What should I study for the test?

Unit Eight: Monera
1. Video worksheet: BioTerrorism
 What type of bacteria did the U.S. develop at Fort Detrick?
 Why might someone question the U.S. development of inexpensive bioweapons?
 What type of bacteria did the Soviet Union develop in Kazakhstan?
 Why did the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency create a bioweapon facility?
 What are “incapacitating agents”
2. Using a Compound Light Microscope
 What are the parts of a microscope?
 Can you calculate the magnification of a microscope?
 How is the image different when viewed on high-power vs. low-power?
 How do images appear to move under the microscope? For example if you move the
specimen to the right, it will appear to move to the _____.
 How does the letter “e” appear under the microscope?
 Why must a specimen be thin in order to view it with a light microscope?
3. PowerPoint notes (know all information from PowerPoint!)
 The test correlates closely with the notes!
 Expect multiple choice style questions
4. Worksheet: The Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections
 Is antibiotic resistance increasing or decreasing?
 What is the driving factor behind increased antibiotic resistance?
 What can “you” do to slow antibiotic resistance?
5. Lab: Preserved Slides of Bacteria
 Given a preserved slide of bacteria, can you identify the shape?
(coccus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, bacillus, staphylobacillus, streptobacillus, spirullum)
6. Lab: Antimicrobial Agents
 What do the terms antiseptic, disinfectant, and antibiotic mean?
 What is a zone of inhibition?
 Are antibiotics effective against viral infections?
7. Worksheet: Components of a Bacterial Cell
 Do you know the parts of a bacterial cell
8. Worksheet: Bacterial Disease Summary
 Do you know the drawing, disease, symptoms, transmission, and prevention for the 7
bacterial diseases we discussed in class
9. Activity: Modeling Genetic Engineering
 Define each of the following words: genetic engineering, restriction enzyme, and plastid
 Given a set of model restriction enzymes, a plastid, and a particular gene, do you know how
to insert the gene in the plastid?