2D-PME method and REX-MS method - Application of computational chemistry - Masaaki Kawata Grid Technology Research Center, AIST, JAPAN m.kawata@aist.go.jp National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Outline Introduction What is 2D-PME method ? - how fast 2D-PME method is ! What is REX-MS method ? - how efficient REX-MS method is ! Perspective - combination of two methods - National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Introduction Task parallel calculation ex. Parallel molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations. Data parallel calculation ex. optimum-pairing-search of drug compounds (parameter survey) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Introduction(2) Task parallel calculation Given a conformation of target compound, accurate estimation of physical quantities, whose accuracy are comparable to experiment, requires large amount of computational resources. ⇒ parallel algorithm of molecular simulation → Parallel calculation of Coulomb interaction =2D-PME method National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Introduction(3) Data parallel calculation Statistical interpretation should be included in molecular simulation. But now we can’t do statistical operation due to limited computational resources. Statistical operation requires extensive survey of parameters space. ⇒ New strategy dealing with statistical ensemble → REX-MS method National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology What is 2D-PME method ? 2D-PME method stands for Two-Dimensional Particle Mesh Ewald method. Fast and accurate method to calculate Coulomb interaction in three-dimensional systems with two-dimensional periodicity (quasi-2D systems). z x y National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Why quasi-2D systems ? Nano application ⇒surface of nano-structures Bio application ⇒ membrane protein for drug design should be treated as Quasi-2D system National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology What is quasi-2D system H2O H2O Au CH3(CH2)nS z y x (Left) Quasi two-dimensional simulation box, i.e., three-dimensional box with two-dimensional periodicity in the (x, y) directions and with non-periodicity in the z direction. Original particles are contained in the central box with lengths of the sides, Lx, Ly, and Lz in the x, y, and z directions, respectively. (Right) Self-assembled monlayer membrane system. Images of the simulation box are repeated in the (x,y) directions. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Coulomb interaction 7 kcal/mol Coulomb interaction has longer tail more than size of simulation box → Ewald method 6 q Na qCl 5 r 4 3 2 More than 90 % of CPU time is 1 consumed for calculation of Coulomb 0 interactions → fast Ewald method 100 Acceleration of molecular simulations ⇒ Acceleration of Ewald method National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 200 300 400 Angstrom 500 2D Ewald method 1 2 h x ,h y N ' N r i 1 j 1 i qi q j kk 0 rj hx h y 1 hx hy Gx 1G y 1 Q(t , t t x 0 t y 0 t z x y , t z ) Q(t x , t y , t z ) r kk 0 kk 0 s s N k k 0 N q 2 i i 1 qi B kk 0 g , zi i 1 N N qi q j 1 ' erfc rij h x h y 2 h x ,h y i 1 j 1 rij h x h y r National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 2D-PME method k k 0 1 hx hy Gx 1G y 1 Q(t , t t x 0 t y 0 t z x y , t z ) Q(t x , t y , t z ) S (m) q j exp 2im r j N j 1 Charge q Contribution from each grid point: Q (k1,k2,k3) S (m) C (m) F(Q)(m) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Results(1) System 1 System 2 System 3 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Results(2) CPU timea for a single-step MD calculation for a given accuracy, by using the original method and the 2D-PME method. System 1 System 2 System 3 Number of charges 2928 2955 2817 Lx=Ly (Å) 32.15 22.29 46.35 Lz (Å) 32.15 66.87 15.45 Original Ewald method (s) 1098.29 1455.58 1828.77 2D-PME method(s) 2.38 6.52 2.86 Speedup 461.5 223.2 639.4 CPU time on Compaq Alpha Station XP1000 (Alpha21264 667MHz). National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Flow chart of parallel MD calculations with the 2D-PME method. Update and redistribute r j and r j Calculate bonded interactions r r Calculate and F together with van der Waals interactions k k Calculate k 0and Fk 0 Construct u jfrom r j Construct M ( x, y, z ) and their derivatives Set Q (t x , t y , t z ) Data transform as illustrated (forward) forward 2D FFT and 1D Fourier integral k Calculate k 0 ~ ~ Calculate (m x , m y , m z ) Q(m x , m y , m z ) 2D FFT and 1D Fourier integral Data transform as illustrated (backward) k Calculate Fk 0 Sum of all interactions National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology backward Results (3) Speedup factor of the parallel MD calculations for the quasi-2D systems by using the 2D-PME method. The solid line is for calculations with an SP switch (300MB/sec BI-Direction) with user space protocol, and the dashed line is for calculations with internet protocol. The dotted line is the ideal speedup factor, assuming an infinitely fast network connecting the nodes. 60 Speedup factor 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 Number of processors National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology What is REX-MS method? REX-MS stands for Replica Exchange Molecular Simulation method. Computationally efficient sampling method in the phase space. ⇒ global optimization problem suitable for grid environment National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology In REX-MS method Replica1 Replica2 ReplicaN 1. Run N independent simulation (N replicas) with N different parameters, respectively. 