Chapters 1–4 1 The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapters 1 - 4 CHAPTERS 1-4 SPELLING I KNOW IT! WORD Rumble Bawling vacant Stocky Elite Ornery Apprehensive Bleak DEFINITION To participate in a gang fight Crying or sobbing loudly Empty; unoccupied Solidly built; sturdy or chubby The best or most skilled members of a group Mean, nasty Fearful or uneasy that something might happen Cold and harsh; gloomy and dreary PICK FOUR OF YOUR MOST CHALLENGING VOCABULARY WORDS AND FILL IN ONE BOX FOR EACH! WORD ILLUSTRATION PERSONAL CONNECTION RELATIONSHIP/EXAMPLE FROM BOOK 2 Study Guide Questions – Chapter 1 1. How are Ponyboy’s relationships with Darry and Sodapop different? 2. In what ways are the greasers different from the Socs? 3. Who were the other members of Pony’s gang? 4. Pony says, “So I’m not like them” on page2. other greasers? How is Ponyboy different from the 5. What happened to Pony on his way home from the movies? 6. What does Pony think of his brother Darry? Why could Pony be wrong in his thinking? Study Guide Questions – Chapter 2 7. How does Dally react to Johnny when Johnny tells him to leave the girls alone? How does this differ from the way he would have normally acted if someone else would have told him to leave the girls alone? 8. Who did Dally, Johnny, and Pony meet at the Nightly Double? 9. Why do you think Cherry and Marcia feel so comfortable with Ponyboy and Johnny? Give two reasons. 10. Why were Cherry and Marcia alone at the drive-in? 11. Pony was somewhat surprised that he was getting along so well with Cherry and Marcia. Why? 12. What happened to Johnny prior to the time of this story? 3 The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapters 1 - 4 Directions: Complete the following sentences with one of the vocabulary words from the list below: rumble bawling vacant stocky elite ornery apprehensive bleak 1. The ______________________ cow kicked the farmer when he tried to milk her too early in the morning. 2. Michelle found herself ___________________ whenever she thought of her grandmother who had passed away. 3. Two-Bit Mathews was _____________________ in build. His body was very sturdy. 4. “Do you want to __________________________?” Mark said after he figured out Joe had stolen his new I-Pod. 5. Only the most ________________________ pilots get to go to Top Gun, the Navy’s top flight school. 6. The students were feeling _________________________ when the learned that they needed to know all 206 bones of the human body for the test. 7. Finding a _____________________________ bathroom stall is rare at Lincoln Financial Field during an Eagles game. 8. Coming to school on a _______________________ day is difficult because most people would rather crawl back in bed, pull up the covers, and listen to the rain. 4 Study Guide Questions – Chapter 3 1. How do the girls describe the difference between the Socs and the Greasers? 2. What are some of the clues that you know from the book so far that Ponyboy’s family doesn’t have a lot of money? 3. What does Ponyboy talk to Cherry about while waiting in line for popcorn? What is significant about this conversation? 4. Who were Cherry and Marcia’s boyfriends? 5. Why didn’t the Socs and Greasers fight during their first encounter after the movie? 6. Why does Darry slap Ponyboy? Study Guide Questions – Chapter 4 7. What happened to Johnny and Pony at the park? Be specific! 8. What are Johnny’s two main reasons for killing Bob, the Soc? Do you think Johnny’s act was justifiable? 9. Who do Pony and Johnny go to for help after Johnny killed Bob? Name two ways this person helps them. 10. Even though Cherry Valance could love Dally, why could Dally never lover her in return? 11. Why was being in the country not as great as Ponyboy thought it would be? 12. As Pony and Johnny flee, Pony becomes aware of how strangers might react to their appearance. What does Pony think that strangers might see? 5 Outsiders Ch. 1-4 Vocabulary Practice Directions: Fill in the blanks below with the correct vocabulary word (you may use your cards!), and then find each word in the puzzle. V S E C S Q P V W H V Z P T L W E O A Z E D C V B D R Y K K V Y H V L Q T Q J Z V Q V U I I N T M C Y R E L J F G B E N K B H A W S S R H R Q Z S T E W W R O H E P W X C Q N Z D Y A X X I P G Y C Q E G N I L W A B E Q I M K G I T X I D R M N B M W E B N G H C M C A Q G N X M O L W I N V R C A T Y E R M K L H A C T R X L V Z S K X Y S A Z R F L R E Z A X N P X B H K J V H N B R J P B F M K B U E Q S T O C K Y S T P R J C P E Y H C T R P C U Z K J C J P X V H A S A Q E I L Y P C C V A F O Y X M M Z U H G E L J D X I C B Y E T W E F U D E L X A E M S C Q L Z A B L S A T Z R L U H K C V J R H Z X C E W B K S N U N J N D R F D E J U M X S Q