T1 Figure 1-4 Contemporary approaches to information systems Technical Approaches Computer Science Management Science Psychology Operations Research MIS Sociology Economics Behavioral Approaches Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T2 Figure 1.6 Interdependence between organizations & information systems Hardware Business Strategy Software Database Rules Procedures Telecommunications Organization Information System Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Ostrożnie z prognozami: „Wiek XXI będzie inny niż jego liczne teraz przewidywania, wysadzane klejnotami dziwacznych pomysłów” [Stanisław Lem w Bombie megabitowej] Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T3 Figure 1.7 The widening scope of information systems Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Technical Changes Managerial Control Institutional Core Activities Time 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T4 Figure 1.9 A virtual organization Manufactoring Company CORE COMPANY Sales and Marketing Company Color Transparencies Design Company Logistics Company Finance Company Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T5 Figure 1.11 Electronic commerce and electronic business in the networked enterprise Factories •Just-in-time production •Continious inventory replenishment Business partners Remote officies and work groups •Joint design •Communicate plans and policies •Outsourcing •Group collaboration •Electronic communication •Production planning •Scheduling ELECTRONIC ELECTRONIC BUSINESS COMMERCE The Firm Suppliers Customers •Built-to-order products •Procurement •On-line marketing •Customer service •Supply chain management •On-line sales •Sales force automation Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T6 Figure 1.12 The information architecture of the firm Coordination INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION Strategic Systems Management Systems Functional Business Applications Knowledge Systems Operational Systems Sales and Marketing IT Infrastructure Hardware Manufacturing Finance Software Accounting Human Resources Data and Storage Technology Networks Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T7 Figure 2.1 Types of information systems KIND OF INFORMATION SYSTEM GROUPS SERVED Strategic Level Senior Managers Management Level Middle Managers Knowledge Level Knowledge and Data Workers Operational Managers Operational Level Sales and Marketing Manufacturing Finance Accounting Human Resources Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T8 Figure 2.2 The six major types of information systems TYPES OF SYSTEMS Executive Support Systems (ESS) Strategic-Level Systems 5-year sales 5-year 5-year Profit trend operating budget plannig forecasting plan forecasting Manpower planning Management Information Systems (MIS) Sales managemnt Management-Level Systems Inventory Annual Capital investment Relocation control budgeting analysis analysis Decision- Support Systems (DSS) Sales region analysis Production scheduling Knowledge Work Systems (KWS) Enginneering workstations Office Automation Systems (OAS) Word processing Machine control Cost analysis Pricing/profitability analysis Knowledge-Level Systems Graphics workstations Contract cost analysis Managerial workstations Document imaging Electronic calendars Operational-Level Systems Securities trading Payroll Compensation Transaction Order tracking Plant scheduling Accounts payable Training & development Processing Systems Order processing Material Movement Cash management Accounts receivable Emplyee record keeping (TPS) control Sales and Marketing Manufacturing Finance Accounting Human Resources Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T8 Table 2.1 Characteristics of Information Processing Systems Type of System Information Inputs Processing Information Outputs Users ESS Aggregate date; external, internal Graphics; simulations; interactive Projections; responses to queries Senior managers DSS Low-volume data or massive databases optimized for data analysis; analytic models and data analysis tools Interactive; simulations, analysis Special reports; decision analyses; responses to queries Professionals; staff managers MIS Summary transaction data; high-volume data; simple models Routine reports; simple models; low-level analysis Summary and exception reports Middle managers KWS Design specifications; knowledge base Modeling; simulations Models; graphics Professionals; technical staff OAS Documents; schedules Document management; scheduling; communication Documents; schedules; mail Clerical workers TPS Transactions; events Sorting; listing; merging; updating Detailed reports; lists; summaries Operations personnel; supervisors Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T10 Figure 2.6 How management information systems obtain their data Transaction Processing Systems Order processing systems Order file Materials resource planning system Production master file Management Information Systems MIS FILES Sales data Unit product cost data MIS Reports Managers Produkt change data General ledger system Accountig files Expense data Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T11 Figure 2.10 Interrelationships among systems Executive support systems (ESS) Management systems (MIS) Management systems (DSS) Knowledge systems (KWS and OAS) Transaction processing systems (TPS) Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T12 Figure 2.13 Business-level strategy Business-Level Strtegy Vendors Customers The Business Firm Supply Chain Management Intra Firm Strategy Efficient Customer Response Stockless inventory Product differentiation (IT products) Point-of-sale systems Continuous replenishment Just-in-time delivery Datamining Focused differentition (Datamining) Low-cost producer Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T13 Figure 2.14 The competitive forces model Substitute products and services New market entrants The firm Suppliers Traditional competitors