1 I-Design 2.0 Strategies for Web 2.0 Adoption: Appropriate Use of Emerging Technologies in Online Courses Chapter Highlights The contextual framework offered in the introduction to this chapter sets the stage for an exposition on the underlying concepts of Web 2.0 adoption for online higher education. Following a brief historical and theoretical description of Web 2.0, the reader will be introduced to the foundations, functions, and expectations of IDs. The chapter will then introduce a modern ID model that integrates personal leadership into design practice found to influence quality and engagement. It is posited that appropriate learning designs for a Web 2.0 environment will produce engaging (effective and memorable) learner experiences. Instances of Web 2.0 experiments from multiple studies provide concrete and authentic illustrations for analysis of benefits and drawbacks. It is additionally posited that this analysis will increase awareness of the potential for current and future adoption of social strategies within the online higher education curricula. Implications for ID practice are expressed followed by basic checklists for rapid evaluation and adoption of Web 2.0 strategies. Finally, the chapter concludes with a series of critical questions to ask before and during the ID process, including those guided by personal leadership, for quality and engaging learning outcomes. Introduction Increased investigations into the use of Web 2.0 technologies as instructional strategies has paralleled a proliferation in social internet interactions with dimensions characteristic of a movement—a movement that is gaining way into the online course room (Daniels, 2009). Recent digital strategies for online learning include a suite of social networking and sharing websites and applications termed Web 2.0 (O’Reilly, 2007)—virtual spaces that promote collaborative expressions. Lang and Lang (1961) described movement leaders as directors and examples of action by defining and solving problems, characteristics frequently found in the designers of pedagogies, although often found to be insufficient for modern applications (Sims & Koszalka, 2008). Some have suggested that an urgent need exists for increased awareness of the essential leadership competencies required for design practitioners to convert from outdated 2 design strategies to those demanded by emerging digital learning tools and spaces (Kowch, 2009; Naidu, 2007; Reeves, Herrington, & Oliver, 2004). Others argued that, guided by a leadership mindset (Author, 2012) critical to the sustainability of movements, instructional designers (IDs) will add value to the social phenomenon represented by Web 2.0 practices by embracing its potential for increased engagement in the online courserooms. However, adoption of cutting edge technologies for use as higher education learning tools raises concerns for their appropriateness in terms of affording engagement and quality of learning (Magolda & Platt, 2009), program costs and institutional infrastructures (Stocker, Griffin, & Kocher, 2011), and core pedagogical issues for meeting growing online learner demands (Allen & Seaman, 2012). On the other hand, apprehension of new pedagogies can be valuable. A degree of caution serves to challenge educators and IDs to avoid the pitfalls of imposing ineffective means on unsuspecting students by prefacing design selections with pragmatic research (Yanchar, South, Williams, Allen, & Wilson, 2010). The scope of research might include definitions and prescriptions for current instructional strategies based on what potential learners are doing in their personal lives that will inform authentic and engaging learning activities. Statistics show that, since it went public in 2007, there are over 900 million subscribers worldwide on Facebook, a mega-social networking site, with 45% of the one billion human profiles on the internet under the age of 25 (Bennet, 2012). While most of the activity is informal, the potential of tapping into the power of Web 2.0 for student use in learning is great with obvious global implications. However, without engagement learners will abandon the idea quickly (Nimon, 2007). The literature is replete with the ID’s struggle with what increases engagement and how to design a quality learning design. A sense of engagement with a learning episode is fundamental for understanding and building a more knowledgeable community (Knowles, 1980). Without a complete perspective from IDs of the type of presentations needed to facilitate new knowledge and meaningful skills in a virtual learning situation, adoption of cutting edge social affordances will be hindered. Therefore, it is argued in this chapter that a new generation of emerging technologies demands a new generation of design practice standards imbued with leadership competencies for meeting the expectations of the online community’s movement toward Web 2.0 learning tools. 3 Quality courses are not guaranteed by effort or familiarity with technologies rather quality is an outcome of synthesizing processes, instruction and learning theories, current research, and complex decisions for keeping pace with continually changing global and multicultural influences (Reimers, 2009). An expert panel of designers with an agenda to promote remote-learner engagement recently identified the characteristics required to intentionally lead in formulating quality learning frameworks (Author, 2012)—quality-level, effective, and satisfying instructional strategies underpinned by theory. In other words, learner engagement is the required goal and outcome of a well-designed online course—and not just a happy e-accident! Inevitably, doubts will arise when charting new territories with precious cargo (students) in tow. Echoing Faust’s (1977) abiding question for instructional strategy selection, “how do we know which set of displays [strategies] is best in a given situation?” (p. 18), Magolda and Platt (2009) stressed, “knowing when it is appropriate to invoke a technology to enhance learning is much harder than knowing how to use it” (p. 11). Although not a new understanding, seasoned or expert designers make certain selections for the learning event based on experience (Chi, Glaser, & Rees, 1982), with a certain know-how or intuition. However, borrowing from design theory, the decision-making process becomes more complex when inundated by developing fluid technologies (Jonassen, Davidson, Collins, Campbell, & Haag, 1995) with unknown consequences to learners. This suggests limitations exist in predictability for success with rapidly advancing technologies and calls into doubt the efficacy of adoption. Given the complexity of modern living and learning, designers need to possess theorybased, field-relevant competencies found by Dooley, Lindner, Telg, Irani, Moore, and Lundy (2007) to promote excellence in online course production. It is for these reasons this author submits that it is critical for the modern designer to adopt a leadership mindset to foresee what has not yet been tested, not yet proven. Evidence shows that expert IDs have and promote a vision for future technologies (Author, 2012), for creating quality designs that will further the online education initiative (Campbell, Schwier, & Kenny, 2009; DeBlois, 2005); and since vision is a characteristic of leadership (Howard & Wellins, 2008), it is reasonable to expect IDs to lead in the adoption of Web 2.0 for an engaged learning experience. With this in mind, this chapter will introduce a new concept of designing online academic courses from a leadership perspective. The reader will be introduced to Web 2.0, the role of ID in designing for Web 2.0 4 learning, and will be given examples of appropriate ID specifications that culminate in adoption potential. An Introduction to Web 2.0 for Learning Historical Snapshot of Web 2.0 Both opportunities and challenges confront academic course designers and developers with emerging technology prospects in mind. Preterit internet social activities often included playing web-based games, instant messaging, chatting in public or private virtual rooms, and cell phone texting—1- and 2- way noneditable communications. With more recent inventions, education was alerted to the potential learning power of the Web 2.0 multi-way communication tools, especially for online course enhancements. However, this would require the suppliers (designers) of pedagogical affordances to understand what Web 2.0 was and what value it offered to learners; this chapter will show the need persists. An idea in the mid-1990s to provide access to everyone wishing to interact with the internet developed into the notion of free and open software (free to collaborate on and open to input on improvements). It was a short leap from the revolutionary design-by-collaboration Linux operating system, created by Linus Torvalds (Moody, 2002), to a suite of participatory (social) applications. Today the selections range from social sharing and bookmarking (MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Del.icio.us, digg), video and photo sharing (YouTube, Flickr), blogs (personal online journals), and wikis (collaborated projects) to mashups (combinations of applications resulting in a new one). The phenomenon, coined Web 2.0 by O’Reilly (2007), introduced new ways for consumers to use and influence the world wide web of expanding information. Web 2.0 social sharing sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and blogs, are not 1-way (email, texting), or 2-way (IM, chat) but multi-way unedited discussions that may get deleted or hidden, but not changed except by the owner; as such, those sites represent technically closed source or user-centered technologies. Facebook is accessed by logging into a personal account and allows the owner to customize profiles and share personal information with ‘friends’. Recently, businesses, newsgroups, and academic interests have joined the ‘conversation’ with a Facebook presence. 