etc.)

Aural Field Therapy

(Johrei, Wirkus, etc.)

Remote Viewing

With On-site Viewer

Consciousness Field


Remote Healing/


(Levin, Dossey)

Twin's Injury Knowledge

(Common Knowledge)

Indefinitely Far


One Foot Tens of Feet

Through-the-Envelope Viewing

Spoon Bending


Part b

Near EM Field

(Etheric) Three Entangled Healing Fields

Patient must be 'open'.

Far EM Field


Massless Field



Figure 4: Energy Viewing

Visible Indications of the Three Fields:

The Major Chakras and Biofields

Figure 4: Symbol & Reality

taught. The physiological


Inflowing Emotional


Mental Field explanation is peri-foveal viewing.

Both rods and cones are brought into integrated use. Humanity’s fairly recent use of artificial light has trained us to use daytime, full color (foveal) vision early in our individual development to the exclusion of soft focus in soft illumination.

Third Eye



Solar Plexus





Altruistic Love


Self Love


Etheric Field

Emotional Field

Root Being

Traditional science has long associated the etheric field with body development and maintenance, the aural field with emotion, and the mental field with distant healing effects. Formal science is just coming to the associations.


As Experienced From

Wirkus's Intensive Workshop

ISSSEEM Conference, 20 02

Fig. 5: Emergences in Cosmological


This figure is an integration of Big Bang cosmology with the insights of Teilhard de Chardin. He coined the terms

'biosphere' and 'noosphere' to describe the emergence of consciousness from earlier life upon the Earth. Big Bang cosmology has evolved from its early stages (It was welcomed by Einstein as 'beautiful.') to the point where it is now accepted that early-on the expansion would have had to progress faster than the speed of light, a tenet which conflicts directly with Einstein's postulate that c is the universe's absolute speed limit.

Quantum mechanics has discovered that the most dense matter is over 99.99% space-time and that space-time is not empty; it is itself an energetic medium. Uncovering its nature is a current priority of physicists and consciousness researchers. It is key to subtle energies and energy medicine.

Zeroth Emergence


Figure 5: Evolving Emergences

First Emergence


Second Emergence


Third Emergence


Fourth Emergence



Vacuum Cosmos Earth Life Thought

The Universe Wonders

About Itself!!

Big Bang

More than 99.999% of all energy is still in the vacuum!




4 3





Each emergence is supported by the preceding ones.


Figure 6: The Gurwitsch Experiment

The Discovery of Biophotons, 1926


Onion shoots

Cell division rate increased with an air gap or with a quartz window which passed UV light through, but did not with ordinary glass which blocked UV.

Glass Tubes

Conclusion: The UV range photon emissions caused the growth spurts. Gurwitsch named the phenomenon

mitogenetic radiation.

Source: A.G. Gurwitsch, Das Problem der Zelteilung

(The Problem of Cell Division), 1926

Fig. 6: Popp on Biophoton Research

Notes on Figure 6: F.A. Popp on

Biophoton Research

Per F.A. Popp, from the last 30 years’ research, biophotons:

• Generate a sparsely occupied field;

• Never cluster about fixed frequencies; they are not ‘classical’ photons;

• Number observed in any given time period allows Poissonian distribution;

• Bioluminescent decay after exposure to light falls off as 1/time, indicating a quantum coherence;

• Pass through inanimate or live matter > 10 times better than classical photons. (They don’t lose energy making heat.);

• Emission rate vs. temperature cycling describes a hysteresis pattern (similar to many biological functions).

• Stressing living samples often results in increased emission rates (as with a healing response.)

• DNA conformation may influence emission.

Popp’s summation: Biophoton fields are essential to tissue morphogenesis, functioning, maintenance and repair.

Popp’s vision: The emergent model is like cavity resonators and wave guides.