Customers Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T14 Figure 3.1 The two-way relationship between organizations and information technology Mediating Factors Environment Culture Structure Organizations Standard Procedures Information Technology Business Processes Politics Management Decisions Chance Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T15 Figure 3.2 The technical microeconomic definition of the organization (A) Organization Inputs from the environment Outputs to the environment Production process (B) K1 Capital K2 Q L1 L2 Labor Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T16 Figure 3.4 Environments and organizations have a reciprocal relationship The Organization and Its Environment Environmental Resources and Constrains The Firm Governments Competitors Customers Financial Institutions Culture Knowledge Technology Information Systems Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T17 Figure 3.9 The systems development process EXTERNAL INTERNAL Institutional factors Environmental factors Values Uncertainties Norms Opportunities Interests System development Adoption Utilization Management Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T18 Figure 3.13 Organisational resistance Task Technology People Structure Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T19 Figure 4.1 The Evolution of Management Theory Technical-Rational Reengineering Total Quality Management Value chain analysis Administrative/Bureaucratic School Scientific Management Sensemaking Classical Contemporary Postmodern 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 The learning organization Human Relations User acceptance Structuration theory Cognitive Knowledge-based firms Datamining Systems Structural Strategic IS Behavioral Network organizations Virtual organizations Organizational knowledge Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T20 Figure 4.3 The Knowledge-Based View of the Firm Environment Knowledge Information Chaos Information-and-knowledge processing structures Existing stock of explicit organizational information + and knowledge Origins Tacit information and knowledge; Know-how Learning Organizational knowledge = base: routines, structures, ACTIONS alliances, behavior Consequences Utilization THE ORGANIZATION Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T21 Fiugre 4.4 Diffrent kinds of information systems at the various organizational levels ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL TYPE OF DECISION Structured Operational Management Strategic Electronic scheduling Production cost overruns OAS MIS Accounts receivable TPS Semistructured Knowledge Budget preparation Project scheduling KWS Unstructuredl Product design Key: TPS = Transaction processing system OAS = Office automation system KWS = Knowledge work system DSS Production facility location ESS New products New markets MIS Management information system DSS = Decision-support system ESS = Executive support system Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T22 Figure 4.5 The Decision-making Process Is there a problem? What are the alternatives? Which should you choose? Is the choice working? Intelligence Design Choice Implementation Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T23 Tabele 4.3 Models of Organizational Decision Making Name Basic Concept Inference Pattern Rational actor Comprehensive rationality Organizations select goals, examine all alternatives and consequences, and then choose a policy that maximizes the goal or preference function. Bureacratic Organizational output Goals are determined by resource constrains and existing human and capital resources; SOPs are combined into programs, and programs into repertoires; Standard operating these determine what policies will be chosen. The primary purpose of the procedures organization is to survive; uncertainty reduction is the principal goal. Policies are chosen that are incrementally different from the past Political Political outcome Organizational decisions result from political competition; key players are involved in a game of influence, bargaining, and power. Organizational outcomes are determined by the beliefs and goals of players, their skills in playing the games, the resources they bring to bear, and the limits on their attention and power. Garbage can Nonadaptative organizational program Most organizations are nonadaptative, temprary, and disappear over time. Organizational decizions result from interactions among streams of problems, potential actions, participants, and chance. Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T24 Figure 5.1 The relationship between ethical, social, and political issues in an information society Information Rights and Obligations Political Issues Property Rights and Obligations Social Issues Ethical Issues Accountability and Control Information Technology and Systems System Quality Indyvidual Society Polity Quality of Life Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T25 Table 5.2 Federal privacy laws in the United States 1. General Federal Privacy Laws Freedom of Information act, 1968 as Amended (5 USC 552) Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended (5 USC 552a) Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 Computer Security Act of 1987 Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982 2. Privacy Laws Affecting Private Institutions Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1978 Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 Privacy Protection Act of 1980 Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 Video Privacy Protection Act of 1988 Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 LOGO T26 Figure 5.2 Who owns the pieces? Artists, design firm, or Web site publisher TEXTUAL CONTENT Writer or newspaper publisher ARTICLE EXCERPT BUSINESS Writer or newspaper publisher Stock exchanges, write service, or database publischer COLUMN PHOTOGRAPH Writer, syndication service, or newspaper publisher