X Y D P M F H Q F U N K B L O W O T N P N G G B C K D N F R A C L D L X B D E V C M L R H A O D Z G Z Q R G W E W Z E O W E U Z R A B U M T M K X C E R L L ______________________________ Fearful or uneasy that something might happen ______________________________ Crying or sobbing loudly ______________________________ Cold and harsh; gloomy and dreary ______________________________ Mean, nasty ______________________________ Solidly built; sturdy or chubby ______________________________ The best or most skilled members of a group ______________________________ Empty; unoccupied ______________________________ To participate in a gang fight 6 Name ___________________________ Date __________________ The Outsiders – Pick-a-Pal (after Ch.4) In this portion of the book, we learned a lot about each character’s personality and the friendships among the group. If you had to pick one of these characters to be your new BFF, who would you pick? Write a paragraph or two explaining your reasoning. You may want to consider the following: Which character has a personality most like your own? What has a character done that you admire? Which character has personality traits that you would look for in a friend? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 7 Chapters 5–8 8 The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapters 5 – 8 CHAPTERS 5-8 SPELLING I KNOW IT! WORD Reluctantly Gallant Indignant Elude Genuine Delinquent Ruefully Aghast DEFINITION Unwillingly Brave and courageous Angry because of injustice (something unfair) To avoid or escape detection Real; sincere Person who fails to do what is required by law With sorrow; with mournful feeling Stricken with horror; appalled PICK FOUR OF YOUR MOST CHALLENGING VOCABULARY WORDS AND FILL IN ONE BOX FOR EACH! WORD ILLUSTRATION PERSONAL CONNECTION RELATIONSHIP/EXAMPLE FROM BOOK 9 Study Guide Questions – Chapter 5 1. Why was Pony so upset about getting a haircut? 2. Why does Johnny like Gone With the Wind so much? What quality does he seem to admire the most in the characters? 3. Who did Johnny say the characters in Gone With the Wind remind him of? Why? 4. Examine Robert Frost's poem, “Nothing Gold can Stay.” What do you think the poem is saying? How might this apply to the characters in the novel? 5. When Dally finally arrives at the church, what news does he bring about the Greasers and the Socs? 6. Why do you think Cherry has become a spy for the greasers? Study Guide Questions – Chapter 6 7. Why is Johnny so concerned about his parents? What is the real Johnny like under the rough exterior? 8. Why doesn’t Dally want Johnny to turn himself in? 9. What happened when Johnny, Pony, and Dally returned to the church? 10. What motivates Johnny and Pony to rescue the children caught in the church fire? 11. Why did Dally jump in the fire? 12. In the hospital what causes Darry to cry? What do his tears tell you about his real feelings for Pony? 10 Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________ The Outsiders Directions: Choose and complete one writing assignment and one chart. Writing Assignments 1. Pretend that you were suddenly forced to leave home. What five things would you miss the most from your previous life? Write a paragraph explaining why you would miss these things. 2. Design a program or plan that would help greasers to improve their lives. Write a letter to your local newspaper describing your plan and encouraging people to get involved. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 11 Charts 3. Fill in the chart by describing things that are important to you now and things that would be important to you if you were living in the church like Ponyboy. Try to be specific in your descriptions. Things important to me now. Things important to me if I was homeless. 4. Fill in the chart by describing what your plans for the future are now and how your plans for the future would be different if you were a greaser. My plans for the future now. My plans for the future if I was a greaser. 12 The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapters 5 - 8 Complete the following sentences with one of the vocabulary words from the list below: reluctantly gallant indignant elude genuine delinquent ruefully aghast 1. The funeral procession marched ______________________ toward the burial site. 2. The ___________________ knight rode off to rescue the princess who had been captured by the enemy. 3. After robbing a convenience store, the boys attempted to __________________ the police, but were eventually caught. 4. Wendy was __________________________ when she entered the living room to find her two year old had painted all over the walls and new carpet! 5. ________________________, the students began the long task of completed the PSSA Reading and Math test practices. 