I/CCI Course Schedule (Sample) - Rowan First

I/CCI Course Schedule (Sample)
Note Important Dates for Fall 2014
Semester Classes Begin: Tuesday, September 2
Election Day (no classes): Tuesday, November 4
Thanksgiving Recess (no classes): Thursday-Friday, November 27-28
Last Class Day: Wednesday, December 10
Fall Finals Week: Thursday-Wednesday December 11-17
*When choosing readings from the texts that have been suggested, be careful that you do not
create an overwhelming reading load for the students. The focus should be on the primary texts
for the project.
Week One:
Reading as the First Step in the Process
Review syllabus
Introduce and discuss Core Values and Outcomes
Annotation and critical reading
Suggested Readings:
From Inquiry to Academic Writing:
Chapter 1: “Starting with Inquiry: Habits of Mind of Academic Writers” pgs. 1-28
Chapter 2: “From Reading as a Writer to Writing as a Reader” pgs. 29 – 41
Chapter 7: “From Summary to Synthesis” pgs. 144 - 151
They Say, I Say:
Chapter 2: “The Art of Summarizing” pgs. 30 – 41
Chapter 4: “What’s Motivating this Writer; Reading for the Conversation” pgs.
173 – 183
Suggested Class Activities:
From Inquiry to…:
“A Practice Sequence: Analyzing a Text Rhetorically” pg. 39 (with additional focus
on annotating)
They Say,I Say:
Week Two:
Exercise 1 p.40
Introduce Project #1 texts – assign summaries of each
Synthesis and Entering the Conversation
Summary Review
Entering the Conversation
Dialogic Assignment #1
Suggested Readings:
From Inquiry to…:
Chapter 7: “From Summary to Synthesis” pgs. 152 - 170
They Say, I Say:
Introduction: "Entering the Conversation” pgs. 1 – 15
Chapter 4: “I Take Your Point; Entering Class Discussions” pgs.163 - 166
Suggested Class Activities:
Small-group/class discussion of readings for Project #1 with questions to guide
the conversation
Critical Engagement Piece worksheet
Week Three: Planning and Drafting Essay #1
Introduce Essay #1 Assignment
Pre-Writing and Drafting Activities
Discuss Informal Citation
First Draft Due for In-class Peer Review
Second Draft due for Instructor Feedback
Suggested Readings:
From Inquiry to…:
Chapter 5: “From Formulating to Developing a Thesis pgs. 99-119 and
Chapter 9: “From Introductions to Conclusions” pgs. 247-272
Chapter 10: “From Revising to Editing” pgs. 273 - 294
They Say, I Say:
Chapter 4: “Yes/No/Okay, But” pgs. 55 – 67
Chapter 5: “And Yet” pgs. 68 – 77
Note: You are encouraged to utilize the templates in the index of They Say, I Say (pp. 293-309)
Suggested Class Activities:
Week Four:
Apply peer review sections in From Inquiry…
Second draft due for instructor feedback by Friday
*This is to allow the instructor time to read essays over weekend. Electronic
submissions are suggested.
Revising Essay # 1 and Reflection
Return Second Draft with Instructor Feedback
Discussion Strategies for Revision
Collect Third Draft
Review Core Values and Outcomes
Reflection on Project #1
Suggested Readings:
They Say/ I Say:
Chapter 8: “As a Result: Connecting the Parts” pgs. 105-120
Chapter 11: “He Says Contends: Using the Templates to revise” pgs. 139 – 159
Suggested Class Activities:
Discuss sample student work—illustrating analysis of connections between texts
and effective integration and analysis of texts
Students work in pairs/groups to discuss instructor feedback and suggestions for
further revision
*Proving a guide of some kind for their review is suggested
Before third draft of essay is physically collected —students write an in-class
reflection in response to comments and identify which of the core values and
outcomes were addressed in first Critical Engagement Piece and Essay
Assign Readings for Project #2
Schedule conference appointments
Week Five:
Return Third Draft with Instructor Feedback
Now is the time for students to bring any concerns or questions regarding the
course. This conference will allow you to communicate with one another about
specific issues regarding the students’ writing and performance in the class.