5 Wikis are multi-user created and edited exemplifying true open source spaces usually with unlimited viewership, unless privatized, and foster collaborative use. Wikis are groupcentered, thus, may be conceived as data visualization spaces where groups can collaborate from anywhere to create text and multi-media pages and links in a virtual place. Wikis usually have a common subject goal, may contain many pages, and are editable by anyone. The most recognized wiki is Wikipedia™, a free online dictionary (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia) although is usually not recommended for academic use due to its perceived unreliability. The premise is that peer review and editing is prone to error. In addition, following a method of indexing or marking for future use called tagging, access to topics of interest are sorted and classified and may populate a virtual personal file cabinet. Visits to the information are either intentional by logging into specific discussions, or a user may request unattended notifications through subscriptions to RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds that keep would-be contributors apprised of changes as they occur. Second Life™, which is either uni- or multi-user created and edited, is used for 3-D concept modeling within virtual environmental variables and controls. The virtual world concept has been activated for collaboration purposes although its initial generation by one owner classifies it as creator-centered. Virtual worlds, such as Second Life™ are not always listed as pertaining to Web 2.0 products due to a game-like appearance and perception of less social interaction capability. However, the environment contains most of the elements for potentially enriched learning in terms of authentic task representations with interaction features not afforded by simulations, for example. In addition, Web 2.0 site innovators have created a mashup for linking the Moodle LMS (Learning Management System) with Second Life™ created by Sloodle (Simulated Linked Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) which can be found at http://www.sloodle.org/moodle. The combination of distinct sites has served to inculcate the virtual world concept into the online courseroom. In spite of the benefits of connecting with others and forming relationships from a distance, for educators to adopt learning in this way, evidence of additional value is needed such as knowledge-building (Stahl, 2004) and collaboration for negotiating meaning (Vygotsky, 1978; Wertsch, 1985). This notion requires an online pedagogical approach of learner-centeredness, a concept that is not only based on personal-control of one’s path of learning but on individual contribution to the creation and perpetuity of what is being learned for a personalized and 6 meaningful experience. Some view this as situating the learner so that “she can create meaning through self-driven inquiry, experiential learning, and collaborative analysis” (Magolda & Platt, 2009, p. 13). To the purpose of this volume on Web 2.0 potential, learner-centeredness was described by Sims (2003) as essential to engagement in an online environment. On the other hand, self-control may be a threat to a traditional highly regulated institution with paternal reign over learners. Should learner-centeredness with its modified concept of ‘free and open’ (free to select and open to change) continue to proliferate, institutions and academics may lose an element of control (Magolda & Platt, 2009) with unforeseen consequences. How can an unknowing learner be a creator of her own learning path with the potential for following flawed information? How will instructors keep the students within the prescribed parameters of the syllabus and away from erroneous and superfluous external information? Won’t the value of education be diluted from so many novice voices competing for attention? Together the concerns raised accentuate the pioneer nature of adopting Web 2.0 tools into the curricula and the critical role a professional ID might play as a leader to proactively explore and resolve the problematic issues of the social learning movement. Theoretical Considerations for Web 2.0 Increasing learner engagement via new technologies presents a problem of how to design learning venues that will afford deep learning from often cursory glances at an array of data. Without time to form mental representations of an action’s meaning and consequences, transfer to long-term memory (Driscoll, 2005) may be hindered. Specifically in question is the use of rapid displays prominent in video games, some simulations, and potentially Second Life™ virtual spaces. The modern user of technology relies on hyper-text and hyper-media to leap from one bit of information to the next often with minimal time spent on each display of data and graphical metaphors. Rapidly moving from one display to the next may not allow sufficient time to process what is seen (Bannert, 2002). Experiments by Sperling in1960 (in Driscoll, 2005) found that, without further cognitive processing, information is lost within ¼ second, a phenomenon known as visual decay. In addition, the speed of data input to the brain suggests a lack of reflection on the relevance of facts and instructions needed for advanced thinking. Another issue is the trend toward pop-up ‘helps’ that promotes the notion of omitting foundational principles and concepts in lieu of instant information (Riel, 1998). While efficiency may be promoted in some scenarios, it may be argued that learning for retention (Driscoll, 2005) 7 is restricted. An example from personal history may help to illustrate the point. During a career in accounting simple bookkeeping processes were first learned from manually recording and organizing numeric data in journals and ledgers. Manual mathematical balancing computations assured proper placement of the data for accurate reporting of the financial impact of an entity’s transactions for a given period of time. More complex entries provided various forecasting tools for business managers based on precise historical data. The value of manual manipulation of the numbers was in visualizing where each entry was recorded—known as encoding (Paivo, 1971)— for later recall. In contrast, computerized accounting, in which data is entered into a field and is machine-processed according to programmed codes, masks the interim steps from the user and diminishes the need for knowing the principles and concepts behind the action. Consequently, the financial records relied on for crucial business decisions are often produced by input operators and not trained accountants creating the potential for procedural errors. Hence, designers of modern educational systems must be aware of evaluating highly intuitive software for its instructional ability to ensure mastery of foundational subject concepts. On the positive side, a guiding theory for learning with Web 2.0 tools is found in social negotiation, a theory proposed by Bruner (1986) who considered learning a “communal activity, a sharing of the culture” (p. 127). Along with 20th century situated cognitivists who believed learning occurs in certain settings, such as Vygotsky (1978), Brown, Collins, and Duguid (1989), Cunningham (1992), most modern educators recognize the validity of learning collaboratively within one’s community. In this way collaboration is more than discourse with others in the same location or venue; learning occurs from the shared beliefs, insights, and inventions of the group. When viewed through this lens Web 2.0 ‘gatherings’ exhibit communal actions with implications for learning. Finally, a learning event must include the ‘why’ behind the ‘how’, the meaning behind the user’s action (Bruner, 1957/1973; Reigeluth, 1999). Early and modern learning theory encourages training in metacognitive skills (Flavell; Dixon & Dixon, 2010) for deciding if an action is appropriate, problem-solving for unpredictable outcomes (Jonassen, 2010), or determining the meaning behind an idea. If the mouse movement or key touches do not produce an acceptable solution, what next? Is this blog, wiki, or virtual world giving me what I need to learn this concept? What more do I need from this site, my peers, the instructor, or external sources? What does this really mean to me? Along with the unknowns of mental impact and 8 learning capacity, the literature increasingly extols the value of socially created knowledge and for higher level thinking. The question is, are the designers of courses that might benefit from a Web 2.0 influence investigating the theoretical barriers as well as the benefits? Role of Instructional Designers Definition and History of ID Instructional design is “the process of deciding what methods of instruction are best for bringing about desired changes in student knowledge and skills for a specific course content and a specific student population” (Reigeluth, 1983) and includes “tasks of management, implementation, and evaluation…all in the service of designing and delivering good instruction” (Wilson, 2005, p. 238). Early conceptualizations of the nature of reality, origins of truth, the place of knowledge, and complex phenomena of learning informed foundational theories of instruction (Molenda, 2008; Spector, 2008) and the structures required for presenting an organized academic course. Driscoll (2005) traced the history of epistemological, philosophical, and psychological approaches to knowledge comprehension and learning that stemmed from behavioral and cognitive experimentation. From these early investigations, learning theory development led instructional approaches that varied from behavioral to cognitive to constructivist to connectivist (Siemens, 2004). At the same time, Reigeluth (1983) called for increased learner control over the learning process conceptualized later as individual construction of knowledge through meaningful interactions with immediate surroundings (Jonassen, et al., 1995). However, the surroundings in an online environment take on a different meaning than in a confined classroom situation which led Beaudoin (2007) to declare learning in this way different than from any other—a new mode. It was thought of by Dede, Dieterle, Clarke, Jass-Ketelhut, and Nelson (2007) as a new understanding of how learning actually occurs when mediated by computers. The study (Dede et al., 2007) posited that student perceptions of learning are changed when confronted with new patterns of “information-seeking, communication, expression, and meaning-making” (p. 339). The upheaval in the way learning does and should occur in virtual spaces confronted long-held epistemological beliefs and approaches to ID practice. Adding to the undulations in theories were warnings of negative consequences for virtual students subjected to the unknown effects of non-conscious cognitive processes (Clark, 9 1991,1994) and concerns that cognitive load (Kirschner, 2002; Sweller, van Merrienboer, & Paas, 1998) would suffer imbalance from excessive media stimulus. It is interesting to note that a recent meta-research into cognitive load theory (de Jong, 2010) determined a substantial inconsistency in reports from data on a relationship between cognitive load and instructional formats and suggested that precise measurement of cognitive capacity is problematic. Moreover, de Jong (2010) pointed to a crucial unknown in the critical level that would indicate overload. The study concluded that given the right conditions for a particular student’s cognitive ability, cognitive load is merely a concept of which type of load the person is experiencing and does not always have a negative effect. The impact of cognitive processing represented just one condition of learning for designers to comprehend before selecting pedagogies. As theories were added to the growing body of human knowledge, course developers were expected to possess tacit knowledge of the different domains of thinking—cognitive, affective, and psychomotor (Bloom, 1956), Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of Learning (Krathwohl, 2002), Gagné’s conditions of learning and nine events of instruction (Gagné, Wager, Golas, & Keller, 2005), the different intelligences (Gardner, 1983), diverse learning styles (Kolb, 1984), as well as a host of instructional methods and techniques. Moreover with advancing technologies, a command of media development, scripting, storyboarding, and web development was needed to keep pace with advancing technologies. Synthesizing the collection of qualifications, an ID aligns the learning environment, instructional strategies and outcomes from expertise as an expected function of the profession (Richey, Klein, & Tracey, 2011). Given this extensive criteria for performance, IDs are uniquely positioned to lend expertise and guidance when confronted with new and sophisticated technologies. However, this chapter argues that it is critical to augment the existing ID skillset with a leadership perspective for recommending adoption of Web 2.0 online affordances. Therefore, the next section presents a model that supports a concept of a modern ID model. A Modern ID Model: I-Design 2.0 A foundational construct for a modified instructional design concept is synthesized from the theories that guide the concept of ID described in the previous section, traditional standards and codes of practice (IBSTPI, 2000; Richey, Fields, & Foxon, 2001), and a selection of theories 