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Wazz goin On?
Final Schedule
Wed 1/12 –
Thur 1/13 Fri 1/14 –
Your final is
The Final
10% of your grade
100 questions
38 matching
62 multiple choice
Wazz goin On?
Final Schedule
Wed 1/12 –
Thur 1/13 Fri 1/14 –
Your final is
The Final
10% of your grade
110 questions
all multiple choice
27 This Week
24, 26, & 27 on final
Reading quiz tomorrow
Before the Settl ers
Native Americans
360,000 in 1860
buffalo horse 1.
white settlers
spread destroy –
Settlers Arrive
Treaty System Develops
goal –
___________ for _____________
Treaty of Ft. Laramie (1851) –
system doesn’t work
The Indian Wars 1860-1890
atrocities on both sides
’64 - Sand Creek Massacre –
’66 - Fetterman Massacre –
1874, Black Hills Col. George A. Custer sent to Sitting Bull’s Sioux ambush
1876 - Battle of Little Bighorn
Today is a good day to die
In the NW and South (602)
1877 - Gold Discovered on Nez Perce
US Gov. reduces Nez Perce’s territory by
Chief Joseph leads march to meet with
Sitting Bull
forced to surrender (602)
The Apache in the Southwest
How affected by the money supply
What happens to prices
What debtors want
What creditors want
railroad, disease, “fire water” & dead buffalo -
Helen Hunt Jackson – A Century of
Dishonor (1881) Dawes Severalty Act (1887) –
The Carlisle School –
assimilation – “
“The Ghost Dance –
kill Sitting Bull The “Battle” of Wounded Knee (1890) –
59ers –
Texas Longhorns! -
“the Long Drive”_____ ____ (Glidden) –
The Homestead Act (1862)
purpose 160 acres free if –
or . .
Plans after High School?
Become a Homesteader!
Dum diddee dum diddee dum didee DUM
DUM . . . Dum diddee dum diddee dum
didee dum diddee DUM diddee DUM
DUM DUM . . . Dum diddee dum diddee
dum didee DUM DUM . . . Dum diddee
dum diddee dum didee dum diddee DUM
diddee DUM DUM DUM . . .
Farming the West
the iron & steel plow allow –
“dry-farming”, tougher strains of
wheat, and irrigation projects allow –
1889 –
“sooners” -
The Closing of the Frontier
1890 –
Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier
The Significance of the Frontier in
American History (1893)
argued "safety valve“ theory –
realistic? -
During a period of Deflation
money supply goes ______
prices go ______
each dollar buys ______ stuff
profit for farmers goes ______
workers wages go _______
paying off an old debt ___ difficult
During a period of Inflation
money supply goes ______
prices go ______
each dollar buys ______ stuff
profit for farmers goes ______
workers wages go_______
paying off an old debt ___ difficult
Mechanization of Farming
specialize in single cash crops
new, expensive “combines”
results in:
“bonanza farms” decrease in -
Challenges Farmers Faced
one crop dependency low prices, due to high interest rates
more tenant farming
exploited by:
equipment manufacturers
And if That’s Not bad Enough!
farmers get organized
 The Greenback Labor Party  Oliver
Kelley and The Grange  The Farmers Alliances  FA:
formed co-ops
Fought for
– Nationalized railroads
– Graduated income tax
Elizabeth Lease –
 Long Term Impact =
 Mary
Stuff to know from Ch.26
Booker T. Washington Tuskegee Institute “accomodationism” –
W.E.B. Du Bois NAACP –
“immediate equality” “talented tenth” -
Women in Late 19th Century
“settlement houses” Jane Addams – Hull House
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Women and Economics Ida B. Wells Women’s Christian Temperance Union Carrie A. Nation -
Early Suffragettes
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony Carrie Chapman Catt –