Aural and electromagnetic cavity resonators have become commonplace in modern life. String instruments — guitars, violins, etc. — are familiar examples of mechanical vibrations driving cavities to produce harmonious sounds. The

‘microwave’ has become perhaps the most familiar of the electromagnetic variety.

The term CRORACELL (Cavity Resonator + ORAC + Cell) was coined to draw attention to the similarities of different technologies because each shapes resonating electromagnetic energy within a cavity. CRs are entirely inanimate matter; ORACs include organisms within their cavities; cells are living matter within a living cavity.

Tesla apparently pioneered CRs to extract energy from the plenum; Reich invented the ORAC for healing benefit; reality invented organelles, cells, organisms, and the

Earth — all clearly CRs. Nucleons, nuclei, molecules, stars, and the universe itself may well become regarded as CRs.









Standing Waves









Wave Guides

Cavity Resonator

Wooden Structural


Wool Filler

Metal Inner Liner



The ORAC is a cavity resonator which amplifies biophotonic effects.


Lipid & Protein


The membrane enhances but is not necessary to action impulse generation! (particularly for neurons)

Membrane surfaces inside and outside the cell organize water and are light reflecting, making the cell a cavity resonator!

Similarly for the cellular microtubules! There is photonic communication within the cell, to adjoining tissue, and throughout the body

Fig. 8 Microtubules as Waveguides

Waveguides were developed around the time of World War II to duct man-made photons (VHF, UHF, microwaves, etc.) from CRs to antennas and thence into the atmosphere for radio communications and radar.

Explored by S.R. Hameroff in the last decade, microtubules can be living waveguides due to the structuring of water about them. The water-protein interface creates the equivalent of a glass fiber which loses very little photonic energy because of total internal reflection of light within it. From place to place along the microtubule there are ‘built-in’ frequency sensitive structures which can serve as transducers to convert light energy to thermal energy of vibration and fuel biochemical reactions.

Some microtubules are quite long term; others are temporary, perhaps since there are several different configurations built up from the tubulin monomer. The thirteen monomer configuration, illustrated in Fig. 8, was reported first, and may be the most stable variety.

Figure 8: Why Microtubules Would Make Good Waveguides

Tubulin Monomers

Tube of 13 tubulin chains shown at left. Other configurations exist, some with even numbers of chains. These chains are of periodically charged protein and should form a 'hedgehog' structure of water dipoles around the tube

(shown symmetrical at right, but conforming to the tubule axial charge structure). A similar structured water interface should form inside the tubule. These cylindrical interfaces would form reflecting surfaces which would act as a waveguide for photons moving axially within the tube.

Communication would be full duplex (both ways at once) with tuned structures along the tube able to access specific frequencies, much like a cable

TV network.

Adapted from P enrose, Fig 3. 18, p 131,

Energy Medicine in T herapeutics and Human Performance

The tubulin monomer is not round, but has two cross-sectional configurations sketched here. Tubules constructed of the open configuration, particularly with an even number of tubulin chains should bind more intimately with water, producing a more stable structure. (It has been observed that some tubes are temporary while others are long lived.)

Fig. 9: Pollack’s Engines of Life

G.H. Pollack has convincingly unified explanation of cell function by reviewing out-of-paradigm anomalies and proposing better alternative mechanisms. His examination of the cellular microenvironment indicates the importance of water structuring, closely packed organelles, the cytoskeleton, and proteinic gels to cellular logistics. He sketches

‘hair triggered’ proteinic gel phase transition mechanisms for secretion, action potential, molecular transport, mitosis, muscle contraction, and

ATP<—>ADP transport cycle between mitochondrion and organelle.

Author’s observation: Because neurons can generate weak action potentials without membranes, but none at all without cytoskeletons, a principal function of the membrane appears to be to provide a reflective surface surrounding the cell cavity enabling a coherent photonicbiophotonic wave structure…which jibes with healers’ experience of sensation and emotion as field-transferable between healer and patient.