Week Six:
Begin Project #2
Discuss readings for Project #2
Critical Engagement Piece
Suggested Readings:
Revisit readings on summary, synthesis and entering the conversation
Suggested Activities:
Small-group/class discussion of readings for Project #2 with questions to guide
the conversation
Summary activities
Critical Engagement Piece worksheet
Week Seven: Planning and Drafting Essay #2
Introduce Essay #2 Assignment
Pre-Writing and Drafting Activities
First Draft of Essay Due for In-class Peer Review
Suggested Readings:
From Inquiry to…:
Chapter 3: “Identifying Claims to Analyzing Arguments” pgs. 51 – 72
They Say, I Say:
Chapter 6: “Skeptics May Object: Planting a Naysayer in Your Text” pgs. 78 – 91
Chapter 9: “Ain’t So/Is Not: Academic Writing Doesn’t Always Mean Setting
Aside Your Own Voice” pgs. 121 – 128
Note: You are encouraged to utilize the templates in the index of They Say, I Say (pp. 293-309)
Suggested Activities:
Week Eight:
Assign second draft due for Instructor feedback
Reflection on Project #2 and Begin Project #3
Collect Second Draft of Essay #2 for Instructor Feedback
Review Core Values and Outcomes
Reflection on Project #2
Discuss Readings for Project #3
Suggested Activities:
Week Nine:
Before second draft of essay is physically collected —students write an in-class
reflection in response to comments and identify which of the core values and
outcomes were addressed in second Critical Engagement Piece and Essay
Small-group/discussion about reflections and possible questions about values
Assign readings for Project #3 and summaries
Small-group/class discussion of readings for Project #3 with questions to guide
the conversation
In-class review of summaries
Locating Sources on Databases
Locating Sources on Databases
Analyzing and Evaluating Sources
Suggested Readings:
From Inquiry…
Chapter 6: “From Finding to Evaluating Sources” pgs.128 - 138
Suggested Activities:
Library Tutorial and/or scheduled time in computer lab/laptops in class
Week Ten: Critical Engagement Piece #3
Critical Engagement Piece #3
Suggested Readings:
Review: From Inquiry to…:
Chapter 7: “From Summary to Synthesis” pgs. 152 - 170
Suggested Activities:
Week Eleven:
Summary of individually located source
Will depend on which structure of CEP assignment you have chosen to work with
More time needs to be allotted because of the additional source
Planning and Drafting Essay #3
Introduce Essay #3 Assignment
Pre-Writing and Drafting Activities
First draft of essay due for peer review
In-Class Peer Review of Essay #3
Suggested Activities:
Week Twelve:
Assign second draft due for instructor feedback
Project #3 Reflection and Annotated Bibliography
Second Draft for Instructor Feedback Due
Review Core Values and Outcomes
Reflection on Project #3
Citation Review
Annotated Bibliography
Suggested Activities:
Assign conference times
Week Thirteen: CONFERENCES—No Class
Return second draft of Essay #3 with comments
Students bring any other assignments or readings they would like to discuss in
conference. This conference will allow you to give individualized feedback to each
writer and allow each writer to voice questions and concerns about writing and/or
portfolio as the class moves into the final part of the semester.
Week Fourteen: Revising For the Portfolio
Style and Academic Discourse
Suggested Readings:
Review: They Say, I Say:
Chapter 9: “Ain’t So/Is Not”
Chapter 10: “But, Don’t Get Me Wrong”
Suggested Activities:
Revisit past essays to read with an eye for style issues being learned
Suggested Style Issues:
word choice, wordiness, lexical density (editing out “fluff”) sentence complexity
(compound and periodic sentences, metaphor /similes, rhetorical questions, use
of headers, grammar, transitions, meta-commentary; voice; etc.
Week Fifteen Portfolio Reminders
Introduce and Assign: Self-Reflective Statement
Self-Reflective Draft due for Peer Review
** Not to be handed in to professor until portfolio collection
Suggested Activities:
Review core values and outcomes
Revisit past reflective assignments as references
Week Sixteen
Final Revisions of Portfolio Elements/Collect Portfolios
Finals Week
TBA—based on Class needs
Final Conferences – return graded portfolios