The United States Postal Service (USPS) is an independent agency (IA) of the United States government which is responsible for providing postal service (It is a service for transporting letters and other tangible objects, documents and packages, to destinations locally, nationally, and internationally.).
(Independent agencies [of the U. S. federal government] are those agencies “that exist outside of the federal executive departments.” They are those agencies which are not headed by Cabinet-level secretaries. In other words, an IA is independent of presidential control, but it is constitutional part of the executive branch.)
Anything “sent through this “system” is designated as “mail” or as “post.” The USPS is one of the few, governmental agencies which are specifically authorized by the U. S. Constitution.
(The “Postal Clause” [Article I, Section 8, and Clause 7] of the U. S. Constitution empowers Congress “To establish Post Offices and post Roads.” The Postal Clause was added to the Constitution primarily to facilitate interstate communication as well as to create a “secure” source of revenue for the federal government.)
The USPS traces its roots to 1775: during the time of the Second Continental Congress (SCC).
(The SCC was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies which met beginning on May 10,
1775 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The SCC managed colonial affairs: it adopted the U. S. Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776; it raised armies; it directed strategy; it appointed diplomats; and it made treaties. Thus, the SCC was the de facto “federal” government during the American Revolutionary
War [1775-1783].
The SCC succeeded the First Continental Congress of 1774. After the SCC ratified the Articles of
Confederation, it became known as the Congress of the Confederation [1781-1789]. The SCC was the body which was eventually replaced by the U. S. Congress.)
The cabinet-level, Post Office Department (USPOD) was created in 1792. The great Benjamin Franklin
(1705-1790), a noted polymath, was its first Postmaster General (1775-1776).
(A polymath, from the Greek meaning “having learned much”, is a person whose depth of understanding includes several areas of human knowledge. This designation is “equivalent” to the more common term of Renaissance man.)
The Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 abolished the USPOD, and it created the USPS. The Act transformed the USPOD into a “pseudo-corporate” agency with an official monopoly on the delivery of mail in the United States. It was signed into law by the “oligarchic” president, Richard Milhouse
“Watergate” Nixon (1969-1974) on August 12, 1970.
The Act was a direct outcome of the U. S. postal strike of 1970. The Act modernized the postal service, and it provided for collective bargaining rights for postal workers.
(The U. S. postal strike of 1970 was a two-week strike by federal, postal workers in March of that year.
The “causes” of the strike were: poor pay, poor benefits, unsafe and unhealthy working conditions, and poor to indifferent management by a number of U. S. presidents.
President Richard Milhouse “Watergate” Nixon “forced” the United States armed forces and the
National Guard to distribute mail in his unsuccessful attempt to “break” the postal strike.
The strike began on March 18, 1970 in New York City: it eventually involved more than 210 thousand workers. The “Watergate” ordered the workers back to service on national television. The result of his order was that the workers in 671, other post offices went on strike.
After two-weeks, the “Watergate” surrendered to public opinion and to the anger of the American
The USPS is the second-largest employer in the United States after the “oligarch”, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
It operates the largest vehicle fleet (Fleet vehicles are groups of motor vehicles owned or leased by a business or by a governmental agency.) in the world. Its mission is to serve all Americans, regardless of geography, at uniform “price” and “quality.” This “mission” is a legal requirement rather than a business model requirement of the USPS.
(The USPS has exclusive access to “letter boxes” marked the “U. S. Mail” and to “personal letterboxes.”
In the area of “package delivery”, it is a direct competitor of the “oligarchs”, United Parcel Service, Inc.
[founded in 1907] and FedEx Corporation [founded in 1971].)
The USPS employees over 574 thousand workers, and it operates over 218 thousand vehicles. It is headquartered in Washington. D. C. And, its current Postmaster General is Patrick R. Donahoe.
Donahoe is the 73 rd United States Postmaster General. He was named to the post in October of 2010.
He assumed office on January 14, 2011. He is a native of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
The USPS has not received taxpayer dollars since the 1980’s. In recent years, it has been operating at a loss despite its efforts to “contain” expenses. The major reason for its losses is due to the U. S.
Congress’ purposeful, structural undermining.
The “oligarchs” and their “familiars” want the USPS to fail in order to increase the profits of their corporate masters as well as to “break” the postal service union, the American Postal Workers Union
(APWU), which is affiliated with the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial
Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the Union Network International (UNI).