10 from business and educational leadership resources. The result is a model for modern ID with enhanced competencies of leadership first so termed in this paper as I-Design 2.0. ID standards and codes. An ID occupies a professional leadership role with an overarching imperative to create structurally sound systems of learning with complex processes, manage chaotic situations, negotiate competing objectives, predict success or failure, test and revise and anticipate future consequences. This is why the members of the occupation consider themselves to be design engineers through modeling and devising systems and processes or learning architects providing foundational frameworks for instructional components and techniques. More than this, IDs are guided by the principles that seek (a) learning aims, what to achieve through learning goals and objectives; (b) ways, what path leads to learning goals through instructional strategies; and (c) means, how to achieve the learning goals through substantive, motivational, and engaging learning events. A diverse complement of competencies ensures performing the tasks of unique learning projects. At the turn of the 21st century, the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction (IBSTPI) organization developed a comprehensive list of reasonable and essential competencies for conducting the work of ID. The taxonomy articulates nearly two dozen standards of practice that must be adopted by a qualified ID (IBSTPI, 2000) in terms of performance and includes typical managerial duties, however fall short of specifying leadership capacities. Additionally, the ID field enjoys a professional standing with ethical guidelines that promote a high level of duty and integrity to learners, colleagues, the local and global community, and the environment (IBSTPI, 2010). From this skillset an ID is tasked with preparing learners who must be equipped to exist and thrive in a fluid, complex, and chaotic world with emergent ideas of learning and design (Irlbeck, Kays, Jones, & Sims, 2006; Siemens, 2004; Sims, 2009). The future stability of our world may depend on individuals who are competent in critical thinking (Barab & Roth, 2006; Dabbagh & Denisar, 2005), change management (Beabout & Carr-Chellman, 2008; Campbell et al., 2009), global awareness (Reimers, 2009; Rogers, Graham, & Mayes, 2007), team collaboration (Durdu, Yalabik, & Cagiltay, 2009), and vision in their respective fields (Howard & Wellins, 2008). In summary, the role of an ID accepts a duty to guide in the development and improvement of emerging non-traditional learning events, including the recent Web 2.0 tools, with a global impact. 11 The ID as leader. While the literature over the last century is inundated with diverse notions and theories (Zenger & Folkman, 2009) of leadership, explicit characteristics are generally represented in the quality of key attributes, behaviors, and skills attributed to those perceived to be leaders (Dooley et al., 2007; Fullan & Scott, 2009; Katz, 1955; Sergiovanni & Corbally, 1984). Leadership also denotes an ability to influence others toward excellence in work and personal practices (Howard & Wellins, 2008; Kouzes & Posner, 2007) and to sway others in a particular direction—to follow a vision. Therefore, another attribute ascribed to leaders is that they are visionaries; they recognize innovation, forward-thinking, uniqueness, and “respond creatively to world conditions and the current state of their own society” (Greenleaf, 1977, p. 321). The Scott, Coates, and Anderson report (2008) regarded this characteristic as a capacity to see the big picture and to “read and respond to a continuously and rapidly changing external environment” (p. 11). The environment referred to depicts the current complexities of designing for a highly technical, rapidly changing, and complex student body. It is important, therefore, to extend the parameters of ID practice to embrace a more prominent leadership role. An expanded perspective on the role of ID is consistent with the ID’s duty defined previously to guide and oversee the introductions of new learning interventions to ensure pedagogical relevance and quality. By adopting a leadership perception, IDs will lead by foreseeing changes that will impact education and learners and will decide on theory-based strategies (Author, 2012) for what Kowch (2009) foresaw as holistic solutions to web-based educational problems. Contextualized for the higher education curricula design process, leadership adds a dimension to established ID competencies generally restricted to work practices and skills (IBSTPI, 2000) described later in the chapter. Dooley et al. (2007) concluded that, during the creation and implementation of courses, critical decisions by IDs underpin high quality, effective, and relevant designs. Campbell, et al. (2009) found that ID’s perceptions on issues of practice included a sense of duty that inspired intentional decision-making, an action regarded as maximizing capacities and capabilities (Kubicek 2012) from a decisive stance. In other words, leaders make critical decisions (Sackney & Mergel, 2007) with intentions of producing exemplary results (Ulrich, Zenger, & Smallwood, 1999) manifested through personal leadership. Consistent with the conclusions, Author (2012) found that, in order to produce quality learning designs, decisions 12 made by designers of online courses necessitated leadership competence, in addition to practical skills, while guided by current research and projections of shifting trends. Sergiovanni (2003) approached leadership from the understanding of strategy, one that is enacted not from rules rather on ideas that underpin decisions with purpose and for future expectations. While studying the effectiveness of leaders, Zenger and Folkman (2009) summarized strategy as “translat[ing] organizations vision and objectives into challenging and meaningful goals for others” (p. 70). Through a practitioner’s lens, personal leadership was found in the Author (2012) study to strategically influence the prescriptions of relevant pedagogies with characteristic properties for meeting the goals of engagement and learner satisfaction. Author’s study expanded on earlier calls for leadership, especially for online course designers, by noted leaders in the field who emphasized the competence of leadership as critical for aligning practice with modern learning environments (Beaudoin, 2007; Kowch, 2009; Naidu, 2007; Reeves et al., 2004; Sims & Koszalka, 2008). In a chaotic environment, leadership envisions, strategizes, and acts to coalesce multifarious elements of the milieu into organization and meaning. Complex issues require exemplary competence in more than one area as Zenger and Folkman (2009) derived from a perceptual survey study of nearly 25,000 leaders. From analysis of the results that measured leadership on numerous characteristics, the researchers (Zenger & Folkman, 2009) made conclusions on what it takes to be an extraordinary leader. They found that nine per cent of the leaders achieved a ninety percentile rating when observed acting from one measure of leadership competency (Interpersonal Skills), 13% were rated in the 90th percentile when demonstrating a second and additional skill (Focus on Results); although when more than one competency was observed in operation, 66% were considered in the top 10% of leaders. Given this evidence, it is conceivable that a combination of appropriately selected instructional strategies will return extraordinary design results and, in this way, mimic instructional design leadership in action. Finally, since leadership usually drives change through adoption of future-oriented inventions (Fullan, 2001; Fullan & Scott, 2009), it is likely that the addition of leadership competencies and characteristics to the ID toolbox will result in increased appropriate Web 2.0 strategies in online courses. It is conceivable that from a more complete set of ID competencies quality online academic courses will be created with engaging instructional strategies followed by Web 2.0 inclusion in institutional programs. In other words, an extended personal leadership 13 skillset for ID suggests a new model of practice I-Design 2.0 (Instructional Design for Web 2.0 strategies). Quality and Engagement for Web 2.0 Instructional Strategies Definition of Instructional Strategies An early definition of instructional strategies is relevant today “specific types of displays used in a given situation, their sequence, and the relationship among displays” (Faust, 1977, p. 18). Merrill (1999) later updated the definition, Instructional strategies include the presentation of the appropriate knowledge components, practice with or student activities involving these knowledge components, and learner guidance to facilitate the student’s appropriate interaction with these knowledge components. (p. 400) From a broader view, distinct themes from the Author (2012) study framed the concept of leadership for ID from which various characteristics of a quality design for online course emerged, including appropriated instructional strategies. The goal of a pedagogical strategy is to match an activity with a theory-based approach for what type of knowledge is to be accessed and gained. As an example of an appropriate selection, the methods for a laboratory lesson in anatomy may specify examination of a human corpse for identifying parts of the body with students taking turns looking at what the instructor chooses to present. An online lesson in anatomy might involve a simulation during which the student guides a virtual three dimensional camera over the corpse to peer directly at various parts and into hidden cavities. The learner has control over what part is viewed and in what order. The learning goal has not changed rather the approach to presentation and manipulation of concepts as determined by the learning venue and strategies. The specification depends on not only what is being taught, but how the learner will access and apply the information. In brief, an instructional strategy will afford alignment of goals and methods for an engaging outcome within a flexible context. Contextual Definition of Quality Quality of online learning has been defined as meeting research-based pedagogical standards that, when applied to a learning design, meets learner needs with effective outcomes, irrespective of delivery methods (Quality Matters™, 2006). When conceptualized as a learning 14 goal quality is an integral outcome of an academic course design (Author, 2012). This definition implies that a quality of design is built with relative and effective instructional and learning strategies. Various studies have revealed significant predictors of quality instructional affordances such as personalized learning (Sims & Stork, 2007), alignment of objectives and assessments with learning strategies and activities (Sims, 2011); as well as, adopting pedagogies to the learning environment (Naidu, 2007). In addition, characteristics of relevant and effective instructional strategies in the form of activities and assessments included authentic or real-world tasks for problem-solving and transference (Jonassen, 1991, 2011); critical thinking challenges (Barab & Roth, 2006); interaction and feedback with students, instructors, and content (Bernard et al, 2009; Dunlap, Sobel, & Sands, 2007; Gallien & Oomen-Early, 2008; Moore, 1989); while collaborative assignments and interactivity were found to be proven predictors of achievement (Bernard et al., 2009; Jonassen et al., 1995; Ostlund, 2008; Sims, 2003; Weaver, 2008). Such characteristics have been linked to engagement, a predictor of quality (Author, 2010). In an interesting study the use of multiple strategies in one course resulted in increased engagement. The Bernard et al. (2009) study showed outcomes from an activity following collaboration to have a significant effect (.38 over alternative treatments) when an interaction treatment was included in the curricula. The results were interpreted as increasing cognitive engagement and meaning-making and, therefore, suggested an exponential increase in quality when more than one condition exists. To specify characteristics for effectiveness, quality, and engagement in online course designs the Author’s (2012) study group ranked essential instructional strategies—authentic tasks, collaboration, interaction, feedback, problem-solving, and critical thinking. In addition to definitions, examples of each characteristic are provided in Table 1 followed by predictors of engagement described in Tables 2 and 3. 