The Odyssey Adventure Points


The Odyssey Adventure Points


The Greeks defeated the Trojans by offering a wooden horse gift that secretly housed Greek soldiers who popped out and attacked the Trojans.

Odysseus came up with the horse plan and became the Greek hero of the war.

He is trying to return home to Ithaca from Troy.


They land on the coast of the Cicones, stole their cattle, and enslaved their women.

The Cicones brought their army and killed many of Odysseus’ men.

Zeus punishes Odysseus by driving his ship off course.

Lotus Eaters

They landed on the island to find water.

Odysseus sent out scouts to find water, and the scouts ate the lotus flower, which made them not want to leave.

Odysseus dragged them back to ship and tied them down under the rowing benches.


Odysseus and his men find themselves trapped in the Cyclops cave and the Cyclops begins to eat his men.

Odysseus tricks him into getting drunk and stabs his eye out with a burning-hot, whittled tree.

Odysseus tells the Cyclops that his name is Nohbdy; when the Cyclops calls out to his Cyclops friends, the

Cyclops says he was attacked by Nohbdy.

When Odysseus and his men escape (they tie themselves under the bellies of sheep), Odysseus can’t help himself and tells Cyclops his true name.

The Cyclops curses Odysseus.

*Island of Aeolia

The wind god Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of wind to get him back on track but his men open the bag and release the wind, putting them farther off course.


The Laestrygonians are cannibalistic giants that eat many of Odysseus’ men.


Odysseus sends men out to search the island, and they meet Circe, who turns them into pigs.

The messenger god Hermes gives Odysseus a moly to vaccinate him from Circe’s spell.

Circe releases his men but convinces Odysseus to stay with her.

To get home, Circe tells Odysseus that he must visit the Land of the Dead and the blind prophet, Teiresias.

Land of the Dead and Teiresias

Odysseus meets Teiresias and gives him a sheep sacrifice.

Teriesias gives him a prophecy: Poseidon curses you for blinding Cyclops, don’t eat the cattle on Thrinakia, and you will be the only survivor of your journey.


Circe tells Odysseus his fate (prophecy)

The Sirens are mermaid-like women who sing irresistible songs that draw ships into the Sirens’ shipwrecking rocks.

The men put beeswax in their ears to not hear the Sirens’ song and Odysseus is tied to the mast of the ship

The plan works.


A whirlpool that sucks in water and spits it out—it had a yawning mouth.

Many of Odysseus’ men are killed by Charybdis and his ship is nearly destroyed.


A female sea monster with six heads and twelve tentacles that ate at least six of Odysseus’ men.

She made the men dangle off the ship.


The men are dying of starvation.

Despite Odysseus’ warning to not eat the cattle, they disobey and eat them.

Zeus punishes them with a thunderbolt that destroys their boat.

All the men die but Odysseus.


She makes Odysseus her love slave; he stays with her for a long time until she begrudgingly releases him.


Odysseus washes up on shore and is treated as if he were god sent.

King Alcinous is the king of Phaeacia.

Odysseus tells the court his story.

The Phaeacians return Odysseus to Ithaca.
