What I Found

Name: _____________________________________________________________ English, Period _____
What I Found—WIF’s
Vocabulary Quiz, Lesson 2
As we study words together this year, you will begin to see that there is a
very precise way to use certain words. People who possess eloquence for language
tend to recognize this precision naturally. Others need to force themselves to
develop strategies for mastering new vocabulary. WIF’s are intended to help teach
you to read more critically when taking a vocabulary quiz or test. This critical
approach will help you learn to make smarter choices when facing two or more
possible multiple-choice answers.
Let’s focus on reviewing Quiz #2:
Correct Answer Explanation
In this question, the answer that is a synonym for arrogant is choice b. (prideful)
This was the one synonym you were asked to memorize on your study guide.
In this question, the answer that is a synonym for violate is choice c. (damage)
This was the one synonym you were asked to memorize on your study guide.
In this question, the answer that is a synonym for ceremonies is choice a. (rites)
Most of you who got this wrong marked b. holidays. During holidays, you may
have a ceremony, but a holiday, in and of itself, is not a ceremony. The word rite is
defined as a religious or solemn ceremony. This is the one word on the test that
separated the avid readers from the casual readers. The more you read, the more
words you will know!
In this question, the answer that is a synonym for triumphant is choice b. (joyful)
The word joy was a synonym you were asked to memorize on your study guide.
In this question, the answer that is a synonym for the word integrate is choice b.
(combine) That is the word that best matches the definition: to unite into a whole.
In this question, the answer that is a synonym for detained is choice d. (held) That
is the way the word is defined in your packet: to hold.
Starting here, you needed to notice that the directions changed. You were
now instructed to find the antonym of the word given.
If vacate means to leave, the opposite of leaving is choice c. (occupying)
In this question, the correct antonym for degrading is choice a. (uplifting) Lift up
was the antonym phrase you were asked to memorize on the study guide.
In this question, the answer that is an antonym for supreme is choice b. (minor) If
being an artist is a person’s highest, most important goal, the opposite of that
would be a minor goal.
In this question, the answer that is an antonym for violated is choice d. (kept)
Since we know that one of the definitions of violate is to break, the opposite of
that is to keep.
The answer that is an antonym of arrogance is choice c. (meekness) Meek was one
of the antonyms you were asked to memorize on your study guide.
The directions change here. You needed to apply your understanding of the
word’s definition to choose the word that best completes the sentence.
The best choice is d. One of the definitions of the word campaign is to take part in
actions planned to accomplish a goal. The words planned efforts in choice d make
it the best answer.
The best choice is c. (refused to attend the event) The word refusing is used in the
definition of the word boycott.
The best choice is a. (held out her hand) After the speech; the speaker extended,
or held out her hand, to the company president for a customary shaking of the
The best choice is a. (the winner of a spelling bee) Since the joy winning brings is
one of the definitions given in your review list, it makes choice a. the obvious
This question is tricky because it forces you to carefully consider each word in
order to find the correct answer. You should have immediately been able to see
that choice a. (send the person to jail) and choice c. (act as the person’s guardian)
are the possible answers. As soon as you have two very obvious possible choices,
it is a hint that you need to think about the specific definitions provided in the
packet. The key word in the choices that helps you decide choice a. is the wrong
choice is the word SEND. The word custody in the packet is defined as In the
KEEPING of the police; IN jail. Those words are different than the word SEND in
the answer choice. This makes choice c the best answer because it is an exact
situation as defined by the second definition of custody: control over and
responsibility for care. Acting as a person’s guardian is a perfect example of this
definition. Thinking carefully about each definition is the only way to select the
correct answer in a tricky question like this one.
Many of you were so confused by this question simply because you did not know
who Farragut was, but you did not need to know who he was in order to find the
right answer. You did need to know what the word seize meant, and you needed
to comprehend that New Orleans was a city. If you knew those two things, you
should have been able to select the correct answer, choice b. (headed the military
moves to capture [seize] the city.
The best choice is d. (make it longer) Remember we talked about how extend had
four different meanings. Of those four meanings, the only one that makes sense
when thinking about a person’s life is to make it last longer.
I cannot believe how many of you struggled with this question. How many
impersonations of Judge Judy do I need to do? Guilty! Not guilty! Next year, I may
have to bring in a gavel! A legal verdict occurs at the end of a trial. (Choice c.)
The best choice is b. (an action that denies you your legal rights.) The word is
defined as failing to keep.
This is another question that confused you simply because you did not know who
Octavian was, but you did not need to know. You just needed to know he went to
Rome and triumphed. If you knew that, and you understood that to triumph
meant to win, you should have been able to select choice c as the best answer. He
won. He conquered Rome’s enemies.
The best choice is c. (kept apart) This is the definition of the word.
The best choice is d. (the president of the United States) I won’t tell Mrs. Handy
that some of you got this wrong. ;-)
The best choice is choice c. (a police officer) None of the others listed really have
the power to have a person in custody.
The best choice is b. (running for the office of state senator) Remember that the
definition involves a series of actions intended to ACCOMPLISH A GOAL. If she is
campaigning for state senator, her goal is to become a state senator.
The best choice is b. (disgraced) This is one of the words used in the definition.
You had to remember that a boycott is a refusal; therefore, choice a. a group
decision to STOP DEALING WITH THOSE STORES is the best answer.
In this example, the direction north should have alerted you to the definition of
extend that involved land area or property. Choice d. stretched is correct.
The best choice is b. (state your opinion of it) Since there was no trial involved,
the only other choice to define the word verdict is to express your opinion.
The best choice is c. (uniting different elements into a whole) This is the only
choice that fulfills the definition of bringing things together.
The best choice is d. (overcome them) You needed to read carefully. Just because
you see the word win, it does not make it the right choice. If you have bad habits
and you try to change those habits to good ones, you aren’t winning an argument
as stated in choice b. You are overcoming the bad habits.
The best choice is a. (putting students of different races in different schools) This
is the exact definition of the word.
The best choice is c. (offer it) This is the exact definition of the word.
Explain “What I Found” out as you reflect on the answers you got wrong.
 Put a heading on a piece of lined paper.
 Make sure you write the number of the problem you got wrong, and write
your WIF in a clear statement.
 This is due no later than Thursday, October 31, 2013.