Impromptu Topic #1

Impromptu Topic #1
What was your
childhood toy?
Impromptu Topic #2
The most
remarkable movie
I’ve ever seen
was …
Impromptu Topic #3
Describe your most
Impromptu Topic #4
Convince us to
vote for you as
President of the
Impromptu Topic #5
If you were an
animal, what
would you be?
Impromptu Topic #6
My mom …
Impromptu Topic #7
Discuss an “old
label” that was
assigned to you
Impromptu Topic #8
The best gift I
ever gave was …
Impromptu Topic #9
Before I die …
Impromptu Topic #10
Make up a story using
the following items:
1. Cabbage
2. A pencil
3. Brad Pitt
Impromptu Topic #11
If an alien landed
in your
backyard, what
would you do
with it?
Impromptu Topic #12
Describe an
Impromptu Topic #13
Commercials you
cannot stand …
Impromptu Topic #14
My greatest fears
are …
Impromptu Topic #15
The wealthy in society
should have to pay
more taxes than the
middle and lower
classes because …
Impromptu Topic #15
The wealthy in society should have to pay more taxes than the
middle and lower classes because …
Affirmative Opening: 2 min.
Negative Opening: 2 min.
Affirmative Argument 3: 2 min.
Negative Rebuttal 3: 2 min.
Affirmative Argument 1: 2 min.
Negative Rebuttal 1: 2 min.
Negative Argument 3: 2 min.
Affirmative Rebuttal 3: 2 min.
Negative Argument 1: 2 min.
Affirmative Rebuttal 1: 2 min.
Affirmative Cross-Examination: 4 min.
Negative Cross-Examination: 4 min.
Affirmative Argument 2: 2 min.
Negative Rebuttal 2: 2 min.
Affirmative Closing: 2 min.
Negative Closing: 2 min.
Negative Argument 2: 2 min.
Affirmative Rebuttal 2: 2 min.
Impromptu Topic #16
Describe your most
Impromptu Topic #17
Things women
wish that men
knew and vice
Impromptu Topic #18
What are the
names of your
future kids?
Impromptu Topic #19
When I imagine
myself ten years
from now, I see …
Impromptu Topic #20
One character
trait I would like
to develop in
myself is …
Impromptu Topic #21
Five ways to test
if your friends
are really your
Impromptu Topic #22
Choose one of the three topics and persuade the
Miracles do happen
We get what we deserve
Discrimination makes
you stronger
Impromptu Topic #23
Choose one of the three topics and persuade the
1.Private education/schools promote
2.Religion has no place in schools
3.Government benefits weaken a
Impromptu Topic #24
Describe a
memorable visit to
the dentist, doctor,
or hospital
Impromptu Topic #25
Choose one of the three topics and persuade the
1.A foreign language SHOULD be required for
all high school students.
2.Students who use electronics during class
SHOULD have their grade penalized.
3.People with concealed carry permits
SHOULD be allowed to bring weapons on
school property.
Impromptu Topic #26
Explain what you
loved and hated
about life in high
Impromptu Topic #27
Debate Topic: Give one Pro and one Con for each
1.Flying is better than Driving
2.Tennis Shoes are better
than Flip Flops
Impromptu Topic #27
Debate Topic: Give one Pro and one Con for each
• Flying is better than Driving
+ Rosey, Chase, Tirrezz vs. - Laura, Alexis, Chris, Justin
• Tennis Shoes are better
than Flip Flops
+ Shawn, Robert, Delaney vs. - Charles, Michael, Reily
Impromptu Topic #27
Debate Topic: Flying is better than Driving
Affirmative Constructive 4 min.
Negative Cross Examination 2 min.
Negative Constructive/Rebuttal 4 min.
Affirmative Cross Examination 2 min.
Affirmative Reconstructive/Rebuttal 2 min.
Negative Reconstructive/Rebuttal 4 min.
Affirmative Reconstructive/Rebuttal 2 min.
Impromptu Topic #27
Debate Topic: Tennis Shoes are better than Flip Flops
Affirmative Constructive 4 min.
Negative Cross Examination 2 min.
Negative Constructive/Rebuttal 4 min.
Affirmative Cross Examination 2 min.
Affirmative Reconstructive/Rebuttal 2 min.
Negative Reconstructive/Rebuttal 4 min.
Affirmative Reconstructive/Rebuttal 2 min.