Freelance photographer, wire service, photo agency, photo library, or newspaper publisher Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T27 Table 5.4 Internet crime and abuse Problem Description Hacking Hackers exploit weaknesses in Web site security to obtain access to proprietary data such as customer information and passwords. They may use „Trojan horses” posing as legitimate software to obtain information from the host computer. Jamming Jammers use software routines to tie up the computer hosting a Web site so that legitimate visitors can’t access the site. Malicious software Cyber vandals use data flowing through the Internet to transmit computer viruses, which can disable computers that they „infect” (see Chapter 16) Sniffing Sniffing is a form of electronic eavesdropping by placing a piece of software to intercept information passing from a user to the computer hosting a Web site. This information can include credit card numbers and other confidental data. Spoofing Spoofers fraudulently misrepresent themselves as other organizations, setting up false Web sites where they can collect confidential information from unsuspecting visitors to the site Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T28 Figure 6.1 Hardware components of a computer system Central Procesing Unit (CPU) •Arithmetic-Logic Unit •Control Unit Input Devices Secondary Storage •Keyboard •Magnetic disk •Computer mouse •Optical disk •Touch screen •Magnetic tape •Source data automation Buses Output Devices Communication Devices •Printers •Video Display terminals •Plotters •Audio output Color Transparencies Primary Storage Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T29 Table 6.1 Examples of ASCII and EBCDIC Codes Character or Number ASCII-8 Binary EBCDIC Binary A 01000001 11000001 E 01000101 11000101 Z 01011010 11101001 0 00110000 11110000 1 00110001 11110001 5 00110101 11110101 Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T30 Table 6.2 Time and Size in the Computer World Time Milisecond 1/1000 second Microsecond 1/1,000,000 second Nanosecond 1/1,000,000,000 second Picosecond 1/1,000,000,000,000 second Storage Capacity Byte String of eight bits Kilobyte 1000 bytesa Megabyte 1,000,000 bytes Gigabyte 1,000,000,000 bytes Terabyte 1,000,000,000,000 bytes a Actually 1024 storage positions Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T31 Figure 6.4 The CPU and primary storage Central Processing Unit (CPU) Primary Storage Arithmetic-Logic Unit 1 8 22 + 11 = 33 T 9 < 10 # U 4 Control Unit Primary storage address Data Bus Address Bus Control Bus Input Devices Output Devices Secondary Storage Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T32 Figure 6.9 Types of client/server computing SERVER Data Data Data Logic Logic Logic Data Data Interface Data Interface Interface Logic Logic Logic Interface Interface Interface CLIENT Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T33 Figure 6.10 Disk pack storage 11 disks 20 recording surfaces 3500 RPMs Read/write heads ”fly” over disk surfaces Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T34 Figure 7.1 The major types of software SYSTEM SOFTWARE Operating System Schedules computer events Application software System software Allocates computer resources Monitors events Language Translators Hardware Compilers APPLICATION SOFTWARE Programming languages Assembly language FORTRAN Interpreters Utility Programs Users Routine operations (e.g., sort, list, print) Manage data (e.g., create files, merge files) COBOL BASIC PASCAL C 4th-generation” languages and PC software tools Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T35 Figure 7.2 Single-program execution versus multiprogramming Traditional system with no multiprogramming Multiprogramming environment Program 1 Operating system Program 1 Operating system Program 2 Program 3 Unused memory Unused memory Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T36 Figure 7.4 The language translation process Other object code modules Source code program Compiler Object code Linkage editor Load module Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T37 Figure 7.9 Fourth-generation languages Oriented toward end users PC tools Lotus 1-2-3 WordPerfect Internet Explorer Access Oriented toward IS professionals Query languages/ report generators Graphic languages Application generators Application software packages Very high-level programming languages SQL RPG-III Systat FOCUS AVP Sales/Use Tax APL SAS Graph Natural People Soft HRMS Nomad2 Power Builder SAP R/3 Microsoft FrontPage Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T38 Figure 7.13 Class, subclasses, inheritance, and overriding Nonsalaried Name ID Hourly rate Pay Employee (Class) Name ID (Class variables) Pay (Methods) (subclass of Employee) Temporary (subclass of Nonsalaried) Name ID Hours Pay - OVERRIDE Salaried (subclass of Employee) Name ID Base pay Pay - OVERRIDE Permanent (subclass of Nonsalaried) Name ID Hours Overtime Pay - OVERRIDE Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T39 Figure 8.1 The data hierarchy Example Student Database Hierarchy Course File Database Financial File Personal History File File NAME Course File COURSE DATE GRADE John Stewart Karen Taylor Emily Vincent IS 101 IS 101 IS 101 B+ A C NAME Record COURSE John Stewart IS 101 F99 F99 F99 DATE GRADE F99 B+ Field John Stewart (Name field) Byte 01001010 (Letter J in ASCII) Bit 0 Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T40 Figure 8.5 Traditional file processing Master file Data elements A to Z Derivative files Users Application program 1 A B C D Application program 2 A B D E Application program 3 A B E G Application program 4 A E F G ACCOUNTING Users FINANCE Users SALES AND MARKETING Users MANUFACTURING Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T41 Figure 8.6 The contemporary data environment INTEGRATED HUMAN RESOURCES DATABASE Employees Name Personnel application programs Address Social security number Personnel department Position