PLA 3471 - Employment Law Summer 2012 – May 14, 2012

PLA 3471 - Employment Law
Summer 2012 – May 14, 2012 – August 10, 2012
3 Credits
Instructor Information:
 Kimberly A. Houser, JD
 Virtual Office Hours – every Friday from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM in the General Forum
 Email is my preferred method of communication
Employment Law for Business
Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander and Laura P. Hartman
Course Description
This course will introduce students to the area of employment law as it relates to the non-legal professional.
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand contract and agency law as it impacts the employment relationship.
2. Express a basic understanding of the employment at will concept.
3. Communicate basic knowledge of Title VII including what is prohibited and who is covered by it.
4. Describe how the recruitment environment is regulated.
5. Communicate basic understanding of affirmative action and why it was created.
6. Understand the fundamentals of employment discrimination.
7. Express understanding of labor laws.
8. Demonstrate a basic understanding of employee benefits.
Grading Schedule
Weekly Assignment Discussions
Quizzes (Weeks 1, 2, and 4)
Case Analysis (Due Week 3)
Grading Scale
Letter Grade Point Value
40 points max per weekly discussion
120 points max per Quiz
120 points max
Grading Policies and Assignment Expectations
Completion: Successful completion of this course includes completion of ALL assignments (including
discussions) as outlined in this syllabus. Grades in ELEARNING are updated within five days after the
completion of each Week.
Discussion Expectations and Assessment: The quantity requirement is 3 posts per Chapter
Assignment. All chapter posts are to be completed by Thursday 11:59 PM of each week. This is
discussed in greater detail in the How to Succeed in this Course attachment in ELEARNING located
under Introduction to Course in the Course Content area. The purpose of the Discussion Assignment is
to indicate your ability to synthesize other perspectives, demonstrate listening, and contribute to an
evolving discussion (the quality portion). It is also important to review the Discussion Rubric prior to
Qualities & Criteria
Poor - Average
Fails to complete
assignment on time
or completes it
The post does not
provide adequate
The student
provides initial post
answering question.
References and use
of references
The post references
the student’s
opinion or guess as
to the answer.
Very Good
Assignment is
completed on time
and adequately
addresses the
question asked.
The post provides
adequate detail and
for the most part
addresses most of
the issues referred
in the proposed
The student
comments on other
posts in a general
The post cites
examples from the
text or elsewhere
and is based on
sound law and
Assignment is completed
on time and correctly
addresses the question
The post provides a clear
and complete in-depth
analysis of all the issues
referred in the question.
The student comments on
other posts in a
meaningful way to help
facilitate additional
discussion or
understanding and replies
to comments of his or her
initial post.
The post cites 2 or more
examples from the text or
elsewhere, is based on
sound law and reasoning,
and fully describes where
the information was
Academic Honesty: As we expect of our students, any source you use in your posts and assignments
should be properly cited.
Due Dates: All Assignment Discussion Activity must be completed by Thursday at 11:59 of each week
and Quizzes must be completed by Saturday at 11:59 PM of the applicable week (except for the final
exam which must be completed by Friday at 11:00 AM on August 10th.