Impromptu Topic #28
Discuss your
favorite Disney
character or movie
Impromptu Topic #29
My idea of a
perfect day is …
Impromptu Topic #30
The best gift I
ever got was …
Impromptu Topic #31
Final 3 thoughts,
bits of advice,
words of wisdom
before you die
Impromptu Topic #
The expression
that best
describes my
view of life is …
Impromptu Topic #
5 Reasons Why
People Should
Listen to You
Impromptu Topic #32
The personal
achievement I’m
most proud of is …
Impromptu Topic #
A situation you wish
you had handled
differently …
Impromptu Topic #
Explain the best
way to teach an
old dog a new
Impromptu Topic #
Describe a
classmate you
“worshipped” when
you were young
Impromptu Topic #
Where is the
best place you
have ever
Impromptu Topic #
If I could only
eat three foods
Impromptu Topic #
If I could design a
school, it would be
Impromptu Topic #
What is the
best invention
ever and why?
Impromptu Topic #
Tell us about a
nickname you
have and how
you got it.
Impromptu Topic #
Tell us about your
favorite pet and why it
should win the
Greatest Pet Ever
Impromptu Topic #
You are a piece of
paper. Describe how
we should use you
before you get
Impromptu Topic #
My favorite
memory is …
Impromptu Topic #
When I graduate
from college, I will
thank the following
people …
because …
Impromptu Topic #
Impromptu Topic #
If I could be anybody
in the world it would
be …
because …
Impromptu Topic #
If I were a Super
Hero, I would be …
My super power (s)
would be …
Impromptu Topic #
The most
important thing
I’ve learned in
high school is …
Impromptu Topic #
When I was a
kid, I was scared
of …
Impromptu Topic #
My favorite
article of
clothing is …
Impromptu Topic #
My most vivid
memory is …
Impromptu Topic #
When I grow up …
Impromptu Topic #
My career
ambition is …
Impromptu Topic #
My strongest
talent is …
Impromptu Topic #
A remarkable
fact about my
family is …
Impromptu Topic #
My most prized
possession is …
Impromptu Topic #
My dream job
would be …
Impromptu Topic #
If I could have
dinner with anyone
it would be……?
Impromptu Topic #
Describe a typical
evening at home
Impromptu Topic #
Describe your most
experience at an
amusement park
Impromptu Topic #
A holiday you’ll
never forget …
Impromptu Topic #
Describe your worst
flying, boating, biking,
Impromptu Topic #
Your favorite senior
citizen is …
Impromptu Topic #
Describe the
stuffed animals or
toys you’ll never
give up
Impromptu Topic #
Discuss a time you
were a discipline
Impromptu Topic #
Discuss a
memorable bus ride
Impromptu Topic #
Describe your first
bike, skateboard,
rollerblades, horse,
Impromptu Topic #
Tricks you’ve
played on the babysitter or substitute
Impromptu Topic #
Describe your
strongest beliefs
Impromptu Topic #
Your first crush on
Impromptu Topic #
A favorite teacher
or coach
Impromptu Topic #
A time you lost, broke,
or ruined something
that belonged to
someone else
Impromptu Topic #
Who is your role
model? Why?
Impromptu Topic #
Convince us
that homework
is bad for your
Impromptu Topic #
A law should be
made that….
Impromptu Topic #
Explain three
uses for a
pencil besides
for writing.
Impromptu Topic #
What is your
favorite pair of
Impromptu Topic #
The beach or
the mountains,
which do you
Impromptu Topic #
If everything in the
world had to change
to the same color,
what color would you
choose and why?
Impromptu Topic #
If dogs ruled
the world, what
three things
would change?
Impromptu Topic #
You are an ant.
Convince an
anteater not to
eat you.
Impromptu Topic #
Describe how
you would
modify a snail so
it can go faster.
Impromptu Topic #
Explain three
different ways
to eat an Oreo
Impromptu Topic #
Explain the
benefits of
drinking milk.
Impromptu Topic #
Think of a subject/event
about which you are
passionate and could
rant about without
much preparation.
Impromptu Topic #
Convince our
principal to give
students their
birthdays off of
Impromptu Topic #
Is a glass half
full or half
empty? Explain
your choice.
Impromptu Topic #
Tell us about a
nickname you
have and how
you got it.
Impromptu Topic #
What is the
biggest effect of
the internet?
Impromptu Topic #
How to
like a
professional ten top tips
Impromptu Topic #
How to tell if
your cat (dog,
Impromptu Topic #
How to get
others to do
your work for
you without
them knowing
Impromptu Topic #
5 ways to say
'go away' to an
annoying person
appearing rude
Impromptu Topic #
How NOT to get
a date
Impromptu Topic #
How to prepare
for your first
kiss - what a girl
should know
Impromptu Topic #
How to practice the
art of getting others
to pick up the tab
for you - sponging
with style
Impromptu Topic #
Being beautiful
is over rated.
Impromptu Topic #
How to look
100% success
Impromptu Topic #
Your real
reasons for
resignation at
your current job
will be...
Impromptu Topic #
A memory that
wasn’t funny at the
time, but is funny
Impromptu Topic #
Convince the school
board why they
should have better
food in the cafeteria