
Teach First
15th November 2010
John Keenan
1. Teaching Texts
2. APP
3. Medium term schemes of work
4. WA2
Teaching Literature
What is a text?
Levels of reading texts
Theoretical perspectives on text study
Framework for teaching English
Writing Frames and DART
The Pleasure of the Text
What are you reading now?
What was the first book you remember reading?
Your favourite book?
Which book will you read again?
What is a text?
Texere –
weave (L)
maxim (ME)
summary of discussion (17C)
book (19C)
Narrative of change?
21C: visual, blog, poem, film, text, tattoo etc
kinetic, multimodal, manipulable, without closure
A day of texts
24 hours of reading – do one hour
Who makes it
Why you read it
How you read it
How long you read for
Compare with friends, ages, genders, ethnicities
Labelling self
Reading tart
Thrill seeker
The rights of the reader
National Curriculum
•Non fiction
•Heritage (DWM, Shakespeare, exam boards)
•Cultures and traditions
Levels of the written code
Subtextual – blocks paragraphs, scenes
Textual – whole texts
R Andrews, Tecahing and Learning English, London: Continuum, p61
Bottom up process – ‘inner voice’ phonetics
Top down – schemes, context
iF yuo aer a fluet reodur yuo wll hve on
pRblme reOdng ths sNtnce
This is just to say I have eaten the plums that were in the
icebox and which you were probably saving for
breakfast. Forgive me, they were delicious, so sweet and
so cold.
This is Just to Say
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast.
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold.
Stanovich – automated bottom up; top down
Three Approaches to Teaching Literature
Reader Response - aesthetic
Critical Literacy
1. Reader Response - aesthetic
Positioning of reader and text
Reader-response dynamic
Problem: unstructured, open-ended, text devoid of meaning
A text is a ‘blueprint’ only (p88)
‘In aesthetic reading the reader’s attention is centred directly on what he is
living through during his relationship with that particular text’ (p25)
Rosenblatt I (1978) The Reader, The Text, The Poem, Illinois: IUP
A text is a test of what you bring to the advert – Oliviero Toscani
Roland Barthes/Umberto Eco –’the death of the author’
1999 DFEE/QCA:
‘read a wide range of texts independently for pleasure’
‘well intentioned...but sit uneasily alongside the realities
faced by teachers in many secondary classrooms, where
attainment levels in English are below the expected
achievement of level 5 to 6 and where the inclusion of EAL
learners, newly arrived refugee children and those with
specific learning difficulties has to be carefully planned for’
(Dymoke, 2009: 13)
2. Critical Literacy
‘help...children towards critical understanding
of the world and the cultural environment in
which they live’ DES, 1989: 2.25
Dale Spender
Norman Fairclough
Critical Literacy
Ideology of the text
3. Genre Theory
‘All fiction (and all non-fiction) is generic’
Cranny Francis, p. 93
‘an understanding by teachers and by children that all
our speaking or writing is guided, to a greater or lesser
extent, by conventions of generic form, even where
that takes the form of an attempt to break generic
Kress, p.28
Types of genre
Generic conventions list of one genre
Social situations create conventions
The stability and repeatability of that social
situation lead to texts with a similar stability,
with a marked conventionality, which in the
end makes the text simply natural and makes
its constructedness unnoticable’
Gunther Kress, p.27
Police Drama
Ideology: guns ok, police good, police can kill, man’s world etc etc
•Rewrite with new ideology
•Teach the conventions inc English register
•examine the genre history
•analyse audience appeal
Changes in Government Approach
Bullock report (1975) – top down, bottom up
Kingman and Cox (1990) – top down (suppressed)
Rose Report (2006) synthetic phonics – bottom up
(analytic – beginning and ending)
Pedagogy of Targets
1989 Kingman – ‘linear model’ (p12) progression through key stages
1993 Literary heritage DFE 1993: ‘high quality’ Text to the fore
Enjoyment cannot be measured – (Dymont on QCA)
‘A clear-cut linear model of progression in English’ (Dymoke, 2009: 15)
Dymoke S (2009) Tecahing English Texts 11-18, London: Continuum
Writing frames
Sentence stems, sentence shells with blank
phrases, paragraph openings, paragraph endings,
word banks
