Dallas Winston - fleetwoodsweeney

•Slide show made
by Jeff.Gomez
Dallas Winston
Physical Appearance ( Dallas
Elfish face
High cheek bones
Pointed chin
Small sharp animal teeth
Ears like a lynx
Hair is blond
Very strong
Brown eyes
Attitude (Dallas Winston)
• Didn't like hair cuts
• Didn't like hair oil
• Really rude
Physical Appearance
(Ponyboy Curtis)
Light brown hair
Greenish grey eyes
Long hair
Six foot Two (Size)
14 years old
Shoulder length apart
Attitude (Ponyboy
Good grades
High IQ pages
Physical Appearance
Sixteen years old
Attitude (Sodapop)
Always happy
Never touches a book
Bad grades
Works at a gas station
Dallas Winston
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
• Dallas Winston is a hero
because he went into the
burning church and saved little
children’s life and also saved
Johnny's life
Ponyboy Curtis
• Ponyboy is a hero because he
ran into the burning church and
dident care for himself but
cares for the children’s life.
Sodapop Curtis
• Sodapop is a hero because he
looks after Ponyboy and he is
also responsible for his older
and younger brothers
Dallas Winston
I'm never nice. Can I interest you in a Coca-Cola or a 7-Up?
What'd you say?
What'd you say, you little shit? What'd you say to me? Wise ass
Here, I thought this might cool you
God, I didn't know you had this problem with, with yelling in my
Why didn't you bring a coat, stupid?
Johnny, you don't know what a few months in jail can do to you,
You're never gonna get me alive!
Don't you know a rumble ain't a rumble without me?
I don't have any money.
Ponyboy Curtis
Fell asleep in the lot
Don't you yell at him!
Nature's first green is gold,
Nothing gold can stay.
What are you doin' outta the cooler, Dal?
It's like the mist is what's pretty, ya know? All gold and silver
I think I'm gonna be sick
Johnny's dead. Told him about beating the socs,
You know what a Soc is?
Well, you're smoking.
Sodapop Curtis
Come on, Pony. Let's go to bed now
Come on, Darry...
Ponyboy, you should have gone out for football instead of track.
Darry, you gotta stop yelling at him for every little thing he does, man.
don't fight anymore... please...
Now don't you start bawlin' too Pony. One bawl-baby in this family's
Let's go home. I'm cold.
Hey, after we beat those Socs tonight, good me and Steve are
gonna throw a huge party
Hey Two-bit, Mickey's on TV!
Yeah, somebody's sick...
The End! 