BACS 101_004 Spring 2016

BACS 101.004
Business Computing (3 Credits)
CRN: 21963
Spring 2016
Office Hours:
Dean Zeller
Kepner 2085B
9:00-10:00 AM MWF in Kepner 0090 or 2085A
3:30-4:30 PM MWF in Ross 2261 or 2230B
Class meets:
Kepner 090, MWF 10:10-11:00 PM
Class Websites:
Course Description: Develop students’ knowledge and skills in applying and utilizing appropriate computer
technology and applications. Focus is on developing competencies in leading edge computer applications:
spreadsheets, graphics, word processing and operating systems. Students will become competent in using the
Internet and online sources for research.
Prerequisites: None
Course Objectives:
At the completion of this course you will:
Be able to competently use the internet for online research.
formulate search criteria which will produce relevant results for the research topic
identify pertinent/relevant hits
identify the search venues available for the research task
be familiar with the research support available from the UNC business librarian
identify current national and international computing trends
Understand the fundamentals of data/information presentation and be able to present results in appropriate
graphics format for use in decision making.
a. select appropriate chart type to display data accurately
b. construct charts or graphs to present data for decision making using a variety of formatting options
c. classify and organize data for visual presentation demonstrating analytical results
d. make use of graphical features of industry accepted software applications
Understand and be able to appropriately use technology terminology and concepts.
a. Identify and define hardware and software components of a computer system
b. Identify and define the elements of data communication
c. Recognize various types of networks and related components
d. Identify safe computing best practices and list defensive strategies
Be able to formulate problem constraints and requirements for use in computer applications.
a. Compose a business document with variable formatting constraints
b. Create and modify a spreadsheet with multiple worksheets and apply functions as necessary to
perform business functions
c. Create and manage a simple relational database complete with tables, queries, forms and reporting
d. Demonstrate the ability to work in an online environment using real time creation tools
Be aware of ethical issues in usage of computing resources and applications.
a. Become familiar with the “Student Code of Conduct” for the University of Northern Colorado and
MCB’s Technology Guidelines
b. Research and select appropriate articles covering ethical topics
c. Construct a presentation outlining appropriate usage of computing resources
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MCB Learning Goal
Be knowledgeable of key concepts
in core business curriculum
Be effective communicators
Demonstrate conceptual and
analytical skills
Be proficient with technology
Demonstrate ethical awareness
Be proficient with discipline
specific knowledge
MCB Learning Objective
Student will demonstrate a firm understanding of
core business concepts.
Students will prepare and deliver professional quality
presentations on a business topic
Students will prepare quality business documents
Course Coverage
Students will analyze data and information to identify
key problems, generate and evaluate appropriate
alternatives, and propose a feasible alternative.
Students will demonstrate proficiency in common
business software packages
Students will be knowledgeable about ethics and
social responsibility
Students will correctly identify the ethical issue or
problem, analyze the consequences for various
stakeholders, and develop an acceptable resolution.
Students will demonstrate a firm understanding of
discipline-specific knowledge within their emphasis
Students will demonstrate competency with
advanced topics within their emphasis
2, 4
Required Text and Supplies:
SimNet with e-text
McGraw Hill
SimNet UNC Custom Access Code
$168.50 at UNC Bookstore
SimNet with e-text
Online at $118
SimNet with e-text AND loose
leaf physical books
McGraw Hill
SimNet UNC Custom Access Code
$195.00 at UNC Bookstore
You will need to have access to a computer with Windows 7, 8, or 10 Operating System and Microsoft Office
Products (Word, Excel and PowerPoint). The homework utilizes/simulates Windows Microsoft Office products.
For Projects, you can use Office 365 (Office 2013 or 2016). If you attempt to use another version of Office, it may
not be possible to redeem all points in your assignments.
