Introduction to America

PE 6
Comparing America and
• In many ways
America is the world
leader: the way its
athletes are treated,
the resources
available and the way
the major sports are
The geography of America and its
effect on sport
• America’s size is of great benefit to its people
economically and in terms of leisure.
America is made up of many different lanscapes
and climates that affect what Americans can do.
Generally the warm climate and the whole
variety available mean that Americans have a
broad choice of things to do.
• It is not surprising
therefore that many of
the activities/lifestyles,
jobs and life skills are
centred on hunting,
fishing and horse riding.
The idea of the ‘gun
lobby’, which agrees that
keeping guns is an
important part of self
defence, dates back to
the days of the pioneers,
when a man needed to
defend himself against
• Population - 250 million (Britain 60 million)
• ¾ live in cities, so population is dense in
the cities by very sparse in other areas.
• Climate – all types – Very cold (high
plateau. Alberquerque - practice area for
the Olympic Games.); Semi-tropical (Gulf
region); Rainy (central plateau) and
• Size - 3.5 million square miles.
• 51 states.
• Each state is about the same size as a
European country but with less population.
• America has 3 geographical areas:
1. Highland (Appalachians to the east)
2. Plateaus (Mid-America)
3. Mountains (Rockies to the west)
• Planes and inter-state
buses - The
Inter-state trains.
Great use of cars –
long distances to
American Sport
• American sport is the
most technically
advanced sport in the
Its stars are the
wealthiest in the
They are world
champions in many
The development of American
American Sport
• The American people have an obsession
with sport – sport has a strong influence
on all social and cultural aspects.
• Millions play and pay to watch sport ‘live’
and on television.
• Billions are spent on leisure and sport.
• Most sports performers earn millions, and
clubs are run as commercial companies.
American Sport
• The interesting thing about sport in
America is the fact that the sports are not
played anywhere else in the world – this is
a good example of how sport reflects the
country’s culture.
• America’s history and self-belief have
underlain sport where ‘world
championships’ are held in American
football, ice hockey, baseball and
basketball that are open to America only!!
American Sport
• Like many ‘New World’ countries, America
has colonial links.
• But these were early in the country’s
historical development, and for years
America developed separately from all,
especially Europe.
• During this time, many sports developed
from European games so that they suited
America’s new appearance.
American Sport
• Ancient games
- Baggataway/Lacrosse
• European appearance
- Baseball
• Rationalising period
- American football
• Independence and separatism
- Basketball
American Sport
• Task
• What are the main differences between
baseball and rounders?
American Sport
• In sports like hockey and football, a
harder, more attractive game was
developed (American football and ice
• Games like these are now associated with
• These were developed to reflect American
society and because of this they have not
developed away from America.
• Compare football in Britain with American
• Compare the historical and cultural
differences that have led to 2 completely
different games.
American Sport
• American sports tend to be games full of
incidents to increase the entertainment.
American sports reflect their culture,
winning is important.
• ‘The winning principle’ or ‘Lombardi’s
American Sport
Lombardi’s Principle:
• Named after the successful
coach of the Green Bay
Packers in the 50s- Vince
• He developed the idea that
winning was all-important.
• This was completely contrary
to the idea of sportsmanship.
"There's only one way to succeed in
anything, and that is to give it everything.
I do, and I demand that my players do."
"If you aren't fired with enthusiasm,
you'll be fired with enthusiasm."
"Mental toughness is essential to
"You never win a game unless you beat the
guy in front of you. The score on the
board doesn't mean a thing. That's for
the fans. You've got to win the war with
the man in front of you. You've got to get
your man
Success demands singleness of purpose."
"Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not, but
we will be judged by only one thing - the result."
"Winning is not a sometime thing: it's an all the time
thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do the
right thing once in a while; you do them right all the
time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing."
"Winning isn't everything - but wanting to win is."
"It's easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline
when you're a winner, when you're number one. What
you've got to have is faith and discipline when you're
not yet a winner."
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the
greatest fulfilment of all that he holds dear, is the
moment when he has worked his heart out in a good
cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle victorious."
American Sport
• It is this idea which encourages every
American and promotes the idea of the
American dream
• The idea of ‘rags to riches’ where
everybody can eventually become a hero
• The best example of this is the film Rocky
American Sport
• The industrial aspect of American sport
makes it unique.
• At all levels, from professional national
teams to the high school American football
team, they are run as businsesses.
• The influence of television is so important
and many sports depend on the money
produced by the television companies and
American Sport
• American sport heroes are millionaires.
• Indeed many players are on multi-million
dollar contracts.
• Many players, like Michael Jordan, make
even more money by being sponsored.
American Sport
• In spite of all the money, there is another
• Sport in America is elitist.
• e.g. in athletics, there is not one amateur
club where individuals can train and
• Clubs are based in educational institutions
like schools and colleges or professional
American Sport
• To most Americans,
sport is something to
watch on television,
and something you
don’t do after leaving
American Sport
• Television affects the rules of a
game, e.g. American football
has developed into a ‘staccatostop go’ game.
The reason for this is to enable
companies to advertise their
products every 5 minutes.
Many of these aspects are now
starting to permeate British
And we are finding it difficult to
stop our sport being
• What effect have the factors noted on the
sheet ‘Comparing Britain and America’ had
on the sports system in the USA?