Figure 9: Pollack’s View of ATP Energy Transference: Mitochondrion to Organelle




Pi = Phosphate Ion

= Elec tric Fiel d

= Water Dipoles

Figure 9: Pollack’s View of ATP Energy Transference


Initial State





Pi Recovery




About 5 nm or

14 layers

Structure d H2O






Orga nelle





















Pi Pi Pi Pi


Pi Pi




Mitoch on drion has assembled highl y energetic ATP on surface receptors

T is very negative

E field organizes water

T >> D affi nity for muscle protein (100,00 times)

Structured water is tran sparent to ph otonic fl ow between organ elles, especiall y bioph otons

Pi Rebinding

Ts move off mitochon drion down E fiel d through open H20 structure

Displace Ds from their sites on muscle

E field becomes weak & water bec omes unstructured

Ds follow concentration gradien t through unstruc tured water to mi tochondrion


E field h as fl ipped, but H2O structure is equivalent to initial state

As muscle is used for action, en ergy is tran sferred into muscle organelle by the action of ATPase

ATPase catalyzed extraction of en ergy from ATP rel eases one

Pi from each ADP molecule

E field is again weak and H2O bec omes unstructured

Pis follow concentration gradien t through unstruc tured water back to mitoc hondrion for recyc ling into ADP

Unstruc tured water is opaque to ph otonic fl ow, less s o to bioph otons


Structured water is tran sparent to ph otonic fl ow between organ elles, especiall y bioph otons

Unstruc tured water is opaque to ph otonic fl ow, less s o to bioph otons

Adapted from Fig 15.6, p262, Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life

Fig. 10: Calvin’s Code

Calvin’s Code is a dynamic activation of (‘gray’) cortical neurons which form ever varying hexagonal patterns across the cortex surface. The basic element of the pattern is the activation of cortical neurons by afferent

(‘white’) myelinated neurons originating in the limbic system or in other areas of the cortex. As these impulses are received they inhibit adjacent cortical neurons but excite pen-adjacent ones. As the activation pattern of the afferent neurons changes, so does the map of the code pattern. W.H. Calvin explains the formation of different patterns in Darwinian terms as competition for a limited cortical workspace.

Repetition of such patterns leads to Hebbian strengthening of their synapses; lack of repetition leads to atrophy of involved neurons incurring synaptic reconnection of some neurons or the death of others (the neuronal ‘pruning’ mechanisms). Calvin equates each different pattern to a ‘thought.’

Figure 10: Calvin Spatial-Temporal Cortical Code

Figure 10: Calvin Spatial-Temporal Cortical Code

Fig. 11: Inferences of Calvin’s Code

Inferences: The result of the afferent (inbound to the cortex) Calvin code pattern is an efferent (outbound, after associative processing) activation pattern in myelinated neurons, themselves afferent to the limbic system or other parts of the cortex. A

‘thought’ is sensation and emotion arranged in some logical context, and an activation pattern alone does not explain sensation. Fig. 11 suggests how the energetic and biochemical environments of the myelinated (‘white’) neurons participate in shaping intracortical transductive entanglements which we perceive as sensations. In particular, the pituitary and pineal, each associated with a chakra, are bathed in these entanglements.

In stark contrast to computer chips designed to eliminate electromagnetic ‘cross talk’ between the conducting pathways (and thus create the 0 and 1 nature of their action), the brain structure is clearly rife with photonic/ electromagnetic cross talk constantly changing the energetic states of seemingly unconnected cells in the vicinity of neurons.

The principle which Calvin has advanced becomes that of the mental switching circuitry which activates entanglements reaching into the plenum, necessary but not sufficient to create a ‘thought’. It is these entanglements which produce tastes, odors, sounds, touch, proprioception and the visual picture. At an unconscious level they produce the self-regulating homeostases. They rise in consciousness to the level of sensation and emotion enabling a broad variety of behavior. The freeze-fight-flight reaction is one of the most basic of these.