Course Schedule
Week Dates
Chapter Topics
05/14 to 05/17 The Regulation of Employment
5/21 to 5/24
5/28 to 6/1
6/4 to 6/8
6/11 to 6/15
6/18 to 6/22
6/25 to 6/29
7/2 to 7/6
1. Read Chapter 1
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 1
The Employment Law Toolbox
1. Read Chapter 2
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 2
Title VII
1. Read Chapter 3
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 3
4. Complete Quiz for Chapters 1-3
5. Case Analysis Assignment – Step 1 (sign
up for your case by 11:59 PM 6/1/12)
Legal Construction of the Employment 1. Read Chapter 4
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 4
Affirmative Action
1. Read Chapter 5
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 5
Race and Color Discrimination
1. Read Chapter 6
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 6
4. Complete Quiz for Chapters 4-6
Gender Discrimination
1. Read Chapter 8
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 8
4. Case Analysis Assignment – Step 2 (submit
Case Brief to Dropbox by 11:59 PM 7/6/12)
Sexual Harassment
1. Read Chapter 9
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 9
7/9 to 7/13
7/16 to 7/20
7/23 to 7/27
7/30 to 8/3
8/6 to 8/10
Age Discrimination
1. Read Chapter 12
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 12
4. Case Analysis Assignment – Step 3 (post
Case Analysis Paper along with a copy of
your Case Brief to Discussion Forum by
11:59 PM 7/13/12)
Disability Discrimination
1. Read Chapter 13
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 13
The Employee’s Right to Privacy
1. Read Chapter 14
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 14
Labor Law
1. Read Chapter 15
2. Read Commentary
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
for Ch. 15
Selected Employment Benefits and
1. Read Chapter 16
2. Read Commentary
There will be no virtual office hours
3. Complete Assignment Discussion Activity
this week. Please post any questions
for Ch. 16 (by 11:59 PM 8/8/12)
regarding the Final to the General
4. Complete Quiz over Chapters 14-16 and
Forum by noon on 8/8/12. They will be Cases (by 5:00 PM Thursday 8/9/12)
answered by 5 PM.)
Course Structure / eLearning Tools
Your course is organized through eLearning. Below are the tools in your class, how we will be using them, and
expectations associated with each. Take time to acclimate yourself to the tools and contact me if have
Course Home News Items: Used to post day-to-day course
details such as the status of and directions for
assignments, discussions and content;
additional information or summaries are
posted as needed; this feature is used instead
of all-class emails so you can find all
information in one location
Schedule: Lists tasks added by instructor;
NOTE: students enrolled in more than one
ELEARNING course will see any tasks
created by any of their instructors.
Library Resources: Links to several library
File Viewers: Helpful links to free
downloadable viewers.
You Should…
Check the “News Items” regularly, ideally
every time you log-in to the course.
Review the schedule at least every week for
important course dates.
Reference these links when doing research for
course activities.
Refer to these links if you are having problems
downloading a file type.
Weekly Modules: These weekly modules
contain, at minimum, the textbook reading
assignments, course narratives, discussion
assignments, and any other information
needed for the week.
Faculty Information
Links may be found at the end of the syllabus
Assignments to be given to instructor or from
instructor (if requested) go here. Upload your
assignments to this location, as directed;
Download assignments/feedback from your
instructor, as directed
Categorized discussions will be the primary
area for class discussion and collaboration
between instructor and student, and amongst
Virtual office hours will happen in this
Use this button to send emails, view
homepages and profiles of instructor and/or
students in the course; view shared locker
Location for students in small groups to work
together on assigned group projects
Used to release course quizzes, tests, and selfassessments
This is the section where instructor will enter
grades and feedback about assignments for
the course
Read it, understand it, refer back to it and ask
questions about it if you have them!
Check this area at the start of each Week and
check back to the resources and narratives as
you are completing assignments
Quick reference to my contact information
(also listed in the syllabus)
Check this area frequently to use the links
provided as reference
The only Assignment that will go to the
Dropbox this semester is the Legal Brief
(which is part of the Case Analysis
Assignment) and is due in Week 2.
Check discussion frequently to read and
respond to posts; consult your course syllabus
for specific information about discussion
participation requirements
Under Discussions – every Friday 10:00 AM –
11:00 AM
Used only when one of the functions are
needed (email, homepage, profile, locker
There will be no groups this semester
Click this area when the course schedule
indicates a quiz, test, or self-assessment for the
Check this section regularly to review grades
and feedback
General Expectations
Please post all course questions in the General Forum. Questions of a personal nature should be e-mailed
to me. I will endeavor to respond within 24 hours.
Papers should be in APA or MLA format.
You will have 40 minutes to complete each of the 3 quizzes – you may use your textbook and notes.
