Kibala CP Physics Chapter 5 Review Sheet General Waves

Kibala CP Physics Chapter 5 Review Sheet
General Waves
Learning Objectives:
1) Be able to explain the difference between a longitudinal wave and a
transverse wave. Provide some examples of each type.
2) What determines the speed of a wave and what has no effect on it?
(frequency, amplitude, tension, state of matterīƒ  “liquid, gas, solid”, density
of the medium)
3) What happens to wavelength when frequency is increased or decreased.
Explain using a graph and the wave equation (v=λf)
4) Be able to draw a wave and label the wavelength, amplitude, and count the
number of waves present. (General Waves concepts worksheet posted on
school wires)
5) How do waves reflect from a fixed boundary and a loose boundary
differently? Provide some real life examples of each type of reflection, such
as a pool, guitar string etc.
6) Be able to do problems calculating with the wave equation (v=λf) and v=d/t
such as the problems in General Waves Calcs.
7) Explain do waves bounce off each other or pass through each other and why.
What is interference and superposition? Be able to add superimposed waves
such as you did on the Interference Worksheet.
a. How many waves are shown in the diagram above?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 1.5
b. If the distance from point A to B is 90 cm then the wavelength is …
a. 30 cm
b. 60 cm
c. 90 cm
d. 135 cm
3) Ocean waves are traveling to shore with a wavelength of 9 m. If the waves begin
to arrive at shore at three times the frequency then their new wavelength is
a. 27 m
b. not changed
c. 3 m
d. 6 m
4) Ocean waves are traveling to shore with a wavelength of 9 m. If the waves begin
to arrive at shore at three times the frequency then their speed is
a. three times greater
b. two times greater
c. three times smaller
d. unchanged
Learning Objectives:
8) Determine the different shapes of a loud versus a quiet sound wave.
Exploring Sound Lab
9) Determine the different shapes of a high pitch versus a low pitch sound wave.
10)Explain how interference causes beats
11)Be able to do a beats calculation, Sound Problems – posted on school wires.
12)Determine how the Doppler affect determines the varying pitch heard due to
the relative motion of the sound source and the observer.
5) Draw two separate sound waves each with a different pitch. Label one as high
pitch and one as low pitch. They should be equally loud.
6) Draw two separate sound waves each with a different loudness. Label one as
loud and one as soft. They should be represent the same musical note.
7) A piano tuner uses tuning forks to determine if the piano is "in tune". She strikes
the Middle C key on the piano and compares it to a 262 Hz tuning fork. She can tell
the piano is not in tune because she hears a 3 Hz beat frequency. To determine the
exact frequency she compares the piano's note she compares it to a 270 Hz tuning
fork. This time she hears a 5 Hz beat frequency. What is the frequency of the piano's
unturned Middle C note?
265 Hz
275 Hz
273 Hz
259 Hz
8) A car trails an ambulance travel to the right shown below. The car beeps their
horn at the same time the ambulance blares its siren. The car is moving at a speed
of 30 mph to the right while the ambulance is speeding at 100 mph to the right. The
car horn is tuned to make a 6,000 Hz sound while the siren blares at 12,000 Hz
a. What possible frequency does the car driver hear the siren at?
a. 12000 Hz
b. 13000 Hz
c. 10000 Hz
b. What possible frequency does the ambulance driver hear the car horn at?
a. 5000 Hz
b. 6000 Hz
c. 7000 Hz
c. What possible frequency does the ambulance driver hear a school bell at if it
driving towards the school? The children at the school hear the bell at 14000
a. 15000 Hz
b. 14000 Hz
c. 13000 Hz
Standing Waves - strings
Learning Objectives:
13)Determine how changing only the length of a vibrating medium such as a
string affects the pitch heard and explain why using the wave equation
(v=λf). Only two variables are affected and one is constant.
14) Determine how changing only the tension of a vibrating medium such as a
string affects the pitch heard and explain why using the wave equation
(v=λf). Only two variables are affected and one is constant.