Marital status Payroll Hours worked Pay rate Gross pay Database management system Payroll application programs Payroll department Fed tax State tax Net pay Benefits Life insurance Benefits application programs Benefits department Pension plan Health care plan Retirement benefit Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T42 Figure 8.10 A hierarchcal database for a human resources system ROOT Employee FIRST CHILD SECOND CHILD Compensation Performance Ratings Salary History Job Assignments Pension Benefits Life insurance Health Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T43 Figure 8.11 The network data model Course 1 Student 1 Student 2 Course 2 Student 3 Course 3 Student 4 Student 5 Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T44 Figure 8.12 The relational data model Table (Relation) ORDER PART SUPPLIER Columns (Field) ORDERNUMBER 1634 1635 1636 ORDERDATE 02/02/99 02/12/99 02/13/99 PARTNUMBER 137 145 152 PARTDESCRIPTION Door latch Door handle Compressor SUPPLIERNUMBER 1125 2038 4058 DELIVERYDATE 02/22/99 02/29/99 03/01/99 SUPPLIERNAME CBM inc. Ace Inc. Bryant Corp. UNITPRICE 26.25 22.50 70.00 PARTNUMBER 152 137 145 PARTAMOUNT 2 3 1 ORDERTOTAL 144.50 79.70 24.30 Rows (Records, Tuples) SUPPLIERNUMBER 4058 2038 1125 SUPPLIER- ADDRESS 44 Winslow, Gary IN 44950 Rte. 101, Essex NJ 07763 51 Elm, Rochester NY 11349 Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T45 Figure 9.1 Components of a telecommunications system Communications channels Minicomputer Host computer Terminals Front-end processor Multiplexer Modems Remote Installation Modem Multiplexer Terminals Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Radio Wave 105 T46 Figure 9.3 Frequency ranges for communications media devices Microwave InfraVisible Ultra- X-Ray red Light violet 108 1010 1012 1013 1014 1015 Gamma and Cosmic 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1022 UHFTV AM Radio Cellular phones ShortWave Radio RAM Mobile Data FM Radio Cordless and Phones VHF-TV Paging Radar Microwave Satellite Remote Controls Wireless Fiber Optics PCS Industrial Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Terminal 1 T47 Figure 9.5 A star network topology Computer 1 Computer 2 Computer 3 Host CPU Terminal 2 Terminal 3 Printer Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T48 Figure 9.6 A bus network topology Computer 1 Computer 2 Computer 3 Terminal Printer Computer 4 Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T49 Figure 9.7 A ring network topolgy Computer 1 Computer 2 Computer 5 Computer 3 Printer Hard disk drive Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Computer 4 ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T50 Figure 9.12 Electronic data interchange SELLER CUSTOMER Purchase orders Payments Computer Shipping notices Computer Price updates Invoices Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T51 Table 10.1 Major internet capabilities Capability Functions Supported E-mail Perso-to-person messaging; document sharing Usenet newsgroups Discussion groups on electronic bulletin boards LISTSERVs Discussion groups using e-mail mailing list servers Chatting Interactive conversations Telnet Log on to one computer system and do work on another FTP Transfer files from computer to computer Gophers Locate information using a hierarchy of menus World Wide Web Retrieve, format, and display information (including text, audio, graphics, and video) using hypertext links Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T52 Figure 10.5 Model of an extranet Customer Databases Client Customer Client Internet Supplier Firewall Server Client Client Business partner Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T53 Table 10.3 Internet business models Category Description Examples Virtual Storefront Sells physical goods or services on-line instead of through a physical storefront or retail outlet Delivery of nondigital goods and services takes place through traditional means Amazon.com Network Bank Marketplace Concentrator Concentrates information about products and services from multiple providers at one central point. Purchasers can search, comparisonshop, and sometimes complete the sales transaction Internet Mall InsureMarket Information Brokers Provide product, pricing, and availability information. Some facilitate transactions, but their main value is the information they provide. Travelocity Auto-by-Tel Transaction Brokers Buyers can view rates and terms, but the primary business activity is to complete the transaction E*Trade Electronic Clearinghouses Provide auction-like settings for products where price and availability are costantly changing, sometimes in response to customer actions Bid.com OnSale Reverse Auction Consumers submit a bid to multiple sellers to buy goods or services at a buyer-specified price Priceline.com Digital Product Delivery Sells and delivers software, multimedia, and other digital products over the internet PhotoDisc Content Provider Creates revenue by providing content. The customer may pay to access the content, or revenue may be generated by selling advertising space or by having advertisers [pay for placement in an organized listing in a searchable database. Wall Street Journal Interactive On-line Service Provider Provides service and support for hardware and software users. Cyber Media Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T54 Figure 10.6 The benefits of disintermediation to the customer Cost/ Sweater Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Distributor Retailer Customer $48.50 Retailer Customer $40.34 Customer $20.45 Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T55 Figure 10.9 Intranet linking supply chain functions Maketing and sales Production planning Procurement Customer service Intranet Accounting and finance Inventory Customers Shipping and distribution Production and manufacturing Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T56 Table 11.1 Information systems plan 1. Purpose of the Plan 4. Overview of plan cntents New system projects Changes in firm’s current situation Progress reports Business rationale Current business organization Implementation plan Anticipated difficulties in implementatinon Project descriptions Firm’s strategic plan New capabilities required Management strategy 2. 