Thermodynamics Spontaneity • What does it mean when we say a process is spontaneous? • A spontaneous process is one which occurs naturally with no external influence. • The reverse process will not occur naturally under the same conditions! Spontaneity, Cont. • Spontaneous processes may occur slowly or quickly, spontaneous does not mean that it is an instantaneous process. • What are some examples of spontaneous processes? Spontaneity, Cont. • So, how can you tell whether a chemical rxn or physical process will occur spontaneously (naturally with no external influence)? • Also, why is a rxn spontaneous and under what conditions (temperature, etc.)? Spontaneity, Cont. • To answer this, we need to talk about the two factors of spontaneity: – enthalpy (a measure of the heat energy change in a system) and – entropy (a measure of the randomness or disorder of a system) Entropy • Entropy, S, is a measure of the molecular disorder or randomness. • Like enthalpy, entropy is a state function, so it is independent of path. S is the change in entropy of a system, S = Sf – Si, and this value is also independent of path. Entropy • You can see from the above equation, that if the entropy of a system increases, then S is positive, while it will be negative if the entropy decreases. • It is true that chemical systems tend to move spontaneously in the direction which will increase the randomness or entropy of the system. Entropy • So one indicator of spontaneity is the entropy change of a system: it is likely to be spontaneous if S is +. • How can you predict whether S is increasing or decreasing? • Well first of all, use your common sense and knowledge: which state is the most disordered: solid, liquid, or gas? Entropy • So you can eyeball many processes or rxns and see whether more or less gas molecules are being formed: the side with the most disorder is favored. • Also, mixing processes tend to increase the disorder of a system (although these are 2 or more steps, and not all of the steps have favorable entropy changes). Entropy • Changing the temperature increases molecular motion and velocity, which increases entropy. • This is because of the Third Law of Thermodynamics which states that the entropy of a perfectly ordered crystal is 0 at 0K. Entropy • Changing the volume of a gas (at constant T) changes the entropy: increasing the volume gives the gas more space in which to move, so entropy increases. Entropy • Likewise, changing the pressure of a gas (at constant T) changes the entropy: here increasing the pressure, by decreasing the volume, forces the molecules closer together into a more ordered state. Entropy • Problem: Predict the sign of S for the following processes. • Which are likely to be spontaneous? Entropy • In reality, entropy is really a function of statistics and probability: the most likely, most statistically probable state is a disordered state! Entropy • Mathematically, there is an equation: S = k lnW or S = k ln, where k is Boltzmann’s constant and W or is the number of ways the system can be arranged. • So the more ways a system can be arranged, the higher the entropy. Entropy • This also means that the more molecules or particles in the system, the more ways a system can be arranged. So the more particles in the system, the higher the entropy. Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics • The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that for any process to be spontaneous, the overall entropy of the Universe MUST increase. • Now we have to think beyond the entropy of the system itself to the entropy of the surroundings and the overall entropy of the universe. Entropy and the Second Law • What this means is this: Suniverse = Ssys + Ssurr • For a process to be spontaneous, Suniverse must be +. • How do we find Suniverse? Entropy and the Second Law • Finding Ssys is easy: Ssys = Srxn = Sproducts – Sreactants • As standard molar entropies, S°, at 25°C are easy to find in Tables, we calculate S°rxn Entropy and the Second Law • Ex: Find Ssys for the following rxn at 25°C: Entropy and the Second Law • OK, it’s easy to find Ssys, but how do you find Ssurr? Back to Enthalpy! • Enthalpy Change, H, measures whether heat is absorbed or released by a process. • Just like Ssys , we find Hrxn : Back to Enthalpy! • If H is -, then heat energy is released by the system to the surroundings • If H is +, then heat energy is absorbed from the surroundings by the system • Which is likely to be spontaneous, a – or + H? Back to Enthalpy! • Think about what happens to the entropy of the surroundings when the temperature changes! • Mathematically, Hrxn affects the entropy of the surroundings: Back to Enthalpy! • If Hrxn is -, an exothermic rxn, then Ssurr is +, which indicates that the rxn (or process) is likely to be spontaneous • So there is a balance between the two factors H and S to determine whether a rxn is spontaneous. Back to Enthalpy! • Also, spontaneity depends on temperature as shown in the following: Gibbs Free Energy • Chemists have named a thermodynamic function of energy, Gibbs Free Energy, G or G, which predicts spontaneity. • Gibbs Free Energy is a measure of the energy which is available in a system; it is also the maximum work which a system can perform. Free Energy • It is defined as: Free Energy • If G is -, it IS spontaneous in that direction; • If G is +, it is spontaneous in the REVERSE direction; • If G = 0, then the system is at equilibrium. Free Energy • Here is a table which shows the balance and importance of T in determining G and spontaneity: Free Energy • Let’s look at a cold pack. • This is a dissolving process and a hydration process! • Will this rxn be spontaneous at room temperature and why? Free Energy • Now anyone who’s used a cold pack knows that it is spontaneous, but the question is why and for what temperatures? Free Energy • So at temperatures higher/lower (circle the correct one) than ________, this will not be a spontaneous process, instead the reverse process is! • So the rxn is spontaneous for temperatures higher/lower (circle the correct one) than ________. Review: • You learned how to calculate G from the enthalpy and the entropy • You learned how to predict the spontaneity of a process from G • You learned the temperature dependence of S and G Free Energy • Take-Home Problem: For what temperatures will the following rxn be spontaneous (greater than, lower than what)? Calculating G° • You can calculate G° from the equation: G° = H° - TS° • But you can also calculate it from table values of G°f just as you do for H. G° and Rxn Composition G° tells you which direction the given rxn is spontaneous at standard state conditions. • But how often are you at standard state conditions? • How do you calculate just plain G at non-standard state conditions? G° and Rxn Composition • There is a mathematical relationship between G and G° based on the reaction quotient, Q • Note we adjust G° to the temperature we are actually at. G° and Rxn Composition • What is true if we are at standard state? The Meaning of G and G° • What else does G° tell us? • All rxns come to “equilibrium”, or an end point. • So G° also tells us which direction a rxn must shift from standard state conditions in order to reach the end or “equilibrium”. The Meaning of G and G° • The magnitude of G° tells us how far away it is from “equilibrium”. – If it is very positive, then the rxn must shift far to the left. – If it is very negative, then it must shift far to the right. The Meaning of G and G° • Lastly, G° tells us what is favored at equilibrium, reactants or products. – At standard state, Q = 1. – So if G° is negative, then the rxn proceeds to the right making products, so Q is now > 1. – So if G° is positive, then the rxn proceeds to the left making reactants, so Q is now < 1. The Meaning of G and G° G tells us what direction the rxn is proceeding right now, under the current conditions! • Unlike G°, which is fixed for a given temperature, G changes as the rxn progresses toward equilibrium or completion. The Meaning of G and G° • How does G change as the rxn progresses and what is the value of G at equilibrium? • What is the value of Q at equilibrium? The Meaning of G and G° • This gives us a relationship between G° and K: