URI 101: Planning for Academic Success Instructor Training August 27th, 2014 TOPICS TO COVER 1) Understanding course goals and syllabus – build as you see fit 2) Course materials - http://web.uri.edu/newstudent/uri101 Lesson plans for each week Pre-Scheduled Presentations - Health & Safety, Library 3) Course priorities and expectations Knowing the major/exploring options Knowing Yourself MAP-Works Type Focus Making college count GPS – guided pathway to success Maps – requirements and milestones Academic advising Study strategies Involvement Inclusion Civic Engagement/ Service 4) Resources Early Alert Services Academic Enhancement Center Mentors – CSV 302 5) UCAS Staff Contacts 2 URI 101 GOALS Established in 1995 to aid adjustment to college – now includes focus on planning for success in the major Help students connect with major (learning community classes) Explore personal interests/skills/personality for major Get to know faculty and peers Understand scholarship and culture of major Define and develop skills for academic success Encourage enhancement of all academic experiences Internships, study away, tutoring, service learning, involvement, campus resources Provide a safe and friendly place to ask questions and find support 3 Use lesson plans to make the most of class time Weekly activities for homework and class discussion on topics about self and the major Activities and information related to each topic Activities for increasing strategies for academic success Common assignments across all sections: Common reading: The Last Lecture #DreamBigURI Diversity Week MAP-Works Civic Engagement Project Campus Involvement Establish a confident learning environment Be familiar with course content (mapworks, maps, website) 4 Let’s look at course resources http://web.uri.edu/newstudent/uri101 5 Understanding Students MAP-Works Transition Survey - Week 3 (launch Sept 18 and close Oct 13) Most important is the one-on-one meeting between students and instructors to review MAP-Works results (not appropriate for mentors). Please add this to your syllabus. The training will focus on how to discuss results with students in your individual meetings 6 Information Collected Profile Information – – – – – Gender and race/ethnicity Entrance exam scores # credit hours enrolled Cumulative GPA Credit Hours Earned Academic Integration – – – – Self-Assessment – – – – – – Communication Skills Analytical Skills Self-Discipline Time Management Health and Wellness Financial Issues Academic Self-Efficacy Basic Academic Behaviors Advanced Academic Behaviors Commitment to Education Social Integration – – – – – Homesickness Peer Connections Living Environment (on/off campus) Roommate Relationships Campus Involvement 7 MAP-Works Lessons Learned Homesickness a real issue Study hours less than needed Example: 50% of the students in the Arts & Sciences reported they spent less than 10 hours per week studying outside of class Faculty contact associated with: Separation vs. Distress Distress negatively correlated to Fall term GPA Greater Satisfaction with URI Greater Social Integration Greater Academic Integration Data from Wabash and MAP-Works – lack of connection with faculty 8 MapWorks Training Schedule For first-time instructors only: Tuesday Sept. 10 Wednesday Sept. 11 Friday Sept. 13 Senate Chambers, 3rd floor MU 9:30am-10:30 am 2:00pm-3:00 pm 12:00pm-1:00 pm “Advanced” workshops for all instructors on system updates & using the results: Monday, Sept 16 Wednesday, Sept 17 Thursday, Sept 20 12:00pm 2:00 pm 9:00am Quinn computer lab (215/217) Quinn computer lab (215/217) Quinn computer lab (215/217) 9 CUSTOMIZE YOUR SYLLABUS Emailed Template- incomplete! Important personalized information and dates need to be entered Names and contact information of instructor and mentor Assignment due dates One-one meeting time for MAP-Works review Grading protocol for your specific class needs Presentation dates for health and safety, and library (in your email) Classroom information on your e-campus dashboard – rosters too Mentors can send emails before classes start 10 PRE-SCHEDULED