15) Count the number of antinodes and nodes on a wave.
16) Be able to sketch a picture of each harmonic on a string.
17)Given the fundamental frequency determine each harmonic frequency.
18)Given the length of a string and a harmonic sketch calculate the wavelength.
19) Be able to solve Standing Waves Problems – posted on school wires.
11) The wave on the string in #10 is produced by a frequency of 66 Hz. What is the
fundamental frequency for the string above?
33 Hz
66 Hz
112 Hz
22 Hz
12) What is the velocity of the wave on the string above?
264 m/s
396 m/s
132 m/s
528 m/s
Standing Sound Waves
Learning Objectives:
20)Sketch and label the length of a standing sound wave in an open and closed
21) Calculate the wavelength of a wave in an open or closed tube given the
length of the tube.
22)Determine how the pitch of a standing sound wave changes if the tube is
opened or closed.
23) Determine how the length of an open or closed tube affects wavelength and
pitch of sound made by the tube. Standing Sound Waves
Investigation/Problem – handed back and graded.
14) A sound of frequency 1700 Hz is produced in your train whistle of length 10
cm open at both ends. What is the wavelength of the wave through this pipe?
a. 40 cm
b. 5 cm
c. 10 cm
d. 20 cm
15) What is the speed of sound in the problem above.
a. 34000 m/s
b. 340 m/s
c. 680 m/s
d. 68000 m/s
16) In the problem above a patch covers the bottom end of the train whistle.
What is the new frequency produced by the train whistle.
a. 3400 Hz
b. 850 Hz
c. 425 Hz
d. 6800 Hz
Plane Mirrors
Learning Objectives:
17)What is di and do and how are they related?
18)What is hi and ho and how are they related?
19)What is θi and θr and how are they related in the law of reflection?
20)Be able to use the law of reflection to sketch a virtual image. Mirror
Problems – handed out and posted on school wires.
Concave Mirror
Learning Objectives:
21)Most basically how are a virtual image and a real image different?
22)What does the sign of magnification tell us about an image? What does the
absolute value of magnification tell us about an image?
23) Real images all share the similarities when calculating magnification. What
do they share?
24) Virtual images all share the similarities when calculating magnification.
What do they share?
25) Be able to sketch a ray diagram of an image in order to locate it using a
concave mirror.
26)How do rays parallel to the principal axis reflect off a concave mirror? How
do rays through the focal point reflect?
27)Determine properties of an image of an object placed inside the focal point of
a concave mirror and some different properties of the image if the object is
placed beyond the focal point of a concave mirror.
17) Which of the following are characteristics of a real image?
a. Upright, can be displayed on a screen in front of mirror
b. Inverted, can be displayed on a screen in front of mirror
c. Upright, cannot be displayed on a screen in front of mirror
d. Inverted , cannot be displayed on a screen in front of mirror.
18) Which of the following are characteristics of a virtual image?
a. Upright, can be displayed on a screen in front of mirror
b. Inverted, can be displayed on a screen in front of mirror
c. Upright, cannot be displayed on a screen in front of mirror
d. Inverted, cannot be displayed on a screen in front of mirror.
19) A lamp is placed in front of a Concave mirror beyond the focal point as shown
below. Which diagram best shows the image of the lamp and the position of the
lamp’s image as perceived by an observer?
Position B
Position A
Position A
Position A
Position A
Position B
20)Is the image produced in 19 real or virtual? What is its magnification?
e. Real, +M
f. Virtual, +M
g. Real, -M
h. Virtual, -M
Learning Objectives:
28)How does the speed of light change and how does light bend when it enters?
a. More dense medium
b. Less dense medium
29)How does index of refraction measure the optical density of a medium?
30)Use Snells law to determine an angle of incidence or refraction or an
unknown substance. Snells Law Problems – posted on school wires.
31) Be able to calculate a critical angle and determine why critical angles occur.
Critical Angle Problems.