Course Note:
I reserve the right to update this syllabus as class needs arise. Be assured that I will communicate to you any
changes to our schedule, syllabus or policies quickly and efficiently through Blackboard and via your Bears email
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Course Schedule:
WEEK 1 (Jan 11-15)
Introduction &
Computer Concepts
Computing Essentials
Outlook/Outlook Web Access
The Internet, the Web, and E Commerce
Application Software
WEEK 2 ( Jan 16-22)
Computer Concepts
Computing Essentials
System Software
The System Unit
Input and Output
WEEK 3 ( Jan 25-29)
Computer Concepts
Computing Essentials
(Word 2013)
A Skills Approach - Word 2013
Chapters 01-02
Secondary Storage
Privacy Security and Ethics
Essential Skills for Office 2013 (Chapter 1)
Getting Started With Word 2013
Formatting Text and Paragraphs
WEEK 4 ( Feb 1-5)
(Word 2013)
A Skills Approach - Word 2013
Chapters 03-05
Formatting and Printing Documents
Working with Pictures, Tables, and Charts
Working with Reports, References, and
Exam 1
WEEK 5 ( Feb 8-12 )
(Word 2013)
A Skills Approach - Word 2013
Chapters 06-08
Exploring Advanced Document Features
Working with Long Documents and Creating
Exploring Advanced Tables, Charts, and
WEEK 6 ( Feb 15-19)
(PowerPoint 2013)
A Skills Approach - PowerPoint
Chapters 01-08
BACS101-Spring 2016
Getting Started with PowerPoint 2013
Adding Content to Slides
Formatting Presentations
Managing and Delivering Presentations
Exploring Advanced Presentation Features
Exploring Advanced Graphics, Tables, and
Advanced Animation and Multimedia
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Polishing and Finishing the Presentation
WEEK 7 (Feb 22-26)
(Excel 2013)
A Skills Approach - Excel 2013
Chapters 01-02
Getting Started with Excel 2013
Formatting Cells
Exam 2
WEEK 8 (Feb 29-Mar 4)
(Excel 2013)
A Skills Approach - Excel 2013
Chapters 03
Using Formulas and Functions
WEEK 9 (Mar 7-11)
(Excel 2013)
A Skills Approach - Excel 2013
Chapters 04
Formatting Worksheets and Managing the
WEEK 10 ( Mar 21-25)
(Excel 2013)
A Skills Approach - Excel 2013
Chapters 05
Adding Charts and Analyzing Data
WEEK 11 (Mar 28-April 1)
(Excel 2013)
A Skills Approach - Excel 2013
Chapters 06
Exploring Advanced Functions
WEEK 12 (Apr 4-8)
(Excel 2013)
A Skills Approach - Excel 2013
Chapters 07
Exploring Advanced Charts and Graphics
Exam 3
WEEK 13 (Apr 11-15)
(Excel 2013)
A Skills Approach - Excel 2013
Chapter 08
Exploring Advanced Data Analysis
WEEK 14 (Apr 18-22)
(Excel 2013)
A Skills Approach - Excel 2013
Chapter 09
Importing Data, Reviewing, and Finalizing the
WEEK 15 (Apr 25-29)
(Excel 2013)
A Skills Approach - Excel 2013
Chapter 10
Exam 4
WEEK 16 (May 2-6)
150 points - Comprehensive final
Final Exam
Grade Breakdown (Total Points = 1,000)
Exams (5)
BACS101-Spring 2016
230 points
270 points
500 points
93.33% += A; 90.00%+=A-;
86.66%+=B+; 83.33%+=B; 80.00%+= B-;
76.66%+=C+; 73.33%+=C; 70.00%+= C-;
66.66%+=D+; 63.33%+=D; 60.00%+= D-;
below 60% = F
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Outlook Web Access / Email
Pre-Assessment (extra Credit)
Outlook Training
Computer Concepts-01 (Internet, Web, &
Computer Concepts-02 (Hardware & Software)
Computer Concepts-03 (Windows 8 & File
Computer Concepts-04 (Privacy, Security & Ethics)
EXAM 01: Computer Concepts
Word Training 01 (Intro, Chapters 01-02)
Word Project 01
Word Training 02 (Chapters 03-05)
Word Project 02
Word Training 03 (Chapters 06-09)
Word Project 03
PowerPoint Training
PowerPoint Project 01
PowerPoint Project 02
EXAM 02: Communications (Word / PowerPoint)
Excel-01 Getting Started with Excel 2013
Excel Project 01
Excel-02 Formatting Cells
Excel Project 02
Excel-03 Using Formulas and Functions
Excel Project 03
Excel Challenge A
Excel-04 Formatting Worksheets/ Managing the
Excel Project 04
Excel-05 Adding Charts and Analyzing Data
Excel Project 05
Excel Challenge B
Excel-06 Exploring Advanced Functions
Excel Project 06
EXAM 03: Excel #1
Excel-07 Exploring Advanced Charts and Graphics
Excel Project 07
Excel Challenge C
Excel-08 Exploring Advanced Data Analysis
Excel Project 08
Excel-09 & 10 Importing Data, Reviewing, and
Finalizing the Workbook, Macros
Excel Project 09
Excel Challenge D
EXAM 04: Excel #2
FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive)
BACS101-Spring 2016
Assignment Due Date
(no later than 4:00 PM (Greeley Time). on
these dates)
Friday, January 15, 2016
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Friday, January 22, 2016
Friday, January 22, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
Friday, February 12, 2016
Friday, February 12, 2016
Friday, February 12, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Friday, February 19, 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Friday, April 8, 2016