Crown Chakra

Third Eye

Figure 11: Calvin Code Inferences

Calvin Code Inferences

Figure 11: Calvin Code Inferences


Intracortical Myelinated Axon


Nodes of Ranvier




The Microenvironment Around the Intracortical Myelinated Axons

This complex of cytoskeletal action impulse, ionic electrical, semiconductive and biophotonic processes is a nexus of sensation/ emotion generation and mixing, and the scene of the dysfunction caused by Alzheimer's and Mad Cow Diseases.

Fig. 12: The Living Matrix

J. Oschman has called the totality of cells and microtubules in the body “the living matrix,” and has investigated the extent of their connectivity. It appears that all cells are interconnected by microtubules and the path of inter-tissue communication is through the fascia, the body’s largest organ.

Thus the entire body is suffused with biophotons, classical photons and non-classical electromagnetic phenomena which arise from vibrational modalities of long, charged protein molecules working in the Earth’s and the body’s own magnetic fields. This result explains the entanglement of physiology with the plenum and begins to describe the non-locality of sensation, emotion and thought.

K. Marek has reported experiments of laser light being applied to acupuncture points being received at other points on the body. Such techniques should illuminate the relation between the living matrix and the traditional acupuncture system.

Figure 13: Modalities & Requirements

Oschman’s participation in the biophysical community’s research is detailed in Energy

Medicine and Human Performance , which discusses the numerous biocommunication modalities which are being discovered but not yet intellectually integrated into the system process which is conscious human life. It is fairly clear though that the system is not centrally controlled; it is decentralized from the physiological into the plenum and involves multiprocessing, multi-tasking, and multiple modes. There is a close association with the traditional ideas of ‘ constitution ’ used in ancient medicine and still used in Ayurvedic and homeopathic disciplines.

Biocom modalities include those which have been identified in biochemical terms.

Biophysical considerations are uncovering new modalities such as the phonon, exciton, soliton and Frölich wave, which recognize the electric interactions of the richly charged protein molecules with the Earth’s and body’s own electric and magnetic fields.

While the modalities and their interactions are only now being discerned, biocom requirements clearly exist for:

• Ontogenetic functions, conception through death;

• Autonomic functions;

• Repair and maintenance functions;

• Control of central nervous functions;

• Central subcognitive phenomena;

• Central nervous cognitive functions;

• Central nervous creative functions.

All of these requirements demand auto-organizational capacity. In other words, the accepted version of the Gibbs free energy equation for biology should be modified to take the negative entropic aspect into account. (See Biological Free Energy box below.)



O Carbonic Acid Level

Wound Location



Ciliary Inputs









Biochemical Docking

Frölich Waves

Conformational Waves

VHF Signals

Tuned Acupuncture










Electric Field Sense



Action Impulses

Body Water Volume



Glucose Levels




Not at all clear how homeostasis is achieved, but look to the boundary conditions!!

Figure 14: Multimodal Biocommunications Synchronization

This sketch is an interpretation of the

Kornhuber-Decke experiment of 1964 in which electric and magnetic probes were placed appropriately across the brain's great commissure sensory-motor gap and recorded simultaneous field changes accompanying the voluntary movement of a finger.

The fair matching of the two fields in time suggests much of the communicative energy to be electromagnetic, but the field orthogonality cannot be determined from the experimental design, nor can the individual contributions of the other modes.

The necessity for such synchronism seems to determine the body's basic gestalt update frequency. Strong sensations received at frequencies which cannot be readily integrated cause disorientation such as when driving through tree shadows cast across a road on a bright day.

Finger Muscle

Phase Transition

Electric Field

Magnetic Field

Multimode Feedback

After Korn huber & Dee cke, Rea dine ss Pote ntia ls, 19 64 .