15 Table 1 Characteristics of quality online course design Characteristic Definition Example Authentic tasks Modeling knowledge of concept to solve a real-world problem; strategizes for solutions that have real-world relevance and utility, that provide varying levels of complexity with student control Online civics course: conduct a feasibility study on a proposed local water conservation project and submit report to local town council and upload to course LMS Collaboration Plan, organize, strategize, create in cooperation with others Cultural issues for online Health course: Plan a multipurpose event to bring awareness to the on-going problem of AIDS in the US as well as raise funds for research; video and upload to YouTube Interaction Influential actions between two or more entities or persons as in student to student, student to instructor, and student to content Online math course: courseroom discussion on the implications of using the Pythagorean principle in the construction of a skate board ramp instructor is building; share personal examples of using the principle Feedback Reinforcement of ideas, quality of work, progress in mastery of subject; scaffolding for increase learner control; timely response to learner inquiry, problems Any course: qualitative responses to assignments, meaningful grading, personalized evaluations; training and assigning peer mentors; frequent online presence and interactions; instructor responses to email within 24 hours Problem-solving A process of finding optimal solution (s) to a given set of variables within a specific domain Online geography course: use online GPS mapping to locate a nearly inaccessible tribe and then design a system of transportation to fit the needs and preferences of the culture; work with hosting country advisors to resolve indigenous issues Critical-thinking An approach to learning that asks questions of the obvious and dogmatic beliefs; higher-order thinking; elevated cognition Online political science course: engage in moderated online debate on the topic of over fishing and impact on the environment and small fishing businesses; after both students argue opposing positions, they must explain how much more understanding they have of the other position Contextual Definition of Engagement Engagement has been defined as “the amount of physical and psychological energy that the student devotes to the academic experience” (Astin, 1984) and “the degree to which students value their learning” (McInnis, James, & Hartley, 2000). While defining engagement for what it is relative to prescriptions for instructional strategies, it is helpful to suggest what it is not: capturing attention without rapid diminishment of the initial aesthetic response and with no sustained interest-building activities; surfing via web links with little time spent on-task; 16 knowledge of or casual use of social sites with little meaningful interaction; rule-following such as in video game protocols with no opportunity for critical thinking. In contrast, engagement requires “continual struggle and expectation” (Parrish, 2009) for deep learning to occur. Allocating five benchmarks of quality, the NSSE (2008) report revealed that online courses provided engagement by stimulating intellectual challenge, ready entrance into collaborative tasks, and deeper learning as well as increased engagement with technologies (summarized in Table 2). Table 2 NSSE Benchmarks for Engagement Benchmark Example Level of academic challenge Higher-order thinking, integrative learning, reflective learning, analyzing, synthesizing, making judgments, applying to other or new situations Active and collaborative learning Multiple drafts of a paper, collaborative research projects, class presentations, tutored other students, service-learning projects (community) Student-faculty interaction Frequent instructor interactions; various types of instructor interactions; instructor feedback; grading turn-around time Enriching educational experiences Cultural training and interactions; co-curricular activities; practicum, internship, clinical assignment, other; community service, volunteer work; use of electronic media to complete assignments Supportive campus environment Institutional support with social, personal, academic life; quality relationship with students, faculty, admin Note. Benchmarks cited from findings of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). (2008). Promoting engagement for all students: The imperative to look within—2008 results. Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research. Retrieved from http://nsse.iub.edu/NSSE_2008_Results Table 3 Sims and Stork (2007) posited that the key components for engagement are a learnercentered design approach which leads to personal knowledge construction displayed in Table 3. 17 Table 4 Descriptions of Learner-control Conditions for Engagement Components Component Description Conditions Learner-centered Design strategies will afford learners opportunity to construct knowledge and meaning through an individualized perspective Based on prior knowledge, personal experience Students apply learning to personal context, situation Structured for all learning styles, not specified Personal knowledge construction Design structure will afford personalized learning, that knowledge acquired will be individualized by the learner Student contextualizes within his/her culture (individual worldview offers unique perspective) Student controls how to advance his/her learning Student chooses preferred media for learning Note. Adapted with permission from Sims, R., & Stork, E. (2007). Design for contextual learning: Web-based environments that engage diverse learners. In J. Richardson & A. Ellis (Eds.), Proceedings of AusWeb07. Lismore, NSW: Southern Cross University. Retrieved from http://ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw07/papers/refereed/sims/index.html In spite of best efforts to support learning objectives with appropriate instructional guides, at times the use of modern technologies is ill-fitting and must be evaluated for adoption or abandonment. Designers must ask, is this a good place for open source learning objects (Caswell, Henson, Jensen, & Wiley, 2008)? For example, in a case study of students in an online course with Web 2.0 inclusions, Cifuentes, Alvarez, and Edwards (2011) found a contrast between “surface learning and chaos” from Web 2.0 environments and “deep learning and selfregulation” (Cifuentes et al., Title, p. 1). Various levels of engagement with design features rested on a balance of cognitive load levels while interacting with multiple representations. The study involved an in-depth explication and analysis of cognitive load impact on computermediated learning which is discussed more thoroughly in the Implications section of this chapter. For purposes of exampling both positive and negative outcomes of using Web 2.0 as strategies of learning, in the next section, a representative number of Web 2.0 tools will be analyzed and mapped to quality and engagement predictors—Facebook, wikis, and Second Life™. Examples of Web 2.0 Applications From the perspective that the level of instructional strategies must be elevated with the onset of Web 2.0 tools and conditions, a more complex educational system and a more 18 sophisticated learner requires a broader view of instructional design. The following studies of new Web 2.0 tools that may integrate with certain learning situations highlight the importance of intentional decisions for leading in current theories of how to effectively engage modern learners. The first three examples are activity assignments that were evaluated for engagement components and outcomes, while the last example examined the potential for viewing an online activity as the assessment. The Study: Facebook A literature review and analysis study by Lester and Perini (2010) was guided by the assumption that social networking communities have the potential to mediate engagement in community college online student groups. To create a modified engagement model, the popular Web 2.0 site Facebook was used as an example of a media-rich website for expanding educationrelated sharing opportunities. The results. Initially, the study identified three areas of interaction needed for engagement but not sufficient when traditional classroom methods were applied online— instructor feedback, student to student interaction, and student to environment relationship. In contrast, Lester and Perini (2010) found that observations of online activity culminated in linking engagement through use of social sites to three major predictors of online success. First, students connected more readily with administrative services and student supports, which created a sense of being cared for often lacking in distance learning. A second vital link to active learning was found through frequent and immediate inquiry and feedback (instant messaging and chat functions), shared research notes (uploading and downloading capabilities), and collaborative assignments (built-in collaboration applications). The third link was to meaningful interactions with faculty and students through shared ideas, thoughts, pictures, and videos and resulted in formation of important community networks. Altogether a rich, engaging experience was provided in the Facebook strategy. Along with advantages, the study (Lester & Perini, 2010) identified several areas of adoption challenges that warrant attention for designers. For instance, some students were reluctant to integrate school-related interactions with places reserved for non-school socialization. This problem was viewed as easily resolved by setting up separate and distinct profiles from that of the private student. Another challenge was the lack of familiarity by faculty with social sites. Designers were advised to provide seamless integration of social networking 19 sites into the curriculum with requisite instructor training prior to implementation of the course. Further, they suggested professional development and peer mentoring for additional mastery of the learning tool. Finally and without minimizing their importance, college infrastructures, legal questions, privacy issues, and ethical use were briefly addressed as adoption hurdles future online providers will need to clear. Analysis. While the Lester and Perini (2010) study did not address all of the components listed as critical for engagement by the Author (2012) study, the all-important strategy of interaction was designated from a holistic relational perspective. The researchers also observed collaboration and problem-solving opportunities for students while participating in activities requiring cognitive complexity as demonstrated in textual ‘updates’. The learning outcomes resonated with another study (Tu, Sujo-Montes, Yen, Chan, & Blocher, 