As usual, the U. S. Congress, as the front organization of the American “oligarchs”, functions to ignore and to undermine the Constitutional rights of the American many.
(The APWU is a labor union in the United States of America. It represents most of the employees of the
USPS: clerks, maintenance workers, and motor vehicle service workers. In addition, it represents over two thousand mail workers. It was founded in July of 1971 with the merger of several postal unions. It is headquartered in Washington, D. C. Currently, its president is Cliff Guffey.
The APWU has over 330 thousand members [as of 2011]. )
The United Sates Congress (USC) is a bicameral legislature of the federal government: it consists of two bodies. These bodies are designated as the “Senate” and as the “House of Representatives.”
(Bicameralism [a combination of Latin words meaning “two chambers”] is the practice of having two legislative parliamentary bodies. In such a mixed governmental structure, legislatures usually require a
concurrent majority (This type of “majority” prevents “majorities” from oppressing “minorities” by allowing various minority groups to have “veto power” over measures to be passed.).
Both “senators” and “representatives” are chosen by direct election. Each of the 435 members of the
“House” represents a “district.” They serve a two-year term. “House” seats are apportioned by state and by population within each state. “Senate” seats are based upon the formula of two senators per state. Since there are 50 states, there are 100 senators. They serve six-year terms.
The current “Speaker of the House” is John Andrew Boehner (2011-present). He is the 61 st “Speaker.”
By the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, the “Speaker” is “second in line” after the Vice President.
The current Vice President and “President of the Senate” is Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. He is the 47 th
Vice President. By the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, the Vice President is “first in line” after the
The current USC is the 112 th (from January 3, 2011 to January 3, 2013).
Darrell Edward “hit man” Issa is the second richest member of the U. S. Congress (with a reported net worth of 220 million dollars [as of 2010]). He is a “familiar” of the “oligarchs.” He is the U. S.
Representative for California’s 49 th congressional district, and he is a member of the Republican Party.
He is the Chairperson of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
As one of the “assassins” of the radical Christians (the American few), the “hit man” has been assigned the task of destroying the USPS for the benefit of the “privileged” class and for the benefit of the extremists “within and outside” of the Democratic and Republican Parties: he has received significant funding from the “anti-government, the anti-Constitutional, and the anti-American diversity” Koch
Industries, Inc. (aka, Koch Brothers of Wichita, Kansas) and their “neo-Nazi” like.
He is an “exclusive” thinker who believes in the concept of “American Exceptualism.” He believes that the American many are incapable of making “the right decisions” in the context of the American democratic, political system. And, he wants to destroy America’s democratic political structure in order that “the right people will make the right decisions” about his America.
(And, all of these American “exceptuals” really, really hate American “diversity” and their Constitutional right to vote. The “wave” of state, legislative measures to “restrict” the voting rights of the American
many is a direct result of the activity of the American Legislative Exchange Council, Inc [ALEC]. See earticles “13” and “17” on this website for more information concerning the radical, Christian “oligarchs” and one of their many “front” organizations, the ALEC.)
“His” proposed, Postal “Reform” Act of 2011 represents an attempt to “privatize” the USPS as well as an attempt to neutralize the APWU.
As usual and under the guise of “budgetary” problems, the “hit man” and his follow extremists are attacking the collective bargaining rights of workers as a means of “weakening their political opponents.” They state, falsely, that the public employees’ pay and that the public employees’ benefits are the cause of budgetary gaps (ala, Michigan’s Rick “Berzelius” Snyder’s strategy to “by-pass” the U. S.
Constitutional right of elective representation with the same false justification) rather than the historic
“incompetence” and the historic “corruption” of American special interest groups and their principal,
“front” organization, the U. S. Congress.
(See e-article “10” on this website for more information concerning “Berzelius.”)
To re-emphasize, the proposed, Postal “Reform” Act of 2011 is partially a lie, but the lie is fundamental in nature.
The “Solvency Authority” (SA) component of the proposed Act is a means of “by-passing” past and future legislative actions of the U. S. Congress. That is, the SA structural element is an attempt to undermine the USPS for corporate profit as well as an attempt to destroy the UPWU without the
“inconvenience” of dealing with legislative processes and/or with the issues of the “employment” rights of workers.
Post Script:
The American few are attempting to modify and/or to change and/or to destroy the American democratic, social and political systems for their own selfish ends.