6. New Developments Hardware 7. Strategic Business Plan Software Current situation Database Requirements Current business organization Telecommunications Potential savings Changing environments Major goals of the business plan Budget Requirements Financing 5. Management strategy Acquisition cycle Aquisition plans 3. Current systems Milestones and timing Major systems supporting business functions Organizational realignment Major current capabilities Internal reorganization Hardware Management controls Software Major training initiatives Database Personnel strategy Telecommunications Dificulties meeting business requirements Anticipated future demands Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T57 Figure 11.2 Using CSFs to develop systems Manager A CSFs Manager B CSFs Manager C CSFs Manager D CSFs Aggregate + analyze indyvidual CSFs Develop agreement on company CSFs Define company CSFs Define DSS and databases Color Transparencies Use CSFs to develop information systems priorities Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T58 Figure 11.3 Organizational change carries risks and rewards Paradigm Shifts High Reengineering Risk Rationalization Low Automation Low High Return Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T59 Table 11.5 New process design options with information technology Assumption Technology Option Examples Field personnel need offices Wireless communication to receive, store and transmit information Personnel can send and receive Manitoba Insurance information wherever they are. Price Waterhouse Information can appear only in one place at one time People can collaborate on the U.S. West same project from scattered Banc One locations; information can be used simultaneously wherever it is needed Shared databases People are needed to ascertain Automatic identification where things are located and tracking technology Things can tell people where they are Businesses need reserve Communications networks Just-in-time delivery and inventory to prevent stockouts and EDI stockless supply United Parcel Service Schneider National Wal-Mart Baxter International Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T60 Figure 11.5 The system developmeny process System Analysis Organization System design Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T61 Figure 12.1 The lifecycle methodology for system development STAGES END PRODUCTS Project definition Project proposal report System study System proposal report Design specifications Design Programming Program specifications - code Installation System performance tests Postimplementation Post-implementation audit OPERATIONS Milestone 1 Project initiation Milestone 2 Design solutin decision Milestone 3 Design specification sign-off Year 1 Milestone 4 Produstion decision Year 2 3-8 Year Life Span Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T62 Figure 12.2 The prototyping process Identify basic requirements Step 1 Develop a working prototype Step 2 Use the prototype YES Step 3 User satisfied? NO Operational prototype Revise and enhance the prototype Step 4 Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T63 Figure 12.7 High-level structure chart for a payroll system Payroll process Get valid inputs Get inputs Calculate pay Validate inputs Calculate gross pay Calculate net pay Write outputs Update master file Write checks, reports, and output files Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T64 Figure 12.8 Basic control constructs A Sequence Action A Action B B F Selection T R IF condition R Action C ELSE Action D ENDIF C D Iteration DO WHILE Condition S Action E ENDDO E S T Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T65 Figure 12.10 System flowchart for a payroll system Time cards Human resources data Payroll master file Load and validate Valid transactions Payroll master file Compute and update Payroll reports and checks Color Transparencies Direct deposit tape General ledger file Updated payroll master file Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T66 Figure 13.1 Information system problem areas Design Operations Information system Data Cost Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T67 Figure 13.3 Approaches and implementation stages in the implementation literature APPROACHES Actors’ roles Strategy Organizational factors IMPLEMENTATION STAGES Adoption Management XXXX XXXX Routinization XXXX XXXX XXXX Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T68 Table 13.1 Actions and indications for succesful system Support by local funds New organizational arrangements Stable supply and maintenance New personnel classifications Changes in organizational authority Internalization of the training program Continual updating of the system Promotion of key personnel Survival of the system after turnover of its originators Attainment of widespread use Source: Yin (1981) Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T69 Figure 13.5 Factors in information system success or failure User involvement and influence Management support Level of complexity/risk IMPLEMENTATION OUTCOME Design Cost Operations Data Management of implementation process Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T70 Table 13.4 Strategies to manage projects by controlling risk Project Structure 1. High Project Technology Level Low 2. High Low 3. High Project Size Degree of Risk Large Low Small Very Low High Large Medium 4. High 5. Low High Low Small Large Medium Low Low 6. Low Low Small Very Low 7. Low High Large Very High 8. Low High Small High Project Management Tool High use of formal planning High use of formal control High use of formal control Medium use of formal planning Medium