straightjackets which reduce the level of
challenge offered by a text and
opportunities for high-level individual
responses to it’
(Dymoke, 2009: 17)
Bottom up
‘Andrews (2004) found no high-quality
evidence to support the view that teaching
the principles of sentence grammar has any
significant influence on the quality or
accuracy of school-aged students’ writing’
(Dymoke, 2009: 16 )
2008 – less grammar
Programme for International Student Assessment
Enthusiasm for reading greatest influence
Cited by OFSTED, 2005: finding ways to engage students in
reading may be one of the most effective ways to leverage
social change’
OFSTED concerns: ‘time for independent reading, reading for
OFSTED: a text has become, ‘a kind of manual’ (2005: 26) –
purpose not quality
Policy 10 mins silent reading at the start of lessons
Global, Enterprise, Creativity, Cultural
Understanding Diversity
Key Stages
Adoption of 2001 Framework
Identification of prior knowledge
Teacher demonstration of process
Shared exploration through activity
Scaffolded pupil application of new learning
Consolidation through discussion/activity
Operating within an education marketplace,
English teachers increasingly deal in knowledge
rather than meaning making...and are expected to
‘deliver’ the goods rather than to teach young
people to engage in deep learning’
(Dymoke, 2009: 20)
Lesson stucture
Starter (linked to lesson!)
Introduction (prior learning, clear objectives, activity)
Development active engage, reading, creating, independent
Plenary summarised in interactive way, progress details
Directed Activities Related to Texts
Cloze using contextual clues
Card sorting
Statement games
Re-creation (media, genre etc)
A Christmas Carol
Balloon Debate
2 people up
Voting cards
This house believes we should teach A Christmas Carol
This house does not believe we should teach A Christmas Carol
Medium Term Scheme of Work
1. APP
The guide
1. APP
The Grids
1. APP
Test yourself
1. APP
The tool
1. APP
Assessing pupils’ progress in
1. APP
write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 2 – b1
In some forms of writing
 mostly relevant ideas
and content, sometimes
repetitive or sparse
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 2 – b2
In some forms of writing
 some apt word choices create interest
1. APP
In some forms of writing
 brief comments, questions about events or actions
suggest viewpoint
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 3 – b1
In most writing
 some appropriate ideas and content included
some attempt to elaborate on basic information or events,
e.g. nouns expanded by simple adjectives
Example on left also an example of
WAF1 - L3 – b2
Example with adjectives:
“The bull was very hungry and its
pen was too small”.
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 3 – b2
In most writing
 attempt to adopt viewpoint, though often not maintained or inconsistent,
e.g. attitude expressed, but with little elaboration
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 4 – b1
Across a range of writing
 relevant ideas and content chosen
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 4 – b2
Across a range of writing
 some ideas and material developed in detail,
e.g. descriptions elaborated by adverbial and expanded noun phrases
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 4 – b3
Across a range of writing
straightforward viewpoint generally established and maintained,
e.g. writing in role or maintaining a consistent stance
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 5 – b1
Across a range of writing
relevant ideas and material
developed with some
imaginative detail
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 5 – b2
Across a range of writing
development of ideas and
material appropriately
shaped for selected form,
e.g. nominalization for
“Development of points juxtaposed for effect”
‘ decided’ not
‘made a decision’
‘reported’ not
‘gave a report’
“Appropriate ideas developed to maintain reader’s interest –
adverbials used to add detail”
1. APP
WAF1 - Level 5 – b3
Across a range of
clear viewpoint
established, generally
consistent, with some
e.g. some, uneven,
development of
individual voice or
characterisation in role
“Clear viewpoint
1. APP
WAF1/2 - Level 6
Across a range of writing
b1 imaginative treatment of appropriate materials, familiarity with conventions of a variety of forms, adapting them when