All assignments are due by 11:59 PM central time unless otherwise indicated.
No late assignments or quizzes will be accepted.
No assignments or quizzes will be held on School Holidays.
Please utilize appropriate Netiquette -see
I will respond to emails within 48 hours, maintain virtual office hours in the General Forum every
Friday from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (unless otherwise indicated in the News Section), and post grades within 7
days after the assignments are submitted.
Special Technology Utilized by Students: In addition to baseline word processing skills and sending/receiving
email with attachments, students will be expected to search the Internet and upload / download files. Students
are required to activate and check their UWF e-mail regularly. Forwarding your UWF e-mail to another ISP
address will not guarantee that you will receive the messages sent to your UWF e-mail account. Please do not
ask me to re-send e-mail messages. In addition, students may need one or more of the following plug-ins:
Adobe Acrobat Reader:
PowerPoint Viewer:
Windows Media Player:
Quicktime Player:
Real Player:
Macromedia Flash Player:
Expectations for Academic Conduct/Plagiarism Policy:
See files and links under “Assistance for You” at the bottom on the Content page on the eLearning site for this
The Student Disability Resource Center SDRC at the University of West Florida supports an inclusive learning
environment for all students. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that hinder your full
participation, such as time limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos and
podcasts, please notify the instructor or the SDRC as soon as possible. You may contact the SDRC office by email at or by phone at (850) 474-2387. Appropriate academic accommodations will be
determined based on the documented needs of the individual.
Expectations for Student Conduct in PLA Courses: Attorneys and paralegals are expected to follow a strict
code of professional responsibility. The code dictates that the highest standards of trust, integrity and honesty be
observed in day-to-day activities. You are expected to follow those same standards in this class. Your behavior
should be comparable to that which would be appropriate in a law office or in court. Academic dishonesty of
any kind, including but not limited to plagiarism, alteration of records, substitution of another’s work
representing it as your own, cheating, lying, or knowingly helping another student to engage in such conduct,
will not be tolerated. Do not share your written work in this class with anyone else.
All students are expected to abide by the UWF Honor Code and be sure all other students abide by the same. A
student who is aware of another student’s violation who does not report the other student’s violation is equally
accountable. It usually takes two to commit plagiarism. Both parties are guilty and subject to sanctions. Do not
share your written work in this class with anyone else. Please refer to the UWF Student Handbook for
student conduct guidelines and rights of appeal. Students in the Legal Studies Program are expected to maintain
the highest moral and professional standards both now and in their careers; it is only appropriate to begin
applying such strict standards now.
“Class Sessions”
Due to the quantity of material to be covered and the number of students typically enrolled in this
course, PowerPoint lectures and outlines will highlight only the most important information. However,
for purposes of testing, you are responsible for all information on the syllabus, in the text, in the course
materials posted on eLearning and in e-mails to your UWF e-mail account. If you have ANY questions
about the course, including problems with deadlines, contact me as soon as the problems arise so that we
can attempt to resolve the issue together in a timely manner.
Employment Law Resources Alexander Hamilton Institute covers a broad array of employment law topics with clear
language and a strong management orientation. This website is an essential study and reference resource for HR professionals who have
responsibilities for agreements of any kind that include the arbitration clause. Cornell University Legal Information Institute. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The Equal Opportunity Publications site is a private enterprise endeavor that creates publications
for personnel covered under the EEOC laws and regulations. HR Law Index is a comprehensive collection of data about HR oriented legal issues,
supplemented by links to other related resources. National Labor Relations Board site with up-to-date press releases, public notices, and important
decision summaries. Occupational Safety and health Administration. Text of the enabling legislation and documented
changes to the OSHA mandate. International professional human resources organization providing professional assistance,
papers, consultation, etc. for its members. Excellent resource on employment law and governmental programs relative to the workforce,
business, and others. Source for data, statistics, and other information that can be useful for student and