use of formal control Medium use of formal planning High internal integration High external integration High use of formal planning High use of formal control High external integration High use of formal control High external integration High internal integration High external integration High internal integration Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T71 Figur 14.1 A number of contemporary information systems are designed to give close-in support to info workers Share Knowledge Group Collaboration Systems Office Automation Systems •Groupware •Desktop Publishing •Intranets •Imaging and Web Publishing Distribute Knowledge •Word Processing •Electronic Calendaars •Desktop Databases Artificial Intelligence Systems •Expert Systems •Neural Nets •Fuzzy Logic •Genetic Algorithms Knowledge Work Systems •CAD •Virtual Reality •Investment Workstations •Intelligent Agents Capture and Codify Knowledge Create Knowledge Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T72 Figure 14.3 Web publishing and document management Text indexing and searching Author Web Page Edit and Review Web Server E-mail links Links to other Web pages Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T73 Figure 14.5 The arificial intelligence family Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Robotics Perceptive Systems Expert Systems ”Intelligent” Machines Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T74 Figure 14.9 How case-based reasoning works 1. User describes the problem 2. System searches database for similar cases 3. System asks user additional questions to narrow the search 4. System finds closest fit and retrieves solution 5. System modifies the solution to better fit the problem NO Successful? Case database 6. System stores problem and successful solution in the database YES Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T75 Table 14.4 Examples of intelligent agents for electronic commerce Agent Product Firefly Description Helps users find music or films of interest. Users send critiques of movies and music to the Firefly Web site. When they want to select a new movie to see or a CD to buy, they supply data on their personal favourites, and Firefly will produce a list of similar items based on the critiques. The service is being extended to books, restaurants, and mutual funds. BargainFinder and BargainFinder does real-time comparison shopping among on-line participaLifestyleFinder ting CD music stores and returns the names of vendors that offer the lowest price. LifestyleFinder recommends Web sites to users based on information they provide about their lifestyles Jango Automatically consults Web sites and prepares reports to users on prices and other features of products such as books, clothing, wine and PCs Smart NewsReader Windows application that provides access to Usenet newsgroups based on interests specified by the user. It can read through an article and score each thread of conversation based on the user’s past interests AuctionBot Allows sellers to set up their own auctions where buyers and sellers can place bids according to the protocols and parameters that have been established for the auction Vendor Agents Inc. Andersen Consulting Excite Intel University of Michigan Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T76 figure 15.1 Overview of a decision support system (DSS) External Data TPS DSS Database DSS Software System, Models, OLAP Tools, Datamining Tools User Interface User Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T77 Table 15.1 Examples of decision support systems Organization DSS Aplication American Airlines Price and route selection Equico Capital Corporation Investment evaluation General Accident Insurance Customer buying patterns and fraud detection Bank of America Customer profiles Frito-Lay, Inc. Price, advertising, and promotion selection Burlington Coat Factory Store location and inventory mix National Gypsum Corporate planning and forecasting Southern Railway Train dispatching and routing Texas Oil and Gas Corporation Evaluation of potential drilling sites United Airlines Flight scheduling U. S. Department of Defence Defense contract analysis Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 CDSS T78 Figure 15.3 Customer decision support on the internet Models Data Models Newsgroups Information brokers Serch engines and directories Models Other customers Customers Color Transparencies Data Competitors Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T79 Figure 15.6 Group systems tools Brainstorming Idea generation Topic Commenter Group Outliner Session manager Idea Organizer Idea Organization Issue Analyzer Group Writer Vote selection Session Planning Prioritizing Alternative Eval. Questionnaire Group Matrix Policy development Policy Formation Stakeholder Id. Enterprise Analyzer Graphical Browser Group Dictionary Brief Case •Access to information Organizational Memory •Personal productivity Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T80 Figure 16.1 Telecommunications network vulnerabilities Radiation TAPS Radiation Crosstalk Radiation TAPS Crosstalk Switching center Remote consoles User, Identification, Authentication, Subtle software modifications Access, Attachment of records, Bugs Radiation Radiation Communication lines Processor Files Thef Copying Unauthorized access Hardware, Imroper connections Systems programmer, Disable protective features, Reveal protective measures Operator, Replace supervisor, Reveal protective measures Maintenance staff, Disable hardware devices, Use standalone utility programs Hardware, Failure of protection circuits, Contribute to software failures Software, Failure of protection features, Access control, Bounds control Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T81 Table 16.2 Common computer viruses Virus Name Description Concept Macro virus that attaches itself to Microsoft Word documents and can be spread when Word documents are attached to e-mail. Can copy itself from one