needed to suit purpose and audience, not always successfully,
e.g. deliberate use of inappropriate register for humour, clear emphasis on narration rather than plot
b2 convincing, individual voice or point of view established and mostly sustained throughout,
e.g. authoritative expert view, convincing characterisation, adopting a role
“Confident command
of appropriate
material relating to
task with consistent
point of view
maintained “
1. APP
WAF1/2 - Level 6 – b3
Across a range of writing
 level of formality used for purpose and audience generally appropriate and a range of stylistic devices
used to achieve effect, not always successfully,
e.g. controlled informality, generalisations or shifts between conversational style and more literary
“Consistent control of level of
“Level of formality
appropriate to purpose”
(Information Leaflet)
“Consistent control of
appropriate level of formality/
informality, including direct
1. APP
WAF1/2 - Level 7 – b1
Across a range of writing
 imaginative and generally successful adaptation of wide range of forms and
conventions to suit variety of purposes and audiences,
e.g. deliberate reference to other texts or textual conventions for effect or
“Throughout paragraphs 4, 5, 6
and 7, a range of conventions
appropriate to purpose and form
such as eyewitness comment and
‘expert’ opinion, are well
1. APP
WAF1/2 - Level 7 – b2
Across a range of writing
 well judged, distinctive individual voice or point of view
established and sustained throughout,
e.g. consistent handling of narrator’s persona in fiction; well
controlled use of original turns of phrase in formal discursive
From Paragraph 3
“There is a repetition error in the
link between paragraphs 7 and 8,
but the last two paragraphs
maintain the clearly established
1. APP
WAF1/2 - Level 7 – b3
Across a range of writing
 generally successful and consistent control of appropriate level of formality and varied range of
stylistic devices to achieve intended effect,
e.g. varying the level of formality within a piece for effect; direct address to the reader or taking the
reader into their confidence
“The introductory/subheading/first paragraph
immediately establishes a sense of purpose
and audience at an appropriate level of
formality for a newspaper report”
1. APP
WAF1/2 - Level 8
Across a range of writing
 creative selection and adaptation of a wide range of
forms and conventions to meet varied writing
challenges with distinctive personal voice and style
matched to intended effect
“The subject matter of this response relates to the way the
role of Prospero should be acted out in this scene and so the
essay form is adapted to incorporate a commentary on the
developing action with interpolated comment on
expression, gesture and attitude. This is presented in a clear
and consistent ‘voice’, without unnecessary stylistic
distractions but using a wide vocabulary to express meaning
precisely – ‘Prospero then goes away to announce to the
island‘s inhabitants…’; ‘This reminiscing seems to illustrate
his regret at abjuring his magic…’; ‘The anger he feels for the
men must be measurable and Prospero takes his
opportunity to tell each of the maddened men exactly how
he feels about them, venting his anger accordingly’. The
range of vocabulary deployed is ambitious, well matched to
purpose and judiciously chosen to convey exact meanings.”
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 2 – b1
In some forms of writing
 some basic purpose established,
e.g. main features of story, report
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 2 – b2
In some forms of writing
 some appropriate features of
the given form used
• Clear opening
• Introduction of characters
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 2 – b3
In some forms of writing
 some attempts to adopt
appropriate style
Aside to the reader “He did that to sueriv (serve) him right”
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 3 - b1
In most writing
 purpose established at a general level
“The style is informative and
persuasive, e.g. 'use the ticket
below to bring the family' and
'get in free' indicate attention
to reader”
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 3 - b2
In most writing
 main features of selected form sometimes signalled to the reader
“apart from some brief
reference to sounds (e.g.
