Week 11 2015

Week 11 Assignments and Readings (November 17th –
November 23rd)
APSC 100 Mod 1
Week 12
(During studio)
- Check email for
more details
MEA 2 due December 6th at 11:55pm
MEA2 Help sessions next week:
Mon Nov 30- 6:30-7:30pm - Ellis 321- Help session with Dr. Frank for
questions about process/content of MEA2
Wed Dec 2- 5:30-9:30pm- BMH 313- Drop in help for MEA2 code
questions- Any problems with your Matlab code- drop into these sessions
for help.
APSC 100 Mod 2
Thurs Dec 3- 5:30-9:30pm- Botterell B139- More drop in help for MEA2
code questions
Project Reports Hand In:
Projects reports should be handed in as hard copies in appropriate drop boxes for
different projects as listed below. E-copies are NOT required. One group of
partners can hand in a single hard copy with names of all the partners on the Title
page. (or can be done individually)
Physics Projects # 1-5: Outside Stirling 406/407
Chemistry Projects # 6-9: Chernoff, Level 1 on the atrium at the base of the stairs.
Chem-Eng Project # 10: Dupuis 215
Due date:
In week #13 (exactly 1 week after you scheduled lab day in Week #12). Make sure
to include the Academic Honesty statement on the title page.
APSC 100 Mod 3
APSC 111
APSC 131
Work on the Interview of an Engineer Assignment (due Friday January 8th). You
should have already scheduled a mock interview with your project manager and
have plans to conduct the interview over the holidays.
Assignment 9 due for Wednesday December 2nd by 11:00 pm
Lecture readings from textbook
• Chapter 9.4-9.6: Rotation of Rigid Bodies
• Chapter 10.1-10.4: Dynamics of Rotational Motion
5.1 and 5.2 due Mon December 10th at 8:30am
6.1 Bond Energies and Solids due Mon November 30th 8:30 am
Lecture homework
6.1: Phase Changes
 Read Petrucci Chapter 12-1 – 12.5
 Problems Chapter 12: 3, 6, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, 25, 33, 37, 39, 43, 45, 49, 53
7.1: Solutions1
 Read Petrucci Chapter 13.1-13.4, 13.6
 Problems: Chapter 13: 1, 4, 9, 16, 18, 20, 26, 32, 51, 53,
APSC 171:
 Read Petrucci Chapter 13.5
Moodle Quiz
Week 11 online quiz due Thursday Dec 3rd at 11:55 pm.
Practice Problems (on D2L):
7th edition
Section 9.1:# 1, 3, 4, 7*, 9*, 14, 15
Section 9.3: # 1, 3, 8, 9-12, 14, 16, 39, 47, 54
6th edition
Section 9.1: # 1, 3, 4, 7*, 9*, 13, 14
Section 9.3: # 1, 3, 7, 9-12, 15, 16, 35, 43, 48
ASPC 161
Deadline: Monday, 07-Dec-2015, 4 PM.
Regular submission: Projects should be submitted between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM
in Beamish-Munroe Hall Room 315 (at the ILC). Make sure you have your student
ID, that the TA records submission of your project in the class list, and that you
initial the list to confirm.
Early submission: If you cannot submit on Monday, Dec. 7, you can submit your
project in your lab of Week 12 only (Nov 30 to Dec 4). Make sure the TA records
submission of your project in the Project Submission List and that you initial the
list to confirm.
Late submission: Late projects must be submitted to Mechanical and Materials
Engineering Department, Main Office (Room 319, McLaughlin Hall), during office
hours. Please note that there is a penalty of 10% of the Task 3 mark for each day
past the deadline.
NOTE: (1) Submission of the project in any way other than those indicated above is
at your own risk. (2) Please keep a copy of the Task 3 as a back-up in case your
submission is lost for any reason; (3) If you cannot submit the project in person,
you can delegate a friend to do so. Please prepare a note saying that this person is
authorized to submit the project. This note will be included with your project
submission. The note can be in the form of an e-mail to your friend asking to
submit the project for you.
D.17.B1 – Answer questions #1, 2, 4, 5
o use the following for reference:
 D.17.B2 - Gear Pump Drawing
 D.17.B3 - Parts List
o show how the answers were calculated
o Add all the necessary dimensions and notes to D.14.M-2 so that
the part can be manufactured
Giesecke (4th):
 9.34 Finish Marks
Giesecke (3rd):
 9.29 Finish Marks
Giesecke (4th):
 p.490
Working Drawings
 p.491-493 Assembly Drawings
 12.1-12.3 Subassemblies, ID, Part Lists
 12.8
Working drawing formats (title etc.)
 8.9
Manufacturing Processes (context for Revolving Clamp
Giesecke (3rd):
 13.1 Working Drawings
 13.5 General Assemblies
 13.6 Part Lists
 13.11 Title & Record Strips
 10.12 Manufacturing Processes (context for Revolving Clamp assignment)
ASPC 151
Pre-lab reading for week 12 lab (Lab #9), pg 183 in the lab manual
Chapter 3: Igneous Rocks
Chapter 4: Volcanoes and volcanic eruptions
Note: all exams listed are from 2-5 pm.