2012) of online course students that created a personal learning environment (a collection of tools required for an individually constructed learning experience). One tool represented a sharing site similar to Facebook in which students demonstrated mastery of self-regulation abilities. Deep learning skills were evident in activities such as tagging, by which students collectively applied organization and critical thinking; and, discourse in discussions during which students relied on multiple types, or dimensions, of communication aids demanding deeper thinking to adapt to the non-linear format. Overall in both studies learner control and satisfaction fulfilled engagement requirements delineated by the Author (2012) study. An additional study (Stocker et al., 2011) measured understanding and use of various Web 2.0 tools by students in a criminal justice program. Essentially a mini-blog (Tu et al., 2011) Twitter was marginally familiar to them and students reported minimal use, while Facebook was used by near two-thirds of the study group. There was no analysis offered as to preference for each social site; however, the authors made clear the value of understanding the nature of sites where potential criminal intentions and activity are made public. An analogy was drawn between user skills either for casual or training and analytical purposes. Learning through social networking will remain a focus of research for some years to come. Determinations of value will be made through social as well as empirical studies, yet may never be more exquisitely expressed than in a recent Facebook interchange I happened to see and greatly enjoy. Two young men were discussing the role of compromise and selfishness in the success of marital relationships. After several volleys from three or four discussants, the two 20 men dominated by offering definitions from the dictionary in an attempt to create a common understanding of the underlying motivations for the conversation. This line of thinking spawned several more definitions, with what seemed to result in even more confusion, until one participant suggested that dictionary definitions do not adequately contextualize or situate the meaning. In a thread of 14 messages, a complex and meaningful negotiation of shared concerns and goals (a functioning and satisfying relationship) had evolved into critical-thinking exercise and resolved into a rich learning experience. The feeling that washed over me was refreshing after experiencing numerous frivolous and unintelligible interchanges on Facebook such as the following (all original sequences, punctuation and grammar, as well as anonymity have been preserved),  “where have u been, havent seen u in a grip! ;)”  “I only too 3 runs – it was sooo windy – plus I was technically working? when we taking runs?”  “What up butt nugget? I miss you=)”  “Light me up…”  “Man your like a retarded giraffe tryin to run on the ice”. (Anonymous, 2012) For some, social sharing and networking is a playground for undisciplined banter and exchanges of commonly recognized subcultural jargon; although for others, it is a valuable resource for collaboration and meaningful interaction. Finding the mode that will facilitate the latter is critical for IDs with hopes of engaging true learning. The Study: Wikis Armellini and Aiuegbayo (2010) provided a study of e-tivities (online activities) in terms of designers who embedded appropriate modern pedagogies into six university academic course redesign interventions during a 2-day workshop. The methodology utilized pre and post interviews for measuring changes in design processes that were modified to create course designs with technologies that promote learner engagement. The results. In all, 32 e-tivities were developed with Web 2.0 tools finding prominence and wikis in particular. The designers shifting from content-focused selections to task-based and learner-centered activities found wikis to be useful for collaboration and engagement with peers in “creative, purposeful ways” (Armellini & Aiuegbayo, 2010, p. 933). Among the critical outcomes were timely feedback, group knowledge construction, and the importance of an 21 effective e-moderator. Findings indicated instructor/designers learned basic online skills from positioning themselves temporarily in the learner experience with an effect of making changes in their approaches to pedagogies for learner engagement. Analysis. This instance of Web 2.0 tools was different from the others in that the study participants—course designers—were asked to role-reverse, to become a student designer, in order to experience the learners’ needs and engagement with technologies before making selections for academic designs. When assessed in terms of the Author (2012) study’s predictors for quality and engagement, the wiki demonstrated both high quality and effective engagement in the strategies selected. Learner satisfaction was expressed from exposure to collaborative assignments, interaction, feedback, faculty (e-moderator)-student interactions, collaborative learning, knowledge construction, and enriching educational experiences by creating with media. In addition, an authentic, or real-world, task was employed when the redesigned courses were subsequently taught by the instructors. In comparison, a particularly meaningful use of the wiki was demonstrated in the Tu et al. (2012) experiment and highlighted an element of innovation required critical to engagement. Students developed chapters on course topics which were later compiled into a textbook for future learners to use and revise. The authentic nature of this task magnifies the potential for learning with Web 2.0 technologies as designers align the strategy with an activity with which to meet the objectives while the process as well as the end result becomes the assessment (Ching & Hsu, (2011). The students also participated in the indexing strategy of tagging for categorization and retrieval. By this the learners transcended the benefits that come from participation in community knowledge growth (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1994): monitoring updates in a tagging activity increases learning skills. Tu et al. (2012) indicated that “analysis, contextualization, and conceptualization” (p.15) take place when an activity is shared by a group and considered those as being cognitive learning activities that culminated in “distributed cognition” (p. 15). Referring to the Armellini and Aiuegbayo (2010) wiki example, one position taken aligns with others cited throughout this chapter, The use of tools, such as wikis, blogs or GoogleDocs in e-tivity design does not make etivities inherently collaborative, now does it mean that learners will be motivated to respond to them. If learners do not engage, the design or the moderation of the task that makes use of those tools should be reviewed. (p. 934) 22 In comparison, Campbell and Ellingson (2010) discovered that satisfying outcomes may result from a well-developed design plan when underpinned by expertise. During observations of an MBA accounting class technique for integrating in-class learning with a wiki, students offered mostly positive feedback. However, the utilization of a wiki for group projects was not a total success when presentation of the wiki content proved troublesome. After discovering that the LMS-embedded wiki prevented simultaneous group presentation, administrators disallowed student control over imaging which may have resolved the issue. This left the instructor to manage and coordinate the display with narration, although he had not participated in the project. In addition, a discovery that only one group member could partake in the presentation at a time left the group feeling less than fruitful in their sharing efforts exhibited in the finished product prior to presentation. The disappointing encounter with the wiki’s limitations resonated with a recurring theme in the examples in this chapter, the issue of familiarity of the tool. In the Stocker et al. (2011) study it was found that nearly 30% of study respondents were unfamiliar with the term wiki while over 40% of the university students claimed that they nearly never or never used a wiki. One example of lack of acquaintance with the tool by faculty or designers is strikingly similar to the Campbell and Ellingson (2010) study however is found in Author (2012). One ID participant was expounding on the critical need to conduct research and to have a thorough grasp of a new technology before prescribing and implementing one when she was asked to share a personal experience with new pedagogies for modern learners, There was one time when I brought in a wiki; for me it was new. I had a class exercise set up around this wiki. I made sure I knew how to use it and all the rest. Well, wikis aren't very good at simultaneous editing…and it was just awful. (p. 139) The example illustrated how an appropriate strategy can be inappropriate if the instructor or learners are not trained sufficiently to apply the technology in a meaningful way, possibly creating more of a distraction than an aid to learning. The example illustrates how designers and implementers of wikis provide engagement with Web 2.0 tools when leading the way as the experts in underlying theories and technical functions. The Study: Second Life™ One of the first empirical studies of the effects of engagement in Second Life™ educational setting was conducted by Hornik and Thornburg (2010) on a first-year university accounting course. After completing the hybrid course, which included four assignments to be 23 completed in Second Life™, 110 students completed a survey that measured engagement, time on task, and performance. In addition, demographic questions informed the results. This study looked at factors of engagement from a student perspective rather than an instructional one thus provided an important lens through which to evaluate learning potential. The results. Since students are the focus of instruction, they are in the best position to evaluate satisfaction (Konings, Brand-Gruwel, & van Merriënboer, 2005). Konings et al.’s (2005) concluded that learners contextually determine quality of learning rather than teachers. In this case, several regression models were constructed to display the results of student perception of engagement including one that showed a need for spatial presence, being immersed in the content as a condition for engagement. The findings showed a positive relationship between engagement and better performance and better learning outcomes across the spectrum of participants. However lower performance on exams was evident in students with higher internet skills suggesting those spent less time on course material and more on perfecting computing skills. Another model showed 15% of participants experienced adverse physical and psychological affects complaining of dizziness, nausea, and eyestrain; that group scored lowest on performance, assumed by the researcher (Hornik & Thornburg, 2010) as a result of less time on task. Overall, time on task increased with immersion in activity although the results were mediated by adverse effects. A gender factor was noted: females with adverse reactions opted out quicker than males. Analysis. The Hornik and Thornburg (2010) results were displayed in the authentic task strategy in terms of collaboration and interaction both with students and the content in the form of avatars and animated objects. The researchers described accounting concepts that assumed various shapes and conversed with the students as in a talking ‘debit’ explaining its position in a ‘T-account’. Problem-solving and critical thinking were encouraged