'creaked'), opportunities to
develop senses beyond what
the narrator sees have been
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 3 - b3
In most writing
 some attempts at appropriate style, with attention to reader
“The style is mainly appropriate (AF2 L3 b3), with phrases such as 'I am writing to say...' and
'Hope to see you soon...' appropriate to letter form”
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 4 – b1
Across a range of writing
 main purpose of writing is clear but not always consistently
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 4 – b2
Across a range of writing
 main features of selected
form are clear and
appropriate to purpose
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 4 – b3
Across a range of writing
 style generally appropriate to task, though awareness of reader not always sustained
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 5 – b1
Across a range of writing
 main purpose of writing is clear and consistently maintained
“Purpose of
establishes form
and purpose”
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 5 – b2
Across a range of
 features of
selected form clearly
established with
some adaptation to
“Form clearly
established with
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 5 – b3
Across a range of
 appropriate style
clearly established to
maintain reader’s
interest throughout
“Sentence structure (AF5 L5 b3)
and punctuation (AF6 L5 b6) deployed for effect”
“Expanded noun phrases and adverbials placed for effect”
1. APP
WAF2 - Level 6-8
1. APP
– organise and present whole texts effectively, sequencing and
structuring information, ideas and events
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 2 – b1
In some forms of writing
some basic sequencing of
ideas or material,
e.g. time-related words or
phrases, line breaks,
headings, numbers
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 2 – b2
In some forms of writing
openings and/or closings
sometimes signalled
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 3 – b1
In most writing
some attempt to
organise ideas with
related points placed
next to each other
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 3 – b2
In most writing
openings and closings usually signalled
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 3 – b3
In most writing
some attempt to
sequence ideas or
material logically
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 4 – b1
Across a range of
ideas organised by
clustering related
points or by time
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 4 – b2
Across a range of writing
 ideas are organised simply with a fitting opening and closing,
sometimes linked
“Ending signalled, but only
implicit link to opening ”
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 4 – b3
Across a range of writing
 ideas or material generally in
logical sequence but overall
direction of writing not always
clearly signalled
• Opposite point of view follows as
if it is a development of the same
• Abrupt conclusion
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 5 – b1
Across a range of writing
material is structured
clearly, with sentences
organised into appropriate
“Structured clearly with
sentences organised into
appropriate paragraphs”
“Material organised into
paragraphs and direction of
text supported by links
between paragraphs “
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 5 – b2
Across a range of writing
development of material is effectively managed across text,
e.g. closings refer back to openings
Both examples from different pieces of work.
“Clear opening
establishing context and
“Ending links back to
opening…to support
overall coherence”
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 5 – b3
Across a range of writing
overall direction of the text supported by clear links between
“Link supports overall
direction of the text”
“Overall direction of text supported by
clear links between paragraphs –
discourse markers/ connectives”
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 6 – b1
Across a range of writing
material is clearly controlled and sequenced, taking account of the reader’s likely reaction,
e.g. paragraphs of differing lengths, use of flashback in narrative, anticipating reader’s questions
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 6 – b2
Across a range of writing
a range of features clearly signal
overall direction of the text for the
Clear use of topic sentences to open
e.g. opening paragraphs that
introduce themes clearly, paragraph
markers, links between paragraphs
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 7 – b1
Across a range of writing
sp. - skilfully
information, ideas and events skillfully managed and shaped to achieve intended purpose and
e.g. introduction and development of character, plot, event, or the terms of an argument, are
paced across the text
“Paragraph 9 is deliberately
short for emphasis (AF4 L7
b2) and to set up the
disclosures in paragraph 10
that bring an end to this
section - a flow of
information that rapidly
increases to reveal those
aspects of plot and
character that have been
managed thus far through
hints and allusions (AF3 L7
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 7 – b2
Across a range of writing
a variety of devices position the reader,
e.g. skilful control of information flow to reader; teasing the reader by drawing attention to how the
narrative or argument is being handled
“In the first paragraph, the opening dramatic short sentence engages the reader’s
attention and is followed by a variety of short sentences that control information
flow and help to position the reader “
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 7 – b2
“Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 maintain a well-judged and distinctive narrative voice (AF1/2 L7
b2), continuing to convey information succinctly while managing its flow to the reader”
1. APP
WAF3 - Level 7 – b2
“The final section deploys paragraphs of varied length and complexity to match narrative pace (AF4
L7 b1), gradually bringing the reader to a full understanding of the situation”
1. APP
WAF3/4 - Level 8
Across a range of writing
 imaginative, well controlled structuring of subject
matter and management of paragraphing provide
textual coherence and cohesion to position the
reader appropriately in relation to the writer’s
“The short opening paragraph establishes an overview
of the problem, encapsulated in the terse first
sentence – ‘That bus got us again’. Subsequent
paragraphs develop and explain the situation,
focussing, in turn, on the drenching from the puddle
and the reaction of the two groups of children. Within
the paragraph, cohesion is supported by the use of
adverbials – ‘Not long after...’ / ‘Just for a second...’