PRESENTATIONS Health and Safety / Violence Prevention Racine Amos - Women’s Center, Upper College Road Library- Assignments to prepare students for presentations marymac@uri.edu Speakers to invite into your class Major Baker – Campus safety & security majorbaker@uri.edu Patrick Lennehan – Career resources for freshmen plennehan@uri.edu Tom Hospod - International Study tomh@uri.edu Tammy Leso – Internships tleso@uri.edu Kristin Rojas – Financial literacy kristin.rojas@pcu.org Contact Linda Lyons for advising assistance llyons@uri.edu 11 TypeFocus– see table (Kim Washor) Being a successful student in the major and moving toward career preparation success www.typefocus.com use access code “uri47” Type Focus – connecting assessment with careers Personality strengths, careers that fit strengths, values, interests, skills Setting goals – education plan Success factors – time management, readiness, self-efficacy, responsibility, goal persistence Learn best practices for using typefocus or inventories 12 TypeFocus revisited – see table (Lisa Ferns and Patrick Lennahan) Center for Career and Experiential Education resources for first year students Connecting Typefocus to major choices Appropriate websites Mynextmove.org Whatcanidowiththismajor.com/major 13 Academic Advising – see table (Linda Lyons) Advising overview Review advising handout – pre-registration worksheet E-campus Talking with your advisor Important dates and tips for success Review academic maps for 4 year academic plan Navigating Advising Technology – URI advising – to make appointment with advisor early Oct. Mentors e-campus tutorial in class Freshmen register mid-Nov Advising support programs Walk in, piece of cake, workshops – calendar coming 14 EARLY ALERT and MapWorks – see table (Kristina Leeming) www.uri.edu/earlyalert Transition and Retention Advocate for all First Year Students Confidential Referrals In-class or out-of-class concerns Lydia Hanhardt – lhanhardt@uri.edu 15 Study strategies and the AEC – see table (David Hayes) AEC services: tutoring, supplemental instruction, academic coaching, writing center Exam wrappers – Pre-test reflection Post-test reflection exercises Study skills – how to integrate this knowledge into the URI 101 classroom Reflections on self-efficacy 16 Financial health – see table (John Rooney) Budgeting: Planning is the New Spending Starting a Foolproof Budget Cash Course Your credit score Monthly budget sheets Guest presenter – Kristin Rojas AVP/Financial Literacy & Community Outreach Pawtucket Credit Union 17 CIVIC ENGAGEMENT see table (Sarah Miller) Feinstein Experience Common service experience Individual online sign-up http://web.uri.edu/experience/rhodynet/ 2014 Snapshot Completed 8750 hours with 27 agencies 96% Enjoyed project 90% Feel they made a difference 96% Plan on staying engaged in the community Civic Engagement Leaders Will lead each service project 18 URI 101 MENTORS John Rooney rooney@uri.edu Sean Thompson seanthompson@mail.uri.edu Creating a Partnership • • • • Syllabus input from mentor Weekly meetings Assign mentor responsibilities for class presentations Lesson plans – activities for class time Mentors do not grade assignments or view MAP-Works results 19 Mentor Training & CSV 302 Academic Transition Topics Advising/Maps Technology Career resources Typefocus Social Integration Topics Diversity Involvement Self-management 20 Important Dates & Events Common Reading Ignite Talks – September 29 (CLBS Aud) Study Abroad Fair – Sept 17, 11-2:00 (MU) Student Involvement Fair – Sept 17, 11-3:00 (MU) MAP-Works opens – Sept 18 – close Oct 13 Diversity Week – September 29-October 3 (MU) Majors/Minors Fair – October 9, 3-4:30 21 Graduate (and other new) Instructors At end of training, Logistical training and guidance FAQs and concerns new instructors typically have All welcome! 22 Tables to visit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Linda Lyons – Advising Kristina Leeming – Mapworks John Rooney – Finances Kim Washor – Typefocus Lisa Ferns/Patrick Lennahan – Career resources David Hayes – Study strategies Sarah Miller – Civic engagement 23