during the assignments as questions were asked of the concept avatars, recorded on a virtual whiteboard, and discussed by the learner avatars until a correct display of the concept was confirmed by the concept avatars. Heightened interest in learning increased time on task as well as facilitated understanding of the content. In addition, feedback was available when a paging system alerted the students to the presence of the instructor in the connecting virtual office. Analysis of the Second Life™ strategy determined that there was a clear alignment between course objectives, activities, and assessment of the outcomes through the learning that was conveyed in performing the tasks 24 accurately and with authenticity. Further, the outcomes of engagement were clear in student control and student satisfaction recorded in the terminal course survey although was mediated by those that experienced negative effects of the 3-D graphical interface. In contrast, a study (Gunter, 2011) looked for associations between variables in various strategies for engagement utilized in the online component of a mega-sized hybrid accounting class. Streaming lectures, screen captured lectures, a discussion tool, Twitter, and Second Life™ each measured for level of participation and learning effectiveness. In the virtual study room learners and teachers took on the form of an avatar for the purpose of attending a lecture on an accounting concept. When measured for effectiveness, Second Life™ (one of several strategies measured) showed no increase in engagement rather the majority surveyed considered it a hindrance to learning. This is not surprising considering Second Life™ attendance scored in the lower quartile. It was the lack of perceived value from the Second Life™ tool finding that drew my attention, the assumption being that business-oriented students would know of and find value in the fast-growing use of virtual world technology by businesses (Salmon, 2009). Another factor of disengagement was evident in that only 12% reported a teaching presence in the venue. Instructor presence has been strongly linked to student engagement (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 1999) and is expected of a lecture assignment! Other factors for low engagement included the potential of redundancy. In addition to the virtual lecture, there were two other required lecture-based learning options (video-streamed and screen-captured presentations) which together may have over-loaded the students’ tolerance to engage in yet another lecture. The question is, did university-level students need three representations of the same concept for content mastery or was this an error in design? Second, although there was a measure of creativity exhibited in accessing and using the space, the minimal tasks of creating an avatar and finding their way to the virtual class could not be considered a fully authentic learning experience. In addition, if the teacher did not show up there have been no instructor feedback; conversely, if the teacher was there, a lecture would follow— on the same topic as the video and slide presentations with no problem-solving or critical thinking challenges to struggle with. Third, there was very little learner control if a lecture did proceed, simply the choices of attendance and avatar control. Clearly, the sum of what could be found in learning predictors was minimal and was represented in the student’s ratings of dissatisfaction with the tool. 25 A personal design experience illustrates another approach using an authentic task strategy in Second Life™. History students were required to reconstruct an ancient civilization—its geography, culture, daily activities and military actions—using the virtual world environment, objects, animations, and language. The learners were required to generate avatars, acquire and develop property, and script actual events such as a major battle. To achieve an accurate representation the learners conducted research and applied the personally-discovered facts to the civilization under construction. Forming small groups, students allocated tasks to facilitate completion by the assignment due date. A group grade was issued according to a rubric for level of learning, although, individual assessment was based each student’s knowledge and use of facts about the era, authenticity of the people and culture, a war with accurate outcomes, and so forth. As a result, the learning objectives were achieved while engaging the students at multiple points. Moreover, the activity became the assessment (see next study for more on this concept). Learning outcomes included decision-making, predictions of cause and effect (Bruner, 1957/1973), strategizing as a group for intended outcomes, management of team dynamics. In addition, the project afforded quality and engagement predictors of self-regulation, learner control, personal knowledge construction, interaction, collaboration, accountability, peer learning, and occasional instructor feedback. There are speculative reasons for the Gunter (2011) reported design failure—virtual room design, instructor inexperience with the technology, or lack of collaborative opportunities. Lester and Perini (2010) suggested faculty often attempt to integrate new technologies however fail to include tasks for collaboration and active learning which may be the result of expertise in design or the strategy itself. The researchers suggested an ID involvement for ensuring appropriateness. Antidotes for lack of attendance may be similar to those applied in a traditional classroom and lie with engaging, tantalizing learning opportunities. Gilly Salmon (2009) has written an article on Second Life™ from a futures view and discusses the potential of Second Life™ in higher education, particularly for online learners. Her position is that for high success from using virtual worlds to create authentic experiences, learners must be afforded exploration and discovery occasions. The analysis (Salmon, 2009) goes on to advise that optimal scaffolding and student technical support are necessary in a new complex technology. To address the problem of inexperienced users and instructors, an online press released announced that a new Linden Labs (creator of Second Life™) CEO has recently implemented changes to make access 26 and manipulations more user-friendly. As an outcome of the upgrade the company has seen a 40% increase in Second Life™ users since early 2011 of (Dutton, 2012). Further, to prevent strategy failure, instructors would do well to become very familiar with the technology in order to provide a rich alternate universe for learning. The utility exists in Second Life™ to offer content in the traditional online courseroom manner with Powerpoint slides, video lectures, and so forth however the richness of learning is evident both in the Hornik and Thornburg (2010) and Author (2012) examples. Conversely, the use of an emerging technology in the Gunter (2011) study was neither quality-driven nor engaging, but with visionary, strategic re-design could be made to be so. The Study: Concept Mapping Ching and Hsu (2011) explored a strategy of online learning that combined an activity and an assessment for a more authentic approach to learning with Web 2.0 tools. Online graduate students studying instructional design were observed during a concept mapping activity that was added to regular curricular assignments. During the course 37 students formed small groups to collaborate on displaying concepts of a course development process relying on the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) concept from which several typical ID models are derived. They compared and contrasted models using concept mapping as well as evaluated the use of Web 2.0 tools as future personal teaching aids. Student perceptions of self and peers were evaluated from open-ended questions at the end of the course. The results. The task resulted in a sophisticated representation of course topic knowledge from group collaboration. Mastery was demonstrated in the communal creation of an online concept map which was also an outcome of interactivity. In addition the learners used email, Moodle discussion, chats, and phone conversations to plan and problem-solve for integration of individual maps into one aggregated map. It was found that the groups created a more intricate map than the individuals did through the process of collaboration and the formulation of group shared meaning. Although most of the groups found satisfaction in the process, group work did not appeal to some who preferred convenience and autonomy of individual creations as well as a personally-earned grade over ‘lump’ group grade. Ching and Hsu (2011) drew a direct link between the case study findings and foundational learning theories from cognitive processing psychology: externalization, explanation, and elaboration (Dillenbourg & Bétrancourt, 2006). In this way the activity was 27 shown to be the assessment. The researchers (Ching & Hsu, 2011) listed three areas of cognitive earning and collaboration that are typically used in formal assessment of student knowledge and satisfaction: “1) formative feedback on knowledge construction and communication, 2) summative assessments on group concept maps and self as well as 3) peer assessments on one’s contribution to the collaborative process” (p. 788). Analysis. Through this study the researchers (Ching & Hsu, 2008) informed IDs on maximizing the Web 2.0 tools they may prescribe by building into the activity a rubric for assessing in four areas (a) shared goals as well as individual learning, (b) group process and product, (c) social interaction and collaboration, and (d) grades awarded for both individuals and group. In effect, assessment was viewed from a more comprehensive perspective. Inclusion of collaboration in learning designs is considered an important competence and a critical standard for conceptualizing learning requirements (Richey et al., 2001). In addition, they concluded that a purpose for group collaboration for a shared goal is essential for interaction; we have already understood that without meaning behind the activity, learning is limited. Additionally, the objective to demonstrate learning of a complex process (ID) resulting in a group-generated outcome with a related assessment (comprehensive concept map) validated the instructional strategy (use Web 2.0 tool, scaffolding, shared goals) including related activities (map creation, collaboration, logging). The researchers, additionally, offered recommendations for modern designs to include shared goals and interaction for knowledge construction, two engagement predictors named in this chapter. Activities have been used for assessment in a variety of ways such as planning and implementing a lab experiment with a predicted outcome, designing a business plan, or writing and directing a play. In the Author (2012) study contextual assessment as well as an alignment of objectives, assessments, strategies, and activities was a recurring theme as a predictor of quality. However, Dede (2009b) has not found assessments to include authentic learning such as capabilities demonstrated in teamwork, “mediated interaction” and “abilities to transfer their [students’] understanding to real world situations” (p. 3). Dede called on 21st century education providers to assess 21st century skills with a comprehensive set of standards that abandon all 20th century epistemologies and approaches. This author agrees that training a student population who were born into 21st century technologies for a 21st century workforce requires like kind knowledge, meaning, and assessments. An ID leader is call upon to promote this vision. 