- and as the narrative develops, the same device is
used to establish links between paragraphs – ‘So the
morning crawled by...’ / ‘At last noon came...’ / ‘When
we had reached the spot...’ / ‘After about half an
hour...’ - so that the reader is constantly positioned, in
terms of the writer’s purpose, as events move to a
1. APP
construct paragraphs and use cohesion within
and between paragraphs
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 2
In some forms of
 ideas in sections
grouped by content,
some linking by simple
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 3 – b1
In most writing
 some internal structure within sections of text
e.g. one-sentence paragraphs or ideas loosely organised
“Paragraphs are made up of
a number of sentences,
linked through the repetition
of nouns and particularly the
pronoun 'they’”
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 3 – b2
In most writing
 within paragraphs / sections, some links
between sentences,
e.g. use of pronouns or of adverbials
Danny speaks fluently. This means we can understand him.
Lorna ate a large breakfast yesterday morning. She knew we needed the eggs.
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 3 – b3
In most writing
 movement between paragraphs / sections sometimes abrupt or disjointed
Shouldn’t we be told a bit more about what happened ?
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 4 – b1
Across a range of writing
 paragraphs / sections help
to organise content,
e.g. main idea usually
supported or elaborated by
following sentences
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 4 – b2
Across a range of writing
 within paragraphs / sections, limited range of connections between sentences,
e.g. overuse of ‘also’ or pronouns
“Limited range of connections between sentences”
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 4 – b3
Across a range of writing
 some attempts to establish
simple links between paragraphs /
sections not always maintained,
e.g. firstly, next
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 5 – b1
Across a range of writing
 paragraphs clearly
structure main ideas across
text to support purpose,
e.g. clear chronological or
logical links between
Paragraphing includes
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 5 – b2
Across a range of writing
 within paragraphs / sections, a range of devices support cohesion,
e.g. secure use of pronouns, connectives, references back to text
“Pronouns used to
support cohesion”
“‘Or’ and ‘and’ used as
sentence openers to
support cohesion”
“Repetition supports
cohesion within the
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 5 – b3
Across a range of writing
 links between paragraphs /
sections generally maintained
across whole text
“Repetition of ‘Hi’ provides
section link”
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 6 – b1
Across a range of writing
 construction of paragraphs
clearly supports meaning and
e.g. paragraph topic signalled
and then developed, withholding
of information for effect,
thematic links between
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 6 – b2
Across a range of writing
 within paragraphs, cohesive
devices contribute to emphasis
and effect,
e.g. adverbials as sentence
“Cohesive devices contribute
to emphasis and effect”
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 7 – b1
Across a range of writing
 paragraphing across the text is integral to meaning and purpose,
e.g. paragraph length and complexity varied to match narrative pace or development of argument; varied devices to link or juxtapose
paragraphs; paragraph structure repeated for effect
“Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 have a similar structure – ‘relationship with
Michael’ / ‘relationship with Mina’ / ‘connection with Michael’s
sister’– that is integral to meaning and purpose”
1. APP
WAF4 - Level 7 – b2
Across a range of writing
 individual paragraphs
shaped or crafted for
imaginative or rhetorical
e.g. last sentence echoing
the first; lengthy single
sentence paragraph to
convey inner monologue
“The length of paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 show how the use of paragraphing is
integral to meaning and purpose
(AF4 L7 b1)
with the endings to paragraphs 5 and 6 deliberately shaped for
different effects”
1. APP
– vary sentences for clarity, purpose and effect
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 2 - b1
In some forms of writing
some variation in sentence
e.g. not always starting with
name or pronoun
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 2 - b2
In some forms of writing
• mainly simple sentences
with and used to connect
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 2 – b3
In some forms of writing
past and present tense
generally consistent
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 3 – b1
In most writing
reliance mainly on simply structured sentences, variation with support,
e.g. some complex sentences
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 3 – b2
In most writing
and, but, so are the most common connectives, subordination occasionally
• suborninate clause starts the sentence
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 3 – b3
In most writing
some limited variation in use of tense and verb forms, not always secure
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 4 – b1