Fig. 15: The DeBroglie Wave

W.A. Tiller, W.E. Dibble and M.J. Kohane (the TDK group) postulate that information is exchanged to and from the plenum by De Broglie pilot waves. Paradoxically, the slower a particles moves with respect to the speed of light, c , the faster the De

Broglie wave moves, so that the product of their speeds is always c 2 . Particles which approach zero speed would then be associated with waves which would approach instanteneity at a distance. In the case of a photon traveling at c , the associated wave packet would envelop and stay with the particle as it travels.

Thus, the slow action impulses of cortical neurons could have more far reaching effects than more rapid actions, such as the movements of electrons through wires.

Figure 15: The DeBroglie Postulate

Fig. 16: The D- and R-Domains

TDK’s math formalism is expressed in terms of gauge symmetry which relates to the degree of mental coupling with physical events. A conjugate, or reflected R-regime is calculated which is complementary to our experienced, or direct D-regime. The two regimes are mathematically joined by an 'inverted mirror' of intention-influenced (deltron) substance. In the R-regime electric monopoles complement the familiar D-regime dipoles; magnetic dipoles complement D-regime magnetic monopoles; magnetoelectrism complements electromagnetism; inverted space-time coordinates complement space-time coordinates; and quantum mechanics must be modified for both regimes to reflect the observed realities.

Fig. 16: The Nature of the D & R Regimes

Fig. 17: Causal Linkage Between the Domains

Extrapolating from material science, the linkage between the two regimes is modeled in terms of gauge symmetry where higher gauge symmetries represent greater causal linking of mental processes with physical reality. Our ordinary relation in which consciousness causally affects reality only through physical action (i.e., emotion => logic => spirit => intention => action is given a gauge symmetry of U-1. The relation in which consciousness also causally affects reality through unmediated mental effort is given a gauge symmetry of SU-2.

In SU-2, changes are effected through disciplined application of state of consciousness, logic, spirit and intention.

Figure 17: Causality Relationship Between Gauge

Symmetry Domains

Fig. 18: Meditative Imprinting

The figure shows the imprinting session used the TKD experiments. Four experienced meditators focused written, detailed intention on an EM shielded IIED (Intention

Imprinted Electronic Device), the IIED was then shipped to a remote location where it was exposed to biological targets:

• Water, with intention to change the pH by a precise amount.

• To increase the ATP/DP ratio of fruit fly larvae by as much as possible.

• To increase the in-vitro activity of ALP enzyme and HAD co-enzyme as much as possible.

Effects on the targets were quite causal and in accord with the written intentions. Using a technique derived from the pH changing method enabled measurement of gauge symmetry. Not only did the gauge symmetry of the IIEDs and targets change, the imprinting vicinity was also changed.

The tight linking of causality to the written and read intention statements indicates a very tight linking of the symbol to the reality it represents. In this case the picture of the pipe is inextricably entangled with the reality of the pipe. Reiki

Practitioners operate routinely with such tight linkages between the symbols and real effect.

Figure 18: An Imprinting Session

EM Shielded


Two expert women and two expert men in focused consciousness on statement of intention

Fig. 19: Plenum Visualization

The figure illustrates alternative ways in which plenum energy can be visualized with reference to the zero point energy. The geyser simile illustrates the observed negative energy flow but does not seem appropriate at biological temperatures. The hole simile shares the drawback of the geyser and furthermore divides the system into three parts: thermal, an unobserved thermal hole we displace in the plenum, and the plenum itself. The bubble seems suggested by the TKD inverted mirror concept, but again artificially divides reality into plenum and non-plenum elements. The perfused picture in which we are ‘soaked through’ by the plenum ( we in it; it in us ) remains the most appealing in that it diffuses the boundary problem throughout the biological ORAC hierarchy, rendering it impractical to draw strict reductionist system boundaries.

An intriguing aspect of this visualization is that of accommodating the intuitive mental constructs (noumena) which have seemed important to humanity over a very long time: Plato’s forms, Kant’s noumena, and Jung’s archetypes.