6. Mark’ feelings were _______________________________. He really was sorry for hurting his best friend, Steve’s, feelings. 7. Dally is a great example of a _____________________________! He hates to do things the legal way! 8. Stacey was ________________________ when the teacher yelled at her for knocking over the stack of papers on his desk because it had been Rachel who did it! 13 Study Guide Questions – Chapter 7 1. Soda is quite the character in the waiting room of the hospital. How do you think Soda’s behavior helped the boys? 2. What is the importance of the newspaper article praising the greasers’ heroism? 3. What is the significance of how the boys like their eggs cooked? 4. We learn the reason that Soda sleeps next to Ponyboy. Explain the reason. 5. Describe Johnny’s condition. 6. What did Randle want to talk to Ponyboy about? Study Guide Questions – Chapter 8 7. How did Two-Bit convince the nurse to let the guys in to see Johnny? 8. What two things did Johnny ask they guys to bring him? 9. Two-Bit says “You know, the only thing that keeps Darry from bein’ a Soc is us.” In what ways would Darry be able to fit in with the Socs? 10. “Sixteen years ain’t long enough.” Who said this and what did he/she mean by it? 11. When Johnny’s mother came to visit him at the hospital, how did Johnny react? Why do you think he reacted this way? 12. Why wouldn’t Cherry go visit Johnny? 14 Outsiders Ch. 5 - 8 Vocabulary Practice Directions: Fill in the blanks below with the correct vocabulary word (you may use your cards!), and then find each word in the puzzle. A Z M T Z H K W L A U O U G R H G X Q L E C L N B C N W Y G B R C F M E P H K U A Z E A C G V K P H J X C R N F B J I V B Y Q N G M G Q R A H O O U L K X A N E Z L L G N I N E C S K F I P E E O H U W Y Q S I C A C E L T E N H K G E D Y R T A Y E D G J H V U U E A L H N Z C E P U N S R N I S L C Y D D E A B M D A Q R E N O O I U J P D D U S E H Z S E X O U H V Y U R E L U C T A N T L Y T U L Y T E K B L V A B E G G I S D T N S I P R K E N M U L L E O Z W S I I E I Z N G Q N A E T M D U U L S K J F U H S W S W J U A H V F M B F L H C W Q G V H X L P P F P T P S X Y T E T O N C X D X N Z H Z R L T N A L L A G U I J A X V V Q X I G U W H K U S Y J K L R C Y S N M T T U E B U P S L Q R D E S O S Y P G N Q X R I J S ______________________________ brave and courageous ______________________________ person who fails to do what is required by law ______________________________ unwillingly ______________________________ to avoid or escape detection ______________________________ stricken with horror; appalled ______________________________ real; sincere ______________________________ with sorrow; with mournful feeling ______________________________ angry because of injustice (something unfair) X Z R O N D Q B T M U X U V G G M N N H P J N Y J G D S B R U G G H V P O T Q D 15 The Outsiders Characterization As discussed in class, authors express a character’s personality through a variety of methods. The characters are brought to life usually through: Actions Dialogue Thoughts and feelings Physical appearance What is said about them by the author or another character Directions: In your small group, use the methods listed above to create a profile for a fourth Curtis sibling. Your mission is to present a well-defined person. Your character must exhibit realistic traits (no superhuman or cartoonish qualities). Other ideas to consider: Name Physical description and age Behavioral traits (shy, self-confident, outgoing, socially adept, etc.) Fashion traits (conservative, trendy, etc.) Language characteristics (formal, informal, heavy use of slang, witty, a jokester) Favorite music Special talents (musician, artist, actor, writer, scientist, mathematician, athlete, etc.) You will present this “new Curtis” to the class. Complete the character chart, and create a visual display of the new character! 16 The Outsiders Characterization – New Curtis Sibling Name – Age – Physical description – Behavioral traits Fashion traits (how they dress) Language characteristics Favorites (music, foods, drinks, activities, etc.) Special talents (musician, artist, actor, writer, scientist, mathematician, athlete, etc.) 17 Chapters 9 – 12 18 The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapters 9 - 12 CHAPTERS 9-12 SPELLING I KNOW IT! WORD Stifled Taut Flinch Acquitted Veered Delirious Idolized Menace DEFINITION Smothered; held in; muffled Pulled or drawn tight To draw back abruptly in fear Cleared of a charge Shifted suddenly from one course of directions to another Out of one’s senses for a time due to fever, shock, etc. Regard with admiration or devotion A threat PICK FOUR OF YOUR MOST CHALLENGING VOCABULARY WORDS AND FILL IN ONE BOX FOR EACH! WORD ILLUSTRATION PERSONAL CONNECTION RELATIONSHIP/EXAMPLE FROM BOOK 19 Study Guide Questions – Chapter 9 1. Why do the following guys fight? Darry: __________________________________________________________________ Steve: __________________________________________________________________ Soda: ___________________________________________________________________ Two-Bit:__________________________________________________________________ Pony: ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Who is Paul Holden? What is his relationship to Darry? 