Texas Constitution and Limited Government

Texas Constitution
Limited Government
Seven Principles of Government
State of Texas Constitution of 1876
Republicanism – a belief that
government should be based
on the consent of the people;
people exercise their power by
voting for political
Article III. SEC. 4. The
members of the House of
Representatives shall be
chosen by the qualified
electors, and their term of
office shall be two years from
the day of their election.
State of Texas Constitution of 1876
Limited Government – the
principle that requires all U.S.
citizens, including government
leaders, to obey the law
Article III. SEC. 14. Senators and
representatives shall, except in cases
of treason, felony or breach of
peace, be privileged from arrest
during the session of the Legislature,
and in going to and returning from
the same, allowing one day for every
twenty miles such member may
reside from the place at which the
Legislature is convened.
State of Texas Constitution of 1876
Checks and Balances – the ability of each
branch of government to exercise checks, or
controls, over the other branches
Article IV. SEC. 14. Every bill which shall have
passed both houses of the Legislature shall be
presented to the governor for his approval. If he
approve he shall sign it; but if he disapprove it,
he shall return it with his objections, to the
house in which it originated, which house shall
enter the objections at large upon its journal,
and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such
reconsideration, two-thirds of the members
present agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent,
with the objections, in the other house, by which
likewise it shall be reconsidered; and, if
approved by two-thirds of the members of that
house, it shall become a law; but in such cases
the votes of both houses shall be determined by
yeas and nays, and the names of the members
voting for and against the bill shall be entered
on the journal of each house respectively.
Article XV. SEC 1. The power of impeachment
shall be vested in the House of Representatives
State of Texas Constitution of 1876
Federalism – a system of
government where power is
shared among the central
(or federal) government
and the states
Article I SEC. 1. Texas is a
free and independent State,
subject only to the
Constitution of the United
States; and the maintenance
of our free institutions and
the perpetuity of the Union
depend upon the preservation
of the right of local selfgovernment unimpaired to all
the States.
State of Texas Constitution of 1876
Separation of Powers – the division of
basic government roles into branches
Article II. SEC. 1. The powers of the
government of the State of Texas shall be
divided into three distinct departments
Popular Sovereignty – a government in
which the people rule; a system in which
the residents vote to decide an issue
Article VI. SEC. 3. All qualified electors of
the State, as herein described, who shall
have resided for six months immediately
preceding an election within the limits of
any city or corporate town, shall have the
right to vote for mayor and all other
elective officers.
State of Texas Constitution of 1876
Individual Rights – a personal liberty
and privilege guaranteed to U.S.
citizens by the Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights – 29 Sections
SEC. 2. All political power is inherent in
the people and all free governments are
founded on their authority, and instituted
for their benefit. The faith of the people
of Texas stands pledged to the
preservation of a republican form of
government, and, subject to this
limitation only, they have at all times the
inalienable right to alter, reform or
abolish their government in such manner
as they may think expedient.
Texas Constitution of 1876
U.S. Constitution
Similarities and differences
Based on the principles of
Three branches of
Can you name them (7)
Can you name them
Bill of Rights that list rights
given to all citizens
Structure and Functions of
Municipal level
Structure – city limits, Mayor-Council-City Manager government
Function – provide government services, police and fire
protection, emergency medical services (ambulances), sewers
and water lines, inspection of health and sanitation rules, and
zoning rules that govern what kinds of buildings may be placed
in certain parts of the city.
Structure and Functions of
County (254 Counties)
Structure – precincts: each
precinct has a county
commissioner, headed by a
county judge.
Function – Help the state
collect taxes, oversee and
administer law
enforcement, and provide
services to the rural
Structure and Functions of
Structure – Representative
and Senate districts
Executive Branch – Governor
Legislative Branch –
Representatives and Senators
Judicial Branch – Judges
Function – maintain highways
and state law enforcement,
interpret and enforce laws, a
prison system, and a National
Guard, supports public schools,
colleges, universities, and
public health
Sources of Revenue for State and
Local Government
State and local government are funded by taxes
Property tax – property is taxed and funds education
Sales tax – largest source of tax revenue
State and local governments receive federal
funds for projects
Federal funds – second largest source of tax
revenue – state and local governments collect
Licenses and permits, utilities, etc.
Interest on investments, state lottery, and money
earned from public lands
Structure, Funding, and Governance
of Texas Public Education
Approximately 1,050 school districts
Structure – divided into independent school
Governance – the local Board of Trustees
(School Board) is elected by residents in the
school district. They hire a Superintendent,
administrators, and teachers. They make
financial and educational decisions for the
State Board of Education is elected to
provide standards and policies as well as
approving materials.
Texas Education Agency – oversees the
implementation of State Board of Education
policies and other regulatory functions and
local school districts
Funded by property tax bond issues, as well
as by state and federal funding supported by
state and federal taxpayers
Rights of Texas Citizens
Rights defined in the Texas Constitution and
Texas Bill of Rights (many of these rights are
also in the U.S. Bill of Rights)
Article One of the Texas Constitution (Texas
Bill of Rights)
Freedom of worship
Freedom of speech and press
Freedom of assembly
Protection from unreasonable searches and
Equality under the law
Fair trial and rights of the accused in criminal
Rights of crime victims
There are thirty three listed in the Texas