Figure 19: Ways of Visualizing Plenum Energy


Thermal/ D Domain

Absolute Zero

Vacuum/ R Domain Zero Point Energy

The energy is transformed and 'spouts out' into our reality.

We float in the vacuum as a boat in water.

Leaks in the boat permit entry into our domain.


We are surrounded by the vacuum domain, and its effects are caused across the boundary between



We are perfused by the vacuum domain and interactions are the norm. We are in it; it is in us.

The intuitive picture remains preferred.

Fig. 20: Information Interchange

info effo

D Domain R Domain exfo affo

Inverted Mirror

Inherent in the TKD concepts are:

• A cyclical flow of information into and out of the two domains. We perceive information

(info) arriving in the D-domain from the R-side. Similarly information exiting the D-domain could be called exfo. In the R-domain exfo would be matched by an afference (affo) to Rreality and the efferent flow out of R-domain back into the inverted mirror could be called

(effo) and would match D-domain’s info.

• Between the D- and R-domains both energy and entropy switch signs. This seems justification to further modify the Gibbs free energy equation to account for such things as

‘healer heat,’ suspended animation, and hibernation. (See the Biological Free Energy box below.)

Fig. 21: Order-Disorder Cycles in Human Behavior

This chart is about order-disorder cycles in human experience and the math model that explains them. In chronological order:

• K. Gödel's Insufficiency Theorem grew out of the failed attempt by B. Russell and A. N.

Whitehead to encapsulate all math into a small book of basic principles which could apply to any eventuality. They based their effort on consistent logical systems using symbolic logic. This worked fine for a few theorems then began to yield truth values of 1 ≠ 1 — clearly paradoxical.

Gödel finally achieved insight by making the truth table itself part of the logical system (a ground breaking mathematical stratagem). He showed that there are not enough axioms available to explain all of math consistently. Paradox is inevitable in consistent systems. Further, he showed that there are truths which can be stated within the context of such systems that cannot be explained by them. Consider what this means to supposedly consistent human systems — military, government, religion, law, business organization, organized sports, etc. The wisdom written into the U.S. Constitution — perhaps the first designed, consistent logical system for government to include provisions for its own amendment — is at once reassuring and amazing.

• Jean Piaget was the first to discover what are now called 'windows of learning' in the developing child. He wrote extensively over a long career emphasizing (in pre-DNA days) the contribution of genetics to psychology and epistemology, then passing on to child development in which he discerned four stages: 1) sensory-motor (infancy), 2) pre-operational intuitive (early childhood and socialization, learning of language, numbers, forms colors, etc.), 3) concrete operational

(middle to late childhood, model building, playing instruments, working paper routes, etc.), and

4) abstract operational (adolescence, writing for school paper, composing songs, running

Fig. 21 cont’d

for student office,etc.). For these he posited different body-brain-neural structures which occur naturally in more or less reliable order and effect. The transition between stages was a time of psychological disorder that would transmute into the succeeding stable period. Current work on developmental ontology branches out from the trunk of his work.

• T. Kuhn in his

The S tructure of Scientific Paradigms observed that science progresses in order-disorder cycles. In the ordered aspect, which he called standard science, there are 1) a consistent logical framework unique to the discipline, 2) a group of interested scientists unraveling the logic, and 3) a standard means of measurement with which to compare results. Sooner or later anomalies begin to appear; the community is thrown into a disarray of opinions; a new structure finally emerges from exercise of intuition, visualization, metaphor, etc. which retains the consistent truths of the old, but expands to include new truths. Sadly, the new paradigm often emerges with the demise of authority figures who are unable to adapt.

• R. Dawkins and D. Dennett hold that sensual-emotional-logical Hebbian networks

(established by Calvin coding) support much of human behavior such as familial, social and cultural training; language and math learning; organizational behavior; religious practices, etc. All these behaviors are seen to arise through the human capacity for association and mimicry (which provide the repetition to establish Hebbian networks).