document to another and delete files Form Makes a clicking sound with each keystroke but only on the eighteenth day of the month. May corrupt data on the floppy disks it infects One_Half Encrypts the hard disk so that only the virus can read the data there, flashing „One_Half” on the computer screen when its activity is half-completed. Very descructive because it can mutate, making it difficult to identify and eliminate. Monkey Makes the hard disk look like it has failed because Windows will not run Junkie A „multipartite” virus that can infect files as well as the boot sector of the hard drive (the section of a PC hard drive that the PC first reads when it boots up), May cause memory conflicts Ripper (or Jack the Ripper) Corrupts data written to a PC’s hard disk about one time in every thousand Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T82 Figure 16.2 Points in the processing cycle where errors can occur Data preparation Transmission Conversion Form completion On-line data entry Keypunching, Optical scanning, Other input Validation Processing/ file maintenance Output Color Transparencies Transmission ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Managemen Information Systems, 6E Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Distribution Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T83 Figure 16.3 The cost of errors over the system development cycle Estimate of the relative cost of repairing errors based on consultant reports and the popular trade literature 6 5 Costs 4 3 2 1 Analysis and design Programming Conversion Postimplementation Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T84 Table 16.3 Effect of weakness in general controls Weakness Impact Implementation controls New systems or systems that have been modified will have errors or fail to function as required Software controls (program security) Unauthorized changes can be made in processing. The organization may not be sure of which programs or systems have been changed Software controls (system software) These controls may not have a direct effect on individual applications. Other general controls depend heavily on system software, so a weakness in this area impairs the other general controls Physical hardware controls Hardware may have serious malfunctions or may break down altogether, introducing numerous errors or destroying computerized records Computer operations control Random errors may occur in a system. (Most processing will be correct, but occasionally it may not be.) Data file security controls Administrative controls Unauthorized changes can be made in data stored in computer systems or unauthorized individuals can access sensitive information All of the other controls may not be properly executed or enforced Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T85 Table 16.4 Important edit techniques Edit Technique Description Example Reasonableness checks To be accepted, data must fall within certain limits set in advance, or they will be rejected Characteristics of the contents (letter/ digit), length, and sign of individual data fields are checked by the system The computer compares input reference data to tables or master files to make sure that valid codes are being used If an order transaction is for 20,000 units and the largest order on record was 50 units, the transaction will be rejected A nine-position Social Security number should not contain any alphabetic characters An employee can have a Fair Labor Standards Act code of only 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. All other values for this field will be rejected The computer checks whether a logical relationship is maintained between data for the same transaction. When it is not, the transaction is rejected A car loan initiation transaction should show a logical relationship between the size of the loan, the number of loan repayments, and the size of each installment Format checks Existence checks Dependency checks Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T86 Figure 17.1 International information systems infrastructure Global Environment: Business Drivers and Challenges Corporate Global Strategies Organization Structure Management and Business Procedures Technology Platform Color Transparencies International Information Systems Infrastucture Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T87 Table 17.1 The global business drivers General Cultural Factors Global communication and transportation technologies Development of global culture Emergence of global social norms Political stability Global knowledge base Specific Business Factors Global markets Global production and operations Global coordination Global workforce Global economies of scale Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T88 Table 17.2 Challenges and obstacles to global business systems General Cultural particularism: regionalism, nationalism Social expectations: brand-name expectations; work hours Political lows: transborder data and privacy laws Specific Standards: different EDI, e-mail, telecommunications standards Reliability: phone networks not reliable Speed: data transfer speeds differ, slower than United States Personnel: shortages of skilled consultants Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T89 Table 17.3 Global business strategy and stucture Strategy Business Function Domestic Exporter Multinational Franchiser Transnational Production Centralized Dispersed Coordinated Coordinated Finance/Accounting Centralized Centralized Centralized Coordinated Sales/Marketing Mixed Dispersed Coordinated Coordinated Human Resources Centralized Centralized Coordinated Coordinated Strategic Management Centralized Centralized Centralized Coordinated Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T90 Figure 17.2 Global strategy and system configurations STRATEGY SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Domestic Exporter Centralized Multinational Networked Transnational X X Duplicated Decentralized