Friday, April 8, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
May 2-6, 2016 (Check Final Exam Schedule)
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To measure learning for the class we will offer pretest to see what you know coming into the class. To encourage
high participation we will offer extra credit based off of your score. If you score above a 70% you will get 20 bonus
points, 40%-69% you will get 10 bonus points, and 10%-39% will earn you 5 bonus points.
Course Policies:
Computer and Software Requirements for This Class:
This class is based on the Windows Operating System - Instructions in our textbook are written for Windows users
with Office 2013 applications. Further, all questions and tasks in our online assessment software (SimNet) are
written for Windows users.
Microsoft Office 2013 is the software suite used in this class. Files created in any other version of Microsoft Office
(i.e. 2010, 2011 for Macs, etc) will not have all of the functionality that Office 2013 offers.
Internet Browsers—Although SimNet can run on most browsers, but Google Chrome seems to provide the best
SimNet Account – You must purchase an account code that will give you access to the online assessment site used
for all exams and homework assignment in this class. The SimNet Code can be purchased in card form from either
the University Bookstore in the University Center or Textbook Brokers, 807 17th St. Suite C. The Code can also be
purchased online at the following address: Once you purchase your account code,
additional instructions to complete your account set-up will be posted on the class Blackboard site.
Important: You cannot take exams or complete homework assignments without a SimNET account!!!
Class communication:
Blackboard – I will use UNC’s Blackboard Web site ( as the principle communication medium
for this class. This includes posting all homework assignments, pertinent announcements, all homework and exam
scores, and final semester point totals. All assignment instruction sheets and related materials will be posted in
the “Assignments & Exams” and “Course Materials” section of the class Blackboard site.
Assessment of learning:
Homework Assignments:
1. Homework assignment instruction sheets and related materials will be posted in advance in the
“Assignments & Exams” section of the class Blackboard site.
2. All homework assignment files MUST be created in Office 2013 format.
3. All homework assignment files must be submitted through SimNet. I will not accept files attached to email.
4. Homework assignments will not be accepted after the posted due date & time. Exceptions to this policy
will be considered under the following conditions: (a) Documented (physician’s statement) serious illness
or injury; (b) Documented family emergency or (c) Documented participation in a university-sponsored
function. NOTE: It is strongly recommended to complete the assignments/exams well in advance to
avoid/resolve potential technical or personal problems that could hinder on time submission of the
assignments. No extensions will be warranted except for documented medical or family emergencies.
1. Exams must be taken on announced dates and times and location. Failure to take an exam will result in a
score of zero. A make-up will be permitted only for the following documented reasons and/or with
permission of the instructor: (a) documented serious illness or injury; (b) Documented family emergency;
or (c) a documented university-sponsored function.
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Email and Office hours:
I am happy to answer questions and troubleshoot or help with assignments via email. Please note that I will try to
answer all email within 24 hours, except on weekends. On weekends, I will not be available until the beginning of
the following work week. During the office hours, it is helpful to bring all reference materials with you to my office
when you have questions on specific assignments.
When communicating to me via email you will be REQUIRED to use your email account. Please
also include BACS101 and your section number in the subject line of your email correspondence. Please include
your name (first and last at the bottom of your email)
There will be a one-week arbitration period after graded materials are returned and the grades posted on
Blackboard. Within that one-week period, you are encouraged to discuss any assumptions and/or
misinterpretations that you made on the activity that may have influenced your grade. Please do not come to me
near the end of the semester and suddenly have questions concerning grades from the beginning of the semester.
