Science Benchmark Study Guide

Science Benchmark Study Guide
Characteristics of Science:
1. What is a graduated cylinder used to measure?
It is used to measure the volume of a liquid
2. Which science tool is used to measure the mass of an
A triple beam balance
5. List the steps of the Scientific Method. Ann Has Twenty
Adorable Dogs and Cats
Ask a question, Form a Hypothesis, Test your hypothesis
(experiment), Analyze your results, Draw conclusion,
Communicate Results
6. When should safety rules and precautions be planned?
3. Read the graduated cylinders below.
When you design your experiment
7. Why is it important for scientists to record accurate data
while experimenting?
In order to past data to other scientists and retest
1. 7 mL
2. 38 mL
3. 33 mL
4 Read the triple beam balances below.
4. 20 mL
8. If you wanted to verify a claim, which step of the scientific
method would help you do so?
Make observations
9. I want to calculate how much liquid I have, which tool should I
Graduated cylinder
10. When comparing how much water two plants absorb, what
could I do to figure how much each plant absorbed?
1st triple beam balance is 286.7 grams
2nd triple beam balance is 376 grams
Measure the amount of water you put in each plant
Theories of the Solar System:
Name that Theory:
10. What evidence supports the universe is expanding?
Big Bang Theory 1. Expansion of the universe
Galaxies are moving farther apart
Heliocentric theory 2. Sun Centered Solar System
Geocentric theory 3. Earth Centered
12. Rank the following objects in terms of size. Largest (1) to
smallest (4)
Big Bang Theory 4. Lemaitre and Hubble
2 Galaxy
Geocentric Theory 5. Aristotle and Ptolemy
4 Earth
Heliocentric theory 6. Copernicus and Galileo
Heliocentric theory 7. Jupiter’s Moons
3 Sun
1 Universe
13. What type of galaxy do we live in?
Milky Way Galaxy
8. Draw and explain Geocentric and Heliocentric Theories.
14. Where is our solar system located within the Milky Way?
Of the outer arm called Orion’s Arm
15. A Light year measures?
16. Name the three types of galaxies:
1. Elliptical
2. Irregular
3. Spiral
Heliocentric – sun centered model of the universe
Geocentric - earth-centered model of the universe
9. What is nebula?
A cloud of dust and gas
Comparing Planets:
1. What mnemonic device helps you remember the
order of the planets?
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos
Mars Red Planet
2. Describe Inner Planets.
Neptune Methane Gas/Blue
Small and rocky
Uranus Rotates on its side
3. Describe Outer Planets.
Venus Hottest Planet
Large and gaseous
Jupiter Great Red Spot
4. Which planets have greater gravity? Remember Mass!
Saturn Most Visible Rings
The outer planets because they are larger
9. Label the Planets. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
5. What makes Earth unique and have the ability to
support life?
Liquid water
6. Is Earth an Inner or Outer Planet? Circle One.
7. What causes the Moon to orbit the Earth? Explain.
The moon is smaller and the earth is larger.
8. Name that Planet!
Jupiter Largest Planet
Venus Earth’s Twin Sister
1. What is the difference between the terms rotation and
Rotation is spinning of its axis; revolution is orbiting around
the sun
2. Name that motion
Revolution Earth orbiting the Sun
Rotation Earth spinning on its axis
Rotation Makes stars seam to move in sky
Revolution 365 ¼ days or One Earth Year
Rotation 24 hours or One Day
Rotation Causes the Sun to appear to rise/set
3. What does Earth’s tilt cause? Seasons
4. What percentage of Earth lit up at any given time? 50%
1. What is the force that governs motion in the solar
system? Gravity and inertia
2. What two factors affect the gravitational force between
two objects? Mass and distance
3. Why do the planets revolve around the Sun?
The gravitational pull is greater because the sun is larger
4. Why does the moon revolve or orbit Earth instead of the
Sun? Because it is closer to Earth
Space Rocks:
1. Label the Diagram.
1. What are comets?
Space objects that are composed of ice, rock, dust,
methane, and ammonia
2. Where do they form?
Kuiper Belt and Oort cloud
3. Why does a comets tail always point away from the Sun?
Because of solar wind from the sun
Name that object!
Asteroid- A large chunk of rock/metal orbiting between Mars and Jupiter
Meteoroid- A piece of an asteroid that has broken off and is moving in
Meteor- A meteoroid that is burning up in the atmosphere; a shooting
Meteorite- A chuck of rock or metal that hits the surface of a planet;
creating a huge crater on impact