As we develop into adults we absorb and repeat the behavioral patterns around us with our own particular variations of acceptance, rejection or modification, and so absorb our culture. Cultures compete, but in a Lamarckian way by transmission of traits rather than of biological structure. This accounts for the rapid rate of cultural evolution as compared to biology. In their eyes, the march of large

Fig. 21: Cont’d

scale memetic patterns through the course of human history — hunter-gatherer, herder, farmer, trader, manufacturer, information worker — is better thought of as a memetic progression rather than as 'progress'.

• Gladwell, not knowing about memetic determinism, and writing for the business market, details how to change group attitudes in The Tipping Point . Firstly there must be a networked group of connectors (people with a very broad and influential circle of friends, colleagues and associates), mavens (who enthuse and intellectualize over the proposed initiative), and salesmen (who convincingly spread the word outside the network to gather resources). Secondly, the proposed fascinating idea that overcomes the natural resistance to change outside the network. Thirdly, the circumstances must be right, e.g., the circumstances are not now right in the U.S. for introduction of a single payer health plan, too many interests and factors are against it.

On the other hand, consider the Marshall Plan. George Marshall, Secretary of State was connected to movers and shakers in all elements of the U.S. government and many in Europe. Mavens abounded in each of these organizations, able to construct a mechanism and case for the plan's implementation. The innovators were able to overcome the objections of conservatives because the situation demanded it: a weak and divided Europe would most likely have gone Communist. And so the victors of WW-II helped the vanquished back to their feet

— for selfish reasons, yet for a first time in history.

It appears that human consciousness, from the physiologically microscopic to the culturally macroscopic, depends on cycles of order and disorder

— of stability and entropy. Sensations and emotions which link physiology with the transparent, perfusive quantum plenum are the common denominator on both scales.

Fig. 21: Behavioral

Behavioral Implications

Order-Disorder Cycles in Human Behavior

Detailed Conclusions

This presentation has outlined the elements of the new worldview through examination of the great transduction sequence that supports conscious life. It is a worldview which accommodates the experiences — sensations, emotions, states of consciousness, procedures and results — of healers and others who work with subtle fields. These experiences show varying degrees of causality from very certain to nearly random. In particular we are in process of perceiving and integrating the reality of the quantum plenum and accommodating the old view as necessary. The energy medicine area, dealing as it does with conscious humans, is the most illustrative of these nearly transparent effects and so provides as experimental window into the new view of reality.

It appears that the interaction of our experiential world with the plenum is mutually referential and interactive, therefore highly susceptible to logical paradox/contradiction, and involves the transductions sketched above. Salient points are:

1. Healers experience three entangled fields, near and far electromagnetic and an indefinitely far field of unknown nature. The effectiveness of healing action depends on the mental acceptance of the modality by both the practitioner and patient.

2. Biophotons are generated in living matter which do not issue from inorganic or synthetic organic matter. These evidently have organizational effect on life processes. The metaphor of a system of cavity resonators connected by waveguides is eminently reasonable.

3. The globular or enclosed shapes or organisms, organs, cells and organelles, even perhaps atomic nuclei and nucleons are leading candidates for biological cavity resonators. Research has shown that microtubules surrounded by conforming structured water should have the effects of waveguides, particularly for biophotons.

Detailed Conclusions (cont’d)

4. The logistical and action aspect of cells quite clearly displays an order-disorder cycle which affects intracellular water structure so as to enable, as examples, secretion, action potential, molecular transport (simple and complex), cell division, muscle contraction and ATP <—> ADP transport cycle. The principle function of the membrane shifts from maintaining cell potential to focusing and enhancing the resonating field patterns within. The cycling of water organization alternately enables and obstructs the passage of photons and fermionic matter.