28 Although not a part of the studies we surveyed, a voice of caution seems worth entertaining for significance to the contemporary alteration of society. Jaron Lanier is a computer scientist and considered a visionary of the web and its potential for changing the world. However, the book he has written amounts to a clarion call for supporters of social media and its value to the global citizenry (Lanier, 2010). While an advocate of global collaboration and knowledge building, he is concerned about the effects of social media on the individuality and creativity it may in fact stifle. He described a social dynamic observed in the positioning of a stronger participant and the outcomes of the vying for dominance seen in the eventual acquiescence of the weaker in order to maintain equilibrium and acceptance by the group. Rather than building on ideas, the effect can be compromise, relinquishment of original thoughts, groupthink, and bullying. The need for increased research in this area is urgent. Indeed the studies we have analyzed in this chapter have shown resistance to group projects and collaboration. We still don’t know at what level sharing is beneficial and when it is a barrier to human potential. Implications of ID Leadership for Web 2.0 Adoption Implications from this discussion include the impact of Web 2.0 on demands of ID to respond and lead in appropriating engaging learning events. Although leadership has not typically been a requirement of being a good instructional designer, leadership is an outcome of an extraordinary (visionary and strategic) mindset for designing affordances for a changing, complex world of connected knowledge-seekers. After concerted analysis and reflection on the current ethos of education, it is the position of this author that personal leadership is required for the kind of design decisions that will link instructional strategies to the type and level of engagement that will ensure depth of learning, especially with emerging Web 2.0 technologies for online education. In this way, leadership extends the role of IDs toward guiding the adoption of Web 2.0 tools for online learning exemplified by a modern ID model—I-Design 2.0. Through this lens, it is important to consider the flexibility a designer must embrace for creating designs with pedagogies that will engage a modern learner who is virtually connected virtually all the time? On the one hand, the advance in technologies grant an outlet for expression and reciprocity, for instance in social networking venues, while on the other the user is exposed to a barrage of alluring choices for accessing even more digital dalliances. This is not 29 to say a rich inventory of knowledge building and usefulness is not available through social networking as demonstrated in blogs and wikis; however the delivery format avails a potential learner to an endless periphery of non-learning selections which burdens the ID to invent competing alternatives. Lester and Perini (2010) remarked that adoption of Web 2.0 technologies, with hopes of engagement, requires comprehending the shifting habits of student use and “adapting to the changes before they become superseded by future innovations” (p. 75). This is what compounds the dilemma of designing for emerging technologies that Siemens (2004) called “nebulous environments of shifting core elements” (Connectivism section); will the strategies be outdated or abandoned before the course is ready for implementation? To meet these challenges of change, specific competencies have been identified in this chapter that are deemed necessary for carrying forward the mission of creating learning products with adaptivity and flexibility demanded by distributed learners. Given the evidence presented in this chapter, quality pedagogies are not just happy eaccidents, but are intentionally designed with best practices for learning based on current theories. However, the issues presented remind IDs of the complexity of interweaving instructional and learning theories including those from cognitive science. For example, recent empirical studies continue to demonstrate the wisdom of integrating evidence of impact on cognition—measurements of cognitive load levels, learning efficiency, cognitive flexibility, shared cognition, nonconscious learning—(Cifuentes, et al., 2011; Clark, 2010; de Jong, 2010). In a Web 2.0 for online courses study, quality instruction and design was linked by Cifuentes et al. (2011) to a pedagogical ability to balance cognitive load through cognitive flexibility in the type and variety of tools used; although the feat poses a formidable (perhaps impossible) scenario for what Hannafin, Hannafin, and Gabbitas (2009) considered an unpredictable environment. The evidence from these few studies alone underscores the need for referral by IDs to on-going extensive and current research to keep pace with evolutions in learning with technologies. Regarding deliberate and intentional design, other predictors of quality and successful engagement in Web 2.0 learning environments were presented including those related to the structural affordances of well-designed online courses populated with relevant instructional strategies and assessments (Dede, 2009b). From a pragmatic viewpoint Ching and Hsu (2011) stated that “Web 2.0 practices will not simply ‘happen’ if there is no deliberate design of the 30 learning and assessment to enable the practices” (p. 784). Examples in this chapter from recent studies contained many implications for IDs to reflect on and consider before selecting what may or may not be appropriate in an online course. Decisions by IDs have consequences for quality of online pedagogies and theory-backed decisions persuade others of the ID’s professionalism and judgment (Yanchar et al., 2010). Leadership denotes inculcating strategic and visionary decisions with moral purpose into the workplace. Hence, a practicing ID will demonstrate personal leadership as the decisions and actions incorporated into the learning design reflect visionary, strategic, and moral affordances. To the point of this chapter, leaders don’t get caught up with fads, but examine the evidence for viability in specific situations. What drives the quality of outcome for the learner is anticipation for the unique situation, strategizing for engaging and satisfying experiences, and provision for rapid changes in technology. There are typically barriers and resistance to new technologies which designers and adopters of Web 2.0 tools will struggle with in the future. Some learners will be reluctant to integrate school-related interactions with places reserved for non-school socialization. Course developers may opt to integrate social networking into the LMS rather than create external sites to segregate the learning goals and activities. Another challenge is the lack of familiarity by faculty with social sites. One answer to lack of instructor expertise is that designers provide instructor training within the context of the course (Lester & Perini, 2010). For leaders of the design of academic events, questions abound. If an instructional tool does not afford the techniques for learning that will produce an acceptable outcome, was the cause the type of tool, the application of the tool, the topic being presented, the learning environment, the instructor, technical training level, some or none of all of these? The complexity of issues for design practice is clear and yet, in the embryonic stages of Web 2.0, design possibilities only increase. Moreover, leading in a movement to blend Web 2.0 tools with learning means to ensure technologies and tools prescribed are weighted for value to the intended learning event. IDs may want to become masters of checklists (Gawande, 2011). By using checklists Gawande (2011) demonstrated improvement in the processes of experts with dramatic results in saved lives. Therefore, several checklists are offered in this chapter as jumping off points to remind the designer of crucial elements needed to provide appropriate course strategies. Technologies will change, requiring enduring principles of design to prevail for alignment of potential pedagogies to what is known to ensure effective and engaging learning. 31 Magolda and Platt (2009) offered advice to IDs to know when to use strategies for learning, to resist jumping to use the latest discovery, and to spend time in reflection. The authors articulated an important consideration, The hype of moving to a learning paradigm in which students define and control their own learning is just that—hype—without a commensurate pedagogical and philosophical change initiated by institutional faculty and staff. (p. 15) Another perspective addressed the ‘hype’ factor in the context of issues surrounding Web 2.0 use for government oversight. In relationship to cost/benefit Osimo (2008) suggests caution in adoption without a complete evaluation of the collaborative and interactive value, One of the most common mistakes, typical of a hyped technology such as web 2.0 now, is considering that adding wiki, blogs and social networking features on a website is sufficient to achieve the goals of user involvement and contribution…One of the great advantages of web 2.0 is that it lowers the cost of errors, as very little investment is needed to launch a collaboration. However, simply adopting the technologies, without embracing the value, will have little or negative impact. (p. 47) Adding social value is an important life learning lesson as one participates in communal responsibility for doing something that might otherwise not have occurred (Brown et al., 1989). Lately Twitter, for instance, has gained ground for educational use with remarkable speed as individuals enjoy a platform for concise articulation of ideas, opinions, and recommendations that when applied to the context of learning events mimics a face-to-face Socratic dialog. Given all of the evidence presented in this chapter an overwhelming increase in learner value is apparent from Web 2.0 platforms when the learning design affords appropriate strategies for pedagogy and learning. To ensure this trend continues on-going evaluation and investigation into engagement with the tool and ultimate impact on learning is essential, with a willingness to discontinue or revise the strategy as needed. This view resonates with a leadership mentality, one that applies vision and strategy to a plan for success in unpredictable ways and with a contingency plan. An experienced researcher in educational technology with a futures perspective on education articulated a goal of modern ID, “A well-designed learning experience, like an accurate map, does not detract from the learning journey nor does it necessarily dictate the final destination” (Salmon, 2009). Stipulating to the intent of the quote for emphasizing 32 learner control along the learning path, reaching the goals may benefit from an exponential value that is perceptible by adding the leadership characteristics of vision and strategy for envisioning and creating quality instructional strategies that contain the same exponential factoring—more than two components—for exceptional outcomes. With this in mind, an ID will activate personal leadership competencies while activating quality online academic courses using Web 2.0 learning tools when he or she begins with theory-based decisions for activities and assessments that align with proven predictors of engagement and culminate in learner satisfaction. Checklists for Engagement with Web 2.0 This chapter has explored factors and definitions for engagement with Web 2.0 social learning tools. However, simple checklists provide a quick and helpful evaluation that designers and