Across a range of writing
 some variety in length, structure or subject of sentence
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 4 – b2
Across a range of writing
use of a variety of connectives (conjunctions)
e.g. if, when, because throughout the text
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 4 – b3
Across a range of writing
some variation, generally accurate, in tense and verb forms
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 5 – b1
Across a range of writing
a variety of sentence lengths, structures and subjects provides clarity and emphasis
“Variety of length,
structure and subject in
sentences provides clarity
and emphasis”
“Use of passive
form lends
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 5 – b2
Across a range of writing
wider range of connectives used to clarify relationship between ideas,
e.g. although, on the other hand, meanwhile
“Attempt at ambitious
sentence structure ”
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 5 – b3
Across a range of writing
 some features of sentence structure used to build up detail or convey shades of meaning,
e.g. variation in word order, expansions in verb phrases
Fronted Noun Phrase
Short sentence for impact
Controlled use of modal verbs (necessity,
probability etc)
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 6 – b1
Across a range of writing
controlled use of a variety of simple and complex sentences to achieve
purpose and contribute to overall effect
“Controlled use of
sentence structures for
clarity and emphasis
(AF5 L6 b2), with some
variety of form/length/
(AF5 L6 b1) ”
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 6 – b2
Across a range of writing
confident use of a range of sentence features to clarify or emphasise meaning,
e.g. fronted adverbials (‘Reluctantly, he…, Five days later, it…’),
complex noun phrases (could be replaced with a pronoun)
Eg. Do you like the cars over there? (them?)
or prepositional phrases
Eg. Look at the boat with the blue sail (preposition ‘with’)
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 7 – b1
Across a range of writing
variety of sentence types
deployed judiciously across
the text to achieve purpose
and overall effect, with rare
loss of control
“Key information is
conveyed succinctly
through the use of
sentence forms
deploying embedded
phrases and clauses
effectively for purpose
and impact (AF5 L7
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 7 – b2
Across a range of writing
a range of features employed to shape/craft sentences that have individual merit and contribute to
overall development of the text, e.g. embedded phrases and clauses that support succinct
explanation; secure control of complex verb forms; antithesis, repetition or balance in sentence
“Variety of sentence forms
crafted to support the overall
development of the narrative
(AF5/6 L7 b2), despite some
rare blemishes in the control of
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 7 – b2
“Sentence of some individual merit, using range of clauses and repetition, with significant
implications in terms of development of the text/ending”
“A range of features –
antithesis, repetition,
punctuation – used to craft
sentences of individual
merit that contribute to
the development of the
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 8
Across a range of writing
sentence structure is imaginative, precise and
accurate, matched to writer’s purpose and intended
effect on the reader
“The first sentence begins with an adverb that
emphasises an appropriate context – ‘rough land’ –
for the narrative. In the second paragraph, short
sentences are deployed for effect – ‘The village woke
quickly.’ These slightly terse sentence forms are
typical of the structures crafted throughout to
provide an edgy intensity to the mood and
atmosphere as the narrative develops. Additional
information is conveyed succinctly and precisely by
the use of expanded noun phrases – ‘The feathered
neighbours...their perches high in the blossoming
trees...’. Where appropriate, a range of sentence
forms are used to create impact and emphasis for the
reader in accord with the writer’s purpose – ‘Once
the two different groups... So far’ (paragraph 6).”
1. APP
– write with technical accuracy of syntax and punctuation in phrases, clauses and
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 2 – b1
In some forms of writing
clause structure mostly
grammatically correct
punctuation missing
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 2 – b2
In some forms of writing
sentence demarcation with
capital letters and full stops
usually accurate
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 2 – b3
In some forms of writing
some accurate use of
question and exclamation
marks, and commas in lists
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 3 – b1
In most writing
straightforward sentences usually demarcated accurately with
full stops, capital letters, question and exclamation marks
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 3 – b2
In most writing
some, limited, use of
speech punctuation
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 3 – b3
In most writing
 comma splicing evident, particularly in narrative
• COMMA SPLICING: two independent clauses joined by a comma without
a coordinating conjunction:
It is nearly half past five, we cannot reach town before dark.”