Their method of choice is “death by indifference.” That is, through their “front” organizations such as
ALEC, they expound a philosophy of “American Exceptualism” which is not unlike the “superiority” philosophy of Nazi Germany during the 1930’s and 1940’s.
Without a prospering “middle class”, the United States of America will eventually implode. Despite the many historic examples, nationally and internationally, the American few are attempting to “dismantle” the American “middle class” again.
Their destructive activity may be found in their efforts (both on the state and on the federal levels): to cut governmental revenues; to eliminate unions; to cut jobs; to cut funding for public health, for public health insurance, for public education, for environmental protection, and for the arts; to restrict voting rights; to eliminate elective representation; to transfer or to steal or to eliminate the funds of
governmental and/or corporate pension accounts; to privatize the federal, pre-paid, social security programs; to “force” changes to the U. S. Constitution (which will selectively eliminate the ability of the
“majority” to govern); and to promote a general attitude that the helpless and the disfranchised should be discarded for the “good” of the whole (that is, for the good of the American few).
The American few are committing treason, and they are committing murder!
Their destructive actions, collectively, are hoped to transform the American democratic, political system into an American “oligarchy.” And, within this “oligarchy”, the privileged will rule “diversity” until the
many put them in their rightful place: that is, underground.
(Marine Cpl. Dakota “the hell I’m not” Meyer disobeyed a direct order from one of his “superiors” [along with Staff Sgt. Jaun Rodriguez-Chavez originally of Acuna, Mexico] not to rush into a “kill” zone to secure the bodies of his fallen comrades on September 8, 2009 in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. In the process of trying to find his “fallen” brothers, he saved 36 lives from a deadly ambush.
Meyer, repeatedly [five times], returned to the “kill” zone until he safely recovered the bodies of his
“fallen” brothers: Johnson [of Virginia Beach, Virginia], Kenefick [of Roswell, Georgia], Layton [of
Riverbank, California], and Johnson, Jr. [of Columbus, Ohio].
While he is receiving the “Medal of Honor” on this day [Rodriguez-Chavez has already received the
“Navy Cross”], his four brother Marines will be memorialized in hometown ceremonies (at Meyer’s request).
Dwight Meyer, Dakota’s grandfather and a former Marine himself, said that they “told him [his grandson] he couldn’t go in.” His grandson was reported to have said [in response to a direct order not to]: “The hell I’m not.”)
The “oligarchs” and their “familiars” will never understand the power of love within families and within extended families under deadly fire.
(The radical, Christian few think that their evil actions will be justified and will be forgiven by their “New
Testament” God in their process of the buying and the selling of “salvation” to each other. Their evil actions cannot be justified by any religious system which stresses the “loving” of the many to a greater degree than the “loving” of the few.)
And, if you doubt the power of love under fire, just ask the “fallen” and one of their “Valkyries”, Dakota
“the hell I’m not” Meyer.
Thank you for your service, and thank you for being two of “diversity.” Cpl. Meyer and Staff Sgt.
Rodriguez-Chavez, you represent the best of us.
(The extremist, Christians are the real “spirit-demons” of this world and the next. And, they truly believe that the many will “stand by” while they load the American “helpless and the American disenfranchised” into the corporate, railroad trains for processing.
The hell we will!)
“Spirit-demons” should beware of “kill” zones: there will be no “Valkyries” looking for them.
“Valkyries” are only interested in securing the bodies of the courageous “fallen.”
(Presently, 15% of all Americans live below the poverty level do to the negative manipulation of these privileged, religious extremists and their friends: that is, over 32million American citizens are experiencing “death by government” due to the “indifference” of the privileged in American society.)
Parenthetically, an “oligarchy” is a political system in which the few rule the many. Historically, such systems repeatedly fail and/or repeatedly diminish in their “viability” over time. Despite this reality, the
“oligarchs” continually and stupidly try to control and/or to eliminate the many for their exclusive amusement and for their exclusive benefit.)
(See e-article “3” on this website for more information concerning an “oligarchic”, political system.)
To hell with the “oligarchs” (the American few and the international few) and their “familiars” (U. S.
President Richard Milhouse “Watergate” Nixon, U. S. President George Walker “the torturer” Bush, some members of the U. S. Congress, Darrell Edward “hit man” Issa, ALEC and its donors, “superiors” who say “no” to attempts to save lives under fire, and to all those who enjoy causing and profiting from the “pain and suffering” of the helpless and the disenfranchised),