Rubric - Gordon State College

Student Name:
Heading & Proper heading is followed
Date turned in:
Proper heading is almost
Evident errors in the heading.
Proper heading is not
Title - 4
Creative title that pulls the reader Good title that captures the
in to the piece, diff from topic.
essence of the piece.
Title simply states topic or subject. No title.
Grabber or
Hook - 5
The introductory paragraph has a The introductory paragraph
strong hook.
has a hook, but it is weak,
rambling or inappropriate for
the audience.
The author has an interesting
The hook fails to be
introductory paragraph but the
interesting AND is not
connection to the topic and hook is relevant to the topic.
not clear.
Definition & The introductory paragraph
Negation - 4 reveals the term being defined
and the negation without using a
The introductory paragraph
reveals the term being defined
but not the negation & without
using a dictionary.
The introductory paragraph does
not either reveal the term being
defined or the negation & uses a
The introductory
paragraph does not
include these things
+Thesis - 7
The thesis statement names the
topic of the essay and outlines
the main points to be discussed.
The thesis statement names
The thesis statement outlines some
the topic of the essay but does or all of the main points to be
not have a transition.
discussed but does not name the
topic/have a transition.
Topic Sent.
Well organized, does not simply
state a fact.
Could be more detailed.
Var. &
Trans - 10
The author various sentence
structures, uses transitions, and
avoids repetition.
The author could use more
The author could use more sent.
The author fails to do
sent. variation, transitions, but variation, transitions, but does not this.
avoids repetition.
avoid repetition.
Examples 8
Relevant, telling, quality details
give the reader important
information that goes beyond the
obvious or predictable. Uses the
4 types of description! Easy to
visualize meaning and not full of
vague empty abstractions!
Supporting details and
information are relevant, but
one key issue or portion of the
storyline is unsupported. Uses
some of the 4 types of
description. Sometimes vague.
Transition The conclusion is strong,
+Conclusion summarizes the main point, and
use one of the conclusion types.
The purpose is presented well.
Sometimes the topic sentences are The author fails to
unclear or simply states a fact,
successfully do this.
question, or quote.
Supporting details and information
are relevant, but several key issues
or portions of the storyline are
unsupported. Does not use 4 types
of description and/or full of vague
empty abstractions.
The conclusion is
The conclusion is not well
recognizable. The purpose is developed.
presented well. Does not
summarize or does not use one
of the conclusion types.
The reader's questions are
Recognition The reader's questions are
anticipated and answered
anticipated and answered to
of Reader
thoroughly and completely. 6 q’s some extent.
(Voice) - 5
The thesis statement
does not name the
topic AND does not
preview paper.
Supporting details and
information are
typically unclear or not
related. Avoided book
report or pure narrative
There is no conclusion
- the paper just ends.
The reader is left with one or two
questions. More information is
needed to "fill in the blanks".
The reader is left with
several questions.
All sources used for quotes and Missing either parenthetical or
facts are credible and cited
work cited.. or quotes not
correctly including parenthetical weaved in.
documentation (4 pts for quote, 3
pts for work cited, 3 for
parenthetical), 3 for weaved in.
Most sources used for quotes and
facts are credible and cited
correctly. Work cited missing or
incomplete or parenthetical or
weaved in..
Many sources used for
quotes and facts are
less than credible
(suspect) and/or are not
cited correctly.
Writer makes no errors in
Writer makes one error in
& Spelling - grammar or spelling that distracts grammar: run-on, frag, subject
the reader from the content.
verb agreement, apostrophe,
verb tense, spelling.
Writer makes two errors in
grammar: run-on, frag, subject
verb agreement, apostrophe, verb
tense, spelling.
Writer makes more
than 3 errors in
grammar or spelling
that distracts.
(-10 per day late)
(-40 for plagiarism or
partial plagiarism)
2 Sources
Quoted in
Format - 13
Avoids -10
The author's piece is very strong (-10 if less than 850 words)
and never announces (I will,
quote means), avoids got, 2nd
person, kind of, sort of, or seems
like, contractions, slang, or other
'pet peeves' discussed; avoids
words ‘quote’ & ‘definition’
-10 per day late -40 if material plagiarized -10 if insufficient word count per 100 words short