Chapter 10

Human Resource Management Chapter 10 Exam
Name: __________________________ Date: _____________
1. To which of the following can NLRB decisions be appealed?
A) The President of the United States
B) The Vice President of the United States
C) The U.S. Court of Appeals
D) The U.S. Assistant Court
E) The senator for the state in which the company resides
2. WARN only applied to employers who ____________________.
A) employ over 100 people and lay off 50 or more people
B) employ over 50 people and lay off 50% of employees
C) employee any number of people for at least 60 consecutive days
D) employer over 100 people and lay off 10% of employees
3. After James reported misappropriation of assets to the hospital's administrators, his
supervisor started scheduling him to work undesirable shifts when he could not
adequately perform his duties. James eventually quit his job. This example represents:
A) Wrongful discharge
B) Discrimination
C) Constructive discharge
D) Reverse discrimination
4. Wynona met an old friend for lunch. During the meal, Wynona mentioned that her
company needed some help on their tax reporting. Wynona's friend said that she was
now an accounting consultant and had worked with many local organizations to
streamline their tax reports. Wynona gave her a copy of the tax information for the
company the next day and showed her friend what the issues were. A week later,
Wynona's friend brought completed copies of the tax forms necessary for Wynona's
company to her office. It would appear that Wynona created a(n) ________ contract
when she gave her friend the tax forms.
A) express
B) implied
C) quasi
D) collective
5. With anonymous surveys, employees are more likely to:
A) exaggerate
B) tell the truth
C) include graphic details
D) omit critical details
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6. If companies hire replacement workers:
A) it is illegal during any strike action.
B) it's OK any time, but the striking worker always has to be given their job back after
the strike.
C) during an economic strike, the company doesn't have to lay off replacement
workers to give the strikers their jobs back.
D) during an unfair labor practices strike, the company doesn't have to lay off
replacement workers to give the strikers their jobs back
E) during any strike, all employees can be permanently replaced.
7. Strong conflict resolution skills are useful to be successful in _________.
A) union jobs
B) public sector jobs
C) any job
D) management jobs
8. In the conflict resolution model, BCF stands for:
A) behaviors, consequences and feelings.
B) behaviors, challenges and facts.
C) balance, care and features.
D) bargaining, coordinated and fulfilled.
E) binding, coordinated and finalized
9. ________________________ gives employee representatives a voice in such things
as working conditions, pay and benefits, job security policies, promotion, and grievance
A) Non-union employee representation
B) Procedure attempts
C) Union suppression
D) Contractual arrangements
10. Which law is associated with freedom of speech when it comes to union activities?
A) Landrum Griffin Act
B) Taft Hartley Act
C) Railway Labor Act
D) Wagner Act
E) Davis Bacon Act
11. ________ is the process of restating a message back to the original sender in the
receiver's own words.
A) Recasting
B) Observing
C) Recalling
D) Paraphrasing
E) Recycling
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12. The negotiation planning process has four steps. Which of the following is not a step in
the process?
A) Develop options and trade-offs
B) Research the other parties to the negotiation – know the key players
C) Determine how to manipulate the process for a win-lose outcome
D) Set objectives
E) Anticipate questions and objections, and prepare answers
13. What federal act mandated secret ballot elections for union officers?
A) Taft Hartley Act
B) Wagner Act
C) Davis Bacon Act
D) Landrum Griffin Act
E) Railway Labor Act
14. A court-ordered implied agreement to prevent one party in an action from benefiting at
an expense of another party is a(n):
A) Express contract
B) Implied contract
C) Determined contract
D) Reversible contract
E) Quasi contract
15. ________________ is to a large extent based on personality and perception, so it can
be changed.
A) Job satisfaction
B) Compensation
C) Communication
D) Advancement
16. All first-line managers at Acme Global who have attended the organization's series of
leadership training session have been promoted to middle management within a year.
Kelsey attended the sessions but did not get promoted within a year's time. Kelsey
feels a(n) _________ contract was broken.
A) express
B) implied
C) quasi
D) collective
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17. Because job satisfaction is ________ we can't directly measure it.
A) Invalid
B) Behavioral
C) An attitude
D) Complex
E) insignificant
18. One of the areas where evidence shows that most college grads are falling short is in:
A) listening skills
B) technical Knowledge
C) multitasking abilities
D) ability to work in diverse environments
E) time management skills
19. Mediation and arbitration are processes that are typically used in:
A) designing a corporate strategy.
B) alternative dispute resolution.
C) collective bargaining.
D) analysis of employment decisions.
E) determining a right-to-work.
20. ___________ is one way to get feedback from the receiver of the message.
A) Paraphrasing
B) Translating
C) Informing
D) Following
21. Antonia feels that her employer has interfered with the formation of a labor union at the
company. If so, it is likely Antonia's employer has engaged in unfair labor practices
under the ________.
A) Railway Labor Act of 1926
B) National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (Wagner Act)
C) Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act)
D) Labor Management Reporting Disclosure Act of 1959
22. Melissa is working on improving active listening and is trying to build trust and rapport
with coworkers. As she improves her relationships at work, she may also improve her
A) health and wellbeing
B) benefits package
C) work schedule
D) job satisfaction
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23. Grievance procedures help protect employees against ____________ decisions by
management regarding discipline, discharge, promotions, or benefits.
A) arbitrary
B) any
C) contractual
D) labor
24. Tom and Jerry are company executives, but they currently disagree about the
company's overall goals, mission and objectives. This is an example of:
A) Strategic congruence
B) Organizational integration
C) Functional conflict
D) Dysfunctional conflict
E) Observational conflict
25. Lindsey just explained a new assignment to Todd. He stated that he would begin work
on it immediately. Lindsey said, “Just to make sure I explained this assignment
correctly, could you tell me what you are going to do?” Lindsey is asking Todd to
engage in the __________ process.
A) arbitration
B) paraphrasing
C) negotiation
D) mediation
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