DNA webquest!!

DNA webquest!!
You and your partner will share a computer. Take turns on the interactive sections of the webquest. You may
work together on the answers.
First Site: http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/medicine/dna_double_helix/index.html
Click on play the DNA double helix game!
What is the name for the genetic material in living organisms? __________________________
What is the shape of DNA usually called? ___________________
What are the “rungs” of the ladder in DNA made up of? ________________________________
How are these rungs put together? _________________________________________________
Your job is now to replicate DNA from 3 random organisms and find out which organisms the DNA
belongs to!!
Organism 1 – __________________________
o Number of chromosomes ________
o Number of base pairs________
o Genes________
Organism 2 – __________________________
o Number of chromosomes________
o Number of base pairs________
o Genes________
Organism 3 – __________________________
o Number of chromosomes________
o Number of base pairs________
o Genes________
6. How many organisms did you successfully match? _________ How many points did you get? __________
Second Site: http://gslc.genetics.utah.edu/units/basics/tour/.
1. What is DNA?
2. What does “DNA” stand for? __________________________________
3. What is the four-letter DNA alphabet and what are the special rules by which the alphabet pieces bond
What is a gene?
5. What are genes made of?
6. How many genes do humans have? _________________
7. What is a chromosome?
8. How many chromosomes does a human cell hold? _______________
9. What provides the “blueprint” for making a protein?
10. What is heredity?
11. Why aren’t children identical to either one of their parents?
12. In humans, how many chromosomes does each parent pass on to their offspring? _____________
13. Does the second baby in the “What is Heredity?” animation inherit the exact same chromosomes as the first? Do
both babies have a complete set?
14. What is a trait?
Third Site: http://nature.ca/genome/04/041/041_e.cfm
Click on the “copy cat” game.
1. Do copies or clones always have to look exactly alike? Why or why not?
 If you are done and there is still time, you may try some of the other sites listed on the genetics game page, or
you may try your luck at…. Who Want to Be a Millionaire!! This is the science version… see how well you do. Go
to http://education.jlab.org/million/ to play.