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 3 – b3
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 4 – b1
Across a range of writing
sentences demarcated accurately
throughout the text, including
question marks
“Sentences usually accurately
demarcated and some use of
the comma (AF6 L4 b1/3)”
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 4 – b2
Across a range of writing
speech marks to denote speech generally accurate, with some other speech punctuation
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 4 – b3
Across a range of writing
commas used in lists and occasionally to mark clauses, although not
always accurately
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 5 – b1
Across a range of writing
full range of punctuation used accurately to demarcate sentences, including speech
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 5 – b2
Across a range of writing
 syntax and punctuation within the sentence generally accurate including commas to mark clauses, though some errors occur
where ambitious structures are attempted
Commas for lists
Commas for clauses
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 6
Across a range of writing
syntax and full range of
punctuation are consistently
accurate in a variety of sentence
structures, with occasional errors
in ambitious structures,
e.g. only occasional comma
some use of semi-colons, not
always accurate
Commas for subordination, and
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 7 – b2
Across a range of writing
a range of features employed to shape/craft sentences that have individual merit and contribute to
overall development of the text, e.g. embedded phrases and clauses that support succinct
explanation; secure control of complex verb forms; antithesis, repetition or balance in sentence
“Variety of sentence forms
crafted to support the overall
development of the narrative
(AF5/6 L7 b2), despite some
rare blemishes in the control of
1. APP
WAF5 - Level 7 – b2
“Sentence of some individual merit, using range of clauses and repetition, with significant
implications in terms of development of the text/ending”
“A range of features –
antithesis, repetition,
punctuation – used to craft
sentences of individual
merit that contribute to
the development of the
1. APP
WAF6 - Level 8
Across a range of writing
sentence structure is imaginative, precise and
accurate, matched to writer’s purpose and intended
effect on the reader
“The first sentence begins with an adverb that
emphasises an appropriate context – ‘rough land’ –
for the narrative. In the second paragraph, short
sentences are deployed for effect – ‘The village woke
quickly.’ These slightly terse sentence forms are
typical of the structures crafted throughout to
provide an edgy intensity to the mood and
atmosphere as the narrative develops. Additional
information is conveyed succinctly and precisely by
the use of expanded noun phrases – ‘The feathered
neighbours...their perches high in the blossoming
trees...’. Where appropriate, a range of sentence
forms are used to create impact and emphasis for the
reader in accord with the writer’s purpose – ‘Once
the two different groups... So far’ (paragraph 6).”
1. APP
– select appropriate and effective vocabulary
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 2 – b1
In some forms of writing
 simple, often speech-like vocabulary conveys relevant
“he was So a mazt he jumpt arownd” (He was so amazed he jumped around)
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 2 – b2
In some forms of
 some adventurous
word choices,
e.g. opportune use of
new vocabulary
Squirty, crunch, squash, gooey, sticky
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 3
In most writing
b1 simple, generally appropriate vocabulary used, limited in range
b2 some words selected for effect or occasion
“The planning board
demonstrates Julia's choice of
words to create an impression of
the scene, for example 'sparkling
glamorous castle', 'crumbly', 'see
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 4 – b1
Across a range of writing
 some evidence of deliberate vocabulary choices
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 4 – b2
Across a range of writing
 some expansion of general vocabulary to match topic
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 5 – b1
Across a range
of writing
 vocabulary
chosen for
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 5 – b2
Across a range of writing
 reasonably wide vocabulary used, though not
always appropriately
Some repetition due to lack of alternatives rather
than for effect:
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 6 – b1
Across a range of writing
 vocabulary chosen
generally appropriate to
purpose and audience
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 6 – b2
Across a range of writing
 range of vocabulary generally varied and often ambitious, even
though choices not always apt
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 7 – b1
Across a range of writing
 vocabulary consistently, often imaginatively, well matched to purpose and
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 7 – b2
Across a range of writing
 range of vocabulary generally varied and ambitious, often judiciously chosen
1. APP
WAF7 - Level 8
Across a range of writing
 wide ranging vocabulary used imaginatively and with
“Choice of vocabulary is deliberately used for impact
and effect: for example, the description of the influence
of books – ‘...bookshops adorning every street. The smell
of old pages and new seems to pervade the very air...’,
with the interpolation of ‘and new’ and ‘very air’ for
added stress; and the emphasis on the richness and
beauty – ‘The most impressive jewel in the crown…’ – of
the Norrington Room. Similarly deployed are features of
style: for example, alliterative humour implicit in the
juxtaposition of ‘City of Books and Bicycles’;
exaggeration, managed with some irony – ‘It’s no
exaggeration that my eyebrows nearly flew off the top of
my head...’; repetition – ‘...texts from every publisher,
every art, every subject.’; and rhetorical exclamations –
‘...and what a basement!’.”