General Comments:
At any point in the semester, I am able to provide your current grade if you want to know how you are doing. Your
grade will also be available on Blackboard.
The exams are designed to evaluate the student’s comprehension of material rather than just memorization.
Questions may include multiple answer/choice and demonstration. On exams, you will be responsible for all of the
assigned readings. The exams will be delivered using the SimNET platform.
The exams will be open-book, open-note, and open-computer (note the lack of open-friend). However the exams
will be timed and you are required to complete the exam in the timeframe given. This means that you cannot
spend too much time looking for answers in the etext and need to be prepared to take the exam. Use of reliable
Internet connection is recommended since exams cannot be reopened if you experience a loss/failure in your
Internet connection.
Each exam will be covered in two components: Skills and Concepts. Except for the first exam, the Skills portion of
the remaining exams will be held in class. You will be required to show a valid photo-ID for the exams. If you are
not present for the exam, or do not have your photo-ID you will not receive credit for the exam. Both components
of the Final will be held in class.
Honor and Expected Behavior:
To give and/or receive any form of outside assistance which materially affects an assignment or exam score is
regarded as academic dishonesty and if detected will be dealt with accordingly. Evidence of any form of academic
dishonesty will be grounds for disciplinary action as defined by the “Kenneth W. Monfort College of business
statement” below.
As you are about to enter the professional world, your work should be of professional quality. Hence, presentation
will also count towards your grade. I will mark down for poor spelling and poor grammar.
Class Attendance
All students are required to be present for all class meetings for this course. You will be granted TWO unexcused
absences. If you miss more than this, you will be docked 2 points per unexcused absence (negative points).
Excused absences: Students will be granted absences whenever they are representing the University in an official
capacity and have been granted permission by the Office the University’s top Academic Office (Provost). Students
are responsible for all work missed while representing the University.
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Excused absences (discretionary): Students are responsible for providing the faculty member reason(s) for his or
her absence. The faculty member then determines the validity of the reason(s) for the absence and whether the
student is to be excused for the absence. Faculty members will consider the following reasons for absence as
excusable: verified illness; death in a student’s immediate family; obligation of a student at legal proceedings in
fulfilling responsibility as a citizen; major religious holidays, and others determined by individual faculty to be
Assessment statement:
The Monfort College of Business may collect data in this course that will be used to assess student progress toward
our program learning goals and objectives. Individual student performance information will be kept confidential;
however, this data may be disseminated in an aggregate form to professional groups and through research
publications. If you do not wish your performance in this class to be included in research about overall student
performance (beyond the accreditation process), please inform your instructor in writing of this intent.
Library utilization:
Students are encouraged to use the Michener Library collections and online subscription information resources to
supplement readings and to complete assignments. Library databases include Business Source Premier, Business &
Company Resource Center, LexisNexis Academic, and many others available at
Computer utilization:
Students will utilize Windows Operating System, Microsoft Office 2013 or 2016 (Office 365). An internet connection
will also be required to connect to your SimNET account. Kepner computer labs have Office 2013 for working on
projects. The computers in Kepner Hall are optimized for SimNET and will generally offer a better experience in
Global dimension coverage:
As appropriate, students are encouraged to consider the global dimension as they complete their outside readings
and assignments.
Ethical dimension coverage:
As appropriate, students are encouraged to consider the ethical dimension as they complete their outside readings
and assignments.
Classroom technology guidelines:
Each student is required to review and become familiar with the following classroom technology
Students with disabilities:
Any student requesting disability accommodation for this class must inform the instructor giving appropriate
notice. Students are encouraged to contact Disability Support Services at (970) 351-2289 to certify documentation
of disability and to ensure appropriate accommodations are implemented in a timely manner.
Kenneth W. Monfort College of business statement:
The Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the
highest standards of academic honesty. Cheating, plagiarism, illegitimate possession and disposition of
examinations, alteration, forgery, or falsification of official records and documents, and similar acts or the attempt
to engage in such acts are grounds for disciplinary action. This action can include the following in addition to any
University disciplinary action:
1. A failing grade for a particular assignment.
2. A failing grade for a particular course.
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3. Suspension from the Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business.