developers could apply to provide leadership for course selections. Tables 4 and 5 display foundational elements deemed critical for quality and engaging online instructional strategies. Table 4 combines strategies identified in the Author (2012) study with Sims (2011) OASA model for alignment of course major components. Table 5 Instructional Strategies Checklist for Quality Checklist for quality Theory-based Authentic tasks Collaborative assignments Interaction activities Feedback opportunities Problem-solving scenarios Critical Thinking challenges Alignment of objectives, assessments, strategies, activities Instructional strategy Facebook Wiki Second Life™ Other 33 In Table 5 NSSE benchmarks for engagement (see Table 2) are combined with Sims and Stork’s (2007) conditions for engagement (see Table 3). In addition, Tables 6 and 7 contain lists of questions to ask through the process to remind the designer of pertinent theories and considerations. A suggested procedure for using the checklists is to (a) evaluate each strategy for predictors of quality to determine if the proposed strategy contains some or all of the components (multiple checks increase the probability); (b) evaluate each strategy for characteristics of engagement; (c) ask questions from Table 6; and (d) select a strategy or approach for development. Table 6 Instructional Strategies Checklist for Engagement Checklist for engagement: Instructional strategy Facebook Wiki Second Life™ Other Level of academic challenge (cognitive complexity, deep learning objectives) Active and collaborative learning (in online shared activities) Rich student-faculty interaction (in online forum) Enriching educational experiences (creating with online media) Supportive campus (online) environment Learner-control Learner-centered, flexible orientation Personal knowledge construction outcomes Following selection of an approach, customization to the course content is expected followed by iterative questioning for continuous improvement on the strategy. The questions in Table 6 are suggested for prompting alignment with quality and engagement predictors. The template is intended to be layered with the two matrices in Tables 4 – 5 for each strategy in general as well as each component of the strategy. In other words, the iterative process may involve visiting each table multiple times throughout the design and development stages. As a 34 note to the reader, the question lists are not exhaustive however link to the issues addressed in this chapter as essential to appropriate selection for eventual adoption of a Web 2.0 strategy. Table 7 Questions to Ask Before, During, and After Design Condition For this learning event or component, ask Question What are the Objectives? Learning goals? What Instructional Strategy is the best tool? Select a tool, then ask How will this change the learner? (Outcome) How will we know? (Assessment) What are the guiding theories, instructional and learning? What does the literature say about potential for engagement? About overall quality? Cognitive load implications? Other adverse reactions? If the strategy calls for an authentic task, ask Does this strategy afford a level of reality for easy transfer to learner’s world? Is there appropriate complexity level? Does it require collaboration in the same way the real world scenario would? Is there a high probability of interaction—with the content, students, instructor, technology, other cultures? If the strategy calls for a collaborative tool, ask Will the learner be included in shaping a shared goal? Are the objectives for ultimate interactivity welldefined? Does the task call for problem-solving? Criticalthinking? Is feedback built in? If the strategy calls for interaction, ask What level of interaction is intended? Will collaboration be an outcome? How will interactions be measured? If strategy calls for feedback exercise, ask Will the activity include discussion, Q & A with instructor? In what form will feedback be delivered? How often? If the strategy is to solve a problem, ask How will scaffolding be applied? To what degree? When will scaffolding be removed? Will this be a group project? If so, how will collaboration be facilitated? If not, what interaction and feedback will be expected from instructor? Will the activity introduce complexity, chaos, risk? Will the answers be provided? How will the individual learner be assessed? If the strategy is to induce critical-thinking, ask Will external resources be prescribed or selected by the learner? Will the learner be directed to explore multiple avenues of thought through novel ways? How will critical-thinking be measured? 35 To determine congruency of the design, ask Do the objectives (outcomes) line up with the strategy proposed and does the activity line up with or become the assessment? How can the activity be structured to become the assessment? For the level of learner-control, ask Does the learner choose own path? In what ways? Can the learner opt out if experiences adverse reaction? If so, is there an alternative? To determine if the learner is satisfied, ask, Do we assess during the event? At the conclusion? Both? What do we assess? Time on task? Grades? Quality of questions asked? Quality of project? Level of difficulty? Amount of collaboration and interaction? The questions in Table 7 are suggested for prompting evaluation of design structure and strategies for alignment with quality and engagement from a leadership perspective. Table 8 Questions to Ask From a Leadership Perspective Condition From a visionary leadership perspective, ask Question How will the event affect the learner in one month, one year, ten years? What will be the outcomes for the course, institution, community, online initiative, future technologies adoption? Will the time (cost) investment leverage the learning value? From a strategic perspective, ask Is the strategy portable? For any OS or LMS? For mobile learning platforms? Will it go into space? Is the strategy scalable? For mega-courses-is it just as effective for a class of 600 as 10? Is the strategy flexible? In different conditions of learning? In the cloud or on a server? For other leadership concerns, ask ethical considerations security issues to overcome Is the strategy adaptive? For any culture, age, gender, learning preference? For a community college, technical institute, or university? Is it safe? Private? 36 design requirements (development team) Is there a plan for team selection, oversight, and coaching? Is there a plan if failure in power, in satellite? Interruption from weather or natural disaster? From political, social changes? From economic downturn? if there is a major disruption environmental impact from this strategy if it proliferates Do we need a study to project potential harm to the environment? results from tests for quality, engagement, satisfaction in its planned form What is the course of action if it fails? The questions offered merely scratch the surface of the considerations for a proper ID process; however, what has been suggested serves to critically analyze a Web 2.0 tool as a learning strategy. In particular, the leadership questions alert proponents of the strategy to the wisdom of obtaining leadership from an ID for successful adoption. Conclusion In this chapter clear links have been drawn between the importance of ID leadership competencies-in-use and implications for the future of emerging technologies as pedagogical agents in quality online courses. The notion challenges the leaders of design to make the tough decisions to take the lead in developing resources argued to be essential to tomorrow’s global learning demands. The ID is both burdened with and blessed by the opportunity to create environments and structures within which learners may play and experiment with ideas and concepts until fashioned into meaningful mental models with personal application. Winter, Cotton, Gavin, and Yorke (2010) contended that without meaning for the learner, electronic pedagogical tools will remain useless distractions. Given the recent advances in technologysupported learning affordances, creators of pedagogies are challenged to evaluate the learning value and rich knowledge acquisition opportunities Web 2.0 tools afford. To this end, first and foremost designers must be imbibers of research on modern complex issues to appropriately apply instructional strategies for learning. More critical than in previous epochs, IDs must appropriate leadership competencies and qualities into the work of designing, especially for the complexities of modern technologies. With an understanding that ID is a profession with visionary goals and high standards will 37 venture into new territories with navigational expertise when accompanied by an innate foresight for the impact and consequences of her decisions. In this regard, designers must rethink the powerful influence of personal leadership in driving a modern phenomenon and the pedagogical value of social knowledge construction. 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Leadership positions in systems development, curriculum, and instruction for businesses and non-profits provide foundation and add depth to her research goals—particularly for online higher academics. Always on the cutting edge of technology, Marcia built and managed early versions of Novell and Microsoft Server/LAN installations and trained staff on integrated information systems; she instituted enterprise-wide email, web access, and security protocols; devised a fax server for handling thousands of incoming concurrent general contract bids; and clients such as the San Diego City Schools and the US Navy required modernization of corporate systems to allow paperless drawing submittals and financial transactions over the internet. More recently, as an instructional designer, Marcia has designed courses for university and high school computing education as well as developed a number of tangential projects including an EPSS for a university research lab, a prison online education plan, meth awareness training, and others and is currently principal consultant and researcher for MLA Instructional Designers. Recent research projects include innovations in educational technologies including Web 2.0 and her primary interests—online pedagogical quality, design leadership competencies, alignment of instructional strategies to learning environments, and contextual relevance. Dr. Ashbaugh’s education includes a PhD in Instructional Design for Online Learning from Capella University, an MEd in E-Learning Technology & Design from Jones International University, and a BS in Computer Science: Management of Information Systems from Colorado Christian University. Publications and Presentations Ashbaugh, M. L. (2011). Use of a modified QM rubric to validate qualitative research. Presented at The Third Annual Quality Matters Conference, 2011, Baltimore, MD. Ashbaugh, M. L. (2012). Online pedagogical quality questioned: Probing instructional designers’ perceptions of leadership competencies critical to practice. [Dissertation Study]. Available from http://gradworks.umi.com/3460621.pdf Ashbaugh, M. L. & Sims, R. C. (waiting for publication date). Changing online design practice through enhanced leadership competencies. [To be published by ETR&D]. Copy available at www.DrMLAshbaugh.com Ashbaugh, M. L. (accepted for Fall 2012 presentation). Expert instructional designer voices: Leadership competencies critical to global practice and quality learning designs. [To be presented at the AECT 2012 International Conference, Louisville, Kentucky). Contact Information Affiliation: MLA Instructional Designers, principal consultant Email: marcia.ashbaugh@gmail.com