1. APP
– use correct spelling
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 2
In some forms of writing
 usually correct spelling of:
 high frequency grammatical function words
be, by, can, do, for, from, have, if, in, of, on, that, the, to, with
• common single morpheme
Cannot be broken down any further: car, lady, stupid, where
content/lexical words
Content words or information words: shop, tell, red, fast
(Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs)
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 2
In some forms of writing
 likely errors:
inflected endings, e.g. past tense, plurals, adverbs
dided (did/died), sheeps (sheep), fighnly (finally), siting (sitting)
phonetic attempts at vowel digraphs
Two vowels together: been (bean), burd (bird), culifl (colourful)
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 3
In most writing
 correct spelling of:
 some common grammatical function words
both, against, neither, although, until, before, while, because
 common content/lexical words with more than one morpheme, including
compound words
Can be broken down further:
cats, unbreakable, stupidity, happiness
airport, walked, idiotic, quickly
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 3
In most writing
 likely errors:
some inflected endings, e.g. past tense, comparatives, adverb
sayed (said), happyer (happier), quikly (quickly)
 some phonetically plausible attempts at content/lexical words
agaynst (against), walkt (walked), afder (after)
1. APP
Some phonetically plausible incorrect spellings by adults:
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 4
Across a range of writing
correct spelling of:
most common grammatical function words, including adverbs with -ly formation
regularly formed content/lexical words, including those with multiple morphemes
most past and present tense inflections, plurals
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 4
Across a range of writing
likely errors:
homophones of some common grammatical function words
occasional phonetically plausible spelling in content/lexical words
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 5
Across a range of writing
correct spelling of:
grammatical function words
almost all inflected words
most derivational suffixes and prefixes
noun-to-verb: -fy (glory → glorify)
noun-to-adjective: -al (recreation → recreational)
noun-to-adverb: -ly (friend → friendly)
adjective-to-verb: -ise (modern → modernise)
verb-to-adjective: -able (drink → drinkable)
verb-to-noun (abstract): -ance (deliver → deliverance)
verb-to-noun (concrete): -er (write-writer)
 most content/lexical words
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 5
Across a range of writing
likely errors:
occasional phonetically plausible spelling of unstressed syllables in content words
gardians (guardians), phisical (physical)
double consonants in prefixes
imortal (immortal), iregular (irregular)
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 6
Across a range of writing
 generally correct spelling throughout, including some ambitious,
uncommon words
 words with complex sound/symbol relationships
 words with unstressed syllables
multiletter vowel and consonant symbols
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 6
Across a range of writing
likely errors:
occasionally in complex words such as outrageous, exaggerated, announcing, parallel
1. APP
WAF8 - Level 7-8
Across a range of writing
 Correct spelling throughout
1. APP
Handwriting and
1. APP
Handwriting and Presentation - Level 2
– b1
In some forms of writing:
 letters generally correctly shaped but inconsistencies
in orientation, size and use of upper/lower case letters
1. APP
Handwriting and Presentation - Level 2
– b2
In some forms of writing:
 clear letter formation, with ascenders and descenders
distinguished, generally upper and lower case letters
not mixed within words
1. APP
Handwriting and Presentation Level 3
In most writing:
 legible style, shows accurate and consistent letter formation,
sometimes joined
1. APP
Handwriting and Presentation Levels 4-7
No further requirements beyond legible style, accurate
and consistent letter formation and joined-up writing
Homework tested in class?
The what about ESOL/struggling readers
The newspaper article to get facts of his life from
In addition
In addition...
Theories of learning and teaching
Planning assessment evaluation
Critical evaluation
Vygotsky - constructivism
Bloom Gardner – learning styles
Weaknesses of above
Pedagogical debate