SMC Staff Recognition Task Force - Saint Mary's College of California

Recognition Task Force Mandate
0 The mandate of the Staff Recognition Task Force is to
explore approaches to staff recognition at SMC and
develop a systematic staff recognition strategy for the
Staff Recognition Task Force Members
Betty Bell-Amarant (Library)
Sunny Bradford (HR – Task
Force Leader)
Peter Chen (HR)
Lorinda Cunha (SOLA)
Vicki Davis (Career Center)
Elizabeth Gallagher
Robert Henderson
(Academic Affairs)
Angelica Moore
Eduardo Salaz (HR)
10. Marty Storti (Athletics)
11. Janet Thys (Enrollment
Services & Staff Council
12. Jennifer Villena (HR)
13. Michael Viola (Facilities)
14. Carole Wolf (Institutional
Research & Staff Council)
SMC’s Performance-Based
Staff Recognition Program
(Program Name TBD)
Purpose Statement
Staff members of Saint Mary’s College contribute to the institution’s ongoing
success and play a significant role in achieving our vision of being “the
leading Catholic comprehensive university in the western United States…”
(SMC Strategic Plan 2015-2020)
Saint Mary’s College Staff Recognition Program will strengthen excellence by
providing reward mechanisms that highlight exemplary performance and
contributions from staff members.
In addition, the Program aligns with the College’s staff compensation
philosophy of attracting and retaining outstanding persons who are
committed to the College’s mission, as well as to their own personal and
professional growth.
A Focus on Contribution & Performance
Organizational Recognition
Formal, institution-wide
recognition of specific
individuals’ contributions &
performance in defined award
Peer-to-Peer Recognition
Informal, on-the-spot
recognition between co-workers
Overview of Organizational Recognition
 Five individual staff members will receive $3,000 awards each fiscal year
for outstanding contribution in one of five performance-based categories1
Leadership Award 2
Unsung Hero Award
Inclusive Excellence / Building SMC Community Award
Customer Service Award
Innovative Solutions Award
 During a 6-8 week nomination period, SMC staff, faculty, and Brothers
may nominate eligible3 staff members.
 A seven-person staff selection committee4 will review nominations and
make selections based on clear, published criteria. A special Organization
Awards Event will be held annually.
1 Each
category is specifically defined
Award does not require being in a formal supervisory position
3 Eligibility requirements will be specified
4 Committee membership will change every 1-2 years
2 Leadership
Overview of Peer-to-Peer Recognition
 The centerpiece of the peer-to-peer recognition strategy is a fun
“Gael Bucks”1 program to support and encourage informal, on-thespot appreciation between co-workers.
 Each year every employee receives ten $2.00 Gael Bucks ($20) to
distribute as a gesture of thanks and appreciation to a co-worker who
has offered assistance, gone the extra mile, provided excellent
customer service, shown great collaboration, etc.
 Gael Bucks can be given to your staff co-workers inside or outside
your department, no matter what staff role they occupy.
 Recipients of Gael Bucks will turn them in (to HR and/or Bus Officedetails TBD) for credit as flex dollars on their SMC ID cards – which
can then be used in Oliver Hall, Café Louis, and the Bookstore.
Final program name TBD. On the back of each $2 Buck, there will be a place to write the
names of the giver, the recipient, and what the “thank you” is for.
Moving Towards a Culture of Recognition
0 Understanding the link between employee recognition and
0 Ensuring senior leadership endorsement & involvement
0 Integrating celebration & fun
 A special new awards event, separate from the yearly Service
Awards, to recognize the 5 organizational award recipients and
acknowledge all SMC staff for their hard work.
0 Fostering both formal and informal recognition in all
Next Steps
Gain Cabinet Approval
If thumbs up…
0 Work out implementation details for both the
Organizational and Peer-to-Peer components,
including timeline
0 Communicate widely and invite participation