4. Expulsion from the Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business.
Students are expected to complete all prerequisites for a business class prior to the first day of class. Students may
not concurrently enroll in a class and its prerequisite(s) unless it is expressly stated in the bulletin that the class is a
co-requisite. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Chair of the Department offering the class.
Students must submit original works for assignments required in this class. This includes term papers, cases and
other course requirements. A student who submits a work that was previously submitted to another class without
prior approval from the instructor is in violation of this policy. A student who violates this policy may receive a
failing grade for the assignment, a failing grade for the class, and face termination of his/her business degree
Additional Statement Regarding Original Work and Academic Honesty
While interaction between and among members of the class is encouraged, each person must develop their own
solutions to the homework assignments. This means that your submission must be original. The “litmus test” for
this is: If you use all or portion of a document/file created by another person and submit it as your own work,
then both parties are guilty of academic dishonesty and subject to the above-noted disciplinary actions.
Additionally, if you are caught cheating in this class, a letter documenting the dishonesty will be sent to the
Dean of Students and kept in your permanent file.
Monfort College of business student code of professional conduct:
Monfort College of Business students represent the professional and academic interests of the entire MCB & UNC
communities. Accordingly, MCB expects all students to behave in a professional manner and adhere to high
ethical standards in every business class and in every activity connected with the Monfort College of Business. This
professional behavior is required not only in the classroom but also in all MCB-related interactions such as e-mails,
conferences and use of technology.
MCB students should exhibit respectful behavior in classes. This behavior includes arriving on time to class, staying
in class until the lecture ends, having the discipline to stay engaged in class, turning-off or silencing cell phones and
pagers while in class, refraining from text-messaging, and avoiding coming to class wearing clothing that is unduly
provocative or has written messages that are rude, insensitive or obscene. MCB students should engage in
respectful behavior in all activities where they act directly or indirectly as a representative of the MCB. Respectful
behavior creates a more desirable, civilized, and productive learning environment, and it models behavior that is
both productive and pleasant when students transition from the classroom to the workplace.
MCB students should master and apply the fundamental skill of preparing and sending class or university related emails that are properly written, show professionalism and communicate a clear message. E-mails containing
profanity, spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, or poor composition evidence sloppiness and show disrespect to
the recipient. MCB students should use proper forms of address when communicating orally or in writing with
faculty or staff (i.e., Dr. Smith, Professor Jones, Ms. Abbot, etc.). If a student does not know how to address a
faculty member, he or she should ask.
This code of professional conduct complements, but does not replace, the Honor Code of the Monfort College of
Business or the Honor Code of the University.
Spring Job & Internship Fair – 02/18/2016 | 1:00PM—4:00PM | University Center
Career Services hosts a campus-wide Job & Internship Fair each semester, connecting soon-to-be
graduates with employment opportunities. Senior Business Administration students are
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required to attend the spring fair, occurring Thursday, February 18, 2016, from 1:00PM—
4:00PM in the University Center. All business students are encouraged to attend, especially
those seeking internship opportunities. Business Administration students should check-in with
Cassandra Shearholdt once at the fair in order to record their attendance.
If an irresolvable conflict or emergency prevents a student from attending the fair, that student
should contact their department chair for an alternative assignment. For questions or additional
details about the Job & Internship Fair, please contact Career Services ( |
(970) 351-2127).
Networking Night – 02/18/2016 | 5:30PM—7:00PM | Kepner Hall
Networking Night’s focus is bringing together business students and business professionals from
various industries to help build students’ soft skills and learn about different organizations and
available career paths. Sophomore and Junior Business Administration students are
required to attend Networking Night, occurring Thursday, February 18, 2016, from
5:30PM—7:00PM in Kepner Hall. All business students are encouraged to attend in order to
broaden their professional network. A prep workshop will be held the week prior to Networking
Night, to aid students in developing strategies to successfully navigate the event.
If an irresolvable conflict or emergency prevents a student from attending Networking Night,
that student should contact their department chair for an alternative assignment. For questions or
additional details about Networking Night, please see the Networking Night website
( or contact Cassandra Shearholdt
( | (970) 351-4589).
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