Franchiser X X X X X Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T91 Figure 17.3 Agency and other coordination costs increase Local Business Processes Global Global Core Core Business Processes Systems Regional Business Processes Local Option Systems Regional Coordinated Systems Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T92 Figure 18.1 Traditional view systems Vendors Vendors Inbound logistics Business processes Inbound logistics Manufacturing Business processes Manufacturing Finance Business processes Finance Marketing and sales Business processes Marketing and sales Support Business processes Support Organizational Boundaries Vendors Organizational Boundaries Business Value Chain Customers Customers Customers Business Systems Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T93 Figure 18.2 Enterprise view of systems Business Value Chain Vendors Vendors Vendors Inbound logistics Manufacturing Finance Marketing and sales Customers Support Customers Customers Business processes Business processes Business processes Inbound logistics Business processes Business processes Manufacturing Finance Marketing and sales Support Enterprise Business Systems Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T94 Table 18.1 Basic concepts of enterprise computing Concept Measure Key Questions IT investment portfolio Benchmark competitors’ expenditures Are we spending too much, or too little on IT? Are we receiving a good return on investment? IT infrastructure Lists of technical capabilities Do we have the technical capablity to achieve our strategic objectives? Business logic Descriptions business model and processes How do we plan to make money and what business activities and processes should we emphasize IT architecture Descriptions of systems that support business model and processes Do we have the right systems environment and applications to implement the business logic? Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T95 Figure 18.3 Enterprise computing concepts Business Unit A VENDORS CUSTOMERS The enterprise Enterprise-Wide Business Processes Firm Information Archtecture Enterprise-wide systems and applications Business Unit C Business Unit A Business Unit B Business processes Business processes Business processes Systems applications Systems applications Systems applications Firm infrastucture Hardware Software envirmonment Shared applications Telecommunications Firm IT Infrastructure Public infrastucture Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T96 Figure 18.4 Industrial networks Application Superstructure Customer Customer Customer Industrial Networks Extrnet ES ES ES Individuals Companies and Enterprise Systems ES Inbound Logistics Intranet Internet Outbound Logistics Customer Service Value Chain Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T97 Table 18.2 Business drivers of Enterprisesystems: changing environments Business Driver Impact Market change Globaliztion and increasing information intesity reduce margins in traditional industries Industry change Mergers, acquisitions, and consolidations in traditional industries increase scale economies and intensify industry competition Firm-level change Business process redesign efforts of the 1990s in traditional industries force jettsoning legacy systems and highlight the need for enterprise-wide systems to support the newly defined business processes Product changes The growth of information, knowledge, and high-tech-based products shortens product cycle times; increasing information intensity of traditional products and services shortens cycle times Management process thinking From discrete business process focus toward a view of the firm as an integrated set of processes; from neoclassical competition firm- based views of cooperation and alliance Management strategy Growing belief that information architecture investments could lead to unique knowledge that could not be purchased on input factor markets Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T98 Table 18.3 Technological drivers of enterprise systems and industrial networks Technology Driver Nature of change Relational database technology Relational technology approaches hierarchical database speeds but with greatly enhanced flexibility Reductions in storage costs Storage devices double in capacity every six months Expanded public network infrastructure Open Internet networking technologies cause network costs to plunge; digital communication costs drop by a factor of 1000X in the 1990s; public switched network and dedicated Internet trunk lines displace proprietary networks and make transcompany information transfers commonplace; development of common protocols-XML, HTTP, TCP/IP Deployment of client/server Client/server becomes the dominant mode of computing causing major drops in information storage, processing, and distribution costs in the 1990s Evolution of desktop computing Desktop computing becomes the dominant mode of information distribution and 60% of the labor force comes on-line at work, gratly increasing the role of information in the firm Enterprise software emerges with standardized applications in an integrated environment that greatly reduces the costs of enterprise systems Enterprise software and crossware Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T99 Figure 18.5 An ideal model for planning enterprise systems Firm strategy and governence Business model Business processes Firm information archtecture Firm IT infrastructure Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 T100 Figure 18.8 The infrastructure governance model Strategic group Operational group Business units/Regions Legacy infrastructure TPS Functional groups/Process owners Business model Databases Telecommunications New architecture Enterprise platform Internet/intranet/extranets Business processes Wireless communications Color Transparencies Managemen Information Systems, 6E ©2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458