3. What advice does Dally give Pony as they go to the hospital after winning the rumble? 4. Why did Dally’s words make Johnny’s eyes glow? 5. What were Johnny’s last words to Pony and what do they mean? Study Guide Questions – Chapter 10 6. Why did Pony tell himself not to think, not to remember? 7. Why was Johnny so important to Dally? 8. Why does Dally rob the grocery store and then raise his unloaded gun to the police? 9. What gift does Johnny make sure the nurse gives Pony before he died? 10. What was Pony most worried about when he finds out he had been delirious and asking for people in his sleep? 20 The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapters 9 - 12 Complete the following sentences with one of the vocabulary words from the list below: stifled flinch acquitted veered taut delirious idolize menace 1. Pony was ______________________ after being hit in the head at the rumble, and he started to say things that were not true. 2. As we drove down the windy, mountain road, we ___________________ quickly to avoid the deer. 3. Many young girls ____________________ Selena Gomez and hope to be just like her someday. 4. When the vampire jumped out at us in the haunted house, we __________________________ because we never knew he was there! 5. Many students feel they are being ______________________ in school because they cannot always freely express themselves. 6. Even though there was a lot of evidence against him, the man was _______________________ because a policeman tampered with the evidence. 7. Dally was a true _________________________! He was always causing trouble! 8. In order for the rock climber to make his next move, he needed his spotter to hold the rope _____________________ so there was no slack. 21 Study Guide Questions – Chapter 11 1. Pony says “I’d rather have anybody’s hate than their pity.” What do you think he means by this? 2. Who comes to visit Pony when he is sick at home? 3. What was Pony’s reaction when Randy talked about Johnny? 4. Explain why Darry calling Ponyboy “little buddy” was important. Study Guide Questions – Chapter 12 5. What was the result of the court hearing? 6. How does Pony’s behavior change after the hearing? What causes the change? 7. How did Pony react to the three Socs who bullied him about killing Bob? 8. What do you learn about Pony when he picks up the pieces of the bottle he broke to defend himself against the Socs? 9. Why does Soda beg Ponyboy to stop fighting with Darry? 10. What is the most important thing Pony realizes about the way he has treated Darry? 11. Johnny’s note made several important points. What were they? 22 The Outsiders Quote Challenge Read the quotes posted around the room. Decide who said each quote and list his or her name on the line that matches the quote number. You may use a name more than once! Your choices are: Cherry Johnny Ponyboy Dally Randy Darry Soda Steve 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ 6. __________________________________ 7. __________________________________ 8. __________________________________ 9. __________________________________ 10. __________________________________ 11. __________________________________ 12. __________________________________ 13. __________________________________ 23 Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________________ The Outsiders Directions: Now that we are finished reading The Outsiders, take some time to reflect on the book. What do you think of this story? How does it rank with other books you have read? What questions do you still have? In two paragraphs, share your thoughts on the novel. (You do NOT need to answer every question above! (They are just to get you thinking!) You may go on to the back if necessary. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ What was your favorite part? _______________________________________________ What was your least favorite part? _______________________________________________ Is there anything you wish had _______________________________________________ happened differently _______________________________________________ 24 _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 25