2. Exchange information among replicas during the simulation. 3. Search optimum solution among N simulations. Extended statistical ensemble Sampling by using REX strategy is more efficient than that by the sum of N independent simulations (not REX). National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Two type of REX-MS methods REX-MC method (by t.ikegami & h.takemiya) Replica exchange Monte Carlo calculation REX-MD method (by m.ito) Replica exchange Molecular Dynamics toolkit National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology REX-MC (by t.ikegami) Potential energy survey of molecules using direct method (Combination of REX-MC with ab-initio MO calculation) ⇒Superior to random walk survey of complicated potential surface National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Gridifying the program Two levels of parallelization Coarse grained: parallel montecarlo sampling Fine grained: parallel ab-initio energy calculation Dynamic task scheduling, machine reconfiguration Bookkeeper Reconfiguration request Task scheduling for balancing Monitoring Reconfiguration load on a heterogeneous computing resources Machine scheduling for reconfiguring machine sets on the fly Dynamic scheduling REXMC client Task allocation Servers meta-computing test bed 10 institutes/20 Supercomputers ab initio calculation National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology HPC Challenge in SC2002 Metacomputing Test-bed AIST 10 institutions (3 continentals) / 20 parallel computer (7 types) High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC), REXMC Client Center (AIST), REXMC Client Grid Technology Research For C20 triplet For C20 singlet Manchester Computing Centre (MCC), National Center for High Performance Computing (NCHC), Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI), Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), European Center of Parallelism in Barcelona (CEPBA/CIRI), Bookkeeper Finnish IT center for Science (CSC). National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Potential Survey on the Metacomputing testbed Parallel execution of 16(32) MC samples Running over 150 hours with changing machine configurations Calculating 145 MC samples/hour using 860 CPU’s (at maximum) Potential survey for C20 might be completed in a month (cf. > ~30 years on a single CPU) Negligible Communication cost < 1% of total time Dynamic scheduling/configuration mechanism is useful for long time simulation Simulation on the unstable environment National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology REMD toolkit (by m.ito) A toolkit was developed to build a replica-exchange method program suitable for solving the multiple-minima problem. It is designed as an object-oriented framework to generate variants of simulation programs by assembling the toolkit components and force field programs. The toolkit components provides the parallelization mechanisms for various computational environments and the sampling methods. An arbitrary force field implementation can be plugged into the toolkit to generate an executable program. REMD toolkit MPI Serial Grid MC Mindy(NAMD) MD New Model National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Potential Estimation of thermal distributions for molecular structures is essential for elucidating biological functionalities, e.g. a ligand-receptor binding. Such estimation, however, is notoriously difficult at low temperature because of a multiple-minima problem. Replica exchange method (REM) and replicaexchange molecular dynamics method (REMD) can overcome the difficulty. Each component of an REM/REMD algorithm, a statistical ensemble, conformational sampling method, and potential energy function has to be customized to suit a particular biomolecular system. Simulation programs are likely to adjust to various parallelization environments. An object-oriented framework can facilitate to generate a variants of REM/REMD programs suitable for various molecular systems and different computational environments such as PC clusters and Grid. Component-based software development Energy Why do we need a software framework for REM/REMD simulations? National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology 構造座標 Efficiency of the REMD toolkit The efficiency of the generated program (toolkit + Mindy(NAMD)) was examined by estimzating the heat capacity. The error was found to decay naturally according to the central limit theorem. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Perspective Combination of 2D-PME method and REX-MS method leads to fast, accurate and extensive survey of the screening. ⇒higher throughput in drug design and in material design of nano-structure. Implementation of those methods on grid environment brings new stage of the design processes. ⇒ a promising application of grid technology. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Reference For more details about: 2D-PME, ask me or m.kawata@aist.go.jp REX-MC, ask h.takemiya (here) or mail to t-ikegami@aist.go.jp REMD toolkit, mail to masakatsu-ito@aist.go.jp National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology