Mid-Term Review Ppt

Midterm Review
What leader at the federal level has
the power to grant pardons,
recommend laws, and give a
budget proposal?
The President
The governor has the same powers at
the state level
What is one criticism or
problem of our two-party
They do not represent the ideas of
many Americans leading some people
to join third parties.
Some Americans feel as if both parties
have lost touch with the needs of the
List two types of
governments that would not
have a system of checks and
Absolute Monarchy
What is the purpose of a
conference committee?
When the House of Representatives
and the Senate pass different versions
of the same bill they must meet to
resolve their differences.
Why is the power to collect
taxes so important for our
The money is used to support
government programs and our
national defense to ensure our country
stays stable.
True or False: The Antifederalists supported a
small federal government.
True- Anti-federalists were opposed to
a strong federal government. They
wanted a bill of rights to be added to
the new Constitution
Federalists supported a strong central
government and did not feel that a bill
of rights was necessary
What are 6 principles of
the Constitution?
Limited Power
Popular Sovereignty (the power comes
from the people).
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
Judicial Review
If you were one of the
Founding Fathers, which
principle of the Constitution
do you think would be the
most important? Why?
Limited government is reflected in
popular sovereignty, federalism,
checks and balances, and judicial
The President wants to
create his own post office in
Texas. What constitutional
principle prevents the
president from doing this?
Separation of powers- The President
does not have the power to create a
post office only Congress does.
The power to raise or levy
taxes is what type of
Concurrent- Both the federal
government and the state government
have the power to levy and raise
Which of the following were
not included in the Articles
of Confederation? (There is more
than one answer).
A chief executive
A lawmaking body
A system of federal taxes
Judicial review
Which of the following
would be an example of the
elastic clause or necessary
and proper clause?
Congress declares war on a foreign
Congress authorizes the FBI to
monitor the internet
Congress creates a post office in a
Congress monitors interstate
True or false: In a
representative democracy a
president should have more
power than the Congress.
What is a purpose of a
political party?
Help people participate in the election
Helps register people to vote
Influences government policies
Helps nominate candidates for
What is the main purpose of
a national party convention?
To officially nominate a candidate for
the presidency and vice-presidency.
Finish the following quote:
“In America we practice
majority rules, but protect
the rights of the
True or false: The two major
parties do not want to
eliminate the electoral
True- they fear that minority parties
would gain more votes and change
election results.
How do family members
influence a person’s decision
to join a political party?
People develop their points of view
about the world around them from
their family.
As we grow older other institutions
influence our opinions such as school,
the media, our jobs, and our religions
If the President does not
sign a bill and Congress
adjourns, after ten days
what may occur?
pocket veto
What is the importance of
the court case Marbury v.
It created judicial review
It gave more power to the Judicial
The Supreme Court stated an act of
Congress as unconstitutional
Which Constitutional
Amendments promote due
process of law?
What did the Great
Compromise (Connecticut
Plan) establish?
It create a bicameral legislature (The
House and the Senate).
Representation in the House would be
based on the population of the state.
Representation in the Senate would be
based on equality ( 2 per state).
True or False: State
governments can levy
export taxes.
False. This is done by the federal
In the Constitution it states
the President is Commander
and Chief of the
Army and the navy of the U.S.
This means he is the one to make decisions
on all military issues.
He can seek advise, but does not have to.
The President went to Israel
to try and create peace
between the Israelis and the
Palestinians. What role is he
Chief diplomat
The President was asked to
attend an international
summit on Global Warming.
What role is the president
Chief of State
All impeachment trials
are held in the ________.
The Senate
What does due process
The government must follow
established legal procedures to ensure
the rights and freedoms of all citizens.
Example: All citizens have the right to
an attorney according to the 6th
What enlightenment
philosopher influenced the
creation of the Declaration
of Independence?
John Locke
All of the following are
found in the Constitution
The right to abolish and abusive
The right to bear arms
The power to coin money
Confederal Systemsovereign states join
together. Each state is
represented in a
central organization.
Central organization
carries out policies
made by
What is
A form of government in
which divides power
between the national,
state, and local
The Supreme Court
decided that segregation
was unconstitutional. This
is an example of?
List 2 examples of
concurrent powers.
• Power to lay and collect taxes
• Make laws
•Define crimes and make
punishments for them
• Take private property for
public use
Which Amendment prevents illegal
searches and seizures?
What court case dealt with this
The Fourth Amendment
New Jersey v. T.L.O.
List 3 ways the National
Government was limited under the
Articles of Confederation
•No president or executive branch
•No national court system
•No officials to enforce laws
• No power to tax
• No power to regulate trade
•No power to establish national armed forces
•Major laws required 9 out of the 13 states to pass
There are certain rights which we have
always held sacred in the U.S., and
recognized in all our constitutions, and
which, by the adoption of the new
Constitution in its present form, will be
left unsecured… - Richard Henry Lee
The view point of what group of people
is being described in the quote above?
The Anti-Federalists