5. A bewildering array of biology communications has been discovered and/or inferred. The synchronism of these various modes has been evident for some time in the basic physiological rhythms. Insight into the relative and particular significance of the various modes will be difficult to untangle, but the system requirements that they must fulfill are fairly clear. They obviously require dominant organizational ‘power’ throughout most of an organism’s life cycle. A new equation for Gibbs free energy suggests itself. (See Proposed Evolution of the Gibbs Free Energy

Equation for Biology, below.)

6. A detailed model of interaction with the plenum has been derived from a change in the DeBroglie postulate of quantum mechanics to enable thought about concurrent particle and wave effects. It supports the foregoing by providing an analytical framework which is based on the experience of healers and the need for cybernetic morphogenesis. The expanded symbol and rule set seems to have energy and entropy provision which will support the biocommunications requirements more completely than do earlier considerations.

Detailed Conclusions (cont’d)

7.In experiments with direct, consciousness-driven effects on reality, the symbol set and the reality it represents are seen themselves to be entangled in terms of emotion (sensation/ state of consciousness), mind (logical structure) and intention. Primary intention seems to be 'solidified' by the emotionally involved creators of the intentional symbol set, rather than by others who may be performing 'imprinting'.

8. There is evidence of the pervasive nature of hitherto uncorrelated order-disorder cycles in mathematics, psychology and memetics which lend insight into the nature of change within individuals and within human socio-cultural entities. It is seen that memetic structures, which subsume scientific paradigms, are 'islands of certainty' which order and re-order views of reality as we pass through cycles of order and disorder as individuals and as socio-cultural groups. The long-term historical effect of the succession of these cycles is ordinarily described by such terms as ‘history’ and 'progress'.

Proposed Evolution of the Gibbs Free Energy Equation for Biology

Formal science holds that the Gibbs equation is:

 G =  H + T  S

Where  H is Gibbs’ free energy change over a process:  H is enthalpy change with components  E, internal energy change and  PV, pressure-volume change; T is the system temperature and  S is the change of entropy, the measure of the unavailability of system energy to do work because of disorder among its components. From its derivation  S is either zero or negative, less energy available to do work. This expression was obtained in the context of the first Industrial Revolution and the context of the thermodynamics of steam systems comprised entirely of inanimate components. It describes a world which is constantly ‘running down’ in terms of energy available for work.

Yet since the coming of the biosphere, the world does not consistently ‘run down’. There are selforganizing aspects mediated by DNA and RNA, which cycle with disorganizing aspects of injury, disease, imperfect cellular repair and maintenance. A look at the biocommunications requirements shows a need for persistent organizing information throughout the lifetime. To state a more realistic

Gibbs equation for biological systems then requires recognition of this as anti-entropy, or O (for the cybernetic organizing principle) with the same energetic dimensions as S. Thus a more descriptive expression for Gibbs free energy in biology is:

 G =  H + T(  O  S) where both S and O are considered positive quantities.  O predominates in childhood and youth,  S predominates in old age and death. O arises from the interaction of physiology and plenum. But by the same token this equation does not yet match what healers and psy workers experience and what

Biological Free Energy Cont’d

the TDK formalism makes explicit. That is that physiological energy (in addition to cybernetic information) arises from the transduction chain. It can be felt by both patient and healer as tingling or warmth. Therefore a more complete form yet of the Gibbs equation is:

 G =  H +  E


+ T(  O  S) where E

R is thermal energy arising from the ‘info’ input from the R-domain. This energy is also apparent in the suspended animation of ascetics and the hibernation of animals. The

TDK formalism also supports a similar rationale for inclusion of the  O term above, a significant reinforcing factor.

Hypothesis Descriptive of Sensation and Emotion

Sensation is the cyclical iterative process of information waves originating in the plenum interacting with biochemical nexuses within the organism through biophotonic and photonic intermediation.

Emotion is the residue of sensations similarly integrated over various senses and instances. Sensation and emotion display entangled local and non-local aspects which, transduced through electromagnetic and biochemical energy modalities by means of logic